The Night Adorer

Chapter 31: Secret


When Stuart Suleman heard the news, he couldn't help being shocked, and immediately concentrated his energy. He planned to listen to the bad news that the girl said, and why it was related to the Stuart family.

"The Stuart family?" Someone next to him asked curiously. It seemed that he was still a little unfamiliar with this name.

"A few months ago, you should all know what happened in Nusha Port, right?" The girl with the butterfly wing mask glanced at him with a hint of disdain. The dispute between the two major sects in Angry Shark Port opened our eyes to this group of wild transcendents, and I didn't expect that there are still people who don't know the hapless family of 'Stuart'."

The person who asked the question earlier paused. Even though he was blocked by the mask, it was not difficult to feel the embarrassment emanating from him. Probably, the face under the mask might have a blush.

"One of the ancient nobles in Shark Harbor is the Stuart family. Like other nobles, they took refuge in the north under the disaster of the gods sweeping the world at the end of the second era. Later, the Stuarts The Te family and several aristocratic forces in a similar situation, united the two major sects to establish the Nusha Port, and developed it into the largest and most prosperous trading port in the entire northern cold land."

The girl with the butterfly wing mask was not impatient, but she was very detailed. She explained the origin of the 'Stuart family' to the unknowing wild transcendent. Of course, this is a well-known thing, and it can't be called a top secret. .

"Hehe, but 'Raging Shark Harbor' is different from our city-state. The orthodox sect there is huge and has completely overwhelmed the ancient nobles. Many forces have become their hunting dogs, for example, the Stuart family." A tall and thin man wearing a sun crown flower mask interjected in a cold tone.

"Mr. Sunflower, please don't interrupt me when I'm explaining to others."

The girl with the butterfly wing mask was very calm and didn't appear to be upset, she just said something as if she was narrating the facts, but the 'Sunflower' sitting diagonally opposite her suddenly shrank her neck and didn't dare to babble any more. It seems that Sunflower is quite familiar with this girl.

It was exactly the same, he didn't dare to offend the other party completely, and shrank back like a turtle.

Suleman was a little curious. In fact, he didn't know much about the Golden Song, only the existence of the gray-robed man and the few well-known task entrustments at the beginning. He didn't even know the identity of the gray-robed man.

As for the other members, less is known

Noticing his gaze, the girl with the butterfly wing mask turned around again, but to her surprise, this time her attitude was no longer indifferent and calm, but with a bit of initiative and enthusiasm: "Mr. Night Crow, are you interested in knowing What about the 'Raging Shark Port'?"

No, I'm not interested. I just escaped from that place, and I may know it better than you. Suleman muttered a few words in his heart. On the surface, he maintained a relatively indifferent personality, but he didn't bring the usual sneer: " No, I'm more interested in the bad news you said."

At this moment, Suleman somehow had the illusion that he was using the most vicious expression and speaking the most cowardly words. Of course, he would not admit that he was cowardly, absolutely not. At least the other party couldn't see it!

"Well, then let me explain to you." The girl with the butterfly wing mask was quite happy to hear his praise, completely unaware of Suleman's real thoughts. The next moment, the girl with the butterfly wing mask explained:

"Recently, I got a message that they were hunting the 'pilgrims' of the Stuart family. Suddenly, I don't know where they got the inside information. the interior of the city."

"According to the policy of the pilgrims, they immediately gave up the hunt on the snow field. On the surface, they made no noise, but the pilgrims belonging to Gangdian City, all of them have already lurked back and are preparing to launch a battle in the city. Carpet-like spying."

Hiss. Most of the wild transcendents present were not idiots. When they heard this, they all reacted. They couldn't help but gasped, their bodies froze, and their vests were sweating coldly.


Once a huge city-wide search is launched, who will be the first to be unlucky? There is no doubt that it must be a wild transcendent lurking in the dark. You must know that the opportunity for them to step into the extraordinary level often comes from ancient ruins in the wild, or the black market, or it may be a ritual method spread by the people, which cannot be verified and is full of luck.

In short, most of them came from bad backgrounds, and they also had some problems. In addition, in the civilized city-states in the northern cold land, the attitude of the Orthodox Church towards wild superhumans has never been friendly, or even bad. As far as he knew, if wild superhumans were caught by the church forces, they would often be tortured to find out where they got the ritual to become superhuman.

When the value of them is drained, these people will become special prisoners, and they will be specially dispatched to dangerous ancient ruins, risking their lives to explore those places for the power of the church, and often die inexplicably , makes people shudder.

Only a very few lucky ones can make meritorious deeds in this mode, achieve redemption and become regulars, put on official skins and become official law enforcement officers, and become the hounds of the church forces. Of course, it is a great credit, and risking their lives countless times, so that normal people would not consider this way to join the church.

But extraordinary power is always intoxicating, knowing that the church forces are not friendly to extraordinary people.

There are still people who continue to move forward, eager to touch a higher level. For example, the secret gatherings in civilized city-states are essentially a manifestation. They are all eager to progress and pursue higher extraordinary power.

However, Suleman has the character panel and past life experience, which is much easier than them. There are also countless ways to let himself bypass the church forces or ancient nobles, and he can get promoted and even nothing else. This secret book can be used for nothing with the help of Grand Duke Yan.

In the dead silence of the audience, the girl with the butterfly wing mask looked at him, and said kindly—

"Mr. Nightcrow, you may not understand that the 'pilgrims' in Steel Code City are different from other places, so I have to explain to you."

"As one of the civilized city-states, Gangdian City also has ancient aristocrats and Orthodox sects stationed in each city. As we all know, there are five Orthodox sects in the northern cold land. The [Steam Church] that guards the city-state and raises believers all by itself.

The remaining four churches, including the absolutely neutral [Jiexue Church], will establish branches, stationed in different civilized city-states, and absorb their own believers, so as to maintain the replacement of old and new blood in the church. "

"However, Gangdian City is somewhat different from other cities"

Saying that, the girl with the butterfly wing mask paused slightly. In her eyes, Mr. Ye Ya was an outsider who had just arrived and didn't know the internal situation of Gangdian City. Therefore, this explanation was her way of showing affection to Ye Ya.

"Hei Die, don't you have your eyes on him?" An extraordinary man next to him couldn't help joking when he saw this, but when 'Hei Die' turned his head to look, he shrank his neck in fright, recalling the other party's Taboo, choose Congxin like the former.

The girl called 'Black Butterfly' withdrew her gaze, and continued to explain to Suleman very patiently—

"The difference between us and other cities is that there is [Ji Xue Church] in the city. As you must know, [Ji Xue Church] is the righteous god with the largest power, the widest range of believers, and the widest coverage in the northern cold soil. Church, they are absolutely neutral.

Therefore, in terms of the pilgrims, they did not send manpower. The pilgrims not only drove away the bandits, but also assumed part of the responsibilities, sharing the power and responsibilities of the ancient nobles, and their positions were considered important.

The pilgrims under Gangdian City are all staff from [Natural Shelter], that is, the [Nature Church] that believes in the goddess of hunting. In other words, all of them are natural believers.

In terms of actions, only the interests of [Natural Shelter] are considered. "

After finishing speaking, the 'Black Butterfly' girl looked at Suleman, and her sweet and soft voice also carried a bit of dignity:

"Because [Natural Shelter] really wants to eradicate the descendants of the Stuart family, it is definitely much stronger than other city-states in terms of action. If they determine the city, they will hide that unlucky ghost."

"The next search operation will definitely be unprecedentedly grand, and our situation will be very dangerous!"

Hearing this, Suleman's eyelids twitched, secretly thinking that that guy caused trouble, and at the same time, a thought in his heart became stronger and stronger.

If allowed, he would like to report to the authorities immediately.

Report the hiding place of that descendant!

The second update is coming out, please vote!

(end of this chapter)