The Night Adorer

Chapter 89: rank expertise


[Reminder: You are holding a professional ceremony, and the promotion is being judged.]

[Hint: You have the effect of 'The Power of the Misty Mist' on your body, which reduces the difficulty of the judgment and the judgment is successful!]

[Reminder: You have been promoted to the second level, and you have started to upgrade your main profession.]

Suleman heard the reminder in his ear, but he didn't bother to check the panel. At this moment, he closed his eyes and lightly felt the reunion of soul and body, and the feeling of using his arms and fingers again.

At the same time, after being promoted successfully, he got a new reminder——

[Reminder: You have comprehended the rank specialty · "Spiritual Ascension"]

[Reminder: Due to the increase in rank, you gain 3 potential points and sublimation of personality. When using soul tools below D level, the negative effects will be reduced. If the number of soul tools you carry increases, the reduction effect will gradually increase. weaken.]

"Level specialty."

Suleman opened the panel, and sure enough, there was an extra rank feat at the bottom of him. This is a new attribute that will only be opened after being promoted to the second rank. It is a feat unique to ranks. Each rank has its own uniqueness. sex.

After being promoted to the second level, the specialty obtained is called "Spiritual Ascension", which is to improve the spiritual quality, and the specific range is 80% of that before the ascension, which is equivalent to multiplying your mana gauge by 1.8 times, directly filling it with power, Crushed the first-order transcendent.

In terms of protracted warfare, the second-order transcendent completely beat the first-order.

Not only that, Suleman also gained 3 additional potential points, equivalent to the potential points that can only be obtained by three levels.

And the very important sublimation of personality, which cannot be seen on the panel, but when high-level powerhouses use soul equipment in battle, they often rely on their own personality to reduce certain negative effects.

There are also artisan professions, they can obtain high-level suppression-like abilities at low-level, which is the characteristic of their profession.

The grading of soul tools lies not only in their power, but also in higher-level soul tools, which require personality to suppress their negative effects. If ordinary people pick them up, it is not a good thing. On the contrary, it is often the beginning of a disaster .

"My physique attribute is weak, the most important mysterious attribute, and the less important agility have already been raised to more than 10 points." Suleman thought for a few seconds before deciding on the attribute distribution plan.

"Improve your physique!"

All the 3 points of potential were put into his physique, and along with a heat flow from his body, it suddenly flowed all over his body. Suleman's physique was raised to 8 points, which is the limit of ordinary people - 10 points, and there is only two points left. .

It's not over yet!

Suleman's body is amazing, he has accumulated about 20,000 experience points!

He was rewarded with 8,500 experience points for killing the bone half-giant in the giant battle, and he was rewarded with 9,000 experience points for killing the members of the Prayer Society, the second-level Frost Herrscher, for a total of 17,500 experience points. In front of the ruined city of Yatu, he still has more than 2,000 experience points on his body. Adding it up, he has just enough 20,000 experience points.

The experience accumulated over a long period of time cannot be consumed because it cannot be promoted, but at this moment, Suleman has been promoted to the second level and can upgrade to the main profession. These accumulations are not used, should they be kept for the New Year


Suleman decisively injected a lot of experience into his main profession.

[Hint: After consuming some experience, your main profession, Night Knight, has been upgraded to Lv11.]

[Hint: After spending some experience, your main profession, Night Knight, has been upgraded to Lv12.]

[Hint: A lot of experience has been consumed.]

[Hint: After spending some experience, your main profession, Night Knight, has been upgraded to Lv19.]

The experience is like a flood, falling down one after another, like an endless ocean, returning to the small bay and fish pond, but correspondingly, his level has risen crazily, and in just a short while, he has risen to Lv19!

Level 19 Dark Knight!

Under normal circumstances, other people are promoted to level 19 Dark Knight, and the character level must be at least level 30. But Suleman is only level 19. He doesn't have any burdens on him. He doesn't need other sub-jobs. Others at the same level are ahead by a large margin.

If this kind of growth situation is placed on the player forum in the previous life, it can definitely be called a "god-level seed", which means someone who has the hope of stepping into the semi-god level. After all, apart from the first batch of pioneers who explored the world, among the later players, only a few top seeds with good development can hope to catch up with the progress accumulation of the pioneers, which is also a very important part.

Suleman is not only reborn to the early stage of the plot, but also his developmental arrangements are very reasonable. If the people in the previous life saw it, they would probably explode with envy. This is the advantage of rebirth experience, even the saintess of the Orthodox Church They are not as good as him in this respect.

"Upgrading the main profession brings another 9 points of potential."

Without hesitation, Suleman immediately allocated attributes, putting two points on physique, which also entered the 10-point mark.

In the end, there were 7 points of potential left. Suleman considered the 'good-hearted' passer-by on the upper floor who was fighting, so he didn't add any agility or strength, but put all 7 points of potential into the 'mysterious' attribute !

In the case that the overall attribute does not stretch the hips, instead of adding points to each attribute and sparsely "all-round mediocrity", it is better to focus on the same advantageous attribute and raise it to the current extreme. Of course, the premise of this is that other attributes do not stretch the hips, and cannot become the absolute shortcoming of the barrel, so as to drag down the entire combat ability.


With Suleman's addition of points, the mysterious attribute, which had already broken through 10 points, suddenly rose to 17 points.

Currently, Surman's panel attributes are as follows—

[Sulman Stuart]

Overall level: Lv19

Health: 100% (full health)

Personal attributes: strength 7, agility 10, constitution 10, mystery 17, perception 8, luck 1.

Potential points: 0 points

Main Occupation: Night Knight (Lv19)

Sub-occupation: none

Realm: Tier 2 (Transcendent Realm)

Skills: [Touch of Suffering Lv10], [Line of Control Lv10]

Talent specialties: [Dark Vision], [Shadow Substitute], [Dream of End].

"After being promoted to the second level, the limit of a single attribute is 30 points." Satisfied, Suleman withdrew his gaze. After all the accumulated experience was exhausted, he not only promoted to the second level, but also greatly improved the attributes, the main occupation Also pull out a lot.

At this moment, even if 'Fire Eye' was standing in front of him, Suleman was confident that the two sides would have a fair fight.

The person who will die in the end will most likely be the other party!

Their strengths may be similar, but Suleman's combat experience and understanding of the 'Sun Knight' is deeper than that of 'Stormy Eye' Theodore. This is a gap in vision.


At this time, the ancient book that was suspended in the air suddenly fell to the ground. Suleman regained his senses and hurriedly picked it up.

"Sin Flame. Are you still there?"

Suleman shook it a few times, but unfortunately, Sin Yan was like a corpse of a drunkard, no matter how he shook it, he didn't respond. It seemed that He should cut off the contact briefly and go to rest.

In desperation, Suleman put it back in his bosom, and then he pulled up Chiba again. When he touched the handle of the knife, Suleman felt inexplicably the sense of surrender from the handle.

Without any reason, Suleman understands that after he wields this E-grade soul tool, he does not need to supply more than 1L of blood. At most, a small cup of blood is enough. Personality, the suppression of low-level soul tools.

"It's time to act."

Holding a straight knife in his hand, Suleman smashed open the door and headed straight for the exit of the secret corridor.

Along the way, Suleman did not encounter any obstacles. On the contrary, the vibrations from his head became more and more intense, and there were faintly familiar roars, extremely shrill screams, and the ravings and whispers of unknown beings.

Even through layers of obstacles, Suleman imagined a hearty battle.

It seemed that President Qisheng was really busy. Suleman didn't delay, but he was slightly taken aback when he returned from the spiral staircase to the church hall above.

In the hall, the stone tables and chairs all over the place were smashed to pieces one by one, and the backs of the chairs, which were taller than humans, were broken into countless pieces.

And outside the church hall, the thick black iron gate engraved with patterns was half smashed, as if some huge creature squeezed out of the gate abruptly.

Outside the gate, there are wrecks all over the ground, and there are many broken limbs of strange creatures.

The only thing that was the same as Suleman's previous situation was that the viscous night covered the entire city-state.

Suleman's heart moved, and he immediately followed the clues on the ground, and chased them into the sticky night!

PS: I went to bed last night after finishing my work. It was past two o’clock. I woke up at noon today. This is the case if I haven’t saved the manuscript. The first chapter of future updates will be in the afternoon, and the second chapter will be in the evening. The time fluctuates a bit. But not too bad.

Forgive me for saving as much as I can. I was very tired yesterday, and my brain hurts a little today when I coded, and I didn't sleep much.

(end of this chapter)