The Night Adorer

Chapter 56: Fighting battle



The blade with black smoke collided with the knuckles, and the black debris exploded. The next moment, Suleman tapped a few steps to relieve the powerful impact of the opponent, leaving a clear trail on the muddy sewer road. imprint.

In contrast, Roy was in a much better state, he only took a small step back, and at the same time, there was an inexplicable and cruel smile on his face: "Tsk, it's the first level, and I haven't mastered the 'spirituality' yet." Shengge', are you in such a hurry to die?"

Su Erman kept silent, ignored the other party's psychological pressure, and stared quietly at the other party with a pair of red wine-like eyes.

With the experience of rebirth in his previous life, Suleman would not get angry easily, and he would not let a 'Shadow Warrior' out of his sight at a critical moment in the battle, even if it was only a short, almost imperceptible moment.

Roy is a second-order shadow fighter, even if he is seriously injured, he is still a genuine 'second-order'!

After being promoted to the second level, extraordinary people will comprehend a "realm specialty", which is an ability unique to high-level people. It not only represents strength, but also completely widens the gap between their combat effectiveness and low-level people.

Regarding the second-level realm specialization, the name of the ability is called 'Spiritual Ascension'. The specific effect is that the spirituality is sublimated once, and the quality of the spirituality is greatly improved. The specific range is 80% of that before the sublimation. In other words, the spiritual power after sublimation is equal to the previous 1.8 spiritual power. If you use game terms to explain it, it means that the mana blue bar has increased, and it has increased to 1.8 times the value.

This is a huge improvement, because in the world of Evernight, whether it is a high-level transcendent or a mid-to-low level transcendent, the power of their talents/skills comes from spirituality.

Spirituality is their mana, and it is the foundation of driving power. When they obtain the realm expertise of 'spiritual promotion' and step into the second-order realm, extraordinary people will have the capital to squander at will. In battle, they can use their skills freely, and they are more free tactically than the Transcendents of the first-order realm, and they don't have to worry too much about the exhaustion of spirituality.

On the contrary, first-order transcendents are at a disadvantage. They have poor spirituality, and they often have to plan carefully in battle.

When it was discovered that Suleman hadn't fallen into the trap of anger.

Roy didn't taunt any more. He was actually in a bad state and urgently needed to rest and bandage his wounds. The next moment, Roy suddenly stomped on his feet and took the initiative to kill Suleman!


Suleman raised his hand and slashed. The black-smoky blade easily cut into Roy's body, like a hot knife touching butter. However, there were signs of collapse on the latter's body, like rain particles. The drops spread out.

"This is."

Suleman's pupils shrank, and he almost didn't need to think. His body instinctively moved one step faster than him, relying on the potential energy of his body movement.

With a twist of the wrist, the straight knife that was originally slashing forward suddenly turned around and slashed fiercely behind him!


'Qianye' held the metal knuckles, and the latter attacked from a vicious and tricky angle. If it was a normal person, even if it was a second slower, the metal knuckles had already hit the spine at this moment, and even directly paralyzed him, becoming anyone Fish butchered by humans.

Behind the knuckles is Roy, whose body has been re-condensed. There are still water droplets that have scattered and have not yet gathered on his body. However, Roy's face is full of astonishment and imperceptible shock——

"He guarded it?"

This move leaves the opponent with extremely short reaction time, and it is impossible for a normal person to defend against it, let alone he only has one level. His thoughts returned to his mind, and Roy's movements never stopped. After the first sneak attack failed, he continued Continuous boxing, immediately took over from the former.

Like rain hitting plantains, it poured madly towards Suleman—

boom! boom! boom!

Suleman held Chiba in his hand and kept blocking. His figure was like a small boat swaying in a storm. He was in danger of overturning in an instant, but he could resist it accurately every time. Using continuous retreat, he crazily offset the two huge disparity in strength.

"Shadow Strike, a relatively remote but very practical talent."

"To comprehend this talent, the Shadow Warrior must upgrade the sub-profession 'Assaulter' to the full level before he can comprehend it." A message flashed in Suleman's heart. This is because he recognized the other party's talent. As expected, The enemy is relying on the shadow fighters who reached the full level of the 'Assaulter' and then promoted to the second level, and walked this upgrade route.

As the pioneer at the front line of the plot, Suleman's biggest trump card is his vision far higher than that of ordinary people, and his experience and knowledge as rich as a library. Even if the other party's talent is unpopular, Suleman can recognize Here's the story!

Because of this, Suleman successfully blocked Roy's attack by virtue of this.

As expected of an extraordinary warrior in the warrior profession, he is really powerful. As Suleman kept retreating, he silently calculated in his heart.

The strength of the opponent is at least 14 points or more. After all, it is the second level. The character level is above 25, or even Lv30+, which is more than 20 levels higher than Suleman. Converting these levels into physical attributes, it is a total of 20 points. The value gap is terrifying!


A figure crashed into the wall, blowing up smoke and dust in the sky. Roy was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue him. Suddenly, his expression twisted, and he couldn't help but look down. He saw a gray-white petrified thing in the lower abdomen, which was gradually spreading , a circle larger than before!

"damn it"

Roy gritted his teeth, his forehead was sweating in pain, and he had to drive his spirituality to run his body's self-healing skills, barely suppressing this negative effect. And he hated it so much, if he hadn't been seriously injured, how could it be so difficult to deal with a first-order transcendent

If Roy has the player's character panel, he will definitely be able to see that there will be a 'rock erosion' effect on his body, and the negative state brought by the effect-physical attributes will drop significantly. According to the expansion of the erosion range, this effect It will be strengthened!

Even Roy at this moment has already dropped seven or eight points of physique. As a fighter profession with strength attribute as the main attribute and physique attribute as the supplement, this negative state has greatly reduced his strength. Otherwise, relying on the advantages of the dual attributes of strength and body, Roy can completely break through with strength, suppressing Suleman so much that he can't lift his head.

This is the absolute advantage of the second order.

At this time, the smoke and dust in front of him gradually dissipated, and a slender and soft figure reappeared.

Roy understood that the battle must be resolved quickly, and he did not give the opponent a chance to breathe. He stepped on his feet suddenly, and approached Suleman like lightning, bang! The fists and knives of the two collided, and Suleman was about to swing away. Suddenly, Roy's figure blurred again, like water droplets, spreading away inch by inch. In the next second, a figure appeared behind Suleman!

Repeat the trick!

Roy's eyes were ferocious. At this moment, he didn't care about spiritual consumption, and was ready to rely on the next, continuous shadow raids, brute force to break through the opponent's defense, make this damn reptile regret, smash his face, let The handsome young man turned into a pool of rotten meat.

His figure condensed again, just as Roy was about to punch, suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his waist and abdomen, and there was some foreign body remaining—


Black silk threads that are so delicate that they are difficult to distinguish are suspended in the air by incredible principles, and the position of his condensed body is exactly where the black silk threads are all over. When Roy appeared, the black silk threads penetrated him. body of!

Like a kebab that has been pierced!

At the same time, at some point, Suleman had already held the knife with one hand, and in the palm of the other free hand, he was holding an elusive ball of black thread, which was faintly connected with the black thread suspended in the air, and they were both One.

"When?" Roy's pupils narrowed, and in his mind, he couldn't help but recall that in the previous battle, Suleman was driven to the ground by him, almost covering the entire underground space. Could it be that time? , he laid these shadow lines

But how did he know that when the 'Shadow Strike' trait is activated, there should be no foreign objects in the place where I appear, otherwise, the shortcomings of foreign objects will penetrate the body. Roy's brain will go blank, and endless fear will flood his heart. Don't wait for him to make a move.

Tear it!

Suleman pulled the silk thread. Under the full play of the "Thread of Controlling Objects" skill, his talent "Shadow Substitute" was deeply utilized, showing another powerful effect at the tactical level. With the shadow thread pulling, Luo Blood flowers bloomed on Yi's body.

Blossoms bloomed like flowers, and the scarlet splashes infected the nearby dirty walls. At the same time, Roy screamed, his body couldn't move under the severe pain, like a wooden man standing blankly!


Suleman pulled out Qianye, the silver-white blade was stained with black smoke, with a half-silver-dyed black glare.

Cutting through the air, like a death scythe, slashed at the defenseless Roy!

PS: There will be another update in the evening, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket!

(end of this chapter)