The Night Adorer

Chapter 62: Link from 'Bloodborn'


After reaching an agreement with Sin Yan, Suleman has a little more expectation for being promoted to the second rank.

Once he becomes the second level, he can be regarded as an important person even in Steel Code City. What's more, Suleman also has powerful characteristics (talents and specialties) that ordinary people cannot possess, and his combat power is far better than that of the same level.

Even if he entered the second level for the first time, he was no less than the peak level of the second level. This is a life leap that brought about a qualitative change. Because of this, the second level is the standard for walking alone on the northern snowfield. Otherwise, even a superhuman would have to join the traveling caravan and rely on the power of the group to ensure their own safety. After all, at the low level, the human sea tactics are still very threatening to the transcendent.

Regardless of firearms or poisonous arrows, they can easily take the lives of low-level transcendents. That is to say, Suleman has a "shadow double", and the threat of ordinary firearms to him is greatly reduced.

"It's time to go to bed, I'm going to visit the orphanage tomorrow"

Suleman was about to go to bed, when suddenly, he felt a slight scorching heat coming from the hidden pocket of his clothes, a place that had been silent for a long time.

It's not Guilty Flame, it's all asleep on the table (disconnected), obviously another linked item.

——The special map left by the original Stuart family to the descendants for contact!

Hiss. It's really lively tonight, Suleman complained in his heart, and took out the sheepskin map, and saw that there were faint traces on it that kept flickering like breathing.

The next moment, Suleman dripped his own blood on it, and ripples surged out layer by layer, spreading across the entire map. A few seconds later, the map was covered with dots of blue flames, spreading across the cold northern land.

Among them, the blue flame located in Gangdian City was quietly emitting flickering lights, which seemed to contain information.

"Is this the descendant lurking in Gangdian City, using his own node authority to release information to others?"

Suleman took a look and immediately understood the reason.

The so-called node authority is the map function only available to direct descendants. They can use nodes to publish information to other nearby members. Of course, it is limited to publishing information.

This family map cannot be accurate. It is impossible to locate the location of any member, even collateral members. They can only see the approximate location of others, such as in Gangdian City. But you must know that the scope of a steel code city is extremely vast, including the jazz area, the gray soil area, the steelmaking area, the imperial code area, and even the transportation area in the cracks, and the sewers covering the entire underground.

This scale is no less than the second-tier city in Suleman's previous life. An absconded member hides in the crowd and wants to find the trace of the other party. In Gangdian City with a population of hundreds of thousands, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. The same is true.

Hiding in the city is the best way to hide.

Just like that, the absconded members of the Stuart family were not worried about traitors.

Even, they may have discarded the map long ago, arranged for others to carry the blueprint, and fled all the way, so as to reduce the possibility of hunters.

Suleman didn't throw away the map, mainly because his identity was not enough for a wanted warrant. On the contrary, he could detect the general location of others with the map. Even if he couldn't determine the hiding place, he could have a reminder to take precautions.

Anyway, the pilgrims couldn't recognize 'Sulman Arthur Doyle', who was he

However, whether they are direct descendants or concubines, they need the blood of the Stuart family to open the map, which is the step of dripping blood into the map. The other party can publish node information to other people through the map, indicating that the person using the map must be a direct descendant.

What is his/her purpose? Reluctantly posting information to others, Su Erman clicked on the blue flame node with doubts.

The next moment, some distorted and squirming fireworks rose above the blue flames, forming lines of unfamiliar yet meaningful words.

"Blood descendants, I have received a secret message about an important secret about the ancient ruins!"

"That's the biggest secret of the Sith remnant. It's about an ancient restricted area, which contains a large number of professional rituals, spiritual materials, soul tools, and even training programs for lost skills. As long as we get it, we will definitely be able to revive it." Stuart's glory!"

"Stuart, this great and lofty name will surely shine again in our hands!"

"Now, in the name of direct line members, I summon you to come and assist"

Seeing the "ancient aristocratic" speech here, Su Erman was stunned. He vaguely guessed the following content. For a while, his expression became extremely exciting, which could be called Yan Yi, as handsome as a girl The face has also become like an emoji.

"Now I tell you, the important secret that I have obtained—"

"The name of that restricted area"

"The Old City of Yatu!"

Hiss. Suleman took a deep breath. At this moment, he kind of wanted to "type the keyboard" to reply to the other party. From which channel did you get the "important news"? How much did it cost? Is there a price for an E-grade soul tool

This...isn't this the deceitful news I sold to Ms. Heidie

It's a pity that I don't have permission, and I can't post news to other people. Is this being tricked by someone and helping to count the money? Suleman felt a little gritty, but he immediately thought of other possibilities.

Not necessarily, it is definitely the news that Ms. Hei Die resold. There is a second possibility. Ms. Hei Die cooperates with this descendant. manpower.

Even, there is a third possibility.

Ms. Black Butterfly is that absconded descendant! She used to be an 'acquaintance' of Suleman, the direct daughter of the Stuart family!

After all, the two sides are masked, and it is not surprising that they cannot recognize each other. Before demigods, superhumans were mysterious and strange in some respects, but they still belonged to the human category. A masked gathering can make people They were helpless.

This is to gather people, ready to explore the ruined city? Suleman guessed the other party's thoughts and continued to look at the map.

Soon, in Suolan City not far away, there was a blue flame node flickering slightly, asking how the other party planned to summon it.

"We will gather in a deserted town outside the restricted area. Those who are interested can use the code words in the family to get in touch."

"On some walls in the deserted town, we will send people to leave code words."

"The specific time is about three days later. Those who are interested can come and contact me."

After speaking, the contact map fell into silence, and no one replied to the other party.

Apparently they were also wary, worried that the direct descendant in Gangdian City would be a 'two-five boy'. They were caught by the pilgrims a long time ago, and they deliberately set up a trap to lure the rest of them into the bait. In this regard, as descendants of absconded people who can survive to this day, they cannot be vigilant, even the one who asked the question earlier People don't necessarily show up either.

"It seems that there will be no new news." Suleman closed the map.

This thing is a special item made by a powerful secret-keeper mage. The Stuart family, as the ancient nobles of Shark Harbor, also spent a huge price to make it. Its value is no less than that of an A-level soul. Tool.

"Yatu ruined city, this trap was detonated later in the previous life, but it looks like someone planned to explore it in advance." Suleman sighed. Is this the butterfly effect he brought

Having said that, the Northern Auction held in Gangdian City in the previous life did not cause any trouble, otherwise, he would have prepared for it, and it was indeed his own butterfly effect. Unknowingly, I had changed Gangdian City. Is the historical track

With some regret, Suleman went to bed, in any case, he was going to wait and see what happened.

the next morning,

Suleman was enjoying the breakfast cooked by his 'sister'. After he was ready to eat, he went to the orphanage to visit the little boy in the steam train incident last time. As a result, when he picked up the morning newspaper for the first time, I saw the eye-catching big-character poster—

"The Iron Ax gang attacked the auction. It is a heinous crime and has been executed by the nobles."

"This sweep of the sewers has wiped out hundreds of criminals and rescued a group of suffering women and children."

Iron Ax Gang. Isn't this the gray force in the transport zone? He and the others were blamed for not being able to find the Praying for a Survival Society. These underground forces, which were usually protected by the Hunting Church and acted as their ears, were affected by the fish in the pond and uprooted


Suleman sprayed a sip of milk on the newspaper, always feeling that in the past two days, there have been a lot of unlucky innocent people.

PS: There is another update tonight, this one is close to 3,000 words, so it was posted a little late.

(end of this chapter)