The Night Adorer

Chapter 24: Business comes to your door


When the brilliance of the morning sun passes through the clouds, it quietly casts itself on the steel tower in the center, reflecting mottled phantoms.

73 Nancy Avenue, townhomes.

Suleman opened his eyes when the sunlight penetrated into the room, got up and put on a brand new linen white shirt and brown vest, then put on a black double-breasted long dress, went to the bathroom, and used charcoal to clean his teeth. , came out with a full spirit.

On the round table in the lobby on the second floor, a sumptuous breakfast has been set up—

Oatmeal bread smeared with butter, paired with two fried and heated northern red sausages, and a glass of fresh milk delivered, this is Suleman's breakfast. Ibis in position.

This is the responsibility of the 'maid', and she has to get up half an hour earlier than Suleman to make these breakfasts.

At this moment, Ibis was yawning. After all, she slept too late, and unlike Suleman, she was an extraordinary person with higher physical attributes than ordinary people.

"Lack of energy in the morning is not a lady's behavior." Suleman sat opposite her, picked up the milk with satisfaction, and enjoyed the happiness brought by the meal.

Ibis gave him a hard look, and also picked up the bread. After Suleman started eating, she, as a 'maid', was eligible to enjoy the food. However, facing the sumptuous breakfast, Ibis showed a lack of enthusiasm, biting the bread slowly, with a bit of reluctance and nostalgia as she chewed with her snow-white teeth.

She thought of yesterday's supper, the soft bread soaked in the delicious soup, unconsciously, made Ibis's taste buds tremble, and the buttered bread in front of her eyes seemed dull.

Suleman glanced at her, as if he had seen through his thoughts. The next moment, he coughed softly and said, "The new house lacks a lot of things. We need to purchase some new furniture and daily necessities. If you have time in the afternoon, you can go with me. A trip to the furniture market."

"Yeah." Ibis nodded casually, with a careless attitude.

Suleman added: "After we bought the furniture, on the way back, we had to go to the market again, buy our food for the next week at the butcher's shop, and the bakery. In addition, I will cook food tonight. When you are studying, you are studying by the side."

Ibis's eyes lit up, and the small throat under her fair neck swallowed lightly, and she hurriedly agreed: "Okay!"

Ring ring ring!

At this time, the doorbell rang downstairs, interrupting the communication between the two.

who? I came to visit so early, obviously I lived in Gangdian City not long ago, and I don't know many people. After thinking for a while, Suleman roughly guessed the identity of the visitor. He swallowed the bread in his hand whole, got up and went downstairs.

"You clear the table."


Under the resentful gaze of Ibis, Suleman came to the door downstairs. As soon as he opened it, he saw a fat middle-aged man wearing a black coat and a half-height silk top hat. His facial features were round. , with a familiar face, standing in front of him.

—It is the director-level member of the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, Chris Sharp.

"Good morning, Mr. Suleman."

"Please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit." With a friendly smile, Chris stretched out his hand, but Suleman stared at him, and found that Chris's face was slightly pale, and the other was drooping beside him The palm of his hand, pinching the corner of his clothes from time to time.

Chris is very nervous! Suleman smells the smell of 'mission', but he can't help it. As a pioneer in his previous life, he has developed an extremely keen sense of plot. For example, most people would not think about the [Eye Core of Misty Fog] last night, using the 'Dream of the End' to explore its origin, but Suleman realized that this is the biggest difference between him and ordinary players.

Suleman glanced behind the other party, and found that Chris came in a carriage, with a badge with the pattern of "lion fur" hanging on the carriage. Obviously, this was the carriage of the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, not a temporary bus rented on the road. , Therefore, the other party also came here on business.

"What's the matter, let's get in the car and talk about it."


After understanding what he meant, Chris hurriedly opened the door gratefully, and led Suleman into the carriage himself. Then, he wriggled his fat body and climbed into the carriage with difficulty.

"Departure, let's go to the Hall of Hope."

Hearing Chrisf's instructions to the coachman, Suleman's heart moved. Hope Hall, this is a famous building in Gangdian City.

It is located in the middle of the Tyre River, with the "Day and Night Bridge" on the left, which connects the boundary between the Jazz District and the Steelmaking District, and the entrance street of the Huangdian District on the right. The commercial center, the absolute prime location, every inch of land is precious.

On this site that is more precious than gold, the Hall of Hope occupies a large area. It is the structure of an opera house, with multiple floors, but it is larger than the opera house. It is usually used as a performance stage for artists, and the fees are high. At the same time, it also needs the qualifications for leasing. If the reputation is not enough, even if you have money, you can't rent it. This is the highest palace that the artists in Gangdian City dream of.

In addition, the Hall of Hope also has a function, which is a grand ceremony held every year in the cold land of the north.

— Northern Auction.

Sure enough, after Suleman watched Chris get into the car, before he could ask any questions, the latter became very eager and took the initiative to talk about the topic: "Mr. Suleman, have you successfully qualified as a bounty hunter? I met I am in a little trouble, and I would like to entrust you with a sale regarding the Northern Auction."

Suleman didn't speak, but took out an iron badge from his pocket and put it on his chest. It was the identification card of a gray iron hunter.

Seeing this situation, Chris was overjoyed: "I knew that this assessment is not a problem for you at all!"

No, Suleman, who was still a bit troublesome with the two fog monsters, didn't explain the details to him, and waited quietly for the other party's follow-up. Sure enough, after Chris was overjoyed, he took out the red wine from the hidden compartment below, and gave it to Su very graciously. Hermann poured a glass.

"About the Northern Auction, as a person who grew up in the cold northern soil, everyone must have heard of it, whether they are old or young." Chris did not forget to pour himself a glass, and drank it as if he was decompressed, feeling relieved. Tone: "Every civilized city-state will hold a 'Northern Auction' on the eve of the cold wave, which is a traditional festival for the upper class.

On this day, no matter what the source of goods is, as long as the value is sufficient, it can be placed in the Northern Auction. "

"Hehe, whether it's precious and rare goods, or... living human beings."

"The goods that are not allowed by the code on weekdays can also be recognized by the auction, only for this day."

Chris probably thought of something, and thanked Suleman: "Thanks to your action, otherwise, we would have been reduced to a source of goods. With the channel of the White Wolf Group, they have some ways to hide from the inspection, and even buy the city guards. That The results are beyond my imagination.”

"So, the punishment imposed on you by the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce is related to the Northern Auction?" Suleman interrupted suddenly.


Chris smiled bitterly: "Because of my ineffective decision-making, the entire caravan fell into a major crisis and suffered a loss of reputation. It's okay for those travelers without background, but two of them are descendants of nobles. I'm in an embarrassing situation."

If you know that in that caravan, there is also a hidden daughter of the chief priest, the only legitimate daughter of the Fielding family—Ibis, and the absconded descendant of the Stuart family, I don’t know, can you still laugh? It came out. Suleman slandered. Of course, he also knew the other party's motives.

It seems that the Northern Auction is about to be held, and the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce has received some security tasks, but this task is not easy, and nothing is done without success. This kind of bad job, generally speaking, it is not the turn of Chris, who is about to be promoted to a senior director, but his mistake makes the promotion worrying, and now he has to make up for it.

Sure enough, what Chris said was consistent with Suleman's guess—

"Including the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, the five chambers of commerce in Gangdian City have all received requests to hire manpower."

"The Lionheart Chamber of Commerce left this matter to me."

"My subordinates, capable people, lost a lot in the attack of the white wolf group. I can only ask you for help."

Suleman nodded slightly. He owed the other party a small favor. In obtaining the bounty hunter's assessment qualification and finding a house in the city, it was Chris who used his connections. Of course, Suleman also saved the other party's life. , strictly speaking, it can be regarded as not owed favors.

But considering that the Lion Heart Chamber of Commerce has been operating in Gangdian City for many years, when he first arrived in Gangdian City, even if he has the memories of his previous life, in some places, he still needs local leaders to make good relations with the Lion Heart Chamber of Commerce. helpful.

most importantly,

The rewards for the security tasks in the Northern Auction are definitely not bad. Maybe there will be favorability with local forces. Once the favorability reaches the standard, you don't need to join the camp, and you can get certain privileges.

In addition to these benefits, there are also experience points rewarded by missions, which is what Suleman urgently needs.

With this in mind, Suleman nodded slightly towards Chris: "Yes, as your client, I will help you complete the task indicators of the Chamber of Commerce, but I am a little curious, such an important matter, Steel Code Don’t the nobles in the city look for the bounty guild?”

The bounty guild is the number one force in terms of employment, so it is obvious that they should be considered first in this matter.

Hearing this, Chris smiled wryly: "Why didn't you find it? However, the Bounty Guild told us that their president and the pilgrims are cooperating to hunt down the descendants of the Stuart family, and they don't have time to take care of this matter." Of the remaining two silver hunters, one is on a mission, and the other heard that she came back last night, but she seems to be seriously injured. I'm afraid she wants to rest and is unwilling to accept the commission."

This matter seems to be related to me. Suleman is very self-aware and didn't ask any more questions.

During the rest of the journey, the two remained silent. Suleman took this opportunity to submit the task that was triggered yesterday, that is, the task of killing two fog monsters, and gained another 700 experience points.

It is a pity that due to the help of the aborigines in the mission, Katie, Scarci and others put in a lot of effort, resulting in the completion rate not reaching 90%, only 78%. From the perspective of professional players, it is also Very good.

After all, not every task can achieve more than 90%. In fact, even professional players in previous lives may not have a task that can achieve more than 90% every month. Occasionally, it is not bad to meet once every two months. .

Therefore, 90% completion is an absolute watershed, even ordinary tasks, once completed, there will be amazing rewards.

It's a pity that 'the character level should not be higher than the difficulty of the task'. This alone restricts the death of a large number of people who want to use high levels to improve the completion: only those who can often do this are worthy of being called 'land reclamation' By'.

While he was thinking, suddenly, the carriage in front of him stopped, and Chris opened the door tactfully, guiding Suleman out of the carriage.

After landing, the two looked up, and an extremely splendid opera house-style hall was displayed in front of them.

This is the Hall of Hope.

It is also the place where the Northern Auction will be held soon.

This chapter has 3,500 words, almost two chapters, and there will be another chapter later.

Only 2,000 words were updated yesterday, and I will make up for it today.

Ask for a ticket by the way!

(end of this chapter)