The Night Adorer

Chapter 216: recognize each other


In the secret room, being asked by a beautiful and moving girl, "Are you ready?", what kind of feeling is that

At this moment, Suleman experienced this special treatment firsthand, but he did not feel relaxed. On the contrary, as the gray-haired girl's voice fell, a wave of invisible pressure came from the other party.

This is the combination of [Golden Spirituality] and the surrounding environment, which produces a precursor to oppressive force

"You don't need any preparations for this kind of thing, do you?"

Suleman played his own character, whistled a little frivolously, and deliberately diverted the topic.

However, his actions made Sylvie's eyes turn cold, and she stopped talking nonsense.

Boom! Sylvie stepped on her feet and rushed towards Suleman with arrogance. As the pirate captain of the Black Cross, she has always been known for her swift and resolute actions. At this moment, she intends to give Suleman some color, and let him know the true strength of the 'Dawn Powerhouse'.

Convince the opponent with strength first, it will be more convenient for her to earn it.

Facing the menacing Sylvie, at this moment, Suerman could clearly feel the air around him become stagnant and slow, faintly affecting his mobilization of spirituality. Obviously, this is the other party completely letting go of the shackles, and began to use [Golden Spirituality] to suppress him.

However, Suleman did not explain the identity, which was part of the predetermined plan.

He took the initiative to provoke Sylvie, just to test his own strength. What is his state when facing the real Dawn powerhouse? Anyway, not only does he have guilt flames as his trump card, but he also has his own true identity. If he really can't hold it anymore, he will solve everything by showing his face.

It's rare to have a 'sparing partner' who has a higher realm than him, and who has the idea of teaching a lesson and does not become a killer. If he doesn't make good use of it, wouldn't it be a disappointment to her kindness? Of course, the only problem is that after revealing her identity, Sylvie's level of embarrassment may increase to another level.

What are you afraid of

Anyway, it wasn't me who died, I was quite looking forward to imagining Sylvie's shameful expression.

With this thought in mind, Suleman took the initiative to meet the opponent, pulled slightly with his right hand, and the silk thread in the air was like a big net, attacking Sylvie in an imperceptible way, which was his effective fighting method.

During this process, Suleman clearly felt that the spirituality in his body became jerky and sluggish under the suppression of the opponent's field.

In the past, it only took one breath to complete, but under the influence of the other party, it was delayed for an extra moment. Moreover, this influence is getting deeper and deeper, and Suleman has realized the embarrassing situation of the group of silver moon deacons on the deck back then.

They have a whole body of strength, but under the suppression of the field of the strong man in the dawn, the spiritual power on their bodies cannot be 100% effective, and their strength is greatly reduced.

"The time left for me is no more than three minutes. Once Sylvie completes the layout of the field, it can achieve a 'silent' effect." Suleman made a judgment in an instant through the state of his body:

"She still kept her hands. She didn't use her full strength at the beginning like the battle on the deck."

"It seems that Sylvie only wants to accept me as a subordinate, not with any real killing intent."

Indeed, Sylvie's attack was only for the purpose of gaining prestige, and to subdue her subordinates, so it is naturally impossible to have killing intent.

At the same time, when the overwhelming silk threads rushed towards Sylvie, the latter raised her eyebrows slightly, and murmured in a voice that only she could hear: "Is this your method? It's quite interesting."

The next moment, Sylvie raised her head, and there was a silver light flowing in the light gray pupils. Wherever she looked, boom! Beams of silvery moon-like brilliance fell from the sky through the partition of the cabin, and landed around her.

Click! Click! Click!

One by one imperceptible shadow lines were torn off by the beam of light, and the feedback force was transmitted to Suleman's body, causing him to pause involuntarily, with a bit of astonishment in his eyes. Facing the extraordinary means used by Sylvie, even with his The knowledge is also amazing.

Directly summon the moonlight to deal with the enemy like a meteor.

This is a very rare type of secret art in the career path of Silver Moon Archer. Even if it is the Silver Moon Church, even if it is a devout believer who believes in the Lord of Silver Moon, those who have mastered this method are doomed. is extremely rare.

Most of them are saintesses or saints, and very few are cardinals promoted to Dawn.

Regarding this method, Suerman also knows a sub-class that perfectly fits the Silver Moon Skyfall in front of him. The name of that sub-job is 'Praying for the Moon Master', and it can not only summon Yuehua to fight against the enemy.

And at night, the quality of the moonlight they can summon increases, and the level of derivative skills is high enough to even form a silver moon armor, which is much more powerful than the most common moonlight blessing (possession).

Right now, Su Erman doesn't know whether her sister's strength can summon the silver moon armor, but just relying on her to drive the moonlight, she can disintegrate the surrounding shadow lines at once, it is not difficult to guess, Sylvie The derived skills are also very high.

The aborigines don't have the help of the panel, and they can't directly add some derivative skills. They can only improve the level of skills a little bit through training, all of which rely on instinct. It can be seen from this that Sylvie has not slacked off in private and has been training her abilities.


The moment the surrounding shadows were resolved by her, Sylvie rushed forward, turned her hand into a blade, and slashed towards Suleman's lower abdomen.

Suleman's gaze moved, and he immediately drew Qianye out to block the seemingly slender hand of the other party.


Sylvie punched hard on the side of the blade, and a huge force was transmitted along the blade, causing Suleman to retreat, and his body was obviously out of balance.

At the same time, an idea popped up in his mind.

Such a strong force!

Silvermoon Archer is obviously a career path that favors agility. Logically speaking, after the aborigines instinctively add points to the main attribute (such as Silvermoon Archer's agility) according to the training method, there must not be many points left for other attributes. up.

So Sylvie's highest attribute must be agility, followed by mystery or strength. As secondary attributes, even if Sylvie is a big realm higher than him, the gap between the two should not be so big.

Just now, Suleman felt as if he had hit a heavy truck, and he felt irresistible, which meant that the opponent's strength was at least 20 points, and he was almost crushed.

Can't be reckless!

As soon as this idea came to mind, Suleman felt a sense of crisis in his heart in the next second. His body was one step faster than his brain, and he threw himself to the left without thinking.


Sylvie slashed through the air with a hand blade, and there was a silvery white air blade that could barely brush against Suerman's body, and hit the iron prison pillar behind him all the way, bang! The pillars of the iron prison exploded, showing the power of the blade.

This is definitely the prototype of the Silver Moon Armor. No, it should be said to be simple to use. Sure enough, she has thoroughly mastered this skill, and the derivative skills related to the 'Prayer for the Moon' must be upgraded to the full level (Lv10)! Through experience, Suleman immediately judged her background, and he felt a little more dignified, because this meant that the opponent's comprehensive mastery of skills was not weaker than him.

For a long time, Suleman has been able to be the best among others at the same level, not only because of the rarest special ability, but also because of his comprehensive mastery of skills, which is far superior to others.

However, Sylvie has already proved one point with her actions. In terms of comprehensive mastery of derivative skills, this girl of the same age who is not much older than him has already stood at the same height, and there is no difference between the two.

This means that Suleman's advantage has been wiped out. On the contrary, Sylvie relied on her dawn realm and the unique ability brought by her high rank to completely suppress Suleman. At this moment, this battle The ending seems to be doomed.

No, it's not over yet!

Suleman didn't hesitate at all, even though the strength gap between the two sides was huge, he still activated his traits, wow! The next moment, Suleman's figure suddenly merged into the shadow, and disappeared from Sylvie's sight like a bubble in a form that violated normal life.

At the same time, the shadow behind Sylvie showed a slight distortion.


Sylvie's eyes moved, as if she had eyes behind her back, she sensed the opponent's landing position, and the next moment, she twisted her waist, and using her left leg as a fulcrum, she threw out her right leg to whip—


It was clearly slender and beautiful soft legs, but they were covered with a layer of elegant silver, shining brightly, reaching straight to the opponent's lower abdomen.

Just at this time, Suleman melted out of the shadows and reappeared, facing the attack of the whip kick. At this moment, he seemed to have no room to dodge, so he could only bear the whip kick!

With the strength of Li Ming's strong body, if this kick hits the vital point, the pardon councilor will also lose his fighting power on the spot.

Facing the powerful whip kick, Su Erman did not retreat but advanced, brazenly facing the opponent. This scene made Sylvie's eyes condense. At the last moment, she slightly moved her right leg sideways, Shifting the position of the heavy blow a little bit, it is considered merciful.


Su Erman was kicked in the right rib, which is one of the hardest bones in the human body. As an extraordinary person who has made a leap in life, this blow may not kill him, but he will definitely have to lie down. moon. However, the moment Suleman was kicked, a piece of the shadow under his feet suddenly disappeared, as if something had been consumed.

In the next second, Suleman's sunken right rib recovered to its original state.

It was the initial effect of [Shadow Substitute], replacing the injury with a shadow, which gave Suleman a second life and allowed him to transfer the injury. At a critical juncture, he is qualified to use the injury-for-injury style of play to forcefully catch the opponent by surprise!


Sylvie's expression froze, never expecting that the other party resisted her counterattack, and taking advantage of this time, Suerman approached and slashed at Sylvie. The latter is worthy of being the Dawn powerhouse galloping across the sea. Even if she was in a daze for a while, she quickly returned to normal and made the most correct choice. She raised her elbow and was about to block it with the 'Silver Moon Armor' .

Snapped! Su Erman took the initiative to let go, and his counterattack was actually a false move. The corresponding result was that Sylvie's counterattack also failed, and a flaw appeared in himself. In an instant, Suerman used his head as a mallet, He slammed into the arms of the girl on his own initiative.


Sylvie's face turned cold, and she was about to hurt the killer, because the other party touched her taboo, but in the next second, before Suleman broke into her empty door, he suddenly raised his head, showing a picture on his face that made her feel angry. The very familiar face that I think about day and night.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Suleman recovered his voice and said, there is no way, the strong man of Dawn is too terrifying, he has played all his cards, whether it is [Shadow Servant] or [Shadow Substitute], both of them are top-level special abilities, still Can't break the opponent's defense.

It can only be said that in this battle, Sylvie was indeed far superior to him. Even if the opponent was at the level of the Dawn powerhouse, he was still a high-level powerhouse, but Suleman had the mentality of a macho, and he didn't want to lose completely. To a girl of the same age.

Even if the other party is his sister.


Only a little despicable means can be used.

It's been a long time since Sylvie's pupils shrank. When she saw Suleman's face clearly, the hanging hand couldn't fall down.

For a moment, instead, the other party took advantage of the opportunity and ran into her arms. One arm turned into an elbow and landed lightly on her lower abdomen, just a gentle touch.

It was not so much an elbow as an oath proving who was the winner of the fight.

Although the feedback from the tactile sensation on the body is very slight due to the fact that the opponent's force is not heavy, but for the strong man of dawn, for the strong man who has mastered every detail of the body and can almost penetrate the whole body, this tactile feeling is so clear , She couldn't help trembling physically and mentally.


Angry and angry, Sylvie didn't give him a plan to speak at all, and kicked the opponent with a knee kick. Suleman turned twice on the ground, looking embarrassed, but there was a [Shadow Substitute] to help him share the damage.

In addition, the girl's act of embarrassment was purely an instinctive reaction, so he didn't suffer any real damage, and he had the strength to look up and look at the gray-haired girl again—

"I won."

"Just now I had the opportunity to hit you hard, but at the last moment, I took the initiative to stop, so this is my victory!"

Suleman spoke the manuscript, his tone was extremely fast and clear, and he didn't have the consciousness of not opening his eyes to tell lies—not to mention that he himself abandoned the Qianye Knife and could only use his body to attack. He might not be able to defeat him either.

But he said it in a serious manner. In addition, Suleman did 'elbow' her lower abdomen. It is true to say so, but it is too shameless.

However, Sylvie didn't care about these details.

She quickly recovered from the shock, looked at Suleman coldly, and said suddenly—

"When I was in the family, what was my favorite thing to do?"

This. Is this worried that I will be 'impersonated' by others? That's right, after all, I have shown the special ability to conceal my appearance, and the possibility of being a fake cannot be ruled out. It seems that she is very cautious. Suleman's mind turned, and he immediately guessed what Sylvie was thinking.

Sylvie's question didn't mention Stuart, let alone Suleman's identity. Obviously, this was a secret that the two of them knew each other.

"Sister Sylvie, what you like most is seeing me being bullied from a distance, and sneaking up to give me candy in the middle of the night. It's Lady Silver's brand 'sandwich candy'. I like that kind of candy best. Get older. In the future, when you become a superhuman, you will use force to prohibit others from bullying me. From then on, although my status in the family is low, I no longer have bullying behaviors on the surface." Suleman recalled earnestly, saying to The gray-haired girl in front of her narrated.

Hearing these words, the coldness on Sylvie's face melted like a snow mountain, and she breathed a sigh of relief, a faint blush climbed up her face, and said a little excitedly: "It's really you, Suleman, me!"

Sylvie thought of something, and rushed to him in a hurry, regardless of everything else, she directly reached out and touched his stomach.

"Sister, I don't know it's you. I just hit hard. Are you okay?"

"If you feel uncomfortable, tell your sister quickly."

"I, I. Ah!"

Touching and touching, Sylvie realized a huge problem. If the other party knew her identity, could it mean that the interaction between the two when they met on the boat before? Suleman was wondering about the other party's exclamation , couldn't help but look up, and found that Sylvie's face had turned red into a monkey's ass, her forehead was buried tightly, and she could only see the smooth skin on the other's chin covered with fine sweat from the gap in her hair, and, she had some Heavy breathing.

It was like the dying struggle of the 'community dead'.

(end of this chapter)