The Night Adorer

Chapter 63: orphanage


"Iron Ax Gang"

Suleman looked at the milk-stained newspaper with a strange expression on his face.

Because he clearly remembered that the other party was a subordinate force of the Hunting Church (Natural Shelter), but it was only a gray organization on the surface.

In fact, the Iron Ax Gang acted as the eyes and ears of the Hunting Church, collecting information for them so that the Hunting Church could control the situation in the city in a timely manner. If the Iron Ax Gang were eradicated, the Church of the Hunt would lose half of its ear. This is a bit cruel!

However, the ancient aristocrats and the Orthodox Church are harmonious on the surface, but they are dirty with each other in private. If they can't find a real enemy, they can use this name to clean up the other party's hidden forces and attack the opponent to make up for personal losses.

In the case of occupying morality, it is difficult for the Orthodox Church to overreact, which is in line with the "noble tradition" behavior

"It seems that the ancient nobles did not find traces of the Praying Society in the sewers, or they just caught some small fish and shrimps, but did not really catch the high-level members of the Praying Society?" Suleman said through the newspaper I thought about the information given above.

He is more inclined to the latter. After all, he has shared the most information he knows with the Moslian family, and they cooperated with the two major families to set up a siege with the momentum of thunder.

Sweeping the area around the gathering point, logically speaking, should be able to wipe out the Qishenghui.

Unless, the scene he saw in the dream of the deceased was the opponent's 'smoke bomb', such as those three gathering points.

Considering that it is impossible for Qishenghui to know the talent in his body—the final dream, so this smoke bomb can only be a trap for his own people. They plan to learn from the gecko's broken tail. These people are a bit ruthless. Su Erman guessed the reason of the other party's actions, and secretly lamented the ruthless determination of the Praying Society.

Such a powerful secret organization, he had never heard of it in his previous life.

Sure enough, due to the relationship between the level of strength, some of the plot information that the players are exposed to is missing. Hey, in the early plot of the Evernight World, the level of the players is still too low. Suleman is about to put away the newspaper, Suddenly, he saw the upper right corner.

Where the advertising information is hung, on the column block of 'Hot Sales', there is an advertisement for buying.

"Jazz District, Mr. MacArthur is looking for a custom-made oil painting, the content of which is wheat ears at dusk, mainly red pigment, the custom width is 36 inches, the height cannot exceed 28 inches, and the reward is 19 gold pounds. The validity period of the purchase is two weeks. "

Begging to buy oil painting Is this the secret signal for the 'Golden Song' to resume the party? Suleman remembered that before leaving the venue last time, the gray-robed man told everyone that the secret signal for their next gathering was to buy oil paintings, and the content had to be ears of wheat.

Of course, with the cautious attitude of the convener of the "Golden Song", the Mr. MacArthur in the advertisement must not be himself.

There is a high probability that it is the commissioner who changed hands in the middle. Someone entrusted him to issue advertisements. He may not be sure. He also transferred a few commissions in the middle, just like nesting dolls. The more layers are stacked, the higher the security. Suleman's Thoughts are a little scattered.

If the other party has more sets of dolls, the cost of changing hands in the middle will be higher. It is uncertain, and the initial remuneration can be as high as 30 pounds.

More than 30 gold pounds. This is almost equal to half a year’s income of dock workers. The evil bourgeoisie, I received a silver commission at the beginning, and the total remuneration was only a little over 20 gold. Suleman lamented the richness of the golden song. Spend more than 30 gold pounds.

"The 'twilight' in the newspaper refers to the afternoon, the red paint is the code for the name of the drink, and the 36 inches is the name of the drink. The address remains the same, it is the previous venue." Suleman analyzed the content of the code and prepared Go to the party in the afternoon.

Suleman remembered Ms. Black Butterfly, so he might have resold his news a few times, just in time, he could take this opportunity to observe.

And he was going to the orphanage, and he could finish it in the morning without delaying each other.

After breakfast, Suleman put on a double-breasted black suit and told Ibis that he would not be home at noon and that she would just prepare dinner.

Then, Suleman took the stagecoach and came all the way to the west side of the steelmaking area, close to the transportation area, and also known as the 'main artery' Gran Avenue.

At this moment, there are already early workers on Grand Avenue, and the children selling newspapers on the side of the road are also wearing worn-out deer hunting caps that are obviously larger than their heads. Old faded shirts, under which he was peddling newspapers.

Suleman got off the public carriage and was about to go to the orphanage when a small and weak voice came from beside him—

"Sir, do you... would you like to buy a copy of "Gangdian Morning Post?"

Looking back, Suerman saw a thin, yellow-faced, and obviously skinny little girl, looking at him timidly. In fact, there were newsboys around who saw him, but he was wearing a decent black dress, a high silk top hat bigger than their heads, and a hard cane obviously inlaid with silver. Especially the latter made them daunting.

Looking at this scene, Suerman pondered for a few seconds, then nodded lightly under the little girl's nervous eyes—

"a newspaper."

"Yes, sir, a copper penny."

The little girl handed over the newspaper, and Suleman took it, lightly brushed off the ashes from his fingers on the edge of the newspaper, took out a copper penny from the wallet, and handed it to the girl under the envious eyes of other newsboys .

He didn't dare to give too much.

After the little girl took the copper penny, she immediately turned around and ran away, showing agility that didn't match her body, and disappeared at the end of the street in a flash. Suleman didn't stop her, and quietly looked at her back.

Then, under the eyes of other newsboys who were both envious and wary, he went to the orphanage in his memory.

Grand Avenue is close to the transportation area, and the standard of living is lower than the average value of the steel-making area, and closer to the gray-soil area. However, this is a steel-making area after all, and there is 'order' after all.

Compared with the gray area, people here are wary of Suleman, but they don't have the courage to attack people during the day.

Soon, Suerman came to a house with an iron gate, and a lazy and overweight middle-aged security guard guarded the door. When he saw Suerman, he immediately stood up, a little cautious, and with a bit of a smile on his face. flattering smile—

"Sir, are you here to adopt orphans?"

Suleman's clothes made him subconsciously think that the other party was coming for adoption. Moreover, this attire obviously did not belong to the steelmaking area. Only gentlemen in the jazz area could dress like this and look spotless.

"No, I'm just taking a look." Suleman paused, shaking his head slowly.

Given his situation, he was not suitable for adoption, so he might have to reveal his identity that day and fled with his 'sister'.

"Okay." The middle-aged security guard was a little disappointed, just as he was about to open the door.

Suddenly, there was a surprise sound from behind—

"Mr. Susurman?"

A girl in overalls with a somewhat round face, but with a bit of cuteness, was coming out of the entrance of the orphanage.

PS: The second update is out

Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

(end of this chapter)