The Night Adorer

Chapter 211: hunting


Silver Moon Church is playing a long game, deliberately catching big fish

A guess emerged in Suleman's mind. This was the revelation he got from the mission panel, because the incident level of [The Honor of the Black Cross] was too high, and it obviously involved the level of the 'Member of the Pardon', but they also There was no attack.

if so

That means, the Silver Moon Church has already grasped their whereabouts.

The other party's capture of Lance and setting up an ambush at the seaport and secretly following the caravan out to sea were decisions made at the same time, but they did not expect that the arbitrator team that went to capture Lance had an accident and had been arrested by someone. The individual was wiped out by the group.

At present, Adolf's caravan also has strong men at the level of 'pardoner', and their fighting power is comparable to that of the third-order peak.

This is an unexpected situation of the Silver Moon Church. In their impression, there are only a group of wild transcendents in the Adolf Chamber of Commerce, and most of their strength is concentrated around the first level. By.

Thinking of this, Suleman pretended to be safe and glanced at the audience. When his eyes accidentally collided with several extraordinary people, some people looked at him curiously and in awe, some secretly feared him, and some female superhumans, such as the lady Thelma, offered to wink at him

After retracting his gaze, Suleman closed his eyes and rested his mind, because he knew that the next journey would never be peaceful.

When they meet up with the Black Cross at the predetermined location, that is the moment when the stage begins.

At the same time, in a certain area of the Sea of Ashes, an ancient ship with a sense of history was riding the wind and waves in the sea.

"Turn left, full rudder!"

With the shouts of the sailors on the observation deck, the helmsman tried hard to turn the rudder.

The huge pirate ship smashed through the oncoming waves with a fierce posture, and the fishy sea water poured over everyone, causing a few grumpy sailors to wipe their wet faces while cursing the weather at sea.

Although the waves were rough and the thunder was like a natural disaster, this ancient sea ship was driving in the storm, and there was no sign of danger. Any wind and waves hit the ship, as if hitting an invisible barrier, and it was smashed into pieces in an instant.

Then the falling seawater poured the pirates on board into drowned rats.

However, as pirates who have dealt with the Sea of Ashes for most of their lives, these scenes have long been accustomed to them.

At the moment when the storm outside, the captain's room is very peaceful, a whale oil lamp is quietly lit, and in front of the desk under the dim light, a beautiful girl with wheat-colored skin is leaning back on the chair, looking at it carefully. photo in hand.

She is not very old, only in her twenties, with long silver-gray hair, darker in color, not as eye-catching as normal white hair, but it complements her wheat-colored skin.

"Little guy, where did you go?"

"I hope he's doing well."

Putting down the photo, the gray-haired girl has an elegant temperament.

He is obviously a pirate leader, but he seems to be from a noble family, and his every move has a demeanor that normal pirates don't have.

Because of this, many pirates admire her.

It's just that, regardless of her strength or her indifferent attitude, the gray-haired girl made those pirates feel awed, but at the same time dispelled their charm with actions, and no one dared to surpass her.

Otherwise, being hanged on the bow is their best choice.

Tuk tuk tuk!

There was a knock on the door outside, and the gray-haired girl didn't respond in a hurry, but carefully put the photos in a special moisture-proof box, then put them in a drawer and locked them. After finishing all this, she said to the door —

"Please come in."

Hearing the response, a pirate subordinate with a black scarf on his head carefully pushed open the door and walked into the captain's cabin, but he didn't dare to get too close. He just stood on the edge of the door and closed it smoothly to prevent The torrential rain outside poured into the room.

"Captain, we have received a telegram message from the target. They have left the port and are heading to the scheduled location."

"Leaving port?"

The gray-haired girl raised her brows, and after a little thought, she understood what the other party meant: "The cooperation between Adolf Shipping Company and us has been exposed? The Silver Moon Church is hunting them down, so Adolf Shipping Company chose to flee collectively?"

The pirate's men wrapped in black scarves shook their heads hastily and said: "No, they said in the telegram that the Silver Moon Church is only at the stage of suspicion and is preparing to take initial actions, but Adolf Shipyard is one step ahead of the other party and has already fled the port with property. Intending to join us."

After finishing speaking, the black turban pirate hesitated for a few seconds, and tentatively said: "Boss, Adolf Shipping has been operating in Nusha Port for a long time, and the wealth they have in their hands is astonishing. This time, they escaped from Nusha Port with their wealth. With years of savings”

"How about we just eat them?"

The gray-haired girl turned her head to look at him, and just watched quietly until the black-hooded pirate's forehead was sweating, and her body trembled until she was about to collapse. Then the gray-haired girl withdrew her gaze and said calmly: The reason for obtaining the help of commercial companies in Angry Shark Port is that the Black Cross Group abides by the agreement. Compared with other pirate groups, our advantage lies in our reputation."

"Don't destroy our foundation just because of a little profit."

"The Neptune Conference on the Sea of Ashes is about to be held."

"There is no impenetrable stone wall in the world. If you don't want those 'colleagues' at the Neptune Conference to laugh and ridicule our deeds, then you'd better suppress this idea. I don't want my subordinates to die because of shortsightedness. It ruined its own advantages."

After finishing speaking, the gray-haired girl raised her chin and motioned for him to go out and inform the others—

"Tell them to set sail immediately to 'Lost Island', where we agreed to meet with Adolf Shipyard."


The black-turban pirate hurriedly turned around and left the captain's room as if he had received an amnesty.

But he didn't see anything. When the door of the captain's cabin was closed again, the gray-haired girl raised her head and looked at the storm outside the window. Her light gray eyes seemed to penetrate the storm, and she saw the distant Angry Shark Port, and A steam cruise ship fleeing the port.

"Silver Moon Church."

"It seems to be a little smarter than expected."

On the steam cruise ship belonging to Adolf Shipping Industry, in the darkroom, several transcendents are taking turns on duty. They are staring at the water mirror screen on the table, using the screen to observe the external situation.

This water mirror is actually the effect of the D-level soul tool [Mirror of Secrets], Adolf Shipping's trump card.

It can spy on the reflection content of another mirror without touching the spiritual intuition of the observer, but the negative effect is that the other person who holds the mirror will easily feel drowsy.

If held for too long, his daily sleep time will increase.

There is no upper limit to the time for increasing sleep, until it occupies the whole day, that is, 24 hours, and falls into a state of coma. In this case, the holder will not wake up again.

A deep sleeper who cannot be awakened will become weaker and weaker in the dream, and finally, he will completely lose his vital signs.

[Mirror of Secrets] It was not in the hands of extraordinary people at first. In fact, this mirror appeared very early in the lower city of 'Raging Shark Harbor', which is the area where civilians live. There is a beauty-loving woman who has been running a tailor business all year round. She is in her thirties, unmarried, and has never had children.

But she likes to dress herself up, and spends most of her life savings on beauty makeup. This mirror is her favorite thing. She used to hold a mirror and dress up for a whole day.

Later, someone commissioned her to tailor clothes, but after the agreed date, she did not receive the other party's clothes, so the client came to the tailor's residence. As a result, after opening the door, he found that the other party was lying on the bed, and his peaceful sleep was unbearable to be disturbed. There was also a clean mirror that was often wiped by the tailor woman's hand, which was the "Secret Peeping Mirror".

This incident was still being spread privately in the civilian area of Nusha Harbor, and they called it the 'Sleeping Beauty' incident.

When the Silver Moon Church sent investigators to deal with the abnormal incident, they found that the whereabouts of the protagonist [Mirror of Secrets] was unknown, and it was suspected that they were living in a civilian area. At this moment, it has been confirmed that it is in the hands of Adolf Shipping Industry. They used their energy in the civilian area to take a step ahead of other forces and quietly contained [The Mirror of Secrets].

The negative effect of this mirror is indeed troublesome. It is worthy of the grade of D-level soul equipment. If it is not the member of the pardon (third-level powerhouse), the personality on the body is not enough to suppress the soul equipment. The longer you carry it, the more dangerous you will be .

To fall into perpetual sleep is a death sentence.

But for Adolf Shipping, how to dispose of it is not a problem, because they have enough people, they can arrange a shift system, and change the owner every few hours.

This is the difference between organizational strength and lone rangers

At this moment, the picture of the water mirror seen by several extraordinary people is the holder at the other end, holding the mirror and overlooking the whole scene. The location of the other party is the watchtower built by the cruise ship. Due to the characteristics of the [Mirror of Secrets], the viewer at the other end can use their thoughts to show the angle of sight they need on the screen of the water mirror without the need for the holder to turn the mirror.

Because [Mirror of Peeping Mysteries] only has this function, its concealment is very good, even the strong at dawn cannot detect it.

It was precisely because of this that they dared to spy on the guards of the Silver Moon Church when the steam cruise ship left the port.

The few Transcendents who were waiting in front of the table were dozing off boredly looking at the picture on the water mirror. Suddenly, someone shook their spirits and hurriedly shouted: "Misty Island! We have finally arrived at the meeting place!"

On the screen of the water mirror, a small island appeared in their line of sight. Seeing that place, the eyes of many extraordinary people brightened. After all, in their cognition, the Silver Moon Church is like a big mountain, which puts psychological pressure on everyone. It is huge.

The moment they saw 'Lost Island', it meant that their reunion with the Black Cross was not far away, and the psychological pressure brought by the Silver Moon Church naturally dissipated a bit, but before they could be happy too long.

In the next second, the fog not far away was broken by the bow of the ship, and an ancient sea ship with a mermaid statue hanging on it headed straight for their direction, and what was even more surprising was that the place where the other party sailed out was right behind them .

This means that the ancient sea ship sailed behind them for several days, just like idiots, just following their asses here, to this remote island that is not easy to be noticed by the outside world!

The other party is not from the Black Cross!

Otherwise, the direction they sailed out would not be behind them, but from Lost Island.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the darkroom became serious. The wild people were not idiots, otherwise, they would not have been able to live quietly for so long in Angry Shark Port, which is controlled by the Silver Moon Church.

The real fools are long dead and wouldn't live to this day.

So when they saw the accident on the water mirror, they immediately realized that they and others had been ambushed.

Who will ambush them

Then there is only one force.

Silver Moon Church!

"Prepare to fight, they will definitely take boarding battle!"

"In the boarding battle, the Transcendent is a force that determines the victory. Gentlemen and ladies, we are all mice on a rope. I hope everyone can do their best to fight for their own survival."

The middle-aged gentleman with half-white hair took the initiative to bow to everyone. The next moment, his figure turned into foam. Bang, a puddle of water was left on the ground. , A middle-aged gentleman suddenly appeared.

"Arcane Mage." Suleman frowned, identifying the opponent's career path.

It seems to be using the power of water, but in fact, the other party is using the virtual world to make a short displacement.

In terms of short-term displacement, arcane mages are better at and more fancy than keeper of secrets.

The behavior of the middle-aged gentleman was like blowing the horn of battle. Everyone in the dark room knew that they could not stay out of it. This was the sea of ashes, not the land. If they were in Shark Shark Harbor, they could still use the intricate alleys, sewers, deserted streets and other places to deal with the Silver Moon Church, but on the sea, in an open field with a sweeping view.

They have no chance to escape, and only by fighting head-on to defeat the opponent's pursuit can they survive.

As a result, everyone in the dark room took action one after another. Some of them took advantage of the characteristics of the career path and transferred to the battlefield in a very fancy manner, but more people could only rush honestly and head straight to the deck.

Among them was Suleman.

Although in the eyes of others he is the peak of the second rank, he is actually a strong third rank, but due to the characteristics of the night knight, Suleman only mastered the ability of [Shadow Attendant], a short-distance jumping secret skill (30 Mystery attributes and above), that is, jumping in the nearby shadows, each jump has a cooling time, and the consumption of releasing the ability will increase with the distance.

In addition, the release ability in a short period of time will make the cooling time longer and longer.

Considering the imminent war, it is impossible for Suleman to waste the cooling time on such trivial details.

The dignified third-tier powerhouse can only run out with his top hat on. Facts have proved that strength and demeanor are not directly related.

However, Suleman noticed that during the running process, many people approached him actively, including the lady 'Selma'. After thinking for a while, he understood the reason—the other party planned to hug his thigh.

Even if Suleman in their eyes is only a part of his real strength, it is enough for wild people to seek shelter.

PS: This two-in-one, ask for a monthly pass

Two in one, ask for a monthly ticket

(end of this chapter)