The Night Adorer

Chapter 97: Mr. Confidant


[Steam Transformation]. Suleman recalled the epic events in his previous life, feeling a little sighed in his heart.

The world of Eternal Night is really full of whirlpools, even if you have been promoted to a higher level and belong to the Orthodox Church, you will be involved in it.

Of course, that epic event is still early, at least before the holders of the Black Abyss Secret Tome exploded on a large scale, the internal conflicts of the Church of Steam have not risen to the level of eruption, and it is still the calm before the storm.

Suleman's thoughts gathered, and he suddenly thought of something—

Having said that, since Anne was promoted to a full-time investigator at such a young age, her status in the Church of Steam would probably be too low in the future, right? However, I have never heard of her name in my previous life. Could it be that she stayed in the 'Arbitration Authority' or the 'Relic Society' after the Templar Trial

These two action departments are established in all churches. The former is a secret organization to deal with internal conflicts. awe. If they are the saintesses scheduled in the future, they need to enter the 'arbitration agency' and start from the bottom to accumulate qualifications and ensure their prestige among the masses after they are promoted to the top.

As for the other department of the "Relics Association", it mainly focuses on exploring ancient ruined cities. Their targets are all the ancient city-states left over from the fall of the Second Era, such as the ruined city of Yatu, which are more dangerous in action.

But it is also one of the shortcuts to accumulate merit and quickly promote.

What's more, the promotion speed of the Relic Society is faster than that of the arbitration agency. In order to beat the competition, some reserve saints actively join the Department of the Relic Society, and venture out in the Relic City to quickly accumulate meritorious promotion.

"what are you thinking about?"

Annie's voice came from the side, and a pair of beautiful eyes full of agility looked curiously at him who was in a daze.

"Well, I'm thinking about the predicament you're facing." Suleman lied without changing his face and heartbeat. The next moment, he looked at Annie who was a little dazed, and suddenly thought of a way to persuade her :

"Are you confused? When you see the scenes of life in Gangdian City, it is different from the education you received before. I heard that in the moving castle of the Church of Steam, even the scavengers at the bottom can still get enough food and clothing." , don’t worry about starving to death.”

"It's just that the life trajectories of these scavengers are like screws. They have long been determined to spend their entire lives scavenging waste in the moving castle, unless their descendants can detect high-quality aptitudes. Heh, this probability is the same as that of the players on the gambling table." It's like gambling."

"This way of life doesn't seem right, but they live a better life than the bottom people in Gangdian City"

"You feel lost, don't you?"

At this moment, Suleman felt that his words were very similar to those "confidant sister" enlightening characters in the early radio programs in his previous life, who specially poured poisonous chicken soup on people to let them glow with hope for life. Then they became qualified of workers.

"Yes, I think it's very strange!" Annie nodded violently, like a chicken pecking at rice.

She felt that the lower class people in Gangdian City lived too hard and struggled, and most of the wealth was controlled by people from the middle class and above. They had the best supplies in the city, and the most comfortable living environment and working atmosphere.

As for those who are struggling in the lower class, it is very difficult just to survive. Instinctively, Annie felt that they should follow the social class of the moving castle, but she felt something was wrong.

After seeing the colorful outside world and living in Gangdian City for half a month, Annie is no longer an ignorant beginner. She also has a certain understanding of the system of a civilized city-state.

Because of this, comparing the two, she doubts the education she has received.

"It's actually very simple, you don't agree with their way." Suleman smiled lightly, persuading her: "In fact, you don't agree with them in your heart, but you feel powerless and can only question your own education. Superficial phenomena, the most essential problem is that you are eager to change everything, but you lack the corresponding power and right to speak."

Annie's delicate body shook, as if awakened by these words, she lowered her head and muttered a few words—

"Power. Right to speak. System."

Suleman didn't take it to heart. In his opinion, enlightening the other party was just a trivial matter. On the contrary, the social form of the moving castle made him a little sigh-this is a typical 'utopian' structure. Investigators of the Moving Castle will experience a period of confusion when they come to the outside world, which is an inevitable phenomenon for them.

"Thank you! Mr. Suleman."

Annie blushed slightly with excitement, as if she had discovered a new continent.

While the two were talking, they had reached the second floor of the orphanage. The early children were receiving basic education. When they stepped into the classroom, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

When the group of orphans saw the excitement on Anne's face, they also seemed to have discovered a new continent, chattering, and whispering to each other, there were many words like "boyfriend", "lover", "poor Eddie" ' Wait for the words to come out.

There was even a meddler who sneaked out and was going to inform the young man Eddie Toolman who was working part-time to repair furniture in the utility room next door.

"These newspapers, please give them knowledge, it is also a kind of strength." Suleman handed the newspapers to the teacher in the orphanage, who was very grateful. After all, even if the old newspapers are not used, they can be used to paste walls or serve as toilet paper role.

"You, Suleman, you are really careful." Annie next to her couldn't help but praise.

At the same time, Suleman also found the little boy Norman who was rescued last time in the corner of the classroom. However, this time, there were several people of the same age sitting beside him. Stance and comprehension are really good.

When Little Norman noticed his gaze, he also turned his head, pointed to Anne next to him, and gave him a thumbs up.

Big Surman, the little ghost, retracted his gaze, and finally got down to business: "Annie, I came to you this time, mainly because I want to entrust the channel of the Church of Steam. Of course, I will pay enough rewards."

"You are too polite, just tell me if you have any entrustment, as long as I can do it." Annie said seriously. She owed Suleman her life, and she is not a chamber of commerce that pays attention to profits, but a steam that pursues order. believer.

As long as she can do what she can, any request is not a problem.

Suleman didn't answer in a hurry. Seeing this situation, Annie understood what he meant, and said proactively and considerately: "Then let's go to the small room next door to talk."

Before she finished speaking, the young Eddie Toolman who came from the utility room happened to hear these words at the door. The next moment, as if he had been petrified by Medusa, he watched the two of them having sex. Talking and laughing, they passed in front of him.


The small room next door was gently closed, leaving only him and the orphans in the classroom staring.

Half an hour later, Suleman came out of the orphanage and looked down at his pocket watch again.

"Finally done"

Suleman heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Church of Steam had a wide range of channels. When he made a request, Annie assured Suleman that this kind of material was very common. She would definitely be able to get it to Suleman within three days at the most.

The thing he entrusted to the other party is the core material of the 'Secret Keeper'. Since it is the first ceremony, it is not a god-given ceremony itself to let the recipient step into the extraordinary realm. In terms of materials, it is indeed much easier to find.

Suleman did not rely on the ancient nobles. The first reason is that the material belongs to minerals. In this respect, the Church of Steam has a wider channel and it is easier to obtain materials. The second is that he does not want to rely on the ancient nobles for everything, which is configured by the leaking ceremony. danger.

"Next, I'll be able to hold the ceremony for Ibis after Annie sends the materials."

Although Anne's breasts are unconvincing, Suleman believes that her promise is based on character and has absolutely nothing to do with size.

Putting away his pocket watch, Suleman walked slowly towards the edge of the jazz area.

Next, he needs to go to the long-lost .

'Golden Song' party.

PS: There is another chapter tonight.

(end of this chapter)