The Night Adorer

Chapter 226: black Knight


"Regarding the situation of the 'Black Knight' organization, at the end of last month, I sent a fleet of ships under my command to the extreme eastern end of the Sea of Ashes, in the abyss of the Sea of Ashes, to hand over supplies to them."

Under his signal, the Lord of the Black Mist put aside his thoughts and began to describe the situation.

Thanks to this, Sylvie, who has been interacting closely with her "brother" under the noses of everyone, and unfortunately encountered a social death link due to the King of Gray Sea revealing her identity, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. At this moment, Suleman clearly He heard the sound of relief behind him.

If I had known that there would be a day when the ship would capsize, why did you slander Su Erman so much? Of course, he couldn’t say this, otherwise he, who couldn’t beat Sylvie, would be taught a lesson by the other party as a sister. a meal.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Lord of the Black Mist slowly and slowly narrated:

"The man I arranged to go is 'Silver Dagger' Adams. As my second officer, you must be familiar with him. He is in charge of about one-eighth of my pirates. He is mainly responsible for maritime trade. Communication transactions, as well as the sale of arms and weapons. Of course, there are also the group of dignitaries in Nusha Port, the favorite fragrant nut business."

"At the end of last month, he led a group of pirates under my command to the 'Abyss of the Gray Sea' to hand over supplies to the Black Knight organization in accordance with my instructions. You also know that group of black knights who are like antiques, They never do it themselves, collect the daily necessities of their own life on the sea, everything depends on our 'import trade'."

"The midsummer season of each year, that is, the end of July, is the trading time we agreed with the 'Black Knight' organization. At the end of last month, when 'Silver Dagger' Adams brought the rum we had reserved in advance , bread, pickled fish, and vegetables packaged in ice buckets, arrived at the Abyss of the Gray Sea, after the ships approached the gate of the black soul they were guarding."

"'Silver Dagger' Adams met the leader of the black knights, that is, this year's 'Dark One'. After the other party received the goods he traded, he did not immediately let him return to the Sea of Ashes as usual. On the contrary, He made a request to us."

"To be precise, it should be a transaction requirement."

When the Lord of the Black Mist said this, his tone paused slightly, and he closed his eyes, as if he was recalling something.

It is worth mentioning that the appearance of the Lord of the Black Mist is similar to that of a middle-aged gentleman, not as fierce as that of a normal pirate, but rather gentle. When he closed his eyes and thought deeply, the other lords did not urge him and waited patiently for his next words.

"The Black Knights are a very ancient organization, and their existence may be longer than the Orthodox Church."

Suddenly, a soft voice came from Suleman's ears, accompanied by warm blowing, and a very nice girly breath, lingering around him a little bit, without turning around, he knew that the speaker was Hill Wei.

In the eyes of the gray-haired girl, Suleman is still that ignorant boy. He certainly doesn't know much about the secrets of the Sea of Ashes. Therefore, Sylvie took the initiative to explain the "Black Knight" in order to let him understand the content of the meeting. origin.

Hey, I actually know more than you. Suleman guessed what my sister was thinking, but he didn't stop the other party from explaining. He was very happy to be a listener and cooperated with the other party's performance very much—

"It's longer than the existence of the Orthodox Church?!" Suleman turned his head. With the two of them close at hand, he looked at the girl with a 'shocked' expression. His acting skills were perfect.

Seeing the 'shocked' expression on her younger brother's face, Sylvie felt a burst of inexplicable satisfaction, like a peacock spreading its tail, deliberately showing off its own advantages, with vanity and secret joy in her heart, her smooth and moving chin raised slightly. Played: "Yes, the black knights have existed for a very long time. As far as I know, they have existed in the world of eternal night as early as the oldest first era."

"Most of the hidden organizations, including the Orthodox Church, all come from the Second Era. When the rule of giants and ancient dragons came to an end, the whole world ushered in a new order. These large and small organizations, like They have sprung up like mushrooms after the rain, such as the pirate group on the Sea of Ashes, and the Church of Steam in the cold land of the north, they are the most typical examples.”

"But the situation of the black knight is different from them. The former was not born in the second era, after the end of the final war."

"Speaking of the World of Eternal Night, do you know the origin of the word 'Eternal Night'?" Sylvie changed the subject, and mentioned the word 'Eternal Night' inexplicably.

Having said that, the aborigines of the Eternal Night World all know this term, but they are confused. Why is it called the "Eternal Night World" even though there are days in this world and the rising and setting of the sun

Suerman has experience in his previous life, so of course he knows the truth. However, facing his sister who looked up proudly, Suerman cooperated with her, shook his head actively, and said with a look of 'bewilderment':

"I don't know. When I was still in the Stuart family, I had this doubt in my heart, but there is no relevant information recorded in the classics of our family. Sister, do you know its origin?"

Sylvie's bones were almost softened by this elder sister's cry. Like pouring beans, she immediately revealed all the secrets in her body, and said without any reservation: "Of course, our world is called Eternal Night." The reason for the world lies in the first era, when the master who ruled the entire world was the 'Mother of the Night', and her kingdom of God was established on the ancient tree of origin, also known as the golden tree."

"The golden tree is located at the southern end of the world. Today's Panjie Tree Realm is the realm transformed by the golden tree. Can you imagine its scale? It's so huge and vast, hehe, if there is a chance in the future, my sister will bring You go to the Panjie Tree Realm for a trip, you haven’t left the cold land in the north, right? The same is true for my sister, just go to see it together.”

Sylvie fantasized about the days to come, and couldn't help feeling girlish, but her words made Suleman's heart tighten.

please do not.

If you leave the cold land in the north, isn't it doomed to pass through the 'Floating World Palace'? There is a place where the Red Sacrifice Saint sits, and Ibis is also waiting for him in the Ukiyo Palace. If the two meet, it will always feel very bad. Relying on his survival instinct, Suleman hurriedly changed the topic: "So , the origin of the name of Eternal Night World is also related to that 'Mother of the Night'?"

"Yes, during the period when [Mother of the Night] rules the world, everyone is a citizen of Eternal Night."

"About the term 'Eternal Night', it is also an oracle promulgated by the [Mother of the Night] herself. It means the night that will cover the earth forever, and it means the eternity of the [Mother of the Night]," Sylvie said here, her tone become exclamation.

As Suleman, who is familiar with "The Actor's Self-cultivation" and knows how to act, at this moment, he naturally cooperated with her behavior, and asked again: "What happened to that [Mother of the Night]? Why did the Era end?"

"The end of the first era?" Sylvie raised her eyebrows: "The reason is very simple, because the greatest god is also stronger than the righteous gods of the third era, and should be the strongest in the history of Eternal Night. The [Mother of the Night] was eroded by an unknown force and she completely lost control."

At the moment when Sylvie's voice fell, Suleman heard the reminder of the secret mission, informing him that the progress of the mission had increased. The task that was triggered.

Sure enough, the plot feast at the level of the Neptune Conference is much more advanced than the underground gathering in Gangdian City, and the amount of information triggered by the secret mission is also more than a chip higher than that of Ms. Heidi's survival meeting. Suleman sighed silently. According to this situation, after listening to Sylvie's narration, he will be able to get a super high mission reward.

Then his main profession is not far from the full level.

At that time, Suleman can also start preparing for the promotion plan for the 'fourth level', which is the dawn realm.

"Out of control?" Su Erman asked following the other party's words, with a subtle sense of knowing the ending but still going through the process. Of course, Sylvie didn't know what he was thinking, and tried her best to show her "knowledge". This pleases the other party:

"Yes, after [Mother of the Night] was eroded by unknown forces, she fell into a state of complete loss of control. She began to destroy all life on the earth, and wanted to return the world to eternal chaos, with no order and no vitality. Only by merging with him Chaos as one."

"In this case, other lives in the world of Eternal Night will naturally resist, even if they have been loyal to [Mother of the Night], they were born from [Mother of the Night], and most of them were born from the ancient tree of origin Come into the world."

"But the initial survival instinct of life made them choose to collectively resist. Not only that, the extraordinary forces that originally belonged to [Mother of the Night] also betrayed [Mother of the Night] collectively just like the choices of other lives. "Silver Dawn", "Order of Life" and "Inquisition", without exception, the three forces jointly launched an encirclement and suppression operation against [Mother of the Night]. "

As I know, "Silver Dawn", "Order of Life" and "Inquisition", the three extraordinary forces are tools for [Mother of the Night] to rule the world. Among them, the first two organizations deal with the outside world, while the "Judgment Office" is to monitor the interior and specifically review the first two organizations to ensure the loyalty of the first two organizations to [Mother of the Night], but under the instinct of survival, even The "Inquisition" also betrayed the Mistress of the Night. Suleman silently recalled, yes, he also knew a secret.

It is said that most of the high-level members in "Silver Dawn" are giants, and as for the high-level members of "Life Order", most of them are ancient dragons. They correspond to the two ruling races of the second era.

It is not difficult to draw some guesses from the above rumors. For example, after the death of [Mother of the Night], the original "Silver Dawn" and "Order of Life" accepted his legacy, that is, the entire world of Eternal Night.

Not only that, the ancient giant corresponding to "Silver Dawn" and the ancient dragon corresponding to "Order of Life" had a confrontation between the two sides, and both wanted to put the other party to death, which also opened the long era of the Second Era About the game between the two great god races.

In contrast,

But the membership of the "Trial House" is the most mysterious and unpredictable. At least, according to Suleman's experience in his previous life, he has never learned the exact content of the "Trial House" from the vast sea of ancient books. same as them.

Sylvie didn't know what was going on in his heart, so she still explained to herself—

"In the end, [Mother of the Night] fell under the counterattack of all life. That ancient war had a great impact, and it was more confusing than the final war of the second era. There are still many mysteries that have not been deciphered by people. .”

"As far as I know, the sea of ashes was formed by the blood of [Mother of the Night]. His blood gathered into two oceans, the sea of ashes and the sea of eternal fog. Among them, the sea of ashes is the blood of his lower body, full of filth. with confusion.

Therefore, in the depths of the sea of ashes, there are still flesh-like storm tornadoes. Under the heavy rain, these fleshy flakes will stain the body, which will make people lose control of their bodies. The flesh and blood seem to have their own thinking, and they will try to break away from their masters. , and even backlash against itself.

His spine fell on the original ancient tree, allowing the ancient tree to further expand, forming today's Panjie Tree Realm, but after the spine integrated into the different branches of the ancient tree, it also formed different natural consciousnesses. They will For outsiders, each one has become a restricted area of life. "

"His organs were dissolved in nature and turned into natural phenomena in different regions, such as the cold wave in the northern cold land, the sun festival in the twilight field, and the reversal of day and night in the sea of eternal fog... and so on."

"His flesh and blood fell all over the earth, dissolving little by little into supernatural qualities, creating the superhuman we know."

Sylvie finished talking in one breath, and finally, staring at Suleman, she did not forget to add: "You must have guessed that the secrets I mentioned are related to the Black Knights, because the door guarded by the Black Knights The gate is said to be the source of the pollution of the "Mother of the Night". After she died, the source of the pollution in her body fell into the sea of ashes, forming the "Abyss of the Sea of Ashes". "

"It turns out that's the case." Suleman nodded as if he had realized something, and sighed: "So, the black knights are good people who sacrifice their lives for themselves, so even the cruel pirates on the Sea of Ashes, And I don't want to have a conflict with them."

"I'm even willing to help each other to a certain extent. Hiss."

Sylvie stretched out her jade finger, flicked his forehead lightly, and said angrily: "Don't say that, I'm not cruel at all. But you are right, the black knights are a group of gatekeepers who abide by their faith , we have no malice towards them, well, let’s listen to what the Lord of Black Mist is going to say, although I don’t have a good impression of him, the matter of the 'Abyss of Gray Sea' is of great importance."

After finishing this sentence, Suleman heard the word "mission completed", and he was just waiting for him to hand it in to get the reward for revealing the mission. At this time, he opened his eyes again and said to them:

"This session of the 'Dark Ones' commissioned us to send a batch of sacrificial lives, because there was a riot in the seal of the Gray Sea Abyss two months ago, which is a very dangerous signal. Even, Your Excellency the 'Dark One' thinks someone is interfering with the seal"

When these words came out, everyone, including the Gray Sea King, changed their expressions one after another, because the amount of information was astonishing. However, among the shocked people present, there was only one person who was pretending, and that was Suleman.

At this moment, he thought of the time mentioned by the Lord of the Black Mist, two months ago.

Wasn't that the time when he was still in the Cangxue Mountains, killed the holder of another secret book, and successfully promoted to the third rank

PS: Ask for a monthly pass!

(end of this chapter)