The Night Adorer

Chapter 46: Theft


Da da da.

The gentle and soothing sound of horseshoes came from outside the car window.

The Gothic building, full of Victorian feel, recedes outside along with the bustling crowd.

In the luxurious carriage, a layer of soft woolen blanket was spread on the floor, and there was a small table with mellow red wine and two goblets on it. Butler Sean poured the wine on his own initiative, fully demonstrating his sincerity.

Suleman glanced at the table. He had poured red wine, but there was no obvious fluctuation in the goblet. He couldn't help admiring: "The coachman's skills are very good."

"It's his honor to receive your appreciation." Butler Sean raised his glass as a gesture.

Suleman raised his glass back, but he didn't rush to drink it, but cut to the point: "Did any accident happen in the preparation of the auction?"

Butler Sean paused and answered his question in silence.


Suleman nodded secretly. If it wasn't for an accident in the preparation of the auction, with Sean's status as a housekeeper, even if he wanted to win Suleman over, he wouldn't need to be so attentive. After all, the ancient nobles also mastered some professional rituals. The direct members of their families are also superhumans with strange abilities, but they lack combat experience and are not as good as silver hunters who have fought from life to death.

"Yes, we have a valuable item stolen"

Butler Sean sighed softly, and began to tell the reason—

"That is a precious thing from the second era. It is said to be an oil painting drawn by an ancient nobleman. It records the secret of 'life' on it. If you can understand the meaning above. It is said that that person can get a gift, The life expectancy is longer than that of normal people. Of course, none of us have been able to decipher that oil painting so far, and we don't know whether this rumor is true."

"Although, we call ourselves ancient nobles."

At this point, Butler Xiao En spread his hands and said helplessly: "But in fact, not only the three major families in Gangdian City, but also within the scope of the same Sith relic, another civilized city-state, Solan city.

Even outside of the Sith ruins, other civilized city-states including us, the vast majority of ancient nobles were born in the early third era, and we are all part of the ancient nobles, perhaps descendants of concubines, perhaps collateral relatives. "

"As far as I know, the family that has truly inherited everything from the ancient nobles, and has not been broken since the second era, is probably only the central city-state in the cold northern land, the hub of everything, and the seat of the Church of the Snow Festival - Rin Snow City, and Or the holy city of the War Church, and the Floating World Palace at the southernmost tip of the cold land, these two places have their traces, the real nobles who survived from ancient times."

Suleman nodded slightly, and understood the real meaning of Butler Xiao En, so he confirmed:

"What you mean is that you don't have the background to confirm the content of the oil painting, nor can you decipher its meaning."

"However, this does not prevent its value from being attractive."

"Other ancient nobles like you can't unlock the secret for the time being, but they are willing to pay the price, and even bid with each other to win this treasure at the Northern Auction. Unfortunately, you lost that auction item."

Butler Xiao En's face became hot, and he gently reminded: "Mr. Suleman, you don't have to be so direct. As ancient nobles, if we go back to the source, we can also be counted as members of the 'Sith' nobles in essence. Including the other two in Gangdian City."

We may not be a direct descendant, and we may lack some heritage, but strictly speaking, we also have a long family history. "

The Sith family, this is the heyday of the Second Era, the real masters who ruled this land. They were ancient nobles, and they were destroyed at the end of the Second Era. Because of this, this place is also called For the 'Sith remnants'.

The implication is that the Sith nobles left behind the ruling territory, including another civilized city-state, Solan City. The ancient nobles in their city-state are also some branches of the Sith nobles, or collateral blood. The source is all Sith nobles.

In the northern cold soil, it is not uncommon to divide the relics named after the ancient nobles. There are quite a few of them, like the stars in the starry sky surrounding the center, as the absolute center of the church sanctuary, the top city-state where they are located.

It is worth mentioning that Suleman stepped into the edge of the restricted area on the snowy field when he was carrying out his mission—the Old City of Yatu.

That place was the ruling center of the Sith nobles back then, and the city of Seattle radiated the entire territory. However, it has now become the ruined city of Seattle, and the former Sith nobles have long since perished.

"Indeed, what I said was too direct." Suleman nodded in agreement, but what he said made it impossible for Butler Sean to refute: "After all, I am a bounty hunter with rude behavior and lack of knowledge. True aristocracy.

If there is any offense, I hope Butler Sean will not mind. "

The butler, Xiao En, who behaved rudely, glanced at the other party. He saw the delicate appearance like a girl, the elegant temperament on his body, and the well-trimmed formal attire. Apart from the fact that the material of the dress is not too expensive, the housekeeper Xiao En can't find fault with the other party.

Even if he said that he was an ancient nobleman, Steward Sean would not doubt it. He is even more noble than the descendants of the Kano family. This kind of person calls himself a bounty hunter with 'rude behavior' and lack of culture. There is really a sense of awkwardness.

Fortunately, this topic did not continue—

"So, you want me to help recover the stolen goods?" Suleman asked proactively.


Unexpectedly, Butler Xiao En shook his head, and explained instead: "The reason I came to you in person was not because of the stolen property, but that damned guy, who... actually sent another notice letter and left it in our In the warehouse, claim to steal again!"

"This is despising the majesty of the ancient nobles!"

"Even if it is the Orthodox Church, they dare not do this in Gangdian City!"

The agitated butler Sean tapped the surface of the small table and almost spilled the red wine.

Are thieves in this era so daring? Suleman was a little dazed. He never expected that after he had already stolen once during the preparations for the heavily guarded auction, the perpetrator would dare to leave a letter, threatening to steal again. Take it once? This hiss, could it be because of professional rituals? Suleman was taken aback suddenly. With previous life experience, he knew the promotion process of the seven major professions.

At the first moment, he thought of the professional ceremony!

The so-called professional ceremonies are somewhat similar to 'trials'. The promotion ceremonies of each profession are different. Moreover, the main materials and contents of these ceremonies are also secrets held by the major churches or ancient nobles.

In the early stage of the game, in order to obtain the ritual, the players went through hardships, and some people were still stuck in the ritual.

The reason why Suleman chose the night knight was that he knew the knight profession and all the rituals before the 'half god'. On the contrary, he didn't know much about other professions and promotion ceremonies, and no one would donate for free on the forum.

For example, Suleman knows the early rituals of the mage profession, that is, the content of the rituals below the third level, but he doesn't know about the higher ones. Those are the secrets of the major guilds—the core secrets.

They recruited core members by relying on the content of the professional ceremony to attract game masters, and everyone had to sign an electronic contract under the witness of the apocalypse mastermind, and they were not allowed to disclose the "ceremony content" to the outside world. Looking at it from another perspective, the player guild in the previous life is quite similar to the Orthodox Church, relying on electronic contracts/divine deeds to restrain members. Of course, in terms of strength, the two are not of the same order of magnitude.

If Suleman chose another profession at the beginning, he would have to find a way to obtain the ritual content of other professions in the future. On the contrary, on the road of the night knight, he only needs to think about obtaining the main materials, and he does not need to worry about the ritual content. His rebirth advantage.

The main material, the content of the ceremony, and the strength of the character (one full-level deputy or two full-level skills), these are the three major conditions for promotion. As long as all of them are met, the promotion can be successful.

From the looks of it, the other party looks like someone who held a 'professional ceremony'. Suleman murmured in his heart, but he was not very sure about it.

Because the professional rituals in the low-level period have very broad requirements and various ways to complete them, unlike high-level rituals, the higher the level, the stricter the ritual requirements, and the more unified the behavior of everyone.

For example, Suleman knows about a sun knight promotion ceremony, which is limited to the second-order realm. When she is going to be promoted to the second-order realm, in addition to the main material, she also needs to hold a "sun radiance" content, which is specifically expressed as—

Through your actions, let more than 20 people feel the brilliance of the sun, and repent their crimes from the bottom of their hearts.

The higher the strength of the target, the better the effect of the ceremony. If there are extraordinary people, the number of people can be reduced appropriately.

This is the content of 'Sunshine', a very broad requirement, and there are many ways to accomplish it. For example, let the Sun Knight learn a dancer's sub-job, and the corresponding talent can confuse the enemy and turn them into fools who only praise the sun.

For another example, if the Sun Knight is allowed to enter the church's confession room, everyone who goes to the confession room must repent sincerely. As long as the Sun Knight allows them to repent, they can see sunlight coming out of the window

For another example, the Sun Knight has the sub-profession of 'Psychiatrist', as long as he learns a derivative skill of 'Wake Up Guilty', he can activate his talent. Let the concept of the target be distorted, and all behaviors that violate the broad sense of morality will greatly increase the sense of guilt, so as to influence the mind of the other party, and confess the crime from the heart. This is a very evil way to complete it.

The Sun Knight does not imply true goodwill. In this extraordinary and weird world, names are just their appearance.

Don't jump to conclusions, maybe the other party is a psychologically twisted thief. Suleman is not in a hurry to make a definition, and is ready to wait until the scene and see the traces before drawing conclusions.

"So, my task is to defend another treasure at the auction, the target of the thief?"

"Yes, but not accurate enough."

At this time, the luxury carriage stopped just now, and the butler Sean pushed open the door and guided him into the Hall of Hope through the side door. At the same time, he explained seriously: "Not only your mission, but also the Mosleyan family, Kano The family, the Bieler family and the Jixue Church, except for the natural protection of the pilgrims, cannot send people due to their duties."

"In the entire Gangdian City, all the ancient nobles and the Orthodox Church."

"They will all be involved in this matter."

PS: This chapter has 3,000 words, and there is another one tonight, please ask for a monthly ticket, please ask for a recommendation ticket.

(end of this chapter)