The Night Adorer

Chapter 73: Seattle City


The ink-colored night slowly surged, covering the entire land, silently.

Suddenly, the dim light from a horse lantern tore up the darkness covering the field of vision.

The person holding the light is an old man with a gentle face and gray hair—

"Be careful to keep up, don't fall out of the team."

It was the team led by Theodore the Eye, and Suleman followed in the team, looking around, seeing the thick and thick night.

This is a feature of the "Night of the Silent Moon". In the cold land of the north, in some special seasons, there will be natural phenomena that are different from normal.

Such as the lonely cold wave, such as the night of the lonely moon

Among them, the night of the lonely moon is slightly earlier than the time of the cold wave, and it is regarded as the precursor of the latter.

When the night of the silent moon breaks out, the silver moon will lose its luster, and the entire land will be shrouded in pure night. Moreover, the night will become liquid-like thick, and if you are in it, you may encounter strange changes.

This change does not come from the outside world, but from one's own spirit.

It is said that someone once lost his mind in the night and attacked people nearby indiscriminately, even if the other party was his relatives and friends.

Later, out of the night, this madness also accompanied him.

Try to keep it as bright as possible, this is the only way to fight against the night of the lonely moon.

However, from Suleman's point of view, this is due to lack of resistance and the 'permanent negative buff'. The best way to get rid of it is to find the Sun Knight, and he is a high-level powerhouse, and let the opponent give him a shot.

Of course, the premise is that you can withstand the damage without dying.

While thinking about it, everyone slowly approached a huge shadow silhouette, and under the light of the lantern, it revealed the tip of the iceberg.

It is a huge city gate made of bronze, with simple and unfamiliar patterns on it. Due to the interference of the night, it can only be vaguely seen that there are people crawling on it, and on the central platform, there are gorgeously dressed figures that are Sith. noble!

Suleman recognized the meaning of the pattern.

The ruined city of Yatu itself is the territory of the Sith nobles, and it is also the central city-state where bloodlines multiply.

At this time, Theodore 'Storm Eye', as the frontmost leader, took the lead, he slowly walked into the city holding a lantern, with a serious expression on his face, and a pair of bright eyes that faintly contained flames, patrolling around.

Under his leadership, everyone stepped into the ruins of the city-state and began to walk on the central main street.

With the help of the thin light of the horse lantern, Suleman could see faint Gothic buildings in the nearby night. Their sharp tops, most of the glass windows were broken, and there seemed to be something peeping at them in the black windows.

The front will step into the danger zone, and there will be a 'disappointed puppet' as the attacker. Suleman silently recalled.

This is not the most important thing, behind them there is a 'monster master', this is the unique life of the city of Yatu, and it will make its debut in front of everyone today, a monster they have never seen before!

This is the first time that the main city of Yatu Relic City has been opened. In the previous Lonely Moon Nights, only the outer area was opened. Those wild forces on the snow field only explored the outer area. Therefore, the interior of the main city is also unfamiliar to them.

In the eyes of everyone, this is an uncultivated virgin land.

Similarly, everyone lacks exploration experience. However, Suleman knows the characteristics of all areas and knows them well. If he can persuade everyone to follow his suggestions, or even take them as orders, it will not be difficult to solve this problem .

But the question is, how to convince 'Storm Eye' Theodore? At present, Theodore "Storm Eye" almost controls the dominance of the team. Even Scarci only has the right to make suggestions in front of him. This point is not difficult to understand from the situation of the previous team.

what to do.

Suleman thought for a few seconds, and he had already made up his mind. The next moment, he turned to the figure in front of him and said loudly: "Mr. Theodore, when I was on a mission to rescue a steam train last time, I encountered several Frustrated and strange creatures, they came out of the ruined city of Yatu, of course, there are also such creatures in the outer area."

"However, I think that since the ruined city of Yatu has changed, can it be understood that they are also affected?"

"I guess on the next journey, I'm afraid I will encounter out-of-control monsters"

"It's very likely that they are just a group of unscrupulous puppets!"

Theodore's footsteps stopped, and his old face showed thought. After a few seconds, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, nodded in praise and said: "You are very reasonable. In the next trip, everyone will be separated 2 meters, if you are disturbed by your line of sight, don't worry about other things at the first time, just lie down on the ground and leave space for others."

Theodore's instructions are very clear, and it is not difficult for the loyalists who have received strict training. Therefore, after a quick adjustment, the entire team moved forward again according to Theodore's request.

Suleman breathed a sigh of relief, and silently followed the team, and soon, when they were about to reach the end of the street.

call out!

Suddenly, in the alley on their right, there was a figure rushing towards them.

Under the cover of thick night, it is almost imperceptible!

At the same time, the fog that blocked the vision, mixed with the night, was repelled by it to the nearest victim. However, due to Theodore's arrangement, everyone was already prepared, and the member who was attacked was also the girl in military uniform Suleman knew, Lucy.


Lucy squatted down decisively, and did not forget to throw out her slender legs, kicking in the direction of the attacker, protruding fiercely.

At the same time, Theodore's reaction was even one step faster than hers, and the scorching heat like a flame gathered in his eyes.

The next moment, with burning eyes, he didn't look directly in Lucy's direction. On the contrary, Theodore raised his head and looked up into the sky.

I don't know when, there are already several figures in the sky, falling from the high windows, attacking and killing them!

The attackers in the alley were just an illusion to attract attention, and the real killing move was on their heads. However, as Mosleyan nobles who are familiar with the "False Idol", they are more aware of the opponent's cunning nature and the usual sneak attack methods than the investigators of the Church of Steam. Theodore had expected this, and had already Prepared, he gave the other party a big gift.

Ga! Ga! Ga!

Suddenly, the frustrating puppets above let out screams, and flames shot out of their eyes, wrapping around their ferocious heads, and they all lost their visual ability.

Theodore raised his hand slightly, and was about to release the next skill to completely end their lives.


Before Theodore could make a move, Frustration was barely close to the ground. Suddenly, a figure jumped out, a little bit on the ground, and with the help of powerful body strength, suddenly jumped into the sky.


A knife lighted up, and with billowing black smoke, it cut the seriously injured puppets into two pieces one after another!

PS: The second update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket

(end of this chapter)