The Night Adorer

Chapter 213: Lord of the sea



When the pressure, as thick as ink, was transmitted to everyone along the air, they understood their situation in an instant.

There is actually a strong Liming shot!

What's more, the other party had already ambushed nearby, until the two sides fell into a stalemate in the war, and the 'Blue Mermaid' collided with the steam cruise ship of Adolf Shipping Industry, and started a boarding battle and could not easily withdraw.

This hunter, who was hiding in the dark and peeping, finally revealed his ferocious minions.

Suleman in the Dawn Realm was stunned. He vaguely guessed that the Black Cross was lurking, and also expected that the other party would appear as the oriole at the end, but he never expected that the other party would have a strong person in the Dawn Realm!

You know, the realm of dawn is another level of existence. This strength is already at the level of the "five great sea masters". organization, there are only five sea lords.

One sea king, four sea lords.

Except for the king, the remaining four sea lords are all strong at dawn. In other words, the Black Cross is already qualified to keep pace with the four sea lords. This kind of strength cannot be unknown Suleman His pupils shrank, and combined with the cause and effect, he realized the key point that caused this phenomenon.

The Black Cross is hiding its strength!

They deliberately concealed their true strength, just to ambush the power of the Silver Moon Church? That's right, and only this reason can explain that they are not well-known, they act low-key, they didn't let Suleman know their reputation in their previous life, and everything was to deal with the Silver Moon Church.

Hiss. Is the conflict between them and the Silver Moon Church very deep? Need to do this? Suleman's teeth were a little gritty, as if he had seen a very 'vengeful' leader of the Black Cross hiding behind the scenes and secretly plotting against the Silver Moon Church.

Compared to Suleman, who was watching a play, another group of Silver Moon believers were in a state of confusion after discovering the intervention of the Dawn powerhouse. They also realized that they seemed to have stepped into a trap and were calculated by the Black Cross. !

"Not good, unexpectedly there is the intervention of the Liming powerhouse!"

"This is the trap they laid!"

"Retreat, we can't stay any longer. The leader of the Black Cross has been promoted to Dawn, becoming the fifth sea lord of the Sea of Ashes. This important news must be reported to the church headquarters!"

A silver moon deacon reached a consensus, and almost instantly, they made the same move, collectively abandoned Suleman, who was right in front of them, and turned their heads to rush to the captain's room. They wanted to use the power of the ghost ship's characteristics , throwing off the Black Cross on the sea.


The viscous pressure in the air slowed down the movements of every Yinyue Deacon. This was a difference in realm, and it was also the unique rank trait of the Dawn powerhouse—[Golden Spirituality].

After being promoted to the Dawn Realm, professionals who step into the fourth level will comprehend a [Golden Spirituality], and the specific effect is also very simple and effective, which is to suppress professionals who are lower than their own realm.

The golden spirit can be integrated into the air, forming a 'field' around the body, and any professional who is below the dawn level will be suppressed by the field. This suppressive force, the closer the distance between the two sides, the stronger the suppressive force, and vice versa.

The pirate ship of the Black Cross is still some distance away from them. From this point of view, I am afraid that the leader of the Black Cross has already been secretly promoted. It is not that a breakthrough is imminent. Otherwise, the field constructed by the opponent's [Golden Spirituality] There is no way to cover such a large area.

Silvermoon Church is about to evacuate. Suleman's eyes are fixed.

At this moment, he felt the pressure on his body lighten, as if the other party had withdrawn his influence.

This is the captain's cabin of the Black Cross. The mysterious strong man let go of Suleman's suppression. The meaning of this move is self-evident. Deacon Yinyue who was about to retreat.

The leader of the Black Cross with a mysterious identity previously put pressure on me to show her truth as the 'powerful of the dawn'. On the one hand, it was to break the confidence of the Silver Moon believers and make them lose their courage to fight. It is to appease us, let the people of Adolf Ship Industry continue to entangle with the Silver Moon Church, give them the goal of besieging the Silver Moon Church, and create an environment. Suleman knows very well that this is the handwriting of the head of the Black Cross.

It can be seen that the other party is very strategic, but Suleman doesn't mind being used. On the contrary, he is happy to beat the dog in the water, taking advantage of the deacons of the Silver Moon Church to lose their courage, harvest the life of the other party, and earn a lot of experience!


Suleman caught up with a deacon of Yinyue, raised Qianye and slashed at the opponent's back.

Feeling the strong wind coming from behind, Deacon Yinyue, who was being targeted, cursed secretly in his heart, but had to turn around to meet the enemy. The moment the opponent turned around, Deacon Yinyue's pupils had turned into pure white, and there were waves of spiritual fluctuations break out!


Suleman noticed that his vision was distorted. Deacon Yinyue, who was clearly close in front of him, seemed to have turned into a mirror, floating on his right side for a while, and bursting into bubbles for a while. The entire vision was like a kaleidoscope, false and false. Fake, real hard to tell.

This is the sub-profession of the 'Silver Moon Archer' path, Shadow Twister. The unique ability mastered can distort the opponent's vision organs, making the target temporarily blind, and it is difficult to capture the specific location of the caster.

Seeing this scene, Deacon Yinyue, who is in charge of the Shadow Twister, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and his eyes showed a bit of disdain.

The other party is too reckless, and shouldn't be so contemptuous of an existence of the same level. It is true that they are eager to withdraw from the battlefield, but it does not mean that they have no counterattack power. He has a chance to fight back!

"Sure enough, young"

Deacon Yinyue sighed secretly. His movements were not slow at all. With a grasp of his right hand, he outlined the arrow feathers and drew the bow. Arrow feathers!

The next moment, Deacon Yinyue let go of the arrow, watched the arrow feather turn into a streamer, and went straight to the other party's face. In his heart, he had already sentenced the other party to death. Those who can master the twister, even in the hands of Deacon Yinyue/the priest of the parish There are not many in the group, and he happens to be one of them.

People who encounter this kind of method for the first time will definitely lose their minds, allowing Deacon Yinyue to kill the enemy with one blow. Of course, this is only limited to their first shot, and the second time it will not work well—obviously, The red-haired young man suffered a great loss from being young.

Suleman, who was in the center of the 'distortion', didn't seem to be aware of the crisis. However, under the expectant gaze of the other party, Suleman suddenly closed his eyes and actively blocked the influence of sight.

On the contrary, Suleman's attention was focused on hearing. In an instant, he had a perception attribute of 17 points. Combined with the concentration of hearing, he immediately included the sound of nearby waves and the arrow piercing through the air ahead. feather.

"Caught your spot"

Suleman stepped on his feet, ignoring a large number of false phantoms that were lingering around him, and went straight to the silver moon deacon!

this. this guy? !

Deacon Yinyue opened his eyes wide, and could hardly believe his sight. It was the first contact with the other party, so how could he find his flaws? You must know that the solution to the 'Shadow Twister' is considered a secret within the Silver Moon Church. Only bishops and deacons who control this sub-professional, or potential seeds who are preparing to be promoted to Dawn, are qualified to know the secret.

The other party is not a member of the Silver Moon Church, how could he know the secret

Could it be that there is an inner ghost among them

No, colleagues who believe in the Lord of Silver Moon are so devout, how could there be an inner ghost, Deacon Yinyue, who fell into confusion. However, Suleman did not give the other party a chance to react, and took advantage of the moment to kill him.


With one slash, Suleman cut off the opponent's arm. If Deacon Yinyue hadn't dodged at the end, this blow would have killed him.

However, Suerman didn't intend to give up at all, he slashed with his backhand, and the saber energy separated from Qianye's body easily cut open the opponent's clothes, leaving three more wounds on his body. Under the severe pain, Deacon Yinyue was ready to fight desperately, at the cost of his own life, to give his colleagues a chance to escape.

"The brilliance of the silver moon is always watching me. Er?"

Deacon Yinyue, who was halfway through the chanting, seemed to be stuck in the neck, his expression became astonished, dazed and full of fear, because he found that the spiritual power in his body had become stagnant and slow, as if he had been hindered by something .

He can't drive spirituality, and he can't use the traits in his body to form corresponding extraordinary effects!


This is the power of Suleman's mist. After upgrading to Lv10 (full level), it has a powerful effect that can interfere with the spiritual power in the opponent's body, making it impossible to inject traits, and indirectly achieve the final result of the 'silent skill'!

In a sense, Suleman, who is currently only at the third level, has already achieved the functional effect of [Golden Spirituality] in an alternative way by relying on the power of derivative skills.

Of course, the silence effect derived from the 'power of mist' also depends on factors such as the difference in rank between the two parties, the difference in character attributes, whether there is resistance on the body, and so on. And it's limited to a single target, and there is a lot of difference in effect from [Golden Spirituality]'s group suppression, but in a single-target duel, it can already be called a lore means.

At this moment, that Deacon Yinyue felt despair.


Su Erman slashed at him with a knife, but Deacon Yinyue had no choice but to watch the light of the knife slashing across his body. The next moment, Yinyue behind him The deacon lost his breath and turned into a corpse and fell on the deck.

"Reminder: You have caused fatal damage to Silver Moon Deacon Sarri (Lv51), the target is dead, this time is a leapfrog kill."

Hearing the reward prompt, Suleman couldn't help but jump in his eyelids. In terms of strength, he is in the same realm as Yinyue Deacon Sarri, but he has better qualities than the other party, and the distribution of skills is reasonable. This is the difference between the two. main difference.

In addition, Suleman has a good understanding of the extraordinary system of the Silver Moon Church, knows himself and the enemy, and is familiar with the opponent's various methods. In contrast, Silver Moon Deacon Sarri, he knows very little about Suleman, and he is in a position to grasp information. Disadvantages, of course, are definitely inferior in battle.

Thanks to the various reasons mentioned above, Suleman killed the opponent with ease, but the two are actually in the same realm.

Even so, the panel also judged him to be a leapfrog kill, because Suleman's level is much lower than the opponent's. The main job of the night knight plus a full-level sub-class, currently only Lv35 is 16 points lower. grade.

This point is Suleman's biggest earning point. As long as he maintains a reasonable distribution of primary and secondary occupations, each rank will be promoted earlier than the same rank. Then, even though every battle is at the same level, the panel rewards will also be judged as a leapfrog kill.

The strong are always strong, the more geniuses, the greater the benefits, this is the reason.

"Sally is dead!"

"Not good, we have to send people to stop him!"

"Let him fight, everyone will die here."

The surviving Deacons Yinyue were not idiots, just looking at each other, they had a tacit understanding in their hearts, and immediately separated the two, turned around and joined hands to block Suleman, and the rest went straight to the captain's room.

Suleman's eyes were fixed, and he was about to continue the fierce battle.

Suddenly, the pirate ship of the Black Cross not far away accelerated directly, at a speed beyond their imagination


The entire pirate ship crashed into the 'Blue Mermaid', and amidst the extremely violent shaking, a tall and beautiful figure jumped up from the pirate ship, like a comet hitting the earth, and fell into the enemy's deck brutally. Can explode!

boom! boom! boom!

The unlucky Silvermoon believers were knocked into the sea by an invisible wave of kinetic energy, but they didn't have to worry about swimming, because as early as in mid-air, these Silvermoon believers with only a level of strength were pierced through their internal organs .

When they fell into the sea, they were already corpses!

The captain of the Black Cross came a little faster than expected, as expected. Eh, this... is her? ! Suleman originally had the mentality of watching a show. Now that the strong man of dawn has entered the arena, he is about to follow behind the opponent's ass, acting as a 'head dog' to snatch the kill rewards, and gaining some benefits on the other hand. Anyway, with the opponent's With his identity and strength, you shouldn't mind him taking it easy, right

The aborigines also don't have a panel and won't know his motives.

However, when Suleman passed through the heavy smoke and used his spiritual vision to observe the other person's appearance, at this moment, his mouth couldn't help but open wide. He never thought that he would meet his acquaintance under such circumstances.

Sylvie Stuart!

The captain of the Black Cross is none other than his half-brother Sylvie!


Sylvie didn't know Suleman's identity. After all, the other party's appearance was 'Magellan' at the moment. She only glanced at him and remembered this 'friendly army' worthy of attention. Sylvie kicked her feet and killed him. To several silver moon deacons.

Oops, my experience. Suleman's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly followed behind the opponent's butt, ready to take advantage of it.

(end of this chapter)