The Night Adorer

Chapter 84: hunting members


Carrying a sharp edge of black smoke, it aimed straight at Gina's face.


The latter was not afraid at all, on the contrary, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The next moment, air condensed in front of Gina, and a seemingly transparent and thin, but actually extremely hard ice wall formed instantly, and the Chiba held by Suleman slashed up, bang!

In the vibration of the air, a large amount of dust escaped, but it was unable to break through this thin ice wall!

On the contrary, the cold air on the ice wall eroded towards Suerman in the opposite direction along the edge. In an instant, Suerman relied on his rich experience and decisively chose to retreat. He turned the handle of the knife and broke free with strength. point of contact for both parties.

Boom! He quickly retreated a distance, then lowered his head, and saw that the skin on his hands had been frostbitten.

There were frosty white crystals covering it, the originally fair skin was frozen purple, and the blood in the festering area was stopped by the low temperature. Everything happened so fast that even his pain nerves were frozen and numb before being transmitted.

I thought I was fine, but in fact, I have already suffered serious injuries.


Seeing his state, Gina raised the corners of her mouth, making the scars at the corners of her eyes even more hideous, and the cold air gathered on her hands, faintly blending into the air, and the next second, the things in the nearby air were infected by the cold air, and turned into Pure white colors appeared one after another, and the fine silk threads like spider webs were frozen 'threads of control'!

In the short time of the previous fight, Suleman used the cover of night to set up a trap!

At this moment, it was completely displayed in the space by Gina's means, completely losing its own concealment.

"It seems that your method is just that little thing when killing giants."

Gina's eyes were hot, as if looking at a work of art, with a hint of madness.

That kind of madness is the pleasure of destroying beautiful things. At this moment, in Gina's eyes, this beautiful-looking but not low-strength genius who belongs to the best in the first order, the heir of the Mosleyan family, is about to die painfully in despair under her destruction. This is something that makes her extremely excited.

How could there be anything more satisfying than hunting down a genius


Chiba was stuck on the ground, and with the help of the force of the shock, she shook off the frost on her palm.

However, Suleman's palm was also dripping with blood, strands of blood ran down the handle of the knife, infecting the silver-white blade, and was frozen by the cold air above, solidifying drop by drop on the blade.

As expected of a Tier 2 powerhouse in a complete state.

This was his first setback. The Touch of Misfortune, which has been upgraded to the full level, did not break through the defense of the opponent. After all, the opponent was not the shadow warrior Roy who was seriously injured last time, but was in a complete state, and even, It may also be close to the promotion of the second-order powerhouse!

Even if this 'Gina' is weaker than 'Fire Eye', it won't be too weak.

Suleman conservatively estimated that her level should be at least level 30, or even higher, not just entering the second level. You must know that because the aborigines have sub-professions, they are better than extraordinary creatures of the same level. higher.

Strictly speaking, Suleman is currently only at level 10, but relying on his strange talent and the power of two full-level skills, he can rival the powerhouses who have just entered the second level, but facing the group who are about to be promoted Characters, there are indeed some gaps.

This is an accumulated gap that cannot be smoothed over.

After all, the time for him to become a superhuman was too short.

And the opponent's strength is also the strongest among the enemies that Suleman has encountered!

"Frost Herrscher."

Suleman clenched the handle of the knife tightly, ignoring the severe pain coming from the palm that had regained consciousness. As a member of the land reclamation team who had experienced many battles, Suleman had already instinctively ignored the pain during the battle, and would not let it affect itself.

Gina didn't give him a chance to breathe. Although she got a feel for his general ability through Suleman's performance in the giant battle, Gina is not a careless person. Compared with "weaker" Roy, her character is much more sinister.

Insidious, naturally represents caution.

Snapped! Gina's bent legs exerted strength, like a powerful female cheetah, and took the initiative to kill Suleman.

Along with her progress, the frosty white spider webs on the road shattered one after another. This is the thread of control that has been infected by her power and has completely lost its effect. Like snowflakes in the sky, Gina approached Suleman. .

The next moment, her right hand suddenly clenched, bang, ice crystals exploded on the wall beside Suleman, turned into thorns, and slashed at the latter one by one. Suleman held the knife again, and turned sharply!

The knife light slashed, and the ice crystal thorns were cut open, but the cold air also eroded Suleman's palm again along the knife surface, and once again covered it with frosty white, the flesh and blood were frozen, turning into purple-blue dead flesh .

"I'll see how long you can last"

Gina's face was ferocious, and she kept waving her right hand. Suleman, who was not far away from her; on the ground below him, on the walls of nearby buildings, and even on the abandoned street lamps, there were constantly flowers of ice crystals blooming and turning into thorns. He stabbed at Suerman fiercely. At this moment, he seemed to be targeted by the whole space. As long as he was within the range, he would be assassinated by all edges!

At the critical moment, Suleman's eyes were calm, and he muttered a sentence in his heart—

Sanmi Suleman fumbled for this number, and the next moment, he exerted all his strength and slammed into the wall behind him. He was not worried about the thorns on the wall, but his "reckless" move just happened to let him escape out of Gina's three-meter range.

Gina's complexion changed, and she hurriedly stepped forward to follow, but at the moment when she was rushing forward, Suleman approached the wall, but stretched out his legs instead, the recoil of stepping on the wall, like a shell, slammed towards Gina go!

One step back and one step forward, instantly bringing the two closer together!

Gina couldn't use the thorns to stop the opponent's approach like before, because the two were close to each other. Suleman raised the straight knife, billowing black smoke gathered on it, and slashed towards the opponent's face—


The imposing slash made Gina's face change slightly, but she was still full of confidence, she raised her hands and held them empty, a seemingly transparent and thin, but actually extremely hard ice wall formed in front of her—this It is Gina's second talent, Bitter Wall, which is different from the talent of manipulating ice edges. This talent requires the sub-job of "Wall Keeper" as a prerequisite for comprehending the talent.

Every wall guard must be on duty for several years at the end of the cold land in the north, on that bitter ice wall that has stood for thousands of years, before he can train his sub-profession to the full level and become a qualified 'wall guard', that This place is also the birthplace of [Silent Cold Wave]!

At the end of the cold land in the north, where the bitter cold is abominable, the special abilities acquired through training made Gina extremely confident. This time, she will block the attack as before, and there will be no problem. Absolutely!

Under her confident eyes,

Suleman moved forward resolutely. The next moment, the spirituality in his body poured into the 'Qianye' crazily, and the black smoke on the knife suddenly became thicker, surging like never before, like rippling ink. As a price, more than half of his spirituality was consumed!

— This is 'Calamity Blow'!

The second effect of the Touch of Misfortune is that it can inject more than 50% of spirituality at one time, and it can form a "disastrous blow", and the explosive power rises to 200% + mysterious attribute x2.

Due to the huge loss, Suleman was promoted to the night knight. So far, he has never used this effect!


Slashing on the ice wall, black smoke burst out like a sea, and the seemingly thin but extremely hard ice wall exploded instantly! Inch by inch of the ice wall exploded into dust, reflecting Gina's stunned expression. The next moment, she was about to retreat.

hiss! The silk threads suddenly appeared and entangled her neck, which made Gina extremely frightened. She also saw the raised palm of the black-haired young man and the movement of pulling the silk threads. No, this is impossible!

Isn't his palm frozen to death, unable to control it at all

Gina was very puzzled and couldn't figure it out at all. The next moment, she saw the other person's palm rubbing, and the dead skin on it faded away, revealing brand new fair skin. This... Such a terrifying resilience!

The almost horrified emotion made Gina unable to find a shadow under Suleman's feet.

What she thought was the thread of control was Suleman's 'trait' ability, but in fact, it was just a skill!

The so-called skills are nothing more than the in-depth development of talents.

The shadow double is Suleman's real talent, and it is also the hole card that gives him leapfrog capital!


Gina realized something was wrong, her scarred right eye widened, her mouth opened, and she wanted to say something, but the tightening of the silk thread interrupted her words. In the next moment, Suleman did not hesitate Raise your hand and chop it off with one blow!


Qianye penetrated into her body and came out from her back. Blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, mixed with inaudible words. The next moment, Suleman turned his wrist, mercilessly crushing the opponent's heart.

Gina twitched a few times and turned into a still warm corpse.

Suleman let go of the corpse, watching her feet overflowing with bright red, slowly turning into a circle.

Member of the Praying Society, second rank, Frost Herrscher.

The hunt was successful!

(end of this chapter)