The Night Adorer

Chapter 55: hunting


call out!

Suleman was running in the dark underground passage at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, he was also analyzing the content of the 'hidden event' in his mind, so as to determine the key point of 'completion'—

[Embers of the Praying Society (Lv17)]

"Mission content: The auction jointly organized by the ancient nobles. At the grandest celebration in the steel city, the Qisheng Society planned a murder and successfully solved their goal. Of course, the Qisheng Society also paid a heavy price. .As the client of the ancient nobles, you need to use blood to appease the anger of the nobles, blood for blood, tooth for tooth."

"Reward: 1700-3000 (fluctuates according to the degree of completion), prestige in the Northland +10 (requires a completion degree of more than 80%), note: your prestige value reaches the critical point, if you complete the task, you will get a prestige promotion, and at the same time Open the reputation section."

"Difficulty Rating: Lv17/Dangerous Level: A Level"

"This is a level-A dangerous task." Suleman was not at all careless, secretly vigilant.

You should know that if the risk rating is A-level or above, it is a completely different difficulty situation. Generally speaking, B-level risk is a nightmare for professional players. In the professional clubs/e-sports giants in your previous life, how many B-level dangers you can complete can be counted as the KPI performance assessment of professional players. What is even more exaggerated, even an A-level danger can allow professional players to complete the previous year's For performance appraisal, an A grade is worth the annual attendance.

It is conceivable how terrifying the difficulty will be once the danger reaches level A or above.

With Suleman's current configuration, this is definitely a huge challenge. However, through analysis of the mission, Suleman deduced that the key point of the hidden event lies in the 'oil painting' or the 'leader'.

If his guess is correct, the specific content of this mission is to let you hunt down the remnants of the Praying Society. But there was a problem. The other party was broken into pieces, and a large group of people acted like stars in the sky, and got into different forks:

[A person's strength is limited, and the objects he can hunt down are also limited.]

In this case, how to choose the goal is an important knowledge, which is related to the 'completion' data.

Based on his experience, Suleman guessed that in this task, there are two goals that are more important than others—

The Shadow Warrior who stole the oil painting, and the middle-aged man (leader) who ordered earlier.

Solving one of the two can greatly increase the 'completion', which is more efficient than hunting other people.

It is not difficult to do the multiple-choice questions of 'choose one from two'. After all, apart from the oil painting factor, there is another key reason.

—The Shadow Warrior was seriously injured, not so badly!

In a short glance, Suleman could see a small part of his body, which had turned into a lifeless rock. In contrast, the middle-aged man with half-white hair ( The leader), obviously more difficult to provoke.

If persimmons don't pick soft ones, do they still touch hard ones? Suleman is not an idiot, he must bully the weakest one.

Ten minutes later.

"We're getting close to our goal."

Suleman turned on [Dark Vision]. In his eyes, the entire sewer is not only as bright as day, but also so clear that the details can be seen.

The reason why he was able to track the other party along the way without losing track of the target was that Suleman was able to capture footprints on the ground. In a humid environment, shoes stained with mud were the most likely to leave footprints.

However, other people cannot do this. They have no way to capture footprints on the ground in a dim environment.

If you look for it slowly, it will undoubtedly waste time, and even if the two sides are too far apart, you will lose the target instead.

This is the convenience of [Dark Vision], and its great effect in special circumstances.

Quietly, Suleman pulled out the Chiba, and wisps of black smoke permeated the blade, which was the touch of misery in the activated state. As he moved forward, the black smoke turned into gauze-like silk Silk strands entwine the air, like a dream.

In the originally silent sewer, suddenly there was a figure walking in embarrassment, blood was accompanied by mud, and flowers were printed under his feet.

This is a young man with light brown short hair, his facial features are cold, his eyes are as sharp as eagles, and he has a lot of scars on his body.

At the same time, he muttered to himself in a low voice, as if puzzled, but also as if he couldn't believe it——

"Damn it, how could the Kano family have a 'Member of Pardon'?!"

"Vice President Joseph is also dead. We were careless this time. Sure enough, these ancient nobles cannot be underestimated."

"It doesn't matter, we have basically achieved our goal, as long as we survive, hehe, I guess it's safe."

Roy looked around. As he was familiar with the sewer system of the entire Gangdian City, he could even match the sewers with the streets above. He could be called a snake-like figure. He was very sure that those aristocrats who loved cleanliness and even had a cleanliness "household soldiers" would never be able to figure out the sewers of Gangdian City. The complexity of the latter was enough to make them get lost for half a month.

"From now on, I just need to inhabit the sewers and go up at night to get food."

"Wait quietly for the storm to subside."

Thinking of this, Roy gradually relaxed. Yes, they are very proficient in this kind of thing, almost instinctively.

This sewer network covering Gangdian City is like a huge castle, providing them with the best habitat and the most perfect protection measures. No one would have imagined that this public facility that was originally used as a steel city to serve residents and improve the lower environment has become the most filthy place and a paradise for criminals.

In the midst of his reverie, suddenly, Roy frowned and looked behind decisively.

His eyes went from astonishment to caution, and finally, his eyes were frozen, staring at the shadow.

Pat, clack.

A figure that is neither tall nor strong, but even somewhat slender, full of softness, slowly walked from the shadows.

And as he walked out of the shadows, under the neat short hair, some mottled fireflies illuminated his delicate appearance, but the most striking thing was the pair of burgundy eyes, like mellow red wine, Deep and charming.

"My friend, in which area are you a black glove?"

"East Twelfth District? Or South District?"

Roy asked in a deep voice. After all, the only people who can be familiar with this underground labyrinth are gang members who have lived here for a long time.

While speaking, Roy took a few steps forward, looking as if he was going to talk to Suleman. The next second, his calf was slightly bent.


With a sudden step, Roy's body was like a ghost, and he immediately approached Suleman. With a swipe of his right hand, the knuckles with a cold glow pierced the latter's throat.

He didn't ask about the other party's background at all, at this time, at this place where they met.

There is no mistake in going straight to death!

It's too tender. Just as a thought came to Roy's mind, suddenly, an extreme to severe chill surged up, making him subconsciously tilt his head and stop his hands.


A flash of silver light exploded, and where Roy was originally, a gully was left on the wall behind, and a few drops of blood slid down from Roy's face. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, the knife would have cut his left cheek , Cut off the head directly!

at the same time,

Roy also caught the young man's eyes without any panic. At this moment, he finally understood that the other party did it on purpose, leaving the footsteps to give him a 'young' impression, and it was actually for this knife!

Mishaps happen in an instant,

Without any nonsense, the two of them missed the first hit, and the next moment, they hardly concealed it anymore, one of them turned into a sticky and dark shadow, and black smoke came out of the other, boom! The two torrents collided violently!

There is no need for any words, at this place, at this time node, the moment when the two meet.

Among them.

Only one can survive!

PS: The second update, today is still 5,000 words, thank you for your votes, woo woo woo, never got it before the sixth frequency, such a high number of votes o(╥﹏╥)o thank you.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets! o(╥﹏╥)o

(end of this chapter)