The Night Adorer

Chapter 83: Post testimonials


It will be on the shelves at twelve o'clock tomorrow, write down your own thoughts.

First of all, I would like to thank Jiang Cha, the editor in charge, for recommending and escorting me all the way, from testing the waters of the new book all the way to Sanjiang’s shelves, and forcibly pushing it on the homepage later (it turns out that the current starting point is Sanjiang’s shelves, not a forced push. )

Then I would like to thank the editor-in-chief of Dragonfly, and thank him for his recommendation. I watched his live broadcast before hhhhhh. At that time, he was still an editor of science fiction. The deepest impression was that he talked about the selling point of the opening article, and then gave an example of an apocalyptic article (the one that did not come after the apocalypse) One book), I learned a lot at that time, and at the beginning of the latter book, I did deliberately advance the selling point, I guess I learned some tricks from his live broadcast.

By the way, Dragonfly looks quite handsome. hhhhhh, the most impressive thing is that he is holding a teacup, and he is in his forties at a young age.

Finally, I would like to thank Sugar, the operating officer. It hasn’t been put on the shelves in the starting point for two years. I don’t understand many new functions, so I rely on him to popularize science.

The following is the text. What about the testimonials? I think it’s time to write down the idea of opening this book.

It's just some chatting, friends who are willing to listen, you can listen to my nagging, of course, the water content may be very large (laughs).

It hasn't been released for over two years.

Yes, since I finished the last book, it has been more than two years since it was put on the shelves. It’s not that I haven’t opened new books or even new vests during this period, but most of them are broken before I test the waters. I feel like I can't write, but I don't know why. The detailed outline is listed in detail, which may be more than the main text, but I just can't pick up the pen.

In fact, at that time, I was quite confused and felt that the more I wrote, the more I regressed. No, it should be said that I even had the idea of refusing to write, as if I hated something.

At that time, I opened the vest and tried many hot topics, such as player stream, god stream, and infinite stream.

In the end, I was really bored, so I simply unloaded the writer's assistant and read the book again purely as a reader.

"What the hell am I trying to write?"

In my mind, such an idea suddenly popped up, yes, I read a lot of hot topics, and I also wanted to follow suit and drink some soup, but that's not what I wanted to write.

Looking back, when I first stepped into the web, maybe the subject matter I wanted to read was too cold, no one wrote it, and I happened to be about to graduate, so I simply raised my sleeves, doing what I like, and cheating readers by the way Isn't money (crossed out) a beautiful thing in life

why did i lose this thing

After thinking about it, anyway, I'm going to be like this, and I don't care if what I write is a hot topic, right? Big deal, try it once, anyway, it only consumes my time and youth, and a negligible electricity bill.

So, what exactly is it that I like

Fantasy, western mythology, steampunk, wizards, strange forces, and a little bit, but it doesn't affect the sense of data of the atmosphere.

Isn't this the 'game outside world'? Well, a topic that has been so cold all the year round, the last Wanding was still the master of the abyss (not counting the player flow), and the Wanding that was traced back up was the Amber Sword, and then... it seems to be gone.

The plate is not big, the subject matter is not new, sitting on the bench all year round

I think it's pretty good, let's write it, anyway, I'm already doing this, so are you afraid to do it a little more (laughs)

Shouldn't the happiest thing for a person be doing a job he likes, and then still be able to support himself? I like it, that's the most important thing

Thinking of this, I opened the codeword software and started working, and I didn't save many manuscripts.

Speaking of it, this incident gave me quite a headache, because the old readers who have been in contact with me know that I didn’t code for a long time at the time. I dug my ears, my hands were heavy, and I accidentally gave myself an otitis media buff. I still have to spend time every day Drop the potion.

Then the code reached 70,000 to 80,000 characters, and the computer system suddenly blue screened. It was more than four o'clock in the morning. The data is stored in the flash drive.


Facts have proved that you should never do particularly important things when you are sleepy.

Easy to crash.

Then, while supplementing the information, the codewords were kept updated at 5,000 words (at least), and occasionally there were 6,000 words. As a result, my saved manuscripts were exhausted in a short time. Stupid yourself.

There is also the vaccination at the beginning of June, and the second injection at the beginning of this week. After each injection, my left shoulder is so sore, and I have to type with my right hand. More than a year.

If it were me a while ago, it would definitely be one word, cut!

What do you write when you are so unlucky, don’t you just rest and recuperate

But for some reason, this book with the fewest manuscripts and the most B things is actually the book with the most words in my public free period. It used to be an average of 4,000 words. I just wanted to write it.

I want to write this fantasy book with a sense of western mythology, a little bit of black soul flavor, a bit of wizardry, and a little bit of mysterious power. From material selection to classification, it is ordinary, even unpopular. Book.

i just want to write it

Here I also have to thank the old readers who stayed behind. Two years have passed, most of them are gone, but there are still a few familiar IDs, very few, but they are still there. Thank you.

After writing a book for several years, I actually met a lot of book friends, all kinds, even more complicated than the society.

Good people with good intentions will encourage the author, or silently subscribe, vote monthly, and silently support the author in their own way.

There are also villains with malicious intentions. They themselves are free prostitutes who watch pirated versions. They joined the public group before, and they have subscription pictures of authors who don’t know where they came from. Others have good grades. Your efforts are worthless. , belittle, trample.

Not once, not twice, but every day, every week there will be a new hit for you (laughs).

Obviously, this kind of thing does not have any substantial benefits for them, it is only to reap psychological pleasure.

There are also those who come to spray with a trumpet, discredit, and take out of context. If you explain in the text, they will criticize you for explaining too much hydrology. If you don’t explain, they will criticize your writing. If you reply to them, they will still It will open the forum PVP mode with you and make you suspect that you are not an author, and you know how to write online articles (crying and laughing).

Gradually, I learned to protect myself, that is to pretend to be a hedgehog and prick with sharp needles so that others dare not approach, while I hide in a small corner of the shadow and enjoy the lonely peace.

The peace that belongs only to hedgehogs.

If there are old readers from my first book, you should know that when I was still a newbie, I especially liked to communicate with readers in the discussion area, and I would answer almost serious posts.

But gradually, I communicated less and less frequently.

Because when you communicate with others, there will always be trolls who will come up to spray you with a long story, maybe it’s about the setting, maybe it’s about the content, in short, sometimes these malicious things always come without warning, and sometimes Let your mood will be depressed.

Until now, I have been very refrained from going, or greatly reduced communication, and only reply one message a week, or even a few weeks.

Every time I see a comment in the background of the writer's assistant, I click it to reply, and finally, I turn off the reply with my finger, and delete what I want to say.

After all, I am already a hedgehog, if I get too close to people, I will hurt others.

But I am very grateful to the comment area. Those readers who speak for me sometimes see them fighting for more than ten floors for me.

There are still a lot of nonsense that I want to say, but seeing this, everyone must be bored, and there is nothing to talk about. It’s just a person’s desire to talk. I don’t have a chance to talk about it. I have no communication partner when I stay at home. Taking this opportunity, Please be my tree hole.

As I wrote in the previous article, people need an audience after all, even if it is a tree hole

I originally wanted to write something, but I deleted it anyway. Thousands of words, just one sentence.

at last.


(end of this chapter)