The Night Adorer

Chapter 231: Eye on the shoulder


"The investigators of the Silver Moon Church have invaded, this is the path you brought them?!"

Zimmer looked at Suleman with vigilance, because the timing of the incident was so coincidental that he had to have such doubts. This guess direction also fits Zimmer's identity. After all, the big pirates in Angry Shark Harbor The most vigilant object is undoubtedly the Silver Moon Church.

I'm not the one leading the way. Suleman looked at the front very nervously, as if he was going to do something in the next second, and almost wrote "I hate ghosts" on Zimmer's face, so he slowly shook his head and said:

"No, if I want to do something, it won't be the turn of the Silver Moon Church."

Suleman's words seemed plain, but the self-confidence contained in the words made Zimmer stunned. He opened his mouth, and when he really wanted to refute the other party, he saw that Suleman looked up at him: "You are also a 'natural archer', right? So you can share the vision of others. Moreover, you and the hunting believers have different development directions. They communicate with animals and plants, but your ability."

"You can leave a mark on others, and share the vision of others through the 'insight' mark."

"So, you have an ancient inheritance called 'Secret Peer'. Right?" Suleman relied on the experience of his previous life to easily identify the other party's special ability, which is the 'Secret Peer' sub-professional upgrade. later gift.

Zimmer's face changed drastically. Before he could make a move, Suleman's figure became blurred in an instant, blending into the shadows in his sight, leaving only one sentence echoing in the room—

"Since you can see what's going on outside, stay in the house, it's just right, you can confirm whether I'm the ghost inside."

This. This is? ! With a movement in his heart, Zimmer vaguely guessed the meaning of the other party, so he immediately activated his ability and shared a few surviving subordinates through the "insight mark" to spy on the outside world from their vision.

Suleman was right. One of Zimmer's deputies was called 'Secret Peer'. This is a rather ancient occupation inheritance, basically extinct long ago. That is to say, Zimmer's luck was very good. Once in the sea ruins, he obtained the entire inheritance by luck. Logically speaking, people from the outside world didn't know about it. How did the other party know

Zimmer stared blankly at the place where the 'Pirate Colleague' disappeared, filled with ten thousand perplexities.

In the dark and narrow corridor, the believers of the Silver Moon Church lined up in order, and under the leadership of the green-haired youth, they cleaned up the entire underground Black Fist Casino and the hidden underground space behind it step by step.

'Grey Scorpion' Zimmer apparently controls an underground black fist casino, which is also the largest underground casino nearby. Not only that, he also hired a large number of people in the name of protecting the casino to cover up his identity as a 'pirate' blindfold. Many of his men were members of his pirate group, and they were much more powerful than the hired men on the street, and they were feared by the nearby boxers.

Through the above-mentioned clues, the Silver Moon Church discovered that Zimmer the Gray Scorpion had a problem with his identity. Of course, not only him, but all the important people in Nusha Port were basically investigated secretly.

Quite a few big figures showed their feet and were secretly targeted by people from the Silvermoon Church. The information on the suspects was collected, and until now, the Silvermoon Church was preparing to launch a war of faith. On the eve of the outbreak of the war, these suspects who had problems with their bodies were undoubtedly time bombs, full of uncertain factors, and it was impossible for the Silver Moon Church to let them exist for a long time.

Cleaning up this group of people naturally became the top priority before the war.

Right now, the Silver Moon believers headed by the green-haired youth Alva are the ones who are responsible for this batch of tasks, and they are the elite members in carrying out the tasks. Not only is Alva a third-order powerhouse, but his deputy Laurie is the peak second-order, and there are seven or eight regular-born first-order transcendents under his command. With the cooperation of the team, they can hold on for a while until the main church of Silver Moon Church supports them.

That's right, there is also the strong dawn of the Silver Moon Church, who is sitting in the main church, ready to support at any time.

This is Angry Shark Port, and its garrison strength is by no means comparable to that of church branches in other places. There is more than one Dawn powerhouse on standby.

"Everyone stay in line and be careful of the opponent's ambush." Alva instructed everyone, and under his command, the investigation team of the Silver Moon Church rushed into the underground casino.

For a moment, the black boxers who were boxing on the stage saw the 'executor' wearing a silver moon badge and a believer's robe, and they were frightened. In their cognition, the Orthodox Church is a high-ranking official power.

Some black boxers turned around hastily, jumped out of the ring, and prepared to escape. The audience who were gambling in the audience also looked like prostitutes who saw the police. All of them turned pale with fright, and turned around and wanted to escape. The underground casino itself is hidden and extends in all directions. The casino owner will leave a lot of secret passage exits. Regular customers know which passage to escape from. In case of emergency, they will adopt this method of dispersing.

However, the moment they turned around, the surrounding mud walls exploded suddenly, and the green plants, driven by extraordinary power, entangled the bodies of everyone, dragging the audience back forcefully.

"Don't let anyone go."

The hair color on Alva's head became more and more green, and his eyes faintly blended with the hair color. He is not a silver moon archer. On the contrary, Alva's career path is a natural archer, which originally belonged to the promotion direction of the Hunting Church—because he A defector from the Church of the Hunt.

This made Alva's status within the church questioned by certain factions. Because of this, he needed merit to prove himself. Even though Alva had the support of factions behind him, this situation could not be changed.

In the absence of a certificate of merit, merit is the best substitute.

Hearing Alva's order, the believers who obeyed his orders moved out one after another. At the same time, at the corner of the ring where no one could see, a spectator hid in the shadows, watching everything tremblingly.

"Damn it, why are people who belong to the Silver Moon Church willing to deal with us?"

"Aren't they afraid of getting their hands dirty!"

Fielding lay on the ground, cursing this group of Silver Moon believers fiercely, and he was also full of puzzles, because he was a staff member of the casino, and he knew very well what the status of the law enforcement officers of the Silver Moon Church was in the civilized city-state. — Especially Angry Shark Harbor.

The ancient aristocrats who originally ruled the city also became complete victims in the last round of power vortex. When Stuart was also uprooted by the Silver Moon Church and completely destroyed under their siege, naturally only the Silver Moon Church was left as the ruling force in Nusha Port, and even other ancient nobles were basically reduced to For vassal.

Against this background, it is not an exaggeration for the law enforcers of the Silver Moon Church to be called local emperors. In contrast, the underground casino where Fielding works is just a place for black boxing rings. People from Silver Moon Church are following? Not to mention their group of workers, even the black boxers who fight in the ring are like ants in the eyes of the Silver Moon Church.

The two sides are not on the same level at all. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Fielding would never believe that the scene in front of him would actually happen to him. Moreover, when he saw the safe passage in front of him, the exit was occupied by plants one after another, making it completely impassable when.

Desperation couldn't help coming out of his heart, so that Fielding didn't notice that there was a black liquid quietly emerging from his left shoulder, and it condensed into an eye.

This is someone who planted a 'seed of insight' on him. With this medium, the other party can spy on everything he sees.

'Grey Scorpion' Zimmer's eyeliner in the casino is of course not only his trusted subordinates, but also distrustful and relatively estranged subordinates. In fact, a few lucky ones were selected by him as eyeliner.

The moment the 'Seed of Insight' opened its eyes, it heard the sigh of the body master on the shoulder:

"It's over, it's over."

"Why did we mess with the Silver Moon Church? The owner of this casino is too unlucky."

"If I confess directly that I have nothing to do with the casino, but a simple employment relationship, will they believe me?" Fielding muttered to himself with a mournful face, unaware that there was a horror pattern on his shoulder, let alone He found that one pitch-black eye, which was looking at his side face faintly, his eyes were a little uncertain.

If Suleman was present, he must be very familiar with this look—

That was when I was studying in my previous life. The head teachers of junior and senior high schools suddenly came out from the door behind the classroom, walking on ghostly steps with no sound, listening to the male students in front of them, fiercely criticizing and full of resentment for the current education system.

At the same time, the male student who talked loudly in front of female students, attracted the opposite sex and was complacent, didn't realize that his figure had been covered by the big man emerging from behind.

This is a classic portrayal of Fielding.

However, Fielding couldn't care less about observing his body, because his attention was completely attracted by the front. After the Silver Moon Church blocked the major escape intersections, they immediately began to search the entire casino with a team as a unit.

Fielding fell into deep despair, watching the law enforcers in front of him getting closer and closer to the area where he was.


Suddenly, the shadows under the feet of the law enforcers distorted, and a strange figure emerged from the darkness, and the surrounding Yinyue law enforcers were caught off guard. What's more, that strange figure was holding a long knife, accompanied by His figure drags.

— Wow!

The knife glowed like a waterfall, and instantly swept over the nearby law enforcement officers. The strange thing is that these people's faces appeared in a trance for a moment, as if they were pulled into some dream. Although they broke free quickly, their trance was doomed. .

At the juncture of life and death, any momentary mistake is enough to make people beyond redemption.

puff! puff! puff!

A Transcendent named Silvermoon Church was directly cut in two. The blood splashed on their chests, and the moment it fell on their faces, they still had blank expressions. This scene fell in Fielding's eyes. It has a great impact.

Completely subverted his three views.

"What's going on here?"

"Someone dares to attack the law enforcement officers of the Silver Moon Church, and they succeed?"

"It feels as easy as killing a cow." Fielding looked at the changes in front of him, as if he saw a skilled butcher, raised a sharp knife and fell towards the beef cattle. With the knife in his hand, the majestic Silver Moon believer fell down. up.

Not only him, but also the eyes on Fielding's shoulders are also in a dull state. Logically speaking, this ability belongs to the category of 'shadow warrior', which is the shadow path in the warrior profession. However, the owner of the eyes on the shoulder is very clear that this is not the ability of the 'shadow warrior', because the shadow warrior essentially changes its own life form and merges into the shadow.

The method used by the attacker in front of him is more similar to manipulating the shadows. The most terrifying thing is that the owner of the eyes clearly knows how far the opponent is from the place where he merged into the shadows, and the enforcers of the Silver Moon Church!

"His teleportation ability has such a wide range?!" As the owner of the eye pattern, that is, the 'Grey Scorpion' Zimmer was shocked, because the other party could jump from the trading room hidden underground to the black one above. Fist Casino.

It also means that the other party can jump to his trading room in the black boxing casino and carry out the same scene of attack and killing. In other words, what Suleman once said, 'If I want to do something, it's not the turn of the Silvermoon Church', this is not a bluff!

What he said was the truth no, this ability should have a time limit and cannot be used continuously!

But even this is very powerful, at least at the third-level level, and only those who have held two professional ceremonies are eligible to drive the trait and show this effect Zimmer also judged Suleman's strength in an instant The category, can't help but raise some confidence.

Fielding's reaction was a little more direct than his. He seemed to have heard it himself, but in fact a second person could hear it, and muttered to himself: "Hiss, what is this guy's identity? Anyway, it's not A thug the casino boss can afford."

"The boss of this casino is not good. He often loses money by gambling. How can he afford to hire a transcendent person of this strength?"

"Hiss, should I take advantage of the chaos and run away, no one pays attention to me anyway."

When Fielding talked to himself like this, the eyes on his shoulders twisted violently, as if he was enduring something.

But the next moment, the attention of both of them was attracted by the field, because after Suleman's sneak attack succeeded, the Silver Moon Church's reaction was also very fast. The surviving law enforcement officers immediately used their abilities to try to trap the 'sneak attack' By'. As their leader, Alva, who was also at the peak of Tier 3, was already blushing, and immediately cooperated with his teammates to drive the nearby plants to rush to the center.

In the next second, Suleman's figure disappeared like a ghost again, and appeared next to Alva again. The long knife cut straight down, and mist overflowed from his body. For a moment, Alva's expression was in a trance for a moment.


Alva's heart was pierced, and he was powerless to resist.

(end of this chapter)