The Night Adorer

Chapter 58: Whistleblower


"Are you sure that their gathering point is in the sewer of 'Dross Department Store Center'?"

"Below the central street of that jazz district."

With a serious expression and a serious tone, Scarlet asked the 'reporter' in front of her. Of course, the other party was also her familiar friend and trustworthy person—Sulman Arthur Doyle.

"I'm basically sure that there are a group of superhumans hiding in that place!"

Suleman didn't hesitate, like a righteous and enthusiastic crowd. At the end, he seemed to recall: "At that time, after we separated, we walked along the fork of the sewer one by one, and I tried my best to distinguish the traces on the ground, trying to find An absconder from the Prayer Society."

"As a result, guided by vague traces, I unknowingly came to the sewer basin in the Jazz District."

"In that area, I found a deep hidden alleyway. They seemed to be abandoned branch roads. They were not put into actual use. They were dry and suitable for hiding. However, I found a secret whistle outside the alleyway. I didn't dare to break in because of the traces."

"I can only be sure of one thing, that secret whistle is not low in strength. If my profession is not suitable for the shadow environment, I would almost be discovered by him." When Suleman said "almost", his face was very timely, and he expressed A little scared.

After listening to the narration, Scarci nodded with certainty: "You are very right, you can't disturb them by acting without authorization, according to your narration, the joint team of the ancient nobles has already been dispatched, I believe it will not be long before there will be One result!"

"No matter who dares to attack the ancient nobles in Gangdian City, they must pay the price!"

Suleman agreed very much, but he still reminded—

"I'm not sure which group of people attacked the Hope Hall. After all, the environment in the sewer is very dark, and the traces are full of fuzziness. I'm not sure if I'm looking in the right direction."

"It is not ruled out that they left wrong traces and deliberately misled us."

Suleman's tone was sincere, and he did not forget to leave a way out for himself.

However, Scarlett didn't doubt him at all, and even when she finished listening to the narration, she immediately relieved: "This matter itself has little to do with you, but you are willing to lend a helping hand, which is worth remembering." friendship.

Believe me, the ancient nobles are not cold-blooded animals, we will remember your help,

What's more, you have tried your best. We have not criticized your position. On the contrary, I have to say thank you to you. "

In the end, Scarlett did not forget to add: "What's more, even if those people are not members of the Praying for a Survival Society, they set up the meeting place in the sewer, and they obviously have evil plans. We wiped out the other party's people, but it's not considered murder." Wrong person!"

You guessed it right. Suleman complained silently in his heart. Of course, he would not say this. After finally picking himself out, he would never think about going into this muddy water again.

In fact, Suleman did give a real address, which was one of the three gathering points ordered by the leaders of the members of the Prayer for Survival Society he heard from the dream of the deceased. At the same time, in his opinion, the most A possible gathering point.

If it wasn't for worrying about explaining and exposing his own problems, Suleman really wanted to report all three addresses to the ancient nobles.

It's just that he didn't have a suitable excuse, so he could only weigh the pros and cons, and chose the most likely address in his experience. Of course, I believe that with the prudence of the ancient nobles, if they did not capture the enemy, they would set up an ambush nearby and wait quietly.

No matter what, Suleman also shared the information he got with them to the greatest extent.

I hope that the ancient nobles can wipe out the roots Su Erman thought silently, in this case, his oil paintings will be safe.

Even the Church of Jixue attached so much importance to that special oil painting that they specially sent a team of investigators. Since Suleman got the oil painting and analyzed it from an objective point of view, this thing belonged to him, not Sacrificial Snow Church.

What's more, the item at the Northern Auction was stolen before it was officially put on the market. It was stolen by Roy, a member of the Praying for a Survival Society, and the Jixue Church didn't really pay for it. Nothing to do.

On the part of the ancient nobleman, Suleman was somewhat wronged. However, he also shared the information he had discovered with the other party to the greatest extent. Coupled with his assistance in the auction, to a certain extent, he also repaid the favor.

In the end, he also beheaded an important member of the Prayer for Life Society, a strong man with a second-level strength. He paid a lot personally and avenged part of their blood. Therefore, Suleman doesn't think there is any big problem if he wins the oil painting.

Of course, in order to avoid trouble, Suleman did not bring the oil painting with him.

He doesn't have the space ring in fantasy novels, nor is he a secret keeper.

With such a large painting on his body, unless he expects everyone present to be night blind, it is obviously unrealistic not to be able to see the oil painting on his body, so he hid the oil painting in a hidden compartment on the wall, which happened to be in the imperial palace. The classic area follows the principle of 'black under the light'.

In addition, he broke the news about the gathering point of the Prayer Society, the focus of the ancient nobles' next actions must be in the Jazz District, and they are going to catch them all. typical area.

As long as the storm subsides, I can come back to pick up the painting. Suleman thought silently.

After some arrangements, the Moslian family has already dealt with it, and their manpower has been merged with the two major families, and they have already set off into the sewer. In addition, the previously searched team has also returned (including Scarci), but they have gained nothing. In contrast, the information provided by Suleman is very precious, and it also makes the noble line who originally despised bounty hunters, Looking at him, one after another also took it seriously.

Suleman Arthur Doyle. Many people secretly remembered and engraved this name in their hearts.

"Mr. Suleman, thank you very much for your help today, and we will take care of the next thing." Scarlet stepped forward to thank you, and at the same time, she said something to stay: "It's getting late, and I have gone through so many things. Mr. Man must be tired too, if you don't mind, we have already arranged a superior room for you, why don't you stay in Mosleyan's mansion."

"No, I want to go home and sleep."

Suleman politely refused. He dealt with the marks on his body, but the time was rushed and hasty. There must be some details, such as wounds, such as blood stained underwear, and these things were not cleaned up.

If you stay in Mosleyan, the traces on these clothes will prove that he participated in the battle. Although you can find an excuse to prevaricate, it will eventually make others suspicious.

For this reason, Suleman also deliberately found a reason—

"After all, there are still people waiting for me at home."

Scarci was startled when she heard the words, she knew that the other party had a younger sister, and the family member she mentioned must be that girl.

"Indeed, she shouldn't be worried." Scarci nodded slightly, turned around and ordered someone to send him a carriage. However, when Suleman boarded the carriage and left, Scarci watched the carriage leave. Go back.

Involuntarily, her complexion was slightly strange, and could even be called strange——


"You seem to be having a hard time."

Da da da, Suleman sat in the carriage, listening to the sound of horseshoes coming from outside the car.

A hanging heart finally landed again.

it's over.

Suleman heaved a sigh of relief, and did not rush to open the quest. After all, it is best to wait for the ancient nobles to take action before handing in the quest to receive the reward, so that the degree of completion in conversion is higher.

In addition to the task, he still has one thing to deal with. The next moment, Suleman's thoughts moved, and the character panel popped up.

I saw that the experience slot at the bottom has been stacked several times. You know, he killed Roy in the sewer, but he surpassed a whole level, and the experience rewards are extremely rich. Just one person, he was rewarded with 6000 experience points!

Counting the previous accumulation, at this moment, Suleman's experience value has exceeded 10,000 points!

These experiences are enough for him to increase his strength.


Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket_(:зゝ∠)_

There is another update tonight!

(end of this chapter)