The Night Adorer

Chapter 26: Chain tasks


"Mr. Suleman, I will leave the security matters to you at next week's auction."

Butler Xiao En was very enthusiastic, completely different from the previous indifference towards others. This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, especially the other team of the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, which was led by Director Frank and he was also the team leader.

At this moment, Director Frank, who didn't get along well with Chris, saw the attitude of the butler Sean, and his face turned blue and red. A little embarrassed, he found an excuse of "familiarity with the venue" and brought a few employees leave the room.

"Sulman, let me take you to familiarize yourself with the venue." Katie leaned forward and looked at him with a smile.

Today, because there is no mission, Katie is wearing a lace dress with multi-layered cake cuts and butterfly ribbons in the details. It seems asymmetrical, but it also has a weird beauty.

In terms of style, it is somewhat similar to the Gothic style on Earth.

In the world of Evernight, especially in the northern cold land, upper-class women are famous for their gorgeous dresses. The higher the social status and the richer the women's income, the more they pursue gorgeous clothes. The most typical one is the center of the cold land in the north, where there is the oldest noble and the headquarters of the Church of the Snow Worship.

There is a joke that women who have lived in the "Rin Snow City" for a long time will develop a strong and strong body. After all, their clothes are equivalent to sandbags and weight training. This is already the talk of ordinary people after dinner.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you." Suleman nodded slightly, and readily agreed.

In fact, as a pioneer in his previous life, he is no stranger to the interior of Gangdian City, especially the Hall of Hope.

Although he had no experience of being employed as a security guard, for a while, Suleman joined the noble camp of Gangdian City and was employed by that nobleman as his guard. During this period, Suleman has been to the Hall of Hope more than once, and he knows everything about this complex opera house, including the secret passage of the Hall of Hope.

However, Suleman is very clear that in the eyes of others, he is still a newcomer who has just arrived. When Katie invited him, Suleman did not refuse, but agreed to the other party's proposal.

"This is your ID card. I won't disturb your work from now on." The silver-haired butler Sean handed over several strange pendants in the shape of 'rhombic' to them for everyone to wear on their belts. or fastened to the ribbons of women's garments.

When Suleman accepted the certificate, a familiar voice came from his ear—

[Hint: You have triggered the story event·Sheng of Steel Code (Lv15)]

"Mission content: The long and lonely cold wave is coming. On the land covered with ice and snow, in order to fight against the fear brought by natural disasters, the cold soil in the north has created a tradition of auctions. As one of the civilized city-states, Gangdian City naturally does not Exception. At this moment, the ancient aristocrats in charge of the city are preparing to hold an auction, but the shadow forces that are secretly watching, take this grand ceremony, and they covet everything."

"Reward: 1000 experience points (first ring), Kano family favorability +10 (first ring), note: if the mission fails, the Kano family favorability -30, your relationship will turn cold."

"Reminder: This event is a serial task. After the first link is completed, and the task completion rate is above 70%, the second link task can be started. If the completion rate is lower than 70% and higher than 50% at the same time, it is regarded as The mission is completed, but the second ring will not be opened."

Serial missions. Suleman realized that this is a special type of event in "Eternal Night". Compared with ordinary plot events, serial missions have follow-up content, but the pre-requisite is the completion of the previous chain degree' up to the standard, otherwise, the follow-up content will not be opened.

In the plot events in the Evernight world, in addition to the most common common types, there are also some special types, such as serial tasks, such as camp tasks, such as racing tasks, etc. Special types are not necessarily better than ordinary types of rewards, It mainly depends on the task content.

However, due to its mode, the serial task has a long process, and the rewards of each link are higher than the previous link. In addition, the pre-quest requirements are very high, and there are hard indicators for the degree of completion. Therefore, the rewards of serial missions are very generous, which can be regarded as one of the types of events that players are most eager to trigger.


Suleman would definitely not let it go. After he accepted the task, he took another look at the completion reward.

Kano family

Suleman noticed that the task rewards in the first ring included the favorability of the Kano family. Immediately, he understood that this auction should be headed by the Kano family among the "Three Great Steel Classic Nobles". It's their turn to host.

In Gangdian City, the ancient nobles have three major forces, also known as the three major Gangdian nobles, and the Kano family is one of them.

It seems that the butler Sean is a domestic servant of the Kano family, and they are also their eyes and tongues. Clearly.

"Sulman, let's go take a look at the workplace." Katie waved her hand in front of him, and found that the latter was a little lost, so she couldn't help but leaned forward. Her face was painted with light eyeshadow, which was as crystal as the color of water. Eyes, looking at him.


Suleman came back to his senses, and under everyone's envious gaze, he followed Scarci's team and left.

The dozen or so employees who stayed in the guest room looked at the closed door, and some familiar people whispered to each other:

"That guy actually knew Ms. Scarce"

"He seems to be very familiar with them. God, I thought Scarlett was going to refuse the commission."

"She originally wanted to refuse, but that beautiful girl begged her, and she actually agreed to the commission."

"It seems that we have to re-evaluate the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce. If we have difficulties in the future, we may ask them for help."

Hall of Hope, in the ring booth on the upper floor.

"This is the ring booth of the Hall of Hope. Generally, the famous ladies or the richest businessmen in the city will watch the auction on this floor." Scarlett led the way ahead, and Katie leaned beside Suleman , gently explaining to him.

Suleman looked at the top, they were located in the middle floor, and above them was the rarer box floor, which was the exclusive area of the ancient nobles.

The area of the entire ring booth is very large, similar to the Colosseum in ancient Rome, surrounded by layers. The biggest difference between them and the Roman Arena is that there is a ceiling above it, rather than being completely open.

When the auction was held, they, as hired security personnel, had to stand at each entrance, guarding against outsiders, while taking advantage of their geographical advantage to overlook the entire auction in the venue.

"When the auction is held, the employees act in groups. No accident, you and us are in the same group." Katie winked at him.

"Hmm." Suleman didn't pay attention, and didn't even notice the other party's subtext.

To be honest, Katie's appearance is really good, and she is very attractive to ordinary people, but she is still weaker than Ibis. In other words, Ibis's appearance is too perfect, and Suleman has been with her for a long time Yes, for other women, there are faint antibodies.

Ibis Fielding, she was so famous in her previous life, half of it was due to her amazing strength, and the other half was due to her enchanting appearance comparable to the CG of the game. As we all know, most of the players are face-controlled dogs. Personality doesn't matter as long as you look good

At this moment, Suleman looked down at the empty auction stage.

The file is scheduled for next week, which is the venue for the Northern Auction. At that time, Suleman will not only be hiding behind the scenes, but also responsible for security work, dealing with possible dark forces, or coveters who are spying on rare goods.

at the same time,

He will also see the ancient family that really controls everything in this civilized city-state, as well as the aloof Orthodox Church.

Well, there's another chapter tonight.

(end of this chapter)