The Night Adorer

Chapter 214: Sylvie


call out!

Sylvie was heroic and heroic, and went straight to the silver moon deacons in front, without giving them a chance to speak. After catching up with those people, the field around her became stronger and stronger, which was constructed by [Golden Spirituality]. The oppressive force made the deacons of Silvermoon Church feel desperate.

In the next second, Sylvia held her hand in the air. It was obviously daytime, and there was also moonlight falling on her body. The elegant silver light contrasted sharply with the wheat-colored skin, and there was a feeling of beauty.

This is the special ability of 'Silver Moon Archer'.

The professional inheritance of the Stuart family is also Silvermoon Archer!

Because of this, the original Stuart family would believe in the Lord of Silvermoon, but ironically, when the Stuart family was abandoned by the Silvermoon Church, the relationship between the two parties has undergone subversive changes. Now, the same It was the way of the Silver Moon Archer, but Sylvie was chasing and killing everyone in the Silver Moon Church, which felt inexplicably absurd and funny.

This scene clearly fell into the eyes of Suleman behind him, and for a while, Suleman couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

That's his experience

You have to rub it!

Thinking of this, Suleman ran with all his strength, barely keeping up with Sylvie.

Sylvie also noticed that the red-haired young man behind her was following her. However, considering the other party's previous performance, she just frowned, and didn't care too much about him, she only thought that the other party was helping out in good faith and wanted to make trouble for the people of the Silver Moon Church.

Although with Sylvie's strength, she doesn't need the other party's assistance


Sylvie slammed into it, wrapped in the light of the silver moon, and slammed into the fleeing deacons.

"not good!"

"The captain of the Black Cross is catching up, she is the strong dawn!"

"To join forces to meet the enemy, we can't escape, we can only gamble to win or lose. Apart from this, we have no other way."

The deacons of the Silver Moon Church are not fools either, they can be promoted to the third level and reach the level of the Pardon Councilor. They have rich combat experience, and they can judge their own situation in a short moment—since they cannot escape the pursuit of the other party, then Just fight for life and death!

However, the moment they voluntarily turned their heads, they all felt their bodies sank, and the oppressive power of [Golden Spirituality] exploded to the extreme, making it difficult for the spirituality in everyone's body to function, and it was several times more difficult to activate their extraordinary abilities than before.

call out! call out! call out!

Sylvie seized the opportunity to outline the arrow feathers with her fingers, and the silver arrows went straight to everyone's vital points.

It was the battle mode of the Silver Moon Archer, using arrows to resolve the battle after closing the distance.

Several deacons of Yinyue were hit by arrows, their expressions became desperate, and their vitality was eroded from their bodies little by little under the erosion of extraordinary arrows. However, before they fell under the erosion of Yinyue Archery, the red-haired young man rushed over and slashed at their necks, as if the two sides had a deep blood feud and were irreconcilable!

Suleman came to grab head experience.jpg

This scene seems familiar. Suleman has done it countless times. He approached a few people who were hit by the arrow very skillfully. It was also in his pocket!

at the same moment,

Sylvie originally planned to make a move, but seeing the actions of the 'red-haired youth', she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

A little astonishment appeared on her pretty face, and the next moment, Sylvie seemed to understand something, and murmured to herself in a voice that only she could hear:

"The hatred between him and Silver Moon Church is so deep?"

"I can't wait to kill the other party with my own hands. Such an urgent look must be a bloody feud."

"This is a good target to recruit. The Black Cross needs such outstanding talents. It is best to have a grudge against the Silver Moon Church."

"As long as you have a blood feud with the Silver Moon Church, we are brothers and sisters"

Sylvie didn't know it, her random guessing thoughts, in fact, happened to be a little bit wrong, and hit the bull's-eye.

Considering the deep hatred between the red-haired youth and the Silver Moon Church, Sylvie felt a little relieved, and at the same time concentrated on adjusting the suppression target of [Golden Spirituality], so that the red-haired youth would not be hindered in any way. On the contrary, the deacons of the Silver Moon Church seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and they couldn't get out of it. They could only watch Suleman attack and kill with a knife, but they couldn't resist.

It was like two groups of children fighting. As a result, one of them called the parents, and the tall parents held down the children, making their own children beat each other up like a bully.

At this moment, Suleman is a child sheltered by his parents, and he is beating up the silver moon deacons who have no support.

puff! puff! puff!

Accompanied by blood splatters, Suleman easily harvested one target after another, and a lot of rewards sounded in his ears, and his experience bar was rising steadily, all of which depended on Sylvie's assistance.

The horror of the Dawn powerhouse was fully demonstrated in the battle. Even if Sylvie didn't make a full attack, just relying on the assistance of [Golden Spirituality] was an overwhelming advantage, making it impossible for the deacons to resist. This battle almost It's crushing.

A few minutes later, under the pressure of Sylvie's strength, all the deacons from the Silver Moon Church were killed, and the other believers on the deck also lost their fighting spirit, and were held hostage by the sailors who jumped over from the Adolf, and all became defeated prisoners .

Huh, it's over. Suleman heaved a sigh of relief and rubbed his wrists lightly. Even with his physical fitness, he felt extremely tired after this battle.

After all, this group of deacons of the Silver Moon Church can be said to be the mainstay of [Raging Shark Port], and they are on the same level as him in realm.

If it weren't for Sylvie's field suppression, it would be hard to say who would win and who would lose.

No matter how powerful Suleman is, he is only at the peak level of Tier 3. In a large-scale group battlefield, he still has a certain gap with the strong Dawn. Only when he has mastered [Golden Spirituality] can he have the ability to ignore crowd tactics. qualifications.

In the extraordinary field, the middle and low levels can rely on crowd tactics to level their advantages. For example, three or four well-trained first-level professionals can deal with second-level professionals. Of course, it is only limited to second-level beginners. level.

For another example, an extraordinary team that has undergone strict training from the church, with second-tier professionals as the main body, and masters of soul tools, can temporarily hold back the level of the 'pardoner', that is, third-tier powerhouses. The practical value of tactics.

But in the body of the strong man of dawn, this point is ineffective.

The human sea tactics composed of middle and low-level people seem to be useless in the face of [Golden Spirituality]. Even if they use their lives as the price, they can't consume much power from the opponent. Starting from the fourth level, the human sea tactics lose him. the value of.

It is also from this step that professionals really step into another realm. Therefore, the suffix of the fourth rank is "Dawn Realm", and it is no longer the "Transcendent Realm" of the first to third ranks.

"tell me your name."

Sylvie withdrew her gaze, turned to look at Suleman, and asked proactively.

After all, in her eyes, a wild person who has a deep hatred with the Silver Moon Church and has been promoted to the third level is worth her to win over.

Of course, the value of the opponent is nothing more than that, a subordinate who has some value in wooing.

Although the third-tier powerhouses are rare, there are thousands of pirate groups, large and small, on the Sea of Ashes, and there are many pirate groups with third-tier powerhouses. The priests of the church exaggerate even more.

It's just that they belong to a mess, even the most powerful gray sea king in the sea of ashes can't twist them into a ball of hemp rope.

Standing above many pirates, there are only characters at the level of the 'Five Great Sea Lords', they are all Dawn powerhouses.

At this level, they don't need to care about the strengths and weaknesses of the number of people. Even the third-tier powerhouses are big ants in their eyes, and there is only a little value for attracting them.

Now, Sylvie has been secretly promoted to the fourth rank, and has become the sixth sea lord of the Sea of Ashes. Therefore, her attitude towards the 'red-haired youth' is a little more wooing, but not particularly enthusiastic. .

She has this capital.

"Magellan Columbus. A sea adventurer, is cooperating with Adolf Shipbuilding." Suleman chuckled in his heart, and lied in a serious manner in front of this familiar sister.

Suerman really wanted to know, wait a minute, what kind of expression would the other party look like when they knew his true identity

Do you want to tease her and let Sylvie show her domineering captain side to outsiders? Domineering in front of one's acquaintances is a classic operation of "social death". When the other party knows his identity and thinks of the scene in front of him, he may be ashamed and angry to find a hole in the ground

hiss! She won't be too ashamed and angry, and finally choose to kill to silence her, right? No way, no way Suleman slandered inwardly. Of course, on the surface he didn't show any clues, playing the role in a serious manner.

No one is better at playing other people than 'A Thousand Illusions'.

Regarding teasing Sylvie and molesting this sister, Suerman is still looking forward to it. After all, the two parties have been separated for a long time, and now that they have broken each other, there must be something ritualistic. I hope she will not become angry from embarrassment.

"A collaborator in Adolf Shipbuilding?"

Sylvie took a light look at him, and didn't stay too long on his handsome appearance. After all, she had not only seen a boy who was prettier than 'Magellan', but also had his photo in her possession, so she had to review it every day. Not interested in others.

"Hehe, it seems that Adolf Shipping is a little cautious, it's good." Sylvie mistakenly thought that the other party was Adolf Shipping's hole card, and secretly hooked up with a wild strong man.

On the one hand, they cooperated with the Black Cross, and on the other hand, they hid their hole cards in case of accidents.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the fact that 'Magellan' happened to be present, escorting Adolf's shipyard at the critical moment.

If it was changed to before, the Black Cross would definitely feel offended if they knew that the other party had a cooperating wild expert, and felt a little unhappy. But today is not what it used to be, Sylvie has quietly been promoted to the fourth rank, becoming the sixth sea lord of the Sea of Ashes, facing this 'little matter', she doesn't care much, she just nodded slightly—

"Come on, we have to clean up the battlefield."

Hiss, this is using me as a subordinate. Suerman is a little bit dumbfounded, looking forward to the moment when he reveals his identity, this sister who is full of majesty in front of him, what will the other party's expression be then

So, Suleman followed behind the gray-haired girl, and the two came to the other side of the deck.

Since all the deacons of the Silver Moon Church were killed in battle, under such a huge blow, only the remaining believers lost their fighting spirit, either died or were captured by the enemy. In just a few minutes, the battle on the deck had completely subsided.

The wild men of Adolf Shipbuilding are cleaning the battlefield.

When they saw Sylvie and 'Magellan' following behind the gray-haired girl, their bodies tensed up subconsciously for a moment, and they looked at Suleman in disbelief. Everyone knew that the gray-haired girl was the strong of dawn.

But being able to follow her side is self-evident.

As for their tense mentality, it's not that they are hostile, but their instinct to face the strong.

The next moment, Quentin Adolf, the head of Adolf Shipping Industry, and his son hurried over under the escort of several wild men. As soon as they met, Quentin immediately made a very low profile—

"Lord Hong Qiangwei, I have brought all my confidantes in the family and the property after resale, and I have come to join you."

"I hope you can give us a place to settle down so that we can continue to serve you."

After finishing speaking, Quentin gave his confidant next to him a sneaky look. The latter immediately moved a huge box and opened it face to face. The box was full of gold pounds, not banknotes, but real gold bars. There are standard pound amounts.

In the world of Evernight, the currency issued by the Northern Alliance is linked to gold bars, that is, gold pounds, which can be exchanged for gold bars of the same amount in major banks, and vice versa, so the corresponding pound amount is marked on the general gold bars.

As for the Sea of Ashes on the extreme eastern border, since it broke away from the jurisdiction of the Northern Alliance, it has become a paradise for pirates. Gold bars are more respected here than gold pounds in the form of banknotes.

Quentin knew this very well, so before he left [Angry Shark Port], he had already secretly resold most of his property into gold bars. Although it was more difficult to carry than banknotes and gold pounds, in front of the pirates, Definitely more to please them.

Red Rose. Hearing Quentin's address, Suleman almost laughed out loud. He didn't expect Sylvie to choose such a code name in order to conceal her real name. Compared with her previous gentle attitude towards herself in the family, it really There is a sense of absurdity.

I always feel that the moment the truth is revealed, Sylvie is one step closer to 'social death'.

Sylvie, known as Lord 'Red Rose', was unaware that there was a family member secretly spying on her beside her. She came to the huge box full of gold bars, looked at it casually, and suddenly , she turned her head to Suleman, and said in an orderly tone:

"You take a third of this box of gold bars."

As soon as the words fell, all of them were full of inconceivable gazes, and they cast their eyes on Suleman one after another.

(end of this chapter)