The Night Adorer

Chapter 221: Show strength


Hearing the question from the girl behind him, Suleman knew who was lying on his shoulder without turning his head.

Sylvie Stuart.

The captain of the Black Cross, the famous "Red Rose" in the sea, at the same time, the other party is also his sister.

At this moment, the gray-haired girl was lying on his shoulders, her small and lovely face was very close to him. I don't know if it was intentional, but the breath blown by the gray-haired girl gently slapped Suleman's face, causing inexplicable shudders. Moved, quietly born in his heart.

"Aren't you looking at the map in the captain's cabin?" Suleman changed the topic, glanced behind the gray-haired girl, but found that the other pirates were very sensible, and turned their heads.

As if they were blind, they completely ignored the interaction between the two.

Hiss. You guys are too smart in the workplace, don't you want to make it so obvious? Suleman felt speechless in his heart. Obviously, the reactions of these pirates depended on Sylvie. The captain seemed to stay by the side of his "brother" regardless of his image in the eyes of his subordinates. Probably because of her psychology. On the scale, this matter is more important than anything else, right

"What's so good about a nautical map? Besides, how can that broken map be as good-looking as yours?" Sylvie's tone was low, and she asked again in a voice that only two people could hear: "Sulman , can you change it to the original one, and let me have a private look, okay?"

The sudden sneak attack, coupled with the girl's coquettish tone, caught Suleman by surprise.

A few minutes ago, he was still calmly dealing with the various factions on board, watching their careful thinking and calculations coldly, and had a mentality of dealing with all kinds of things unchanged and sitting on the Diaoyutai.

He even expected that the 'former chief mate' or the ship's second mate, the mysterious and low-key third mate, these powerful factions could plot a conspiracy and take the initiative to target Suleman.

At that time, Sylvie would definitely not stand by and watch.

She will take the initiative to favor Suleman, and even go off and clean the whole ship herself.

At that time, the pirates on the ship will understand that in Sylvie's heart, a certain person's status is above everything else. This cleans the boat a bit.

As a result, Sylvie became so proactive that Suleman was a little suspicious.

Will the fog bomb he put on Laurie before still work

It's as if he dug a huge trap and ambushed hundreds of knives and axes. As a result, the leader of the knives and axes came to chat with him before the ambush came. Isn't this obvious to others? trap.

Looking at the 'pig teammate' in front of him, Suleman felt a little helpless, and could only explain: "I'm not good enough for now, I need to cover up my abilities, and I can't reveal my true face, and the identity of the Stuart family is also more troublesome." .”

"But, have I always shown my true colors? The captains I know at sea, they know that I am a direct descendant of Stuart, including the Silver Moon Church in Shark Harbor." Sylvie stretched out a finger , lightly poked his face, as if to check whether there was a mask on it.

When she found that she couldn't poke the skin, the gray-haired girl puffed her mouth and said angrily:

"As a direct descendant of Stuart, I don't worry about revealing my identity. Why do you have to worry about the troubles caused by this? Let me see what you look like. I haven't seen you for a long time, okay?" At the end of Sylvie's words, her tone was pleading, which was completely inconsistent with her domineering. If other people on the boat saw it, they would definitely be surprised.

No, it's not Stuart status that worries me!

You don't know, all the things I did during those days in Steel Code City are the source of trouble. Suleman slandered silently.

The main reason is that he exposed his identity, and it wasn't just the Silver Moon Church who wanted to trouble him.

There is also the Hunting Church to which Ms. Black Butterfly belongs. Suleman destroyed the arrangement ceremony and lost the help of a Dawn powerhouse.

In addition, there is also the Red Sacrifice Saint of the War Church, that is, Ibis's mother, Melody, and the other party has also issued a wanted warrant for him.

Of course, Melody's original intention was not to murder him, but to rely on the pressure of the Northern Alliance to make Suleman back out of difficulties and obediently return to the border pass between the cold land and the twilight field in the north, which is also the city of the Holy Church of the War Church— Floating World Palace, let him take the initiative to join the 'Christie' family, and follow the two mothers and daughters to eat soft food.

Let them know Suleman's whereabouts. If they learn that he not only fled to the Sea of Ashes, but also got entangled with the newly promoted Sea Lord among the pirates, who knows what will happen

Suleman's reaction to this aspect is not very sensitive, but the secret desire to survive makes him faintly feel that it is best not to let Sylvie and Ibis meet, which is always a bad thing. Ah, it seems Should Shirley be counted? I don't know, has she arrived at the moving castle under the Church of Steam? That place should be very suitable for the development of the 'New Rank Society'.

"What are you thinking about?" Sylvie couldn't help raising her eyebrows as she watched him fall into silence.

For some reason, she just felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She always felt that her closest brother seemed to have done something unpleasant behind her back. However, Sylvie couldn't think of a reason, a pair of beautiful light gray eyes stared at the other party angrily.

"Ah, what I mean is..." Suleman came back to his senses, looked at the beautiful face in front of him, and knew that he had to give the other party an explanation, otherwise he couldn't fool him, so he sighed: "Okay, Then this time."

"This is not an example."


Sylvie was immediately very happy. Regardless of the eyes of other people on the deck, she dragged Suleman into the captain's cabin. Once inside, she asked her dearest brother to return to the original state. Under the pressure of the girl, Suleman had no choice but to withdraw. The effect of the Thousand Illusions on the body.

The real appearance was shown in her eyes. Immediately, Sylvie stretched out her hand impatiently, stroking the face that made her yearn for days and nights, rubbing her fingers against the fair skin, savoring the touch of her fingertips. For a moment, Sylvie's face There was a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Hmm, it's still the original, it looks the most pleasing to the eye." Sylvie ravaged the boy's face, as if she wanted to integrate this memory into her heart, but soon her face showed disappointment again:

"Sulman, can you really not 'show your face' outside?"

"I really want to take you and show the other pirate groups what is called a 'gentleman of the sea' when we attend the Aquaman Conference together. Hmph, why do those people compare with you?" Sylvie was indignant, because in Aquaman At the meeting, there were many powerful pirates with beautiful appearances and well-dressed clothes. They were also called gentlemen of the sea, but in the eyes of the gray-haired girl, these people were not worthy of Suleman's shoes.

In a sense, Sylvie can be regarded as the ultimate face control. Of course, she only controls her younger brother's face.

No matter how good-looking other people are, they have to be discounted in Sylvie's eyes. After all, they are not like Suleman, who grew up with Sylvie since they were young. different intimacy.

You are not afraid of my troubles, and you have provoked a group of Orthodox Churches. Suleman slandered silently. On the surface, he could only shake his head firmly, pretending to be regretful and unshakable.

Seeing this situation, Sylvie pinched her jade fingers a little angry, and vented her grievances on Suleman's face, so that the latter was ravaged by her. Rubbed into a grimace.

"Don't laugh, I want to make you uglier, uglier, uglier"

After venting for a while, before she could speak again, the entire cabin suddenly came to a standstill. At the same time, the captain’s pirates shouted from outside——

"Captain, we have docked and docked!"

"The procuratorial army of the maritime government will inspect it on the shore, and you still need to negotiate."

"Ah!" Sylvie hurriedly withdrew her hand like a thief caught being raped, took a few deep breaths, and then returned to her normal state, and calmly responded to the captain's subordinate door: "Got it, I'll be right there."

After finishing speaking, Sylvie put away the little girl posture on her body, as if she had regained the steady and ruthless pirate captain. Perhaps, only when she got along with Suleman in private, would she show her previous side.

Willful, petite, likes to pester people.

For her, only in front of Suleman can she reveal her true state without any burden. At the same time, this behavior is also another kind of venting behavior for her—like giving her a tense That one heartstring, let out a breath of relief.

Knowing this, Suleman cooperated with her actions. The two left the captain's cabin, and under the ambiguous eyes of the pirates on the deck, they faced the approaching sea government army.

Immediately after they disembarked, the pirates on deck blew up—

"Oh my god, I really didn't expect to spoil a man so much with the character of the captain."

"I thought what happened in the conference room was exaggerated enough, but I didn't expect that this was actually just the beginning."

"Hiss, I have to inform the second officer"

"So you took refuge in the second officer? Well, now you've made it through."

"Bah, you old boy, don't think that I don't know about your situation, and I'm still working for the last mate."

While there was a lot of noise on the deck, below, the two had already met the inspection army stationed on the shore.

This is a group of well-trained regular troops. They wear red and black uniforms, but they are different from the standard on land. In some places, there are decorations with sea characteristics, such as shells, pearl bracelets, and long-lasting haiming stones. , Wait for the special things that only exist on the sea.

"Two, please report the ownership of your ship immediately."

A tall brown-haired young man glanced at them as usual, and paused for a while when his eyes drifted past Sylvie. As an army under the Maritime Government, he naturally recognized the Black Cross. Captain—Red Rose.

It's not that the Black Cross is very famous in the Sea of Ashes, but that female captains are a relatively rare example. As for female captains with outstanding looks, they are even rarer animals. If she could have an appearance that surpassed everyone like Sylvie, then her reputation in the sea of ashes would definitely be louder.

Obviously, Sylvie's image was very outstanding. From the moment she disembarked, the inspection army on the shore recognized them.

This group of inspection troops belonged to the maritime government. Although their strength was not high, they put on airs when facing the pirates who arrived on the shore, and the latter did not dare to openly resist. After all, this is the maritime government formed by the 'Five Sea Lords', which is superior to all pirate groups. As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner's face. Normally, they are not willing to offend these people.

Because of this, the brown-haired young man wearing a straight hat, even when facing Sylvie, this great pirate with the strength of the "third-order peak" and the female leader of the majestic pirate group, he behaved neither humble nor overbearing, even his eyes Landing on the graceful body of the other party, he wandered carefully for a long time, feasting his eyes hard.

According to the normal process, Sylvie should report her pirate group number, and only after registration and inspection can she step into the home court of the Samara Islands, which is also the gathering point for the upcoming Neptune Conference.

However, when she noticed the sight of the brown-haired young man, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and an imperceptible coldness flashed in her eyes. The next moment, Sylvie took the initiative to hold Suleman's arm, and said enthusiastically: "Brother, Which pirate group do you think we belong to?"

Hearing the words of 'Red Rose', the inspecting soldiers who had originally questioned each other were stunned. They didn't expect that the famous 'Red Rose' actually had a younger brother, but looking at the posture of the two, they didn't look like they were close at all. Siblings

Is it a new way to play

Is it not fashionable to call 'brother' or 'dad' now? !

In the minds of several inspecting soldiers, guesses appeared involuntarily. The next moment, the brown-haired young man who asked the question brightened his eyes, but he didn't care about Sylvie, but looked at Suleman who was hugged by her arms. Suddenly he said sharply: "Who are you? I have never seen your face at sea. If you are a new crew member, you need to register with me on the roster."

Before he finished speaking, Sylvie sneered suddenly, with a disdainful tone: "Is this what the 'Lord of the Black Mist' instructed you in private? It's really boring. It's not his turn to take care of my affairs."

The brown-haired young man who had been punctured couldn't help but change his expression, but he immediately reacted, and immediately said harshly: "Red Rose, this is the Samara Islands, a place ruled by the king."


The spiritual field on Sylvie's body exploded and swept away with unexpected suddenness!

The unsuspecting brown-haired young man felt his body sinking, and he lost control of his spirituality. The next moment, he felt the pressure on his body suddenly increase, and he couldn't help but panicked: "No, you can't"


The brown-haired youth turned into fireworks, splashed blood fell on the faces of his colleagues, and the inspection soldiers were turned red one by one.

At almost the same moment, two tents burst open on the island near the coast, and two professionals with the peak strength of Tier 3 rushed to the front line. The directions are all arranged with Tier 3 peaks, that is, the top powerhouses among the members of the Pardon Council.

Accompanied by their actions, the entire coastline boiled, and inspection troops were dispatched urgently to surround and surround the shore.

However, when the two strong men approached Sylvie's body 100 meters away, they seemed to have been pressed the freeze button and froze in place. The next moment, they looked at each other, as if confirming the disbelief in each other's eyes .

Then, they slowly bowed their waists towards Sylvie and saluted solemnly.

(end of this chapter)