The Night Adorer

Chapter 90: Taking advantage of others' danger is a virtue


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of heavy and hasty footsteps echoed in the ruins of the city-state shrouded in night. A slightly embarrassed figure staggered along. From time to time, due to lack of vision, he accidentally bumped into nearby dirty walls, abandoned street lamps, or decayed A wrecked carriage.

He staggered a little, but luckily, there was an imperceptible transparent distortion rippling in the air nearby.

These twists barely supported his body. When the latter raised his head, in the night, he revealed a man with short brown hair and a seemingly ordinary face, but the corners of his eyebrows were slightly vicissitudes and gray. He was about an adult man in his thirties.

This person is the President Qi Sheng.

Previously disguised as a wild transcendent, and after the giant battle, he took the initiative to attack and kill Shoteye, Suleman and others. Of course, his main target was 'Shoteye' Ossidor.

As for Suleman, in his eyes, he was only the heir of the Mosleyan family, or Lieyan's next successor, which was obviously not as important as the former, so he handed him over to 'Cold Wall' Gina.

He never expected that the female subordinate who had followed him for many years actually missed and died

Suddenly, President Qi Sheng lowered his waist, supported his abdomen, and couldn't help coughing violently—

"Cough cough cough cough!"

He coughed so hard that it seemed as if he was going to cough his lungs out.

When President Qi Sheng calmed down, he slowly moved his palm away, and saw that there was sticky, foul-smelling, slightly greenish pus on his palm, which was coughed up, or in other words, foreign matter that was expelled from his body .

"That monster!"

President Qi Sheng cursed fiercely, he couldn't figure out why he was so unlucky

Obviously he was following the trail of the 'murderer', but he didn't expect that not only did he encounter a group of ethereal creatures on the way, but he spent a lot of effort to calm down the troubles and difficulties they caused.

As a result, when he groped for the location of the blood seal.

It was a pool as shallow as the bare feet, in the dark environment, like a strange mushroom that had been given life, and a strange smell permeating the nose, but those were not the point.

The real key is that when he stepped into the pool, he seemed to touch something!

Those mushrooms sprawled from the water pool, but President Qi Sheng didn't pay attention to them. He didn't even pay attention to them, and directly used spiritual pressure to destroy them.

But what is fatal is that this action is like the firewood that detonated the fuse, directly causing the audience to riot

As if disturbing the sleeping great life, in the depths of the dark environment, accompanied by violent movements, a monster that made Chairman Qi Sheng feel horrified came out. After that, there was a fierce battle between the two sides. He paid a heavy price and successfully escaped from the other party's hands as the result of this incident.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the environment of the lonely moon night being too dark."

President Qi Sheng cursed again, this environment is too harmful, making him unable to see things clearly.

The ghost knows that such a terrifying monster lives in that pool. The opponent is not at the dawn level, but it is very strange. It seems that half of life has already left the extraordinary level, which is the limit of the third level. This is an opponent he cannot match!

Fortunately, the opponent's combat intelligence is not high, as if relying on instinctive actions, otherwise, President Qi Sheng doubted himself, and he would not be able to escape successfully.

You must know that the gap between the third level and the fourth level is completely two different life essences.

It is for this reason that the fourth level is called the "Dawn Realm", which is different from the extraordinary realms of levels 1 to 3. Even in the ancient Second Era, in the Silver Age when ancient dragons and giants ruled the world, the fourth level A living body can also be called a real strong.

"Could it be that the monster is related to the city of Yatu?"

Chairman Qisheng was a little panting. As a traveler with a lot of experience, he had been to the end of the cold northern land and seen the scenery outside the Sith ruins. He naturally guessed that the monster might be similar to the ancient city of the Yatu ruins. culture related.

It's a pity that his strength can't support himself, and he has to explore further

"This time it was a real loss."

President Qi Sheng was a little annoyed, with a hint of regret.

Sure enough, he shouldn't easily believe that the information revealed to him by the 'insider' was really detailed in this aspect, but he also didn't expect that 'Light Eye' and 'Code' would keep a hand, let alone that Mosleyan the heir to the family

He actually met the most terrifying life in Yatu's ruined city. However, since he was so unlucky, and even the blood seal was left in that pool, it must be because the corpses did not exist, and they were completely turned into their nourishment, right

"Gina, although I can't avenge you with my own hands, you can rest in peace. Cough! Cough cough!"

President Qi Sheng covered his mouth with a bit of relief on his face.

However, my situation is a bit bad. President Qi Sheng looked down, and there was a badly injured exposed part on his abdomen, covered with moss-like corruption, every time he moved, it would cause him excruciating pain. Tolerate.

It is also eroding his vitality. Affected by this, the strength of President Qi Sheng has declined seriously.

With his current state, it will be a bit tricky even if he meets 'Fire Eye'.

"I have to go back as soon as possible, and I need the help of that 'internal response' to help me lift the curse on my body!" President Qi Sheng decided in his heart, and the next moment, he stretched out his hand and touched an indistinguishable twisted thing.

The indistinguishable nothingness, along with his actions, began to wander around.

These are the 'eyes' of President Qi Sheng, the eyes that allow him to act in the environment of the lonely moon night!

Ethereal creatures, they are difficult to detect, and they can shuttle in the virtual world all the time. In the eyes of outsiders, they are very terrifying existences—but after being promoted to the third level, President Qi Sheng, as a contract teacher, is still a branch of blood, so he is eligible Contract a powerful ethereal life.


Some ghostly voices came, hard to distinguish in the air

It's a pity that this life was also seriously injured when dealing with that batch of ethereal life. Otherwise, with its time to explore the way, President Qi Sheng might not have bumped into that terrifying life. It can only be said that it was a coincidence wrong.

With this regret, President Qi Sheng, led by "it", is groping for the dark night, step by step towards the front.


Suddenly, there seemed to be an invisible twisted thing in the air, as if it had hit something.

It was a fine, silk thread like a spider web!

The next moment, the entire silk thread was pulled together suddenly, tightly restraining "it" in the night, and instinctively, this ethereal life contracted by President Qi Sheng began to struggle on its own, but the tenacity of these silk threads was astonishing.

The more violent the struggle, the more like a small insect trapped in a spider's web!

This. This is? !

President Qi Sheng's pupils shrank, even though he couldn't see things in the distance clearly, but relying on his connection with the life of the Void Spirit, President Qi Sheng could also perceive the tenacity and familiarity of those silk threads!

Isn't it impossible!

Chairman Qi Sheng subconsciously wanted to deny that idea. He had seen this kind of silk thread before, but the problem was that the shadow silk thread used by that young man was not so strong. In a short period of time, it seemed to have been upgraded to a higher level!

Suddenly, President Qi Sheng felt a chill in his heart, and he turned sideways to hide.


A flash of knife light with black smoke came from the imperceptible night, and the next moment, a black-haired young man with an outstanding appearance and wine-red eyes turned his wrist and chased President Qisheng with a knife. , allowing the latter to identify him—

"Susurman Moslian!"

PS: In the second update, I got kicked out. That brain hurts, and I forgot to change it to Mosleyan when I wrote it earlier.

Thank you book friends for your reminders, forgive me, people get confused when they are tired.

(end of this chapter)