The Night Adorer

Chapter 40: promote


"There are 2000 experience points on him."

"How many levels will this allow me to upgrade, to upgrade skills, or to upgrade my main job?"

After thinking for a while, Suleman made a quick decision without hesitation—

[Hint: After expending some experience, your main profession, Night Knight, has been upgraded to Lv6.]

[Hint: After consuming some experience, your main profession, Night Knight, has been upgraded to Lv7.]

[Hint: A lot of experience has been consumed.]

The experience value on Suleman's body was like a leak. In just a moment, the extremely long experience gauge bottomed out, and with his upgrade, the upper limit ratio of the experience gauge also increased. The experience that could stack two 'pipes' Value, put it on the current experience slot, at most three or four grids (one tube of experience can be divided into ten grids).

[Hint: After spending some experience, your main profession, Night Knight, has been upgraded to Lv9.]

Finally, Suleman's experience was exhausted, not enough to upgrade to a main profession.

"It's a pity, I didn't upgrade my main profession to level 10, which is the limit level of the extraordinary 'first-order'." Suleman sighed, feeling a little regretful secretly, but after thinking about it, even if he raised the 'Dark Knight' to Lv10 , are not eligible for promotion.

To be promoted to the second level, one must have a full-level deputy, or two full-level professional skills.

If the two meet one requirement, one can be promoted to the second rank. Of course, there are also necessary professional rituals.

"Now that I have upgraded to Lv9, the upper limit of the tasks that can be triggered has also increased to Lv19."

There is a reason why Suleman chose to upgrade his main profession. Personal level affects the plot events he receives. If the event level is higher than his level by 10 or above, a 'trigger failure' will occur. The simplest example, if the event level of the Northern Auction is higher than level 20, Suleman will fail to trigger properly, even if he has already participated in the plot and played an important role.

You know, Suleman already has the 'Northern Auction' event on him, and it is a series of tasks. The first ring event level has Lv15, and it requires Lv5 or above to be eligible to trigger it.

As a chain task, as the number of rings increases, the difficulty increases, and the event level will also increase. If Suleman maintains a Lv5 level, even if he completes the first ring and meets the trigger conditions of the second ring, the trigger will fail. .that would be very embarrassing.

In view of this, Suleman chose to upgrade the main profession.

"Mr. Suleman, the other passengers are ready, we can leave immediately." Annie, who was covered in blood, hurried to him without washing it off.

"Okay, you guys wait a moment." Suleman nodded slightly, looking at the monster wreckage on the ground, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

The experience points they give are still stuck at the 'upper limit'

There is one more reason for Suleman's upgrade.

His character level is too low. Although there are leapfrog rewards, the experience value rewards also have an upper limit, depending on the character level. Auxiliary' completed.

They are the first head that mainly entangled with Morrison, and the second head that attacked Annie.

After all, they were hit by Anne's cursed bullet first, and each shot three times, which greatly weakened their resistance.

This made it easier for Suleman to grab the final kill with a single blow, commonly known as the "human head dog", but Annie shared some of the credit. Suleman got not all the experience points, only 620 experience points.

However, the third Frustrated Puppet was almost killed by him alone, neither Morrison's entanglement nor Annie's bullet.

Logically speaking, Suleman could get higher experience points, but unfortunately, the third head still rewarded 620 experience points.

Explain that this is the "upper limit" of experience he can gain, and is limited by the character level. Simply killing monsters cannot obtain experience points higher than this standard. Experience cap.

The reason Suleman feels pity also stems from this.

However, his expression fell into the eyes of others, which means another action.

Morrison followed his line of sight, glanced at the wreckage on the ground, and suddenly realized: "Although the fighting is fierce, the spiritual materials of these monsters are somewhat damaged, but they still have effects."

"Well, we are good at handling these things, why not give it to us, and we will pay you in gold pounds at 80% of the original price. Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Suleman." Morrison said seriously.

Accompanied by his words, Eddie, who finally found a sense of presence, hurried forward to check the value of these materials.

This... I didn't mean that, Suleman originally wanted to refuse the reward to prove that he was innocent and came to support that bounty entrustment, but when he heard the 'golden pound' that Morrison said, "the original price 80%' and other keywords.

As well as the sincere 'thank you' expressed by the other party with practical actions, Suleman sipped slightly, but still closed his mouth.

After checking the value of the materials and inexplicably harvesting more than 30 gold pounds, under Anne's organization, everyone finally set off on their journey.

Before departure, the investigation team with rich snow field experience asked passengers of all ages and colors to remove the wooden boards on the carriages, wrap up unnecessary old clothes, and use the spare kerosene on the steam train to make a simplified torches.

During this process, Suleman, as an audience, has fully seen the artisan profession, especially the supernatural beings of the "Matter Spirit" branch, who are proficient in the application of material materials. On the flight, showing very precise control, just ten minutes later, nearly hundreds of passengers in dozens of numbers were holding a simple torch in their hands.

"Set off!"

Morrison, as an official member of the Church of Steam and the captain of the investigation, took the lead as it should be. In the middle of the team were the elderly and children with poor mobility. The gentlemen stayed on the periphery, while Anne and Suleman were at the end of the team. terminal to ensure safety.

In fact, Annie proposed to let Suleman stay in the middle of the team. After all, he rescued everyone and came here after a long distance. He deserves some rest and enjoys privileges. No one will object to this.

However, Suleman voluntarily refused.

Because these passengers are all his experience points. Cough, here refers to the successful arrival in Gangdian City. The number of surviving people will affect the mission evaluation. In other words, Suleman is more urgent than them all, and he hopes that no one will be lost.

If he can get more than 90% completion, then he can get another extra reward.

This is Suleman's greatest motivation.

It's just that his refusal made the three members of the investigation team a little admired, especially Annie, who looked at him more and more complicatedly. Along the way, from time to time secretly glanced at him, when Suleman's delicate face like a girl, in the firelight Under the light, it becomes more and more soft and beautiful

"Mr. Suleman, do you know the extraordinary creatures from before? They are so cunning." Annie found a topic, and took the initiative to strike up a conversation with this black-haired boy who was not necessarily older than her.

"Well, the heart-wrenching and cunning. It is cunning by nature, good at releasing mist that interferes with vision, and possesses extraordinary abilities in vision." Suleman silently recalled: "At the same time, its heart is also a spiritual material, um, it was chopped to pieces by me of those things."

Speaking of this, Suleman paused for a moment, but he remembered that the heart of the heartbroken is still the core material needed to promote the professional ceremony of 'Resonance Contractor', also known as 'special material'.

Of course, there are substitutes for this kind of thing, there is no Frustrated Ice, and you can also choose "Ape of Disaster", which is not the only thing, so its value is generally not high. Strictly speaking, the Church of Steam gave him more gold pounds a little bit.

PS: I went to get vaccinated today. I queued up from the morning to the afternoon. It was almost four o’clock when I came out. I hurriedly ate some bread and started coding. This chapter is a bit late. There are too many people getting vaccinated for dinner, woo woo woo (┬_┬).

(end of this chapter)