The Night Adorer

Chapter 28: Furniture purchases


Jazz Quarter, Ransome Street, 'Tulip' furniture store.

Suleman's arm was wrapped around the arm of the girl in black. It was Ibis. The two of them were walking in the furniture mall with a small umbrella.

Next to them are enthusiastic shopkeepers who are introducing furniture to them—

"This is furniture made of yew wood. It was transported from the 'Floating World Palace'. It is definitely of high quality." The middle-aged owner with a mustache, Duke Bruno, is actively selling furniture to the two.

After all, from the appearance point of view, the two customers are not very old. In Duke Bruno's view, the other party belongs to the category that is easy to fool. As long as he works hard, the turnover of this month can probably be completed.

"Floating World Palace?" Ibis murmured to herself and repeated the word. Suleman could feel his arm being obviously squeezed. In an instant, the girl next to her returned to normal, and she took the initiative to speak:

"These furniture are yew wood? They were transported from the Ukiyo Palace. Isn't that easy?"

Floating World Palace, which is located at the southernmost tip of the cold land in the north, is also where the church of [Hand of Glory] is located. As a church of war that believes in the 'lord of war', the city where their temple is located is completely controlled by the church, and there are no other forces to survive The soil, including the ancient nobles.

At the same time, the Ukiyo Palace is also the pass of the northern cold land. It connects the 'Northern Cold Land' and the 'Twilight Domain'. Every year, a large amount of imported materials pass through the Ukiyo Palace. It is conceivable that the tax revenue alone is extremely staggering.

The owner of the Duke was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that the person who spoke was a girl. She looked very young. In terms of knowledge, she was probably less than the young man next to her. Thinking of this, the owner of the Duke said with a bit of joy—

"Of course, the yew wood is the only material produced in the 'Panknot Tree Domain'. As we all know, the center of our world is the Twilight Domain, and the Panknot Tree Domain is at the southern end of the Twilight Domain. It is the oldest old domain. It is said that in the first era, it was the place where human beings were born, haha, that is also our hometown, spanning more than 100,000 kilometers, a full journey of two realms."

"This dressing table made of yew wood only costs 80 gold pounds. This is an absolutely favorable price. You can't buy it in other furniture markets." lantern.

"Wait a moment!"

Ibis spoke suddenly, interrupting the other party's eloquence, pointing to the dresser, she said calmly and clearly: "There is a characteristic of yew wood, the furniture made of it cannot be ironed, otherwise it will be easily deformed. The environment in the dusk domain is hotter.

Generally, it is shipped as a semi-finished product and rebuilt in the cold soil of the north.

But the paint on the furniture you sell is hardened, and there is no smell left.

Obviously, this piece of furniture has been built for more than half a year. "

"This..." Sweat dripped faintly from Duke's forehead. He wiped his neck with a handkerchief and wanted to speak again.

However, when Duke's shopkeeper's eyes met the blonde girl's eyes, those beautiful blue eyes stared straight at him, which made Duke feel more pressured. There was never a moment when Duke's shopkeeper couldn't imagine that he would Being forced by such a young girl to be unable to quibble.

Finally he was defeated and took the initiative to admit his mistake. After some "friendly consultations", Suleman successfully purchased a batch of new furniture at a cost slightly lower than the market price.

"Hmph, the merchants in Gangdian City are really cunning." Ibis sighed lightly, turned her head to look at him, and said in a teasing tone, "Do you think I'm right, brother?"

She deliberately bit the word 'brother' so hard that Suleman shook his head helplessly.

He heard the subtext of the other party, which was trying to run on him. Obviously, when Ibis stepped into the mall, Suleman asked her to hold his arm on the grounds of not revealing her status. brooding.

This time, Ibis found a good opportunity, and took the opportunity to run on Suleman to avenge her personal revenge.

The more beautiful a girl is, the more careful she is

"Yes, yes, the beautiful lady is right in everything." Suleman shrugged. In fact, he also knows the characteristics of yew wood. Even if Ibis doesn't speak up, no profiteer can try to deceive him. Of course , there is no need to raise this matter.

Since Ibis is so 'interested', let her develop it.

With the 'approval', the corners of Ibis's mouth rose, like a general who had won a battle, walking leisurely with a small ocean umbrella.

They did some shopping in the furniture market, and took advantage of their spare time in the afternoon to buy a few new clothes. After all, when their clothes were still renting houses, the clothes left by the rent collector were newer, but Better to replace it as soon as possible.

Suleman can be indifferent to this, but considering that Ibis is a girl and the only 'maid' in this family, it is better to be considerate of her and prepare a few more sets of new clothes for replacement.

Accompanied by the servants arranged by the merchant, the new furniture was moved into the house and cleaned again. Suerman looked at the exhausted girl, so he did not let her accompany him, and went shopping for a week's ingredients alone.

As usual, on-site teaching, personally teach the recipes of the 'big foodie empire'.

After a sumptuous dinner, the two said good night to each other and returned to their rooms.

As night fell, the jazz district returned to silence.

However, Suleman's room opened the window, and he quietly crawled down along the darkness.

This time he learned his lesson, did not open the door, and did not leave the hall, lest Ibis be aware of the action.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Suleman straightened his tie, leaned on a newly purchased gentleman's cane, and walked all the way. He did not go to the steelmaking area, but came to the southern end of the jazz area. Near the city wall, there was a bustling street on the alley.

'Golden Songs' club.

Suleman looked at the sign on the white bungalow, recalling the details of the past, and the next moment, he stepped forward and knocked on the door gently.

Duo duo duo!

The door was opened, and a well-dressed male waiter in a tuxedo glanced at Suleman, his brows were slightly wrinkled, as if he didn't recognize the face in front of him, he couldn't help hesitating: "Sir, we only entertain clubs here. a member of."

"I know." Suleman nodded slightly.

The 'Golden Song' club is the same as most of the private clubs. They are different from bars and will not entertain strangers. Clubs only entertain official members. To become a member of them depends on the nature of the club.

On the bright side, the members of the 'Golden Song' are mainly retired soldiers, that is, the city guards of the ancient nobles, the workshop owners in the steelmaking area, and the members of the Chamber of Commerce on the River Tyre who are in charge of the transportation industry. The nature of the members is relatively complicated. , which covers the military, wealthy capitalists, and neutral chambers of commerce. However, the level of official members is relatively high, and ordinary people cannot get in, and ordinary people are isolated from the circle.

For this, Suleman had been prepared for a long time. He smiled slightly and took out something from his arms:

"I accepted the entrustment of Mr. Sean Kanos and came to discuss some details with the person in charge of the river transportation, Mr. Brandon."

While speaking, the thing Suleman took out reflected its appearance under the lantern behind the male waiter.

It is a peculiar pendant in the shape of a 'rhombus', made of silver and exquisite in workmanship.

This is the 'identity certificate' given to them by Butler Sean in the Hall of Hope, which is contrary to its meaning at this moment.

There is another chapter tonight. If there are enough votes, we can consider adding more. But you don’t seem to vote (laughs)

(end of this chapter)