The Night Adorer

Chapter 22: The Delicious Prisoner (4K large chapter)


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With a thought in his heart, Suleman quietly opened the door without making a sound. Using his control over his body, he walked up the brown wooden steps and quietly reached the second floor.

This townhouse has a large space and is divided into upper and lower floors. Because they have just moved in, a lot of furniture has not been purchased. There are only a few basic tables and chairs, and the living room on the lower floor is empty. It was the second floor. When they moved in, they moved some furniture up. Compared with the lower floor, the second floor could at least be seen.

In the living room on the second floor, at this moment, the dim light was quietly blooming on the round table in front of it.

Under the light, a slender and petite figure was leaning on the round table with her arms bent, her little head was moving slightly, and she seemed to be a little sleepy. She was in a state of half-awake and half-dream, but she was too stubborn to fall asleep.

Suleman frowned, and quietly stepped closer, and tapped lightly on the round table in front of her a few times.

Duo duo duo!


Ibis was taken aback, and when she saw clearly that it was Suleman, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, her expression was somewhat complaining, but Suleman didn't give her a chance to speak—

"It's so late, why don't you go to bed?"

"I" Ibis bit her lip, her eyes were a little erratic, and she didn't dare to look at Suleman.

Seeing this situation, Suleman seemed to realize something, and blurted out without thinking: "Are you afraid?"


Ibis denied it hastily, but she realized that her volume was too loud, and she hurriedly explained: "I just went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but I found your door was open and there was no one in the room. I'm just a little worried."

Suleman nodded slightly, but did not expose her 'lie'.

After all, Ibis is not the "star disaster girl" in her previous life, she is far from killing people like hemp, walking like a natural disaster. At this moment, she is just a little girl in essence. After leaving her familiar hometown, she is in a strange place. There is no familiar person, even the slightly familiar Suleman. .

Inevitably, she would feel scared.

Even if Ibis is more mature than her peers, and she knew how to cover Suleman in the iron cage before, these actions will not change her age. Strictly speaking, only the sixteen-year-old Ibis can "leave home" Running away' is hard to come by.


Suleman looked at the other side carefully. Under the dim kerosene lamp, Ibis's skin was like snow, dyed a faint color, and the delicate long golden hair like silk was lightly covered on the thin pajamas. Looming, the night is quiet, people are more beautiful than the moonlight.

She was born in a wealthy religious family, but she sneaked out without telling her mother. Her behavior is really incomprehensible. The reason for this is that there was an archaeological player of the plot party who analyzed the details. It is said that the teaching of [Hand of Glory] is contrary to her ideas. Ibis did not want to accept the teaching and ran out secretly. If it is true , her character can be described as extremely independent.

Suleman was thinking silently, his eyes were slightly erratic, as if he was in a daze in class. This scene, in the eyes of Ibis, had a completely different meaning. She seemed to realize something, her pretty face blushed, and she stretched out her hand He pulled the pajama straps on his shoulders.

It's a pity that these actions couldn't dispel the weird itchy feeling in her heart, just like ants crawling on her body. Obviously Suleman didn't do anything, but his sight had inexplicable pressure, which made her heart feel inexplicable. Hurry up, you can faintly hear the beating sound.

Su Erman rested his chin, and the wine red eyes under the black hair were faintly divergent, reflecting the opponent's petite body.

Fortunately, Suleman came back to his senses—

"It's getting late, go to bed early."

Hu. Ibis could almost hear her own relieved voice. She was about to get up when suddenly, an indecent sound came from her lower abdomen, coo coo coo, which was particularly eye-catching in the silent hall at night.

Both of them were startled, and the next moment, a crimson glow climbed up Ibis's face.

Girl, how about I order a takeaway for you? Su Erman resisted the desire to complain. There is no 'Meituan' or '' in this world, and there is no takeaway brother. On the whole, it is close to the ancient Victorian period of the earth: That is to say, electricity has not been popularized on a large scale, and the second industrial revolution has not yet swept the world. In the modern era, steam power, horse-drawn carriages, textile machines, and smokestacks are the main theme. In this environment, he can't find yellow clothes. delivery boy

Hey, Suleman sighed silently, and stood up on his own initiative: "You sit down first, and wait for me for a while."

Under Ibis's suspicious gaze, Suleman walked into the kitchen. Fortunately, there were still some easy-to-preserve ingredients in the cupboard, such as dried oatmeal bread, a piece of raw lamb weighing about half a pound, made with rosemary Fragrant, black pepper, etc. have been simply marinated, as well as leftovers of vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, onions, etc., as well as some cheese, cream, and other condiments.

These are the leftover ingredients for dinner. Suleman clearly remembers how courageous he was to swallow the food when Ibis brought the black pot of unknown ingredients to the table. .

"I think she is more competent as a killer than as a maid."

Suleman complained, then rolled up his sleeves and processed the ingredients in the kitchen.

First fry the raw mutton in water to remove blood impurities, and then cut into slices.

Then wash the pot and light a fire, pour some butter into the pan and cut into pieces, wait until the surface of the pot bubbles, and the aroma comes out along the air, Suleman will cut the remaining cabbage, carrots and other leftovers into sliced raw mutton , Stir fry in the pan.

Because it is a frying pan, it is not as easy to fry as a round pan. Su Erman can only use it as an induction cooker in college. Fortunately, his cooking skills have not regressed. As an otaku, cooking is almost a must for him.

When the vegetables were half-cooked and the oil was fragrant, Suleman poured in raw water, added a little white salt, black pepper, and half a block of cheese to adjust the taste, trying to get as close as possible to the taste habits of the Evernight World.

Soon, a large pot of fresh mutton soup came out, and Suleman cut the dry oat bread into slices and spread them on top.

When the slightly shriveled oatmeal bread absorbed the delicious soup, it soon became full and fragrant again.

Suleman carried a large pot and returned to the living room. At this moment, Ibis had already smelled the fragrance, and swallowed unconsciously. She looked at the food that Suleman brought, with curiosity and anticipation—

"What is this?"

"The low-end version of mutton steamed buns, unfortunately, there is no coriander, which is not tasty enough."

Ibis was stunned for a few seconds and didn't understand Suleman's meaning. However, her body reacted faster than her brain. When the cauldron was brought to the round table, she couldn't bear it any longer and picked up a fork to pick up the soup. oatmeal bread.


When the bread dipped in delicious juice was put into Ibis's mouth, the strong and delicious mutton soup, combined with the soft and sweet bread, exploded on Ibis's taste buds. The legs, the hungry stomach, were satisfied all at once.

And on her face, she couldn't help showing a contented and happy expression. With the elf-like eyelashes, it was like a wonderful moment under the camera, pure and charming, with a bit of charm.

However, Suleman didn't mean to be polite to her. After sitting down, he directly picked up the knife and fork, and took the vegetables into his mouth without politeness.

Aware of this, Ibis didn't care about being reserved, and also snatched it with a fork. In the delicious broth, the mutton slices, which were crystal clear like thin slices of cicada wings, became the focus of their snatching. After more than ten minutes, a big pot Mutton Paomo' was eaten clean.

Hu. Ibis patted it contentedly, with a somewhat full belly, she raised her head and glanced at Suerman with complicated eyes. Just as she was about to say, "You will cook in the future", the latter had already stepped back before her. room, only one sentence was left:

"You wash the dishes."

"It's 'sister' responsibility."

Ibis's expression froze, she stared blankly at the other party closing the door, and opened her cute little mouth. In the end, she couldn't say anything, she could only stare at his door fiercely, and got up angrily to tidy up. .

After closing the door,

Suleman turned on the gas lamp, and the dim light spread, dispelling the darkness, and he came to the desk in the room.

At this time, a voice came from his arms——

"You shouldn't expose too much. When dealing with the 'Mist Monster', you used the second characteristic ability."

Suleman looked down, and the Black Abyss Secret Code had already opened his eyes. At this moment, the 'sin flame' in his arms looked at him and reminded: "Your 'shadow substitute' is a very terrifying special ability with great potential. It shouldn't be exposed lightly."

As expected of the Grand Duke who rules the Black Abyss, Grand Duke Sin Flame recognizes his special ability, but this should be limited to the first two traits. As for the third special ability—the final dream, Suleman has never been in the hands of Grand Duke Sin Flame. Exposed in front of you, of course, even if exposed, I am afraid that Grand Duke Sinyan would not recognize it, after all, this is the only one in the world in the previous life.

Unlike shadow doubles, even if they are extremely rare, if you look at the entire Eternal Night world and the Black Abyss area outside the seal, you can still find one or two possessors. Of course, if it is distributed to the entire world, it is also very rare. At least, there should be no second "shadow double" possessors in the cold land of the north. Maybe there will be in history, but they have already turned into dust.

"It doesn't matter. The situation in the battle is urgent, and they don't have the time to identify it." Suleman explained: "Even if they have the time, with the knowledge of Katie, Scarci and others, they may not be able to recognize this special ability."

The so-called trait ability refers to the innate expertise on the panel, which is what the aborigines said.

"It's for this reason that I didn't suggest you silence it." Sin Yan said softly.

Killing Su Erman secretly smiled, knowing that this was the trick of Grand Duke Sinyan, if he really silenced the opponent, among other things, it would be difficult for him to gain a foothold in Gangdian City. After all, there are only three silver hunters in the local bounty guild. If one of them is suddenly lost, the other party must investigate clearly. Maybe he will go into exile again. At that time, the dependence on the Black Abyss Secret Code will inevitably increase greatly .

This kind of example is very common. In the previous life, many "fallen people" were induced by the secret tome of the black abyss, and they gradually became enemies of the world.

Suleman has never let down his vigilance towards Duke Heiyuan, regardless of how well the two get along. In fact, Suleman has always remained vigilant, but he has not given up on cooperating with Duke Sinyan.

Because, the Black Abyss Secret Code has never been more than his share, and Suleman gave up, which does not mean that other people in the northern cold land also gave up.

According to this trajectory, the plot that should happen in the future will also happen. Even if there is no "star disaster girl", there will be other successors of the Black Abyss Secret Code, and they will also break the Black Abyss seal and liberate the disaster step by step.

Therefore, Suleman must strengthen himself.

Only by mastering power can one gain the power to protect oneself in that chaotic world of gods, otherwise, even at the level of demigods, they are also victims of that era, only slightly better than cannon fodder.

Sin Flame can bring him benefits, so Suleman will not give up cooperation.

The most important thing is that Lord Sin Flame is related to the "world quest", which can be called the core epic plot, and the rewards are frighteningly rich, and when he is the only player, he almost monopolizes the rewards. Of course, the quest requirements must also be strict.

This is the reason why Suleman has not asked Grand Duke Sinyan for details so far. His strength is not enough to support that mission.

"There's no need to silence it, it will cause a lot of trouble."

Suleman made a joke, but didn't continue to pay attention to it. The next moment, he took out tonight's spoils.

It was a thing that was beating slightly, like the eyeball of a living person.

— This is [Eye Core of Misty Fog].

Naturally, Suleman took it out not to make a ceremony. He was still a long way from being promoted. Even if there was a mission reward that he didn't get, it was not enough if he counted more than 1,000 experience points on him.

Because to be promoted to the second level, not only must the [Dark Knight] reach level 10, but also have two or more full levels of professional skills. His touch of disaster is still at Lv1 level, which is far from the promotion requirements.

The reason for taking out the [Misty Eye Core] is that Suleman intends to use his innate specialty, which is the special ability that the aborigines call it.

He glanced at his arms, Sin Yan had closed his eyes, he didn't want to argue with him, he looked like a little burden

Withdrawing his gaze, Suleman no longer hesitated, even if Sin Yan was awake at the moment, he would not notice his abnormality.

After all, that is the most special talent in the entire "Eternal Night".


Suleman muttered a sentence in his heart, and the next moment, his vision was mottled and broken, and his consciousness seemed to have invaded the gray fog.

The [Strange Mist Eye Core] in his hand also released gray mist, and the two merged, and Suleman saw the origin of the [Strange Mist Eye Core].

In other words, it should be the fragments of information left in the gray mist of the [Strange Fog Eye Core].

The darkness receded like a tide. Suleman opened his eyes and found himself in a bustling factory building, surrounded by busy workers. They were wearing old and messy work clothes, their faces were numb, and they were doing repetitive work like a machine.

This is the former ironworks.

This chapter is two in one, 4,000 words, rushed out before 12 o'clock.

Ask for a ticket!

(end of this chapter)