The Night Adorer

Chapter 219: New First Mate (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival)


Da da da.

Accompanied by the echo of crisp footsteps, two figures walked in the promenade of the cabin, and the person leading the way in front was the female pirate Debra, holding a dimly flickering oil lamp. Along the way, some pirates saw the two of them, especially the female pirate in front, and hurriedly turned sideways to make way.

Obviously, they recognized Debra as the captain's confidant, and they also looked at Suleman curiously. There are no more than one person on the ship who is qualified to let Debra lead the way. Among them, this person is not included. Strange youth.

In the process of going all the way, Suleman also looked at it quietly, but instead of looking at Debra in front of him, he observed the cabin.

This pirate ship is a typical wooden ship. The rooms on the promenades on both sides are made of wood, and even the doors do not have metal.

But what is surprising is that the body of the ship is not painted with black and white materials and covered with copper skin like other sea ships.

The so-called black and white material is a kind of anti-corrosion material.

The black material comes from a kind of cheap ship bottom paint made of tar, pine gum, sulfur, etc., which is generally used on wooden boats. As for another kind of white material, it mainly refers to the oil of northern whales or other large marine organisms. Their fat is used to make the bottom coating of the ship to prevent the plank from being eaten by ship maggots, which will eventually cause the wooden ship to rot.

The copper skin is based on the application of anti-corrosion materials, and then a layer of copper skin is covered on the wooden board, and the linen cloth soaked in tar is filled in the middle. Even if the wooden board is bitten through a layer inside, the hull will not collapse immediately. untie.

But the wooden boards on the Red Rose are exposed. If the sailors on the harbor see this, they will definitely call them crazy. This kind of wooden boat can only live for three months, and because the wood rots, it will be buried in the vast sea.

However, Suleman remembered Debra's words: The Red Rose is also a ghost ship with extraordinary power.

In other words, it can be regarded as a soul tool from a certain angle, which can resist decay and erosion, which is also expected.

It’s just that the soul tool has a negative effect. I don’t know what the negative effect on the Red Rose is. Suleman was thinking about the situation, and suddenly, Debra stopped in front of him, turned around and said:

"The meeting room is right in front of you. The other high-level people on the ship are all indoors. You are the last one to arrive."

"Some things, although I shouldn't say them in my capacity, I still have to remind you that there are many strong people on the Red Rose, even if you have the captain's favor, it is best not to actively get involved in some things. "

After finishing speaking, Debra stepped forward and knocked on the door lightly. After reminding everyone in the conference room, she opened the door and entered.

The meaning of these words is to remind me that there are other third-tier powerhouses on board, and their attitude towards me may not be as friendly as Sylvie? Suleman carefully read her words, it seems that not only the captain's faction exists on the Red Rose, but also other people have their own cliques.

Could it be that Debra is the mouthpiece of other factions, and came here to warn me

No, Sylvie asked her to serve me, she must be a confidant member of the captain’s faction, and she would not act as a mouthpiece for others, indicating that there are many factions on the ship, maybe Sylvie did it on purpose to facilitate her to control the entire ship Suleman thought of a lot in an instant, and based on his experience, he guessed what Sylvie was really thinking.

Just like the ancient dynasties, the emperor prefers his subordinates to fight each other, and there are many factions, and let the emperor act as the referee. In this way, the imperial power will naturally be much more stable, which is the so-called emperor's mind.

The same is true for the pirate group. On a large ghost ship carrying hundreds of people, there will naturally be factional struggles, and the high-ranking captain is in charge of them. For example, Sylvie is sitting in the center.

After Suleman entered the meeting room, he immediately saw Sylvie sitting at the top of the long meeting table.

On the left and right sides of her, there are rows of pirates, and the seat closest to Sylvie's left is a man with a bald head and a black eyepatch, with a white feather resting on his shoulder. The little hawk gently carved the shoulders of the bald man.

On such occasions, animals should not be allowed inside.

The nearby pirates were accustomed to this scene, and it seemed that the white eagle was an exception.

On the opposite side of the bald man, and on the right seat of Sylvie, sat a well-dressed blue-haired young man with gentle facial features. Different from the brutality of normal pirates, the blue-haired young man seems to have an aura, like a gourmet eating every meal, and like a singer in an opera hall. Elegance, etiquette and demeanor are well reflected in him.

But it didn't fit in with the atmosphere of the entire conference hall. After all, the other pirates looked wild and rude.

Suleman stepped into the meeting room and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Beside him, Debra had already quietly exited, closing the door with her backhand and guarding the door. She was Sylvie's confidant, but she never participated in the meeting. Meeting.

Just like Sylvie's style, the captain's faction is a neutral force, only in charge of the direction of the rudder, and will not take care of other trivial matters.

For a while, the pirates whispered and discussed the identity of this newcomer—

"This is the young man the captain is optimistic about? He also showed his third-order strength in the battle on the deck."

"Yes, he had a confrontation with the deacons of the Silver Moon Church, but it was done with the captain's assistance."

"So it's the captain's dawn power, so it's not surprising. How can a normal 'pardoner' level deal with seven or eight enemies of the same level as me? It seems that it is the captain's credit, and it is worthy of being Lord Red Rose!"

"This time, our Black Cross group will definitely become famous in the sea, so as to capture the booty of the Silver Moon Church, make a good show at the Sea King Conference, and tell the other pirate groups that our captain is already the sixth sea captain. Lord! We will also leave our identity as a pirate group and become the sixth sea army on the Sea of Ashes!"

The members who serve under the command of the sea lord are no longer called the pirate group, but the sea army. Currently, there are five sea troops in the Sea of Ashes, including the King of the Sea of Ashes. Together, they formed the Sea Oath Alliance. In private , this alliance is also called the "sea government" by the sailors of Nusha Port, which is different from the civilized city-states on land. This shows the influence of the five sea lords.

Right now, Sylvie is about to become the sixth sea lord, and the pirate group under her command will transform into a sea army, which makes the pirates present in the conference room very excited, and few people care about 'Magellan'.

After all, in their cognition, the main credit for that battle was Sylvie, and the others just made soy sauce.

The next moment, the pirates who had these thoughts saw Sylvie, who was at the top of the center, turned her head and said to the blue-haired young man who was maintaining an elegant posture and looked like an audience:

"Hornby, you give up a seat first, and everyone will follow along."

After finishing speaking, Sylvie looked at Suleman again, and lightly patted the 'occupied' seat next to her—

"Come on, sit next to me."

As soon as this remark came out, the entire conference room suddenly fell into silence. No one expected that Sylvie would make such a 'bold' move, and even, this move exceeded her impression in everyone's mind.

According to Suleman's previous life, this behavior is called "personal collapse".

At this moment, the pirates in the meeting room saw with their own eyes that the iceberg goddess in their hearts not only completely collapsed their personal settings, but also gently invited the newly joined red-eyed youth in front of them, and sat down on the table as soon as they came up. next to her.

They have never seen their own captain, so active in his attitude towards men!

This, is this a dream

The pirates in the meeting room were dazed, almost thinking that they were under the illusion, until Sylvie urged again, seeing this situation, Suleman could only ignore other people's complicated gazes, and walked all the way towards the beautiful girl.

Sylvie, she definitely did it on purpose. Suleman knew it well, and couldn't help but feel helpless. This sister, who had the same surname as his, obviously had her little abacus, um, the little woman's abacus.

Treating him like this under the eyes of everyone is very clear, she is sending a signal to the outside world.

— This is someone I value very much, you are not allowed to do anything.

There is a sense of a little girl holding a doll, trying to assert her 'ownership'.

People who also had this idea, and Hornby, when he was ordered to give up his seat, the first thing he felt was absurd.

Because the captain in his impression had never been keen on the affairs of men and women, let alone let her right-hand man take the initiative to give up his seat for the sake of a man. You know, this is the board council of the Red Rose, and everyone's seats are strictly divided, representing their status on the ship—Sylvie's actions are no less than telling everyone that the newcomer's status is higher than Horn's. Compare.

How can this be? !

It may be admitted that the 'Magellan' looks good, but that's about it.

The mere 'nice' appearance will never cause Sylvie to make such a move. They have seen countless handsome people, and it is not impossible that there are people who are better looking than 'Magellan', and they don't see their captain have any thoughts. Yes up! Hornby slapped his thigh, thinking he was smart enough to 'guess' what the captain was really thinking—

It must be the division of forces on the Red Rose, which made Sylvie feel dissatisfied. After all, apart from the third officer who kept a low profile, there was only the faction of the first officer headed by him, and the faction of the second officer headed by the bald man. Factions are competing with each other.

In the past, this phenomenon was the benchmark for maintaining the balance on the ship, but after Sylvie was promoted to Dawn, as the sixth sea lord of the Sea of Ashes, she must expand her power, such as absorbing a large number of refugees.

Under such circumstances, both the only two factions on board and the number of Tier 3 powerhouses on the Red Rose are too rare. Sylvie needs to expand her strength and recruit more powerhouses. Naturally, Factions in the ship also need to be 'expanded' a bit.

Anyway, with Sylvie's strength, no matter how many factions are able to control them, competing with each other is beneficial to her control of the ship.

It is simply the perfect interpretation of 'involution'

"This is to beat me, to let everyone on the Red Rose understand that the ship needs new foreign forces, and this 'Magellan' is the benchmark she launched. Heh, it turns out to be just a pawn, and there is nothing to worry about." Horn Bi was relieved, it seemed that his boss was just taking advantage of the situation and wanted to expand the power on the ship, so he was not worried about his status being affected.

That young man was a pawn pushed out by the boss, not even the status of "third mate". After the strength on the Red Rose was expanded, he was still the "first mate" on the ship, under one person, above ten thousand .

As for the status of the other party. Heh! Hornby sneered inwardly, but on the surface, he still maintained his elegance and kindness, and offered a smile to Suleman, and then gave up his seat without any hesitation.

If it is said that Horn knows a little more than Suleman's life experience, and that his real appearance is not "ordinary" on the surface, I am afraid that he will not be able to laugh at this moment.

After all, what Sylvie really values is not what he thinks at all

Hornby moved down one place and took the second seat on the right.

The top place on the right side, the first place is Suleman. When he sat beside Sylvie, the latter stared at him immediately, regardless of the meeting being held, just looked at him quietly.

The bald man on the left, Felix, couldn't help but widen his eyes. Originally, his thoughts were similar to Hornby's. However, when Felix saw Sylvie's obsessive behavior, there was a very bad thing for a while. Thoughts flooded into his heart faintly.

The increasingly conspicuous behavior of the gray-haired girl also made the pirates in the conference room feel that something was wrong. They looked at each other in blank dismay, and they realized that they couldn't understand the captain's behavior. However, their confusion didn't last long.

"From now on, Magellan will take over the position of first mate on the ship. In addition, he will be responsible for my daily life and corresponding guards. All personal guards must obey his orders and must not violate them."

"No, his command is equal to my will."

Sylvie announced to everyone with a slight smile, but her words left the pirates dumbfounded. Does a Dawn powerhouse need other people's guards? It is also a security guard for daily life. This, the amount of information contained in this is too large, which makes the pirates feel unacceptable, and there is an illusion of collapse of faith.

Especially the first mate Hornby, his eyes widened. At this moment, Hornby realized that he had made a huge mistake.

It turned out that Sylvie was not what he thought at all, she wanted to launch a small pawn.


She really fell for it.

Half a month later, the power conference on the Red Rose ended.

The Samara Islands, this is the central area of the Sea of Ashes, and it is also the place where the Neptune Conference is held every year.

The watchman stationed on the high platform was holding the latest telescope produced by the Church of Steam, looking into the distance respectfully, and beside him, another watchman yawned and muttered: "Sean, you said that this year's conference Come on, are there any new pirate groups?"

"The new pirate group? Heh, I heard that the recent period in Angry Shark Port has not been very peaceful. I hope they can survive from the hands of the Silver Moon Church, and let's talk about other shit!"

The duty officer who was holding up the binoculars suddenly exclaimed, with a faint sense of panic. This scene made the companion next to him feel strange, and hurriedly raised the binoculars, leaning on the long copper tube, and looked at that position.

The next moment, he saw a very old ancient sailing ship with the flag of the Silvermoon Church hanging from the mirror of the long copper pipe. However, the duty-bearer shuddered and couldn't help but say—

"Youyou Blue Mermaid?!"

PS: I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, some late blessings, but I can’t help it, I’m slow. I often write until midnight.

(end of this chapter)