The Night Adorer

Chapter 218: Church shakes


After the Black Cross Pirates took over the battlefield, everything was in order, and there were professional people to clean it up, that is, everyone from Adolf Shipyard. As for the pirates of the Black Cross, they took on the job of dealing with the prisoners of war.

Sylvie is also a bit busy. As the captain, she has a lot of trivial matters to solve by herself.

So Sylvie took him back to the deck, handed him over to another female pirate, gave him some instructions, and hurriedly turned and left.

However, the intimacy between the two has already fallen into the eyes of other pirates, so Suleman followed her to the inner cabin of the Red Rose under the scrutinizing and curious eyes of the female pirate, and prepared to follow Sylvie's instructions. Tell me to arrange a room for him first.

"Mr. Magellan, your resting room is here"

"If you need anything, you can ring the copper bell on the room, and soon there will be pirates. Well, waiters will come to serve you." A young female pirate wearing a worn-out three-cornered hat carefully explained to him.

In the end, the pirate did not forget to secretly look at the other party, and almost wrote 'curious' on her forehead.

In fact, it's not just her, it should be said that all the pirate members on the 'Red Rose', without exception, are all curious about the identity of 'Magellan'.

Especially among them, some of them witnessed their own captain's special attitude towards 'Magellan' after he came out of the secret room.

The captain and Magellan were very close.

After they confirmed the facts, each of them had mixed feelings in their hearts, and had an illusion that they couldn't face it.

—The Red Rose is the pirate ship of the Black Cross, an ancient ghost ship with extraordinary power.

You know, there are not too few female pirates on the Red Rose. Thanks to the role of the captain as a benchmark, the Black Cross is considered to be the pirate group with more females among the 'colleagues', but the overall ratio is still more male than female—female Pirates are easily courted by others.

Their captain is a great beauty in himself, and his strength is unsurpassed, even better than men.

Naturally, a group of pirates secretly fell in love with her, but Sylvie treats others without any pretense, and she has never been seen to be intimate with any man on board.

Even some of the pirates who offended her verbally were severely punished.

Under the effect of killing chickens and monkeys, they thought that the captain would not get close to men, just like the end of the cold land in the north, the bitter cold ice wall that has maintained eternal silence and been frozen for tens of thousands of years, a typical iceberg beauty.


The iceberg has collapsed.jpg

This is the thought that every member of the Black Cross group has in their hearts. At this moment, Suleman can clearly feel the raging gossip contained in the female pirate in front of him. .

Even a female pirate cannot escape her natural instincts.

"Okay, I need to rest alone."

Suleman didn't want to answer her curiosity, so he closed the door directly. Outside the door, the young-looking female pirate was rejected, but she didn't dare to show any temper. After all, she was a celebrity that the captain valued.

So through the door, she patiently explained to Suleman the layout of the ship's facilities before turning around and leaving.

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside the room, gradually going away, Suleman rubbed his brows, and suddenly laughed at himself: "I always think it's a bit subtle, my image in the eyes of other people seems to have become the chief executive in front of the emperor." , and a female emperor."

"But having said that, Sylvie was promoted to Liming and entered the fourth rank. She will definitely become the sixth sea lord of the Sea of Ashes. If she is a female emperor, she is not too bad. Although there is a king of the Sea of Ashes At the top of the list, at least he can be considered a prince.”

After teasing, Suleman thought of something, and said silently in his heart:

"Only one thing, in my previous life, I never heard of the sea of ashes in this period, where the sixth sea lord was born. Obviously, the number of 'five sea lords' has been maintained until the battle of faith in Angry Shark Harbor broke out, and only changed during the war. "

"In the previous life, Sylvie must have been promoted to Liming, but for some purpose, she didn't reveal her own strength, and kept hiding it. Even the members of the strategy team on the forum were deceived by appearances."

"The situation I have experienced is obviously different from the previous life."

"Could it be that this is also the butterfly effect I brought?!"

Just as he was deep in thought, suddenly, he felt a slight warmth in his chest, transmitted from a certain book, followed by a familiar hoarse voice from his arms——

"It seems that you have a good relationship with women."

The speaker was the sin flame, and without giving Suleman a chance to respond to himself, it floated out on its own initiative.

Anyway, there was no one else in the room, only the two of them, and there was no need to hide anything, and everything was open for discussion. It was the sin flame that had been suffocated in Suleman's clothes until now, and finally, it could come out to breathe.

Although he is a divine projection, he is also ontological consciousness.

To put it simply, it is like an engineer wearing a device for spiritual transmission and controlling a robot thousands of miles away to observe the environment. His consciousness descends on the body of the machine, and all senses will be fed back to the body. However, as a high-ranking being at the god level, Grand Duke Sinyan can handle too much information, multitasking is not a problem for him at all.

Perhaps at this moment, his body is patrolling the territory of the black abyss, but it doesn't prevent him from arguing with Suleman. Maybe it's also his relaxation activity

After all, in the Black Abyss Territory, Sin Yan needs to maintain the majesty as the ruler, and there must be no slack.

On the contrary, only in front of Suleman, he can relax a little.

"Sylvie and I are siblings, why do you use the adjective "feminine"?" Suleman retorted instinctively.

As a result, the eyes on the cover of Sin Flame rolled their eyes in a very humane way, and said in a teasing tone—

"Heh, half-sister and half-brother? You two, apart from having the same surname, can't find any blood relationship in your body. Can this also be called a real sibling?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, do you really think that when I was in the Stuart family, I kept my ears to the outside world and didn't know anything about the Stuart descendants? Hmph, you You underestimate me too."

Hiss. Didn't you expose your true situation? I'm afraid I don't know you played dead before? Suerman felt a toothache, and inexplicably felt a burst of sadness for Yan Yan. Fortunately, he could even feel the other party's underpants clearly, so he didn't have to worry about the embarrassment of 'exposing' him.

Anyway, he knows everything he should know. Just cooperate with the other party's performance.

"As expected of the remnant race that survived the second era, your ability to spy on the outside world is really powerful." Suleman praised sincerely. As a result, these words made Sin Yan squint his eyes very much, and said with some pride:

"My ability is more powerful than you imagined, especially this time, after swallowing the designated target from the Cangxue Mountains, part of the seal I received was lifted, and the power to isolate the inside and outside was also weakened a lot."

"From now on, I can throw more power."

It really is a character with a cocky tail. If you masturbate according to his temperament in the future, it will be like coaxing a little princess, and you will be able to tidy up and obey. Suleman muttered something in his heart. Of course, it is impossible for the other party to know this.

Lord Sin Flame didn't notice it, and was still narrating—

"To be honest, even if you had a conflict with the captain of the Black Cross on the deck, oh, that little girl Sylvie, I can help you suppress the other party and let you take the initiative."

"Of course, Sylvie won't really kill you. After all, when she was in the family, she was a little haha. It's really a topic that makes me feel naive." Sin Yan said with disdain, and actively avoided this discussion .

But for some reason, Suleman always felt that his motives were more than that. It was a bit weird, but it didn't make sense.

Shaking his head gently, Suleman shook off distracting thoughts and asked him: "What is the limit of your power? I mean the part of the power that can reveal the seal. I hope you will not hide this from me. After all, this It's about my actions and decisions."

Talking about business, Sin Yan also returned to seriousness, no longer the previous teasing look, after a few seconds of contemplation, he slowly said: "As long as the other party is in the dawn realm, that is, the fourth rank, I can help you deal with it." Trouble. But if the trouble is bigger, I suggest you run away early, so as not to implicate me. Although you often do this."

It seems that the peak of the dawn realm, that is, the limit power of the fourth rank, can deal with most of the dawn powerhouses, but it is impossible to deal with professionals of higher realms. This kind of power is placed on the sea of ashes. That is also unscrupulous.

Suleman judged silently.

There is only one shortcoming, the power projected by the sinful flame from the seal will not be too long-lasting, it can only erupt for a short time.

And according to the usual practice, after each eruption, Sin Flame had to go into a "coma" again for a period of time. During this period, he couldn't keep in touch with Suleman outside, which was also a troublesome sequelae.

In view of this, it can only be used as his last hole card and will not be used lightly.

lest Gui Yan be in a coma again

"I understand, thank you, Sin Flame." Suleman said sincerely, regardless of the other party's motives, in terms of the results alone, Sin Flame played an important role at every critical moment and provided him with a lot of support. Stroking the wool. Cough, a lot of help. In short, regardless of the result of the heart, at least, the two are still in the honeymoon period of cooperation at the moment.

In terms of emotion and reason, he has to thank the other party.

"Actually, I didn't do anything. Even if I did, you don't need to thank me. I and we just use each other to cooperate." Guiyan's tone was a little stern, and it's not difficult to imagine its expression.

After saying this sentence, Sin Yan suddenly stopped talking, and took the initiative to get back into Suleman's clothes.

This is coma again? No, I haven't let him burst into power. Suleman was a little stunned. The next moment, he heard a knock on the door from outside, as well as the familiar voice of a female pirate—

"Mr. Magellan, the captain has finished dealing with the captives, and the battlefield has been cleaned up. Now the hull of the 'Red Rose' has been re-separated from the 'Blue Mermaid'."

"However, the latter will be used as a trophy by us, and we will use iron ropes to drag it to a suitable place before processing it."

"The captain is going to hold a 'board council'. She is already waiting in the meeting room on the lower floor, including the first mate, the second mate and the third mate have also gone to the meeting room. In addition, the captain ordered me to take you there. You will be a member of the ship, and this council also needs your participation. The captain said that there is another surprise for you."

"Surprise." Suleman chewed on this word, always feeling that with Sylvie's temperament, she might want to make a 'shock', right? After all, when she was in the family, she was able to beat up a group of brothers and sisters just for herself, forcing them to sue the ruthless parents.

"I see, I'll follow you right away."

With a helpless expression, Suleman could only tidy up and dress himself up a little bit. Then, he left the private bedroom and went to the corridor outside. I saw that the female pirate who had been arranged for him earlier was already waiting quietly.

Angry Shark Harbor, Uptown, Silvermoon Church.

As the actual controller of [Rage Shark Port], the scale of influence of the Silver Moon Church stationed here is far larger than that of ordinary city-states.

In a remote city-state like Gangdian City, the total number of Silver Moon believers in the entire city may not be as strong as one-fifth of that of Nusha Port. Moreover, this scale of influence does not include professional powerhouses above Tier 3 .

For example, there was only one priest of the diocese in Gangdian City at the beginning, and at the same time, the other party also served as the chief position of "Pilgrim". That's right, that priest was Lady Heidi Selena.

Later, Suleman destroyed the whole plan, and finally became the one who failed. She could only be escorted back to the church of the Hunting Church by her colleagues, ready to be judged by the Holy See. I don't know if she has left the northern cold land now. After all, the northern cold land has a very vast territory, and the procedures for entering and exiting border cities are also very troublesome, which is much more troublesome than Suleman's wandering through the entire snowfield.

Especially when entering and exiting border cities, it may take a month just to wait for the review.

After Suleman left the Cangxue Mountains, the other party may not have left the country. Closer to home, in a remote city-state like Gangdian City, each Orthodox church has only one parish priest, and this limit will not exceed this limit. But in Nusha Port, There are double figures for Tier 3 powerhouses alone.

Therefore, there is no parish priest in Nusha Port. Regarding the powerhouses above the third level, they only have two positions. The first is the cardinal, also known as the red apostle. Dawn Powerhouse.

The second position is the resident deacon, which is equivalent to the previous priest of the diocese, but the difference is that they do not have the highest authority of the diocese, and all this is controlled by the apostle in red. sole right to speak.

At this moment, the cardinal wearing a bright red robe was holding a secret meeting in the church, and he stared down for a long time.

The people who were summoned didn't know why they didn't know the great cardinal in front of them, why they were summoned suddenly, you must know that a while ago, a large number of high-level elites were just drawn out from the church, quietly disguised as ordinary caravans, and went out to sea to hunt targets .

Logically speaking, there should be no other plans during this time period.

Could it be that there has been a change in the hunting operation? Everyone was unanimously suspicious. The next moment, they saw the cardinal stand up and face them, showing a painful expression——

"Our colleagues have suffered misfortune. There are seven resident deacons and thirty-two elite investigators."


"All fell into the hands of the 'Black Cross'."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar immediately, but before they could ask,

The cardinal's face became serious, and he added another shocking news:

"I learned from those pirate informants that the Black Cross not only ambushed us."

"And, among them has been born"

"The sixth sea lord of the Sea of Ashes, the true Dawn powerhouse."

(end of this chapter)