The Night Adorer

Chapter 234: God of Storms


The moment when the entire Angry Shark Port fell into chaos and battles broke out in one area after another.

On a bell tower overlooking the whole city, a slender figure wearing a mask walked up the steps, as if turning a deaf ear to the turmoil in the city. The most eye-catching palace.

—There is Silvermoon Church.

To be precise, it should be the Silver Moon Church that ranks second among the Silver Moon forces in the cold land of the north, second only to their church headquarters in the North. According to rumors, there are plural Silver Moon Churches in Nusha Port. It is the dawn powerhouse who is bigger than two or more.

This is unimaginable in other regions. Most of the powerhouses who can reach this level are concentrated in Winter City, Floating World Palace, or the largest castle of the Church of Steam, Clock City. Apart from them, there can be a Liming in other places. Strong ones are extremely rare.

At this moment, the number of strong men in Nusha Harbor is astonishing. Counting the resident strong men of the Silver Moon Church, the great pirates lurking in the city in the Sea of Ashes, and a certain king who is having fun, the strong men gathered here, It is no less than the central city-state of the Orthodox Church.

"Hey, he seems to be quite capable."

The slender figure wearing a mask turned his head to look somewhere in the city, as if he saw the trace of the other party through a long distance, and saw the other party beheading the strong men of the Silver Moon Church, and rescued each other with important identities. The Great Pirate.

"It seems that he has won over the local forces, and he also got the assistance of 'Grey Scorpion' Zimmer, so he was able to find other pirates in Angry Shark Harbor in a short time. Well, Zimmer did have some information, then I revealed it to him." The slender figure wearing a mask muttered to himself, yes, his identity is the Gray Sea King.

But soon, the Gray Sea King frowned, and there was an obvious depression on his mask, revealing the confusion in his heart—

Following his gaze, he could 'see' that Suleman had already entered the sewer, and he was very familiar with the road. He even found a big pirate who had been hiding in the sewer all year round.

The so-called dark market refers to the trading place established underground. In the sewers of Nusha Port, the intricate environment provides them with a natural and excellent safe haven. Naturally, an underground dark market is derived from this.

But the problem is that.

The leader of this underground dark market is very concealed, and his hiding place is also extremely safe. If the other party did not believe in the Gray Sea King, the latter would be able to grasp the other party's 'beacon' to obtain the other party's location.

If you really want him to find the leader of the dark market, don't rely on the beacon.

I am afraid it is also a needle in a haystack.

Under such circumstances, how did Suleman find the leader of the dark market? This is a secret that 'Grey Scorpion' Zimmer does not know, and the latter does not have the conditions to tell Suleman this information. So, how did Suleman do it? The King of Gray Sea blinked his eyes, feeling more and more that there was a secret hidden in this 'subordinate', and it was a secret that he didn't know.

"Interesting, it seems that he is not only the lord of Hongqiang, but also has a lot of secrets."

"It seems to see what else he hides, hee hee hee, this kind of feeling of peeling off other people's secrets is the most interesting."

The King of the Gray Sea is staring at the opponent's position. At this moment, he can see Suleman's whereabouts only by relying on the 'beacon' to provide vision.

To be precise, the people who believe in Him in the entire Angry Shark Port have the beacon of the Gray Sea King on their bodies. This is a special connection, and only the existence of demigod level or above can grasp the power of faith.

If you use the terminology on the game board to describe it, the power of faith is equivalent to a divine trait, which is different from normal traits. The traits that only demigods can master are divine traits—because demigods possess divinity.

The gray sea king's eyes were filled with brilliance, and when he looked carefully, they were all objects of faith in him. The vision possessed by the latter was completely peeped by him. Since the believers are all over the entire Angry Shark Port, at this moment, the Gray Sea King is like a human monitor, paying attention to every corner of the city. Of course, most of his attention is on Suleman at this moment. rape him.

clang! clang! clang!

Suddenly, there was a distant and loud bell, which erupted from the Silver Moon Church in the upper city. Although the sound was not loud, it contained unexpected piercing power, echoing throughout the upper city.

The moment they heard the sound, the residents on the street who were terrified by the riots calmed down one by one, as if there was a force that soothed them and made the residents no longer panic. At the same time, the door of the originally closed Silver Moon Church opened suddenly, and one after another merged with the moonlight. It was difficult to catch a clear figure, and they rushed straight out of the church—the target was the chaotic battle zone in the city.

Seeing this scene, the gray sea king's beautiful eyes lit up, and he no longer had any hesitation.

"finally come."

Ripples appeared around the King of Gray Sea, and there was the faint sound of a storm. He had been on the sidelines for so long, and the moment he was waiting for was exactly this moment.

— and finally it was his hunting time.


The Gray Sea Monarch turned into a lightning storm and rushed towards the Silver Moon powerhouse below.

The Dawn powerhouses who were being rescued in the city all sensed something and raised their heads, and then they saw the sky darken, as if they had been replaced by a strange face. The next moment, the space was completely replaced, and the whole environment became a storm. grassland.

In the sky above the grassland, there are thick black clouds piled up to the top of the head, revealing a sense of oppression, deepness and fury.

The expressions of the three Dawn powerhouses who were dragged into the space inexplicably changed drastically. Given their level of strength in the church, they are naturally qualified to know some secrets. In the same way, they also understand the meaning of the changes that happened to them.

The meaning of being able to pull the three Dawn powerhouses who were scattered in Nusha Port into one space at the same time is beyond the simple demigod's ability to explain!

Thinking of this, the oldest leader, a slightly old Bishop Yinyue with a thick beard on his cheeks, he sighed deeply, and said to the remaining two: "It seems that we have fallen into a trap. , the other party took advantage of the chaos in the city to lure us out of the cover of the Silver Moon Church, making us lose the protection of the enchantment and the gaze of God."

"In this case, we have lost our hole card against the high-ranking ones. It seems that she"

"No, it should be said that 'He' calculated very thoroughly and captured our urgency to calm down the city."

Hearing the old bishop's words, another middle-aged bishop with a scar on his face also sighed: "Besides, we didn't expect him to step into the Angry Shark Port in person, but when I saw this God's Domain At that time, I also understood the reason why the other party dared to step in."

The youngest bishop, when he heard the communication between the two seniors, couldn't help showing a sad face, and combined with his small baby face, it had a very happy picture effect: "Although these words are very unlucky, but I I still want to remind you that the more you talk in frustration, the more it seems like you are telling your last words, but we are trapped in the realm of God, and there is no way to pass the news on."

The implication is that your "last words" cannot be sent out.

The gully on the old bishop's face became deeper and deeper. He glanced at the youngest bishop quietly, and the meaning in his gaze was almost self-evident: "I'm afraid you are the one who speaks the most frustrating words here."

Whoosh. The sound of the storm came from the front, interrupting the interaction between the three bishops. The next second, they looked forward with seriousness, and saw a tornado piercing through the sky. As it approached, Merry It exploded suddenly.

A slender figure strolled in from the wind current, as if strolling in a garden. His face was wearing a mask, and the violent and disorderly air flow dissipated from his body, blowing the nearby grassland, revealing the pitch-black soil.

"It seems that your mentality is very good, and you don't mind the ending at all, right?"

The King of Gray Sea looked at the three Bishops of Silver Moon in front of him. In the eyes of ordinary people, they were already high-ranking figures, and any one of them was qualified to shock the elite circles in Nusha Port. However, in the eyes of the Gray Sea King, the three bishops in front of him were like children, and they couldn't make him feel a sense of urgency at all.

On the contrary, the faces of the three Silver Moon Bishops were solemn, and at the same time, they raised their right hands, and a flowing mercury-like substance spread up, and formed a sickle at their wrists.

Three scythes of the same style, and three silver moon bishops held their weapons tightly. Behind their seemingly self-defeating declarations, there was a faint circle standing around the gray sea king who was bringing them the greatest sense of oppression.


The gray sea king's eyes became brighter, and there was a storm surging inside. The next moment, the clouds above the entire space suddenly rioted, and thunderbolts that looked like fierce snakes continued to fall straight down, killing the three who were holding the sickle. People are covered inside.

boom! boom! boom!

The thunder roared, the storm surged, and the earth was lifted by the intense and extreme thunder, exposing the scorched and rotten black soil.

In the continuous bombing, a chill blade pierced the thunder, and the old bishop, who was scorched and shabby, rushed towards the gray sea king, and behind him, the two silver moon bishops didn't have much. Embarrassed.

Obviously, the wave of terrifying thunder just now was resisted by the old bishop with more than half of his power, and his two companions were not injured.

Bearing the thunder of the Gray Sea King forcibly is not without cost.

At this moment, the breath of life on the old bishop's body is constantly dissipating. Even if the opponent doesn't do anything, there is not much time left for the old bishop to live. body range.


The old bishop yelled loudly, and some broken and decayed scythes glowed again. The next moment, when he was about to rely on the afterglow of his life to create opportunities for his two companions, boom! The Gray Sea King slowly raised his hand, and an unprecedented storm erupted on his body.

Where the storm swept, a little bit of temperature was lost, and the pale color seemed to be the main theme, spreading from his feet and from the ground, stripping away all the surrounding temperature in an instant. At this moment, the old bishop felt that his voice was blocked in the mouth.

Yes, blocked!

When the pale color spread to his body, all the temperature was taken away by the storm, and life lost the heat needed for activities, and began to become sluggish, and began to sink into ice cold. At the same time, the old bishop could not feel the sense organs in his mouth.

Because it completely loses 'temperature' and also loses feedback.

Without a mirror, the old bishop can also imagine his own appearance. The body covered in 'pale', including his spirituality, which has reached the dawn state, has also lost its vitality under the vast power and cannot move. !

Since ancient times, storms have represented natural disasters and the terror of thunder, but few people have noticed that the storm itself also has an extremely cold side. In the sea where the hurricane roars, the fishing boats not only have to worry about capsizing, but also worry about the low temperature trap brought by the extreme cold.

There are even the most extreme cases, that is, the ship did not capsize in the storm, but the people on board died in the extremely cold environment, and returned to the port with the whole ship's corpse, or drifted on the sea, becoming a veritable ghost ship .

This. This is? !

At this moment, the old bishop understood the true meaning of 'storm', and also understood that the strength of the Gray Sea King is more terrifying than he imagined. However, this truth is destined to be buried here.


The pale old bishop was completely blown to pieces. The next moment, the storm that also took away the temperature immediately spread to behind him, the two silver moon bishops who were holding sickles and preparing to fight back.

The pupils of the two colleagues shrank when they saw the colleagues in front of them turned into 'snow flakes' and scattered with the wind.

"Is this the power of the storm?"

"The King of the Gray Sea. Hehe, what kind of king is this? He is clearly the God of Storms. Am I lucky enough to witness the birth of a real god? Since the opening of the Third Era, the first one, his identity is not left over from the Second Era. God." The corner of the middle-aged bishop's mouth was raised, but it seemed a little bitter.

And behind him, the shortest baby-faced bishop sighed sadly: "No, even if you have witnessed everything, future generations will not record your deeds in history. After all, what happened here is not will be known to the outside world."

When the middle-aged bishop heard his words, his face twitched a few times, and he was about to reply.

The paleness brought by the storm had already spread to his body, interrupting the middle-aged bishop's words. The next moment, he who had turned into a pale statue exploded into snow dust. In the end, the baby-faced bishop who fell behind reluctantly raised his head: "Is it a pleasure to know your real name? Great Storm Goddess"

Before he finished speaking, he also turned into a pale statue, and then shattered into snow dust.

"Hee hee, you don't have the qualifications."

The King of Gray Sea raised his hand, dissipated the storm, looked at the overturned grassland, turned around and snapped his fingers, his whole body turned into a thunderbolt, broke through the space, returned to Nusha Harbor, and headed straight to the Silver River in the upper city. Moon Church.

However, there was a flash of lightning that forked, and it crashed into the underground, that is, the sewer where Suleman was.

PS: Calvin, the code is not posted until now. Sorry.

(end of this chapter)