The Night Adorer

Chapter 47: Aristocratic disputes


"Three ancient families and the Church of Sacrifice Snow." Hearing what Butler Xiao En said, Suleman's first reaction was that the ancient nobles attached great importance to this matter, and his second reaction was, why did the Church of Sacrifice Snow also get involved

Jixue Church, this is the Orthodox Church with the most special status and the title of 'absolute neutral' among the five major churches in the northern cold land.

The five major churches in the northern cold land, they are—

The Church of Snow Sacrifice, Hand of Glory (Church of War), Nature's Shelter (Church of Hunting), Church of Steam and Mercury Libra (Church of Silvermoon).

These five Orthodox churches naturally correspond to the five gods—

The God of Winter, the Lord of War, the Goddess of Hunting, the Lord of Steam and the Lord of the Silver Moon, there are five orthodox gods in total. They are qualified to spread teachings in the cold northern lands, set up church branches, and form their popes mechanism.

For example, investigators, the Jixue Church in Gangdian City has an investigator team directly under the priest of the diocese, as well as civilian staff to assist them. With the decree of the chief priest, their authority of action is equivalent to that of the city guards of the ancient nobles (called the police department in some places), and they are qualified to conduct special investigations on ordinary people in their jurisdiction. Even brief arrests if necessary.

Under normal circumstances, the major churches don't care about these trivial matters, and habitually throw them to the city guards. Not to mention, the Jixue Church with the title of 'absolute neutrality', they rarely interfere in secular affairs, so how did they get involved? Doubts appeared in Suleman's heart.

At this time, he followed Butler Sean into the central corridor of the Hall of Hope, a rest room specially reserved for them.

On the luxurious long corridor with murals on both sides, butler Sean pushed open the door and looked up. There are soft leather sofas, easy chairs and large conference round tables in the room. The special food of Hantu, fried small fish, crispy pancakes, and butter beer, just looking at these foods makes people's throat roll and feel the heat contained in them.

This is dressed like an entertainment salon, a place for nobles to enjoy. At this moment, those sofas are full of people of all colors, many of them are dressed in gorgeous noble costumes, but there are a few exceptions, who are dressed in snow-white as the base, completely Gather up your priestly robes.

Before Suleman stepped in, he heard the controversy coming from the room—

"The auction is about to be held, but one of the most important collections is missing." The noble young man with short blue hair said indifferently: "From this point of view, the Kano family must take responsibility, no, it should be said to be serious. Negligence of duty, even, I doubt whether they are qualified to continue to hold this grand ceremony"

"The three major families take turns to hold grand ceremonies every year. This is the rule established at the beginning of the establishment of Gangdian City." A noble girl who was not good-looking, but with a bit of sharp sense, refuted the other party.

"Heh, the people of the Mosleyan family... Aren't you keen on being bounty hunters? How did you become a 'judge'?"

"Colin Bieler, please pay attention to your words, otherwise I will report to the bounty guild and think you are insulting them."

"You, Scarlett! Very good, you deserve to be the 'Light of Mosleyan'."

The two were full of fierce disputes, which echoed in the hall. However, when Butler Xiao En brought someone in, he immediately attracted their attention and made the quarrel pause for a while.

Suleman felt the voice was inexplicably familiar. He looked towards the position of the female voice. The next moment, that familiar face came into view. It was another silver hunter from the Bounty Guild—Scarci Nichols.


Why is she here? Suleman was a little taken aback, but when he saw the aristocratic clothing on Scarci, he had a faint understanding, wait a minute, if Scarci is a member of the ancient family, isn't her surname 'Nichols'?

Among the three ancient families, there is no 'Nichols' surname.

I get it, it's her pseudonym! Suleman suddenly realized, as expected, just as he had guessed.

When Scarlett saw him, she immediately smiled and nodded:

"Good morning, Mr. Suleman."

Following her gaze, other people also looked at it. At this time, the blue-haired young man sitting opposite couldn't help but sneered and said, "The Kano family has also fallen, and they found another bounty hunter, Sean, look Coming to you as a trusted domestic servant, I am a little sorry for your surname."

"This is the eldest son of the Bieler family."

Butler Sean explained something to Suleman in a voice that only two people could hear.

Immediately, he straightened his back again, ignoring the ridicule of the eldest son of Birel, and said to everyone: "The Kano family needs to take responsibility for the theft of the auction item this time, but our top priority is to discuss countermeasures. "

"The Northern Auction is of great importance, since an important item has been stolen."

"We have to eliminate the possibility and not allow it to happen a second time!"

Suleman, who was listening to the speech at the side, based on his previous life experience, coupled with the atmosphere of the scene, and the presence of members of the three ancient nobles, and even sent a group of people from the Jixue Church, suddenly, he guessed the true reason-

It seems that there is no harmony among the three ancient nobles, and they have conflicts of interest when it comes to the 'Northern Auction'.

At least for now, the Kano family and the Moslian family seem to be on the same front.

On the contrary, the Bieler family is somewhat targeting the two. It seems that he really wants to see this year's auction fail. In this way, the Bieler family may be able to earn some benefits. As for the admission of the Snow Church , Hiss. Could it be that that oil painting is so important that the Jixue Church attaches great importance to it, so that it sent people here? The water is a bit deep this time, Suleman sighed silently.

However, this matter is related to his mission, that serial mission.

Unsurprisingly, this matter has already involved his mission completion. If the problem of the 'thief' cannot be resolved, then the Northern Auction will not even be held normally. In that case, Suleman's completion will be greatly reduced. Trigger the second ring.

That would be a big loss.

At this time, Butler Xiao En's words were coming to an end. He introduced Suleman to others, but unfortunately, their reactions were flat, and most of them didn't pay much attention to it, and even looked down upon it.

This is a common problem of the ancient nobles. In their view, even the silver hunters are just a bunch of wild mud legs. They cannot be compared with them who received training from the nobles. The former are rude and barbaric, and lack the fighting wisdom they should have.

At this moment, Butler Xiao En finally got to the point and announced that he would take everyone to the warehouse.

Suleman's heart moved in the warehouse. He has the last dream, which can be called a terrifying innate ability in terms of exploring information.

PS: The second update finally came out, fortunately it was not past 12 o'clock. Please ask for a monthly ticket, please recommend a ticket!

(end of this chapter)