The Night Adorer

Chapter 227: A stand-in, another tour guide


Two months ago, wasn't it the day when I killed the envoy of the Silver Moon Church, snatched the secret code of the black abyss from the other party, and let the sinful flame eat a 'full belly'? Hiss. This matter is indeed related to me! Surman suddenly realized.

As expected, the gray sea abyss guarded by the black knights changed, because the seal of the 'black abyss' became looser.

As for the reason why the seal was loose, it was also very simple.

Each secret book is essentially the coordinates anchored by the Grand Duke Heiyuan in the world of Eternal Night. When his secret book swallows another secret book and expands its own coordinate strength, correspondingly, the world of Heiyuan and Yongye Under the coordinate anchoring, the distance of the world is also naturally shortened.

To give a vivid example, it is like two magnets with a wooden board in between. There are two ways to get the magnets closer. The first is to remove the wooden board in the middle, which is the seal itself. The second way is to increase the magnetic attraction of the magnet, so that the two magnets can break through the gap between the boards—obviously, the magnetic force is equal to the 'coordinates'.

As Suleman holds the Sin Flame Secret Tome and devours other secret tomes step by step, this coordinate will become clearer, and the traction force it represents will naturally increase greatly.

This is also the reason why the gray sea abyss was affected and the overall seal became loose.

It turned out that I was the black hand behind everything. Su Erman slandered silently. He looked at the people in front of him. This group of rulers who ruled the sea of ashes never imagined that the abyss of the sea of ashes was disturbing them. The culprit was before their eyes.

"A change has occurred in the abyss of the gray sea."

Hearing the news, even the king of the gray sea couldn't sit still. As the strongest king of the gray sea, his strength was even better than that of the sea lord, and he almost had the power of a god. But at this moment, when He heard the whole news, the mask that could not see the facial features was also severely wrinkled, and he could appreciate His serious attitude.

After all, behind that black soul door leads to the terrifying source that makes the [Mother of the Night] polluted and eventually loses control. Before the earliest legends of the first era, even the king of the Gray Sea had to treat this matter with the utmost care.

"Your Excellency the Dark One, do you have detailed criteria for the requirements? For example, does the life object that needs to be sacrificed have gender requirements? Or is it an age range requirement?" Gray Sea King asked calmly.

Hearing this, the sea lords present all trembled in their hearts. They understood the meaning of the gray sea king. When the other party asked about the request of the sacrifice object, in a sense, the gray sea king had already agreed to the black knight. The organization's transaction request.

This is what a tacit transaction means.

The Black Knights demanded a great deal of sacrificed life to keep the ancient seal strong.

The sea is about to set off a bloody storm. In the hearts of every sea lord, the same idea popped up one after another. Everyone is not an idiot. When they realize that the Gray Sea King agreed to the Black Knights organization, it will inevitably bring a series of events. In terms of influence, the most important thing is - where do the large number of sacrificial lives come from

The professional group with the largest number in the Sea of Ashes is naturally the pirates, there is no doubt about it.

But the Gray Sea King is the supreme leader of the pirates, the actual controller of the entire Sea Lord Hall, and their belief goals. Even in remote fishing villages, the Gray Sea King is equivalent to the fishermen's god belief.

Under such circumstances, the Gray Sea King would definitely not attack his own people, and he had no reason to weaken his own foundation in order to satisfy the deal with the 'Black Knight' organization. Even if the other party is guarding the gate of the Black Soul, even if their duty is to protect the world, even if the ancient seal is related to everyone's safety, just like knowing that the end of the world is coming next month, I still have to fill my stomach first.

Of course, this does not mean that the King of the Gray Sea will stand idly by. Since he has agreed to the deal organized by the Black Knights, it means that he will find sacrifices of life from other channels, and will not choose the huge remaining pirates on the Sea of Ashes. The target, apart from the seaport city-state in the cold northern land, is there a more suitable target than them

"The leader of the Black Knights, Your Excellency the Dark One, asked me to convey a word. He said that a sinner who steps into the extraordinary is worth hundreds of ordinary people. Therefore, he hopes that we will not hurt innocent people. "The lord of the black mist conveyed the truth. He deliberately emphasized the word 'sinner', expressing his personal opinion in a very cryptic manner.

The war is about to start. For some reason, Suleman came up with this idea. Since the leader of the Black Knights has made such a request, the pirate forces headed by the King of the Gray Sea will inevitably break out of war with the Orthodox Church in the days to come. !

In the offshore area of the northern border, the Orthodox Church has the number of extraordinary people under its command, which is definitely the most well-deserved number one, even more than the pirate group on the Sea of Ashes. In addition, the Orthodox Church itself is incompatible with the pirates. There has been a long-standing grudge.

the most important is

The friction between the Hunting Church and the Silver Moon Church has reached a limit point. It only takes a little wedge to detonate the huge conflict between the two sides. At that time, Suleman did not believe that the Gray Sea King, who had lived for so long, really Will watch and not interfere.


After listening to his report, the King of Ashes Sea slowly closed his eyes. After thinking for a long time, he finally opened his eyes again: "From today onwards, all forces in the Sea of Ashes are temporarily prohibited from fighting among themselves.

Everyone restrain your pirate regiment, and at the same time, in the name of stockpiling for the winter, import a large amount of war preparation materials, food, arms, and even necessary personnel supplements from the chamber of commerce in the port city."

This is a very obvious armament operation. There is no doubt that the following sea of ashes forces are like dormant hunters, making a move at the best time. Once they make a move, it will inevitably be an earth-shaking change.

None of the sea lords objected, including Sylvie, they all agreed to this point. Finally, the Gray Sea King turned his head to look at Sylvie, and said: "Red Qiang, as a new lord, the forces under your command It is still a vacuum period. I allow you to collect the east of the Tuze Islands until the Abyss of the Gray Sea. All forces in this sea area will belong to your command, except for the pirates who voluntarily withdraw. , this area will be your territory."

Hearing this news, the other lords recalled the general sea area, and they all showed consternation. You know, the area from the east of the Tuze Islands to the Abyss of the Gray Sea is a very vast area, which includes the lords of revenge, black mist and corrosion. Part of the territory, right now, is allotted to Sylvie by the Gray Sea King.

Except for Lord Crack Steel's luck, no territory was included in the scope, and the other lords lost about 20% of their territory. In terms of conversion, although Sylvie's territory is not as good as theirs, it is actually not too far behind.

Just this sentence allowed Sylvie to gain a firm foothold in the Sea of Ashes. Seeing this situation, the Lord of the Black Mist moved his lips. He wanted to speak at first, but seeing the resolute attitude of the King of the Ash Sea, he still held back his words went back.

The other lords are not as aggrieved as the Black Mist Lord, but they have nothing to do. They can only say that Sylvie has encountered a good time. The Sea of Ashes forces are preparing to intervene in the faith war on the shore. To maintain internal competitiveness, the new lord needs to Influence and territory, to consolidate her position Out of this consideration, the Gray Sea King announced this transfer order.

Of course, He added another sentence: "The sea lords who have been demarcated from the territory, I will give them a certain amount of supplements in the follow-up war profits. The rewards will be deployed from my profits."

After hearing the promise, the other lords had no objections. At this point, the most important matter of the entire meeting came to an end. Due to the war and armaments, there were other things in the meeting, but in comparison, those things were not very important.

The Gray Sea King simply didn't mention it, and the other lords didn't discuss it anymore, because everyone knew that all the next things had to give way to the war preparations, and other things were no longer worth mentioning at the Sea King Conference.

So a rather weird scene appeared. The Neptune Conference, which was supposed to last for a long time, was coming to an end after finalizing the preparations. Of course, the pirates whose voices were cut off below did not know that the future fate of the entire Sea of Ashes was decided by the masters above in just a few minutes.

"Sulman, a war is about to break out on the Sea of Ashes." Warm breath came from his ear, and it was Sylvie who was explaining to him in a low voice, for fear that he would not understand the situation. This time, Sylvie's voice was serious Feeling, no longer teasing and teasing before.

Of course I knew it, and I was responsible for all of this. Suleman looked at the charming face close at hand, and wanted to tell this sister that he was the culprit who influenced the actions of the Gray Sea King.

In the previous life, the abyss of the Gray Sea did not loosen, and the Sea King Conference did not make a decision. Therefore, the Gray Sea King in the previous life may have secretly participated in the war of faith in a dark and unknown corner, but it will not be the same as in this life. , Intervened in it with great fanfare.

In the final analysis, it was Suleman's actions on the Cangxue Mountains that produced a butterfly effect, which was affecting the world of Eternal Night step by step.

The so-called 'historical inertia' is really a nonsense. If someone really changed the past, how could it not have a huge impact? Even the entire history has deviated from the original track. Suleman sighed silently.

This is not the first time this phenomenon has happened to him. Gangdian City is the first example, but it is not the last. Just like what happened on the Cangxue Mountains, it finally played out in the sea of ashes in an unexpected way. turned into another result.

But having said that, if I continue to pour "nutrition" into the flame of sin, and devour other secret codes step by step, I will further unseal the "Dark Soul Gate". This is not a transfer of my will, but an inevitable result. I Do you want to stick with it? Suleman had a hesitant thought in his heart, but the next moment, he shook his head secretly, making his choice even more firm.

When the princes in the black abyss released the secret code into the world of eternal night, in fact, this kind of ending was already inevitable.

Even if Suleman stopped immediately and stopped helping Sin Flame to hunt other secret tomes, he still couldn't stop other secret tome holders from fighting each other and dismantling the ancient seal of Gray Sea Abyss step by step.

Since this result cannot be avoided, why not take the initiative? Cooperate with Sin Flame to hunt other people and stop their 'coordinates

'Expand. On the contrary, Suleman holds the biggest "coordinate" in his hands. As long as he controls the crime flame, the future will be accompanied by the improvement of strength, and there may be no solution to the problem.

At least, based on Suleman's experience in his previous life, there are several preparation plans

"The meeting ends here."

The Gray Sea King announced the end of the conference, and then he turned his head to look at the siblings who were 'whispering'.

To be precise, it should be Sylvie who took the initiative to explain to him, while the latter was wandering off into the sky, as if she was absent from class, and there was quite a vivid picture of 'the dog licking and the person being licked'.

Unconsciously, the Gray Sea King's eyelids twitched, and he muttered a few words, but no one could hear his words clearly. The next moment, the Gray Sea King said to them: "Lord Hong Qiang and her younger brother stayed Now, I have a private matter to discuss."

After finishing speaking, the King of Gray Sea ignored the reactions of others, and waved his hand, the surrounding space suddenly distorted, and there was a faint sound of a storm, boom! Everyone felt dizzy, and the next moment, they lost the figure of the Gray Sea King and the two siblings of the Stuart family.

When they came back to their senses, the Lord of the Black Mist looked at the empty place where the king was, with solemn eyes, and then he glanced at the direction where the two siblings disappeared, clenched his fists, but he was helpless

When the dizziness dissipated, Suleman and Sylvie suddenly found that they were in a storm space, surrounded by layers of dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and Suleman lost the support of the seat below, relying on Sylvie to hug him. Followed him, using the opponent's spiritual field to suspend in the air, thus avoiding the ending of falling.

No, the embryonic form of the Kingdom of God, He pretended so well! Suleman looked at the figure in front of him. He had memories from his previous life. He knew the true strength of the Gray Sea Lord. Because of this, he admired the other party's 'acting skills' more and more.

This level of acting skills is almost as good as when he deceived Sin Yan, or when he acted in front of Sylvie.

Seeing this scene, Sylvie next to her obviously tightened her expression. She couldn't help but hugged Suerman tightly, making a vigilant posture as if she was facing an enemy. Subconsciously, she could see her desire to protect her younger brother, and even put the latter placed higher.

"Don't be nervous, I just let you increase your confidence before the war." The Gray Sea King suspended in the air, signaling to the two of them not to be nervous, and he didn't have any malicious intentions.

Hearing this, Sylvie's delicate body relaxed a little, and Suleman, who was tightened by her, also felt the pressure behind her loosen.

"It turns out that your domain has turned into the prototype of the kingdom of God."

"Then, the king's invitation to enter your kingdom of God is not only to comfort us, but also to increase confidence in the victory of the war?" Sylvie asked mercilessly.

"Yes, I still have a very simple commission." The Gray Sea King explained the purpose of his visit.

"What commission?"

Sylvie frowned, and looked at Suleman subconsciously. She guessed wrong this time, but saw the Gray Sea King pointing at herself. On the mask without facial features, there was a mouth-like fold raised, showing a blunt smile: "I want you to pretend to be my identity and sit in Haizhu Hall for me for half a month. Don't worry, I will help you solve the problem of disguise."

After finishing speaking, the King of Gray Sea looked at Suleman again, and continued to snicker: "In addition, I still need to borrow your brother, and ask him to take me to Angry Shark Port. As for safety, you don't have to Don't worry, it will be safer for him to follow me than to stay by your side."

Sylvie didn't care much at first, but when she heard that the Gray Sea King wanted to 'borrow' Suleman, she immediately raised her eyebrows, and she actually planned to reject the other party, regardless of the Gray Sea King's strength and face.

As if seeing through her thoughts, the Gray Sea King added another sentence, but the words that Sylvie refused were stuck in her throat.

"Sulman, it's already Tier 3 strength right now?"

"If you can agree, I will arrange the professional ceremony and all the materials for Suleman's advancement to Dawn." The Gray Sea King threw a blockbuster, and Sylvie was blocked if she refused originally. In her mouth, I saw a struggle on her face, and finally, Sylvie asked: "Why, you choose him to go with you? Suleman's strength can't help you much, right?"

"Because of Angry Shark Harbor."

The Gray Sea King maintained a calm tone, but for some reason, Suleman heard a hint of narrowness in his voice:

"The people who know Nusha Harbor best are undoubtedly the Stuart family. So, is there a better choice than you two?"

(end of this chapter)