The Night Adorer

Chapter 32: Trading soul tools (two in one)


The city gate was on fire, which brought disaster to the fish in the pond. Su Erman sighed silently. Before he could think about how to report it, he saw that the girl named 'Black Butterfly' nodded slightly to him after she finished speaking, expressing her goodwill .

"Ms. Black Butterfly, thank you very much for your message"

The gray-robed man who was the host finally spoke. The next moment, his eyes fell on Suleman, and then he spoke again: "The last few members who entered the venue may not know that we have a new member. He also brought a Important news."

After all, the gray-robed man recounted the 'secret news' thrown out by Suleman to them again. After hearing the news, the last few party members who entered the venue all showed excitement. The next moment, they looked at The gaze towards Suleman also brought some awe.

As a wanderer who can travel alone in the wilderness, Suleman is definitely a powerful person in their eyes.

This does not include Ms. Black Butterfly. She came earlier and knew the value of Suleman when she first announced it. In other words, she showed Suleman such kindness. author's identity.

After the gray-robed man announced this, the atmosphere of the whole party eased a little. The news of the birth of a 'new secret treasure' slightly dilutes the great pressure and sense of urgency brought about by the official city search. Everyone's eyes linger on the two of them from time to time.

This is to increase the prestige of the 'Golden Song'. Suleman can understand that the gray-robed man deliberately borrowed the news from the two to greatly increase the importance of the entire party in their hearts, which is equivalent to increasing the 'Golden Song' 'prestige.

However, Suleman is also happy for him to do so.

It just so happens that I can use my identity as a 'traveler' to gain a hidden advantage in the party transaction of the 'Golden Song' and facilitate negotiations.

"The next step is to enter the transaction link. Members who propose new commissions can raise their hands."

Finally, the whole party entered the core link.

Suleman doesn't need to wait. He was interrupted by the black butterfly before, and he has been holding back until now. Now he raises his hand to signal:

"I would like to request to buy a soul tool, at least in the E-grade rank."

"The specific requirements are weapons, preferably long swords, straight knives, or one-handed bladed weapons. In short, flexibility is the priority."

"However, the reward I offer is somewhat special."

Because of Suleman's previous performance, everyone present paid a lot of attention to him. He raised his hand and said these words again. Everyone looked at him. Suleman smiled and said calmly: "I don't have enough gold pounds, but I can get valuable information as a reward, such as the 'Secret Vault' that is about to be released. Although I didn't go in, I also collected some information."

"The first-hand exclusive information allows you to prepare in advance and win at the starting line than others."

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of most of the party members became scorching, as if Suleman was the peerless beauty in their eyes. After all, if the folk wild extraordinary people want to improve themselves, they often have to rely on opportunities. Among them, the ancient ruins are very important one.

They don't join the official forces (special prisoners have to hand in the harvest), to a large extent, they also want to monopolize the harvest in the ancient ruins.

However, although Suleman's conditions are attractive, the requirements are also very harsh. Soul tools, especially weapon-type soul tools, are far more sought-after than other types. For example, Lake's golden cane back then was only a perception type.

If it was a real weapon, the value would have to be tripled at least.

According to the market price, Suleman roughly estimated that it would cost at least 180 gold pounds to go up. But it's a pity that Suleman didn't have much money on him. When he rented the house in the Jazz District, he basically used up all his belongings.

He also performed the mission of the bounty hunter later and made a small amount of money. However, as he accompanied Ibis to purchase furniture, new clothes and daily utensils, he basically spent everything clean. If it weren't for the cash-strapped, Suleman could only make a bad move

Of course, the news that he sold is not fake.

It is indeed the internal situation of the secret vault, which is limited to the entrance, which can help them improve their survival rate. As for after entering, what does this have to do with Suleman? He has never entered the secret cache, but just a 'passerby' who has heard some news.

After a brief silence, some excited party members reacted one after another—

"Mr. Night Crow, I have a copper hammer soul tool in my hand, can I exchange it with you?"

"I don't have such a soul tool, but I am willing to pay gold pounds to buy news from you, as long as it is proved to be true"

"What if it's fake news? Mr. Night Crow, how do you prove this?"

Some people tried to buy it, and some people questioned it aloud. The scene was a bit noisy. Suleman made a distinction, but was slightly disappointed. No one proposed a suitable soul tool for him. Even if there were, it was not suitable in terms of type.

Could it be that his requirements are too strict? However, Suleman has already relaxed the conditions. In his previous life, he used to use one-handed weapons, favoring flexibility, and the choice of weapons also affected the display of talent.

Based on the growth path prepared by Suleman, one-handed weapons, especially straight knives, are the most suitable for his talent.

"Mr. Night Crow, I have the goods you need in my hands. Why don't we go to the compartment to talk?"

Just when Suleman was distressed, Ms. Black Butterfly suddenly spoke next to her. The words made the others go silent for a moment. They were a little bit sour. They wanted to sarcastically say "how do you prove the truth of the news", but when they saw the girl After her attitude, she also shut up and dared not intervene.

"Okay." Suleman naturally agreed.

A masked waiter stepped forward and led the two to the other side of the wine cellar, where there was a compartment opened on the wall.

During the party, Golden Song provided the members with a special compartment for negotiating commissions. In this regard, Golden Song is indeed professional, and it left the hidden secret gathering far away by a large amount. cut.

After closing the door, there were only two people left in the cubicle. Ms. Heidi had no scruples, but sat down carelessly. When she opened her mouth, Suleman almost jumped up—

"Mr. Night Crow, are you interested in joining us?"


Suleman was stunned for a moment, and his first reaction was the identity of Ms. Heidi. Could it be that she was a spy sent by another secret party.

Or is she simply the organizer of other parties

This... Is this to poach the corner of the golden song? But, my real strength is not even up to the second-level standard. Ma'am, you dug up a Xibei product, it seems that it is not suitable to be a headhunter! Su Erman slandered in his heart. On the surface, he pretended to be indifferent:

"Not interested, I don't know much about the city for the time being."

It is impossible for Suleman to join rashly. Among other things, his real strength is not at the level of a "wanderer". It is not the same as Mr. Night Crow in their impression. If it gets too deep, it's hard to guarantee that it won't reveal its stuff.

It just so happened that he refused the other party on the grounds that he was not familiar with the city, and he would not destroy the character design and make Ms. Heidi suspicious of him.

"It's okay, we still have a lot of opportunities to get in touch, as long as you have a deeper understanding, you will change your mind." Ms. Hei Die covered her mouth lightly, and there was no annoyance of being rejected in her eyes, but she continued with a smile: " Regarding our situation, I can’t tell you for the time being, but I can tell you that we are different from the Golden Song, no, to be precise, we are different from most of the party members.”

"On the barren snowfield, especially the area around Steel Code City, and even the entire Sith relic. We can provide you with great help. Believe me, no one is better at developing ancient ruins than we are. "

Ms. Heidi said a few words, and without waiting for Suleman's reply, she took the initiative to end the topic: "This matter, you can think about it after you go back. Now, let's talk about the deal."

"I could indeed find one of the soul equipment you need, but I didn't bring it with me." Ms. Hei Die recalled: "However, I can tell you about its condition. This is an unusual E-grade Soul equipment. To be precise, it almost reached the D-level standard, using the second-order spiritual substance, the spine of the spotted wolf, as the main material, to make a straight knife.

There is a front on one side, as long as you inject spirituality, the straight knife will gain the sharpness characteristic, and can cut ordinary steel. Even ordinary people wearing full-body armor can cut into two ends with one knife. However, it also has the characteristics of a soul tool, with a small flaw."

"When you hold it, every time you use it, you have to drink the blood of the enemy."

"Otherwise, it will suck the blood of its master and make you weak and weak."

The soul tool made by the second-order spiritual substance seems to have failed in production, and that 'craftsman' is not very good. Suleman nodded slightly, guessing the identity of the other party in his heart.

It seems that Ms. Hei Die has a strong background, at least she can get in touch with an extraordinary person who is a craftsman. You must know that the promotion ceremony of this profession is basically in the hands of the Church of Steam, and it is strictly controlled. It is difficult for the people to obtain the specific content of the ceremony.

Therefore, wild craftsmen are very rare, and should be the least of the seven major professions.

Most of the soul tools are produced in the hands of craftsmen, and very few are objects handed down from ancient times. In addition, the materials for making soul tools are not too expensive, and the main cost is labor costs. It can make wild extraordinary people bleed profusely.

The soul tool described by Ms. Heidi perfectly met his expectations. If the other party hadn't lied, Suleman would definitely have made a lot of money in this wave, but the problem is that the other party didn't carry a soul tool, and the transaction problem came with it—

"Then how do we trade? The situation in the city is not very good recently. If there is no accident, the Golden Song may be suspended for a while." Suleman was not overwhelmed by joy, but analyzed calmly. This point, based on his previous life Judging from my own experience, it will definitely become a fact.

When Ms. Black Butterfly announced that all members of the pilgrims would return to the city and start a big cleaning, at that time, the gray-robed man must be preparing to suspend the party, and there is no option between them for the next meeting to conduct transactions.

You can't reveal your identity, just give the other party's home address directly, right? The relationship between the two has not been established to this level, not to mention, once the identity of the property transaction at the party is exposed, it is easy to change from an 'online dispute' to an 'offline conflict'.

How to trade has become a huge problem.

"This problem is not difficult to solve, please tell us the news first." Ms. Heidi said with a smile. Hearing this, Suleman frowned, but before he could speak, Ms. Heidi shot from under her thigh. , lifted the hem of the skirt, tied it from her snow-white legs, took out a sheepskin scroll, and gently spread it out in front of Suleman.

"Now, let's make a treaty."

Ms. Hei Die bit her finger, and some bright red dripped directly onto the unfolded sheepskin scroll.

Accompanied by her actions, the blood was like a small snake, automatically wandering on the sheepskin scroll. In just a few seconds, a large paragraph of text emerged. Suleman stared and found that it was written in simple and distorted handwriting, describing With a lot of content.

It's obviously not a common language, but even an illiterate person can comprehend 'knowledge' when seeing these words, and understand the meaning of the words on the parchment in an indescribably wonderful state.

"Contractor: Deliver an E-grade soul tool, a straight knife style, using the 'spine wolf's spine' as the main material, with sharp characteristics, capable of cutting ordinary steel, stronger than ordinary E-level soul tools, almost In the D-level standard—the rating adopts the division of soul equipment promulgated by the Twilight Domain, including the quality level."

"Promised party: Confid to the contracting party the true situation about the 'secret treasury'. You must not lie, and it must be roughly equal to the approximate value of the E-grade soul tool."

The next moment, Ms. Hei Die held the parchment in front of Suleman, smiling cunningly: "Now, can we complete the deal?"

Suleman's eyes moved slightly, and a noun popped up in his heart. A noun representing an extraordinary profession!


Ten minutes later,

Suleman and Ms. Black Butterfly came out of the cubicle hand in hand. Because the two of them stayed for too long, when they came out, everyone at the party looked at them, and their eyes became faintly strange. Got a little jealous.

Although they couldn't see the true face of Ms. Black Butterfly, the latter's strength was clearly powerful and terrifying.

At this gathering of wild transcendents, apart from the gray-robed man, the person they fear the most is Ms. Hei Die.

"Mr. Night Crow, this transaction is very pleasant, and I look forward to our next meeting." Ms. Heidi stretched out her hand and shook Suleman lightly. The secret passage went out.

Suleman withdrew his palm and did not leave in a hurry, but quietly waited for the party to end under the silent scrutiny of the others.

Sure enough, the gray-robed man announced the postponement of the next meeting near the end of the party. It would no longer be held on Friday nights, and it would remain closed for the time being.

When he thinks that the limelight has passed and it is suitable to re-organize, he will publish advertisement information on the "Steel Code Morning News", and publish advertisement information containing code words on the column block of "Hot Sales". At that time, members who see the information can Back to the party.

After the party, Suleman also left the underground wine cellar through the secret passage under the guidance of the waiter.

It is worth mentioning that this secret passage is not the same place as the secret passage of the bathroom when entering. The entrance of the Golden Song is different from the exit. Moreover, the latter has a large number of exits, which guarantees to divert party members so that they do not leave through the same exit.

At least, not everyone leaves from the same exit, which can greatly reduce the probability of ambushes or chaos.

After leaving the meeting point, Suleman first came to the steelmaking area from the jazz area, wandered around twice, confirmed that there was no follower behind him, and then returned to the jazz area. Then, under the cover of night, he returned all the way to the south. 73 Hee Avenue.

In front of that townhouse.

When Suleman saw the familiar gray and white residence and the slightly lit lights on the second floor above, he was slightly taken aback.

An indescribable warmth rose from his heart inexplicably, gradually relieving the tension and thrills of the night. Although he had calculated a lot, he still took a relatively high risk to attend the party.

until now,

Only then did Suerman realize that his back was already covered with sweat and was blown by the cold wind.

The underwear is tightly attached to the skin, bringing a cool and smooth touch,

He smiled indifferently, and walked towards the house with lights on.

This chapter is two in one, 4K5 words, please vote!

(end of this chapter)