The Night Adorer

Chapter 23: Peek into secrets


Is this the former ironworks? Suleman looked around, and immediately confirmed this from the familiar environment.

Thinking of this, Suleman lowered his head and looked at "self". At this moment, his perspective is somewhat similar to that of the third perspective, but he can see the appearance of the original body. This is a middle-aged man, dressed like everyone else, with ordinary messy work clothes, brown hair and blue eyes, and slightly deep nasolabial folds, making his face look much older than his body age.

"This is the source fragment of [Misty Eye Core]"

Suleman peeked at the residual information on the [Misty Eye Core] by using the 'Dream of the End'.

According to the basic rules of the eternal night world, any creature has a certain spirituality, and at the same time, spirituality also contains material information. As a relic left by an extraordinary monster, the Misty Eye Core in Suleman's hand is rich in spiritual materials. It also contains certain material information.

Therefore, it can also be regarded as part of the 'dead'.

[Dream of the End]—You have the ability to sneak into the dreams of the dead.

This is Suleman's third talent specialty, and it is also the most precious talent in "Eternal Night" in the previous life. It has greatly helped the talent ability of the entire player group. In fact, it is the talent that every pioneer dreams of.

"Hurry up, your lunch break is over!"

Suddenly, a roar full of anger came from far behind. Suleman turned his head and saw a supervisor in a neat uniform standing at the entrance of the ironworks, roaring at the workers.

The next moment, the whole picture began to shatter, and the gray mist surged again, swallowing the figures near the entrance, and they turned into debris like glass lenses. In just a short moment, Suleman only had time to capture a scene, which was the details of the overseer's clothing, and the copper badge inlaid on the right shoulder of the overseer—

There are sun-like eyes engraved on it, and the forest-like surroundings, narrow and long eyelashes tightly surrounding the eyeballs, the two outline a bright and strange pattern.

The gray mist filled the air again, and after passing over Suleman's trousers, the darkness receded like a tide, and the picture was re-constituted.

In the brightly lit ironworks, a middle-aged man with brown hair and blue eyes, deep nasolabial folds on his face, and a man who looks much older than his body is on duty at night. , he lowered his head from time to time, checking the nearby steel instruments.

Even though the whole hall was as bright as day, the middle-aged man was holding a lantern in his hand, from which dim yellow light shone on his slightly numb face, a bit absurd and indescribably absurd.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man's body shook a few times, and then he fell straight down like an old piece of wood.

The gray mist hit again, but before it drowned everything, Suleman noticed that the nasolabial folds on the face of the middle-aged man seemed to have life, spreading inch by inch, covering his body, the whole body People are completely 'aging'.

After everything was over, Suleman's facial features returned to his body. He opened his eyes and looked at the [Eye Core of Misty Fog] in his hand.

The meaning of these pictures. Su Erman's face showed thinking. With the experience of his previous life, he is very clear about the specific effect of the "Dream of the End". It will manifest some picture fragments according to the residual spirituality of the deceased.

Those pictures are all the most impressive scenes of the deceased before they were alive. In a certain sense, they can reveal the mystery of their death.

Unless, some obsessions are stronger than their impression of death, in this case, the embodied image may have nothing to do with the cause of death.

However, judging from the information obtained by Suleman, the picture he displayed must have a great relationship with the cause of death, and it is also the reason for the birth of the [Eye Core of the Misty Fog].

"Sure enough, it's a monster transformed by human beings." Suleman cast his eyes away and made sure of one thing in his heart. This monster is a human being corroded by extraordinary power and finally transformed into a mist monster. The problem is that these pictures reveal a few points.

That middle-aged man didn't get a certain extraordinary quality by 'lucky' and then was corroded into a monster. On the contrary, he behaved as if he had been tricked, as if he was forcibly transformed into a monster.


Is it artificial? Suleman speculated in his heart, and the next second, his expression became serious.

forced conversion

This is not something that a first-order transcendent can do, and even a second-order transcendent who has comprehended the specialty of 'bronze spirituality' is very difficult to do this. Of course, it would be relatively easy for transcendents of individual professions to do this in the second-order realm, but it was limited to those professions, and it was still very difficult for others.

second order

The current Suleman is at the first level. In the power system of the Evernight World, if the aborigines want to be promoted to the second level, they often fill up another sub-profession, which meets the second condition for promotion, instead of choosing Upgrade the two skills to the full level to advance to the second level.

After all, the aborigines don't have the help of panels, and their strength progress is completely dependent on instinct. To put it simply, they gain experience in battle, and distribute experience instinctively during training, which is equivalent to the "exercise effect". Where the experience value can be added depends entirely on the individual's face. Of course, what kind of training you do, in that respect, the probability of assigning experience will be much higher.

Suleman is different from them, with the help of the panel, he can allocate experience in the most scientific way. Secondly, his identity has become an aboriginal, unlike players, each version has a level cap, and will always be short Lots of drama characters.

Having said that, due to the restrictive conditions for promotion to the second level, generally speaking, the character level of the second-level transcendent is at least above level 30, and there are even some characters with more than level 40. They are much higher than Suleman. It is only Lv5 level, although the combat power is higher than that of ordinary human elites of more than a dozen levels.

Realm is the most powerful criterion for judging. As for the character level, it does not represent everything and is for reference only.

— Just like Suleman only has Lv5, and his real combat power is around 20, or even a little higher.

"It is certain that behind this incident, there may be behind-the-scenes black hands above the second rank who are promoting it"

Suleman wanted to understand this, and immediately decided to give up.

No longer explore the truth behind this incident.

The reason is very simple. There is one reason why Tier 2 Transcendents are difficult to deal with. The most important thing is that regarding Tier 2 Transcendents, their plot tasks are all above level 30. If you use a straightforward sentence to describe the situation—

The plot events that can be triggered by Suleman are not counted as world quests (Golden Epic does not calculate the level/difficulty fluctuates with the progress of the plot), and the upper limit is only 15 (Lv5+10), even if the hidden behind the scene is discovered He can't trigger the plot events

"Before the strength is not enough, don't dig deep into this matter"

Suleman withdrew his eye core, looked at Gangdian City under the night, and felt more urgent to improve his strength.

(end of this chapter)