The Night Adorer

Chapter 98: A gathering of multiple identities


At the southern end of the Jazz District, near the city wall, on a bustling alley at dusk.

'Golden Songs' club.

Suleman looked at the sign hanging on the familiar white bungalow, smiled lightly, and put on his mask again.

While hiding his face, Suleman remembered something. Now that he has been promoted to the second level, he is ready to learn a sub-profession. Coincidentally, he knew that there was a clue to an ancient profession hidden in the central library of Gangdian City.

That clue is hidden in a certain classic, so hidden that it is difficult for normal people to detect it.

According to the original historical trajectory, it will be a few years later, when the holders of the Black Abyss Secret Codex appear one after another, causing disasters in the cold land of the north, and the Steel Code City in the Sith relics will also be affected. Disaster spread.

At that time, there was a scholar who liked to study ancient books. By chance, he discovered the secrets in that classic, and he realized his sub-profession from it. Later, he became the famous "trickster" in the north, and it was inseparable from the credit of that sub-professional.

In terms of functionality alone, it is no worse than Suleman's shadow double.

Of course, the prerequisite for learning that sub-profession is the second level. The scholar who once mastered the classics is also a second-level wanderer, the kind of people who rely on their strength to wander alone in the cold northern soil.

The former Suleman didn't meet the requirements, but after his return from the Old City of Yatu, he has been promoted to the second level and meets the study requirements.


In Suleman's impression, among all the rare occupations suitable for him, this is the only occupation that can be learned at present.

For other occupations, either the required level is too high, and there are many requirements for the dawn realm. Or it is too far away from him, and some are still in the dusk realm, or the Panjieshu domain at the end of the south. They are separated by more than 100,000 kilometers. The equator on the earth is still exaggerated. In a short period of time, the only rare sub-job that Suleman can obtain is the library object in Steel Code City.

"After I deal with the matter at hand, I will learn the sub-profession!"

Suleman made up his mind and pushed open the door of the club. After verifying his identity, he came to the familiar secret passage and went down the stairs. When the light line receded on the ground, the secret hall was revealed little by little.

At the round table in the center, Suleman saw an old acquaintance, the party host who hid his body under the cloak, and the strongest person in the 'Golden Song', the man in gray robe.


Obviously, the gray-robed man's voice was hoarse, like a traveler in the desert who had never drank water. The next moment, without waiting for Suleman's answer, he pointed to the surrounding chairs: "Just find a place to sit. , Night Crow."

The grey-robed man's mood is very low! Suerman noticed this, and couldn't help but be a little curious. Could it be that his wife died

No, no, whether the gray-robed man has a partner or not is another matter. Su Erman sneered in his heart, while finding a chair to sit down, waiting quietly, and one after another, new members came out of the secret passage, came to Sit down in the party hall.

Because Suleman came earlier, while waiting boredly, he also observed the surrounding area, and found that the number of members participating in the party had significantly decreased compared to the last time, and it was no longer the overcrowded situation.

So. It's not like a few Qisheng members were mixed up, and then they were all slaughtered by us, right? Suleman thinks this possibility is not small.

Of course there is another possibility,

As the day when the 'Lonely Cold Wave' was about to come, it was normal for other people to shrink back and not go out.

During this period, the gray-robed man remained silent until the exit of the secret passage. A charming figure in a long black gauze skirt came slowly. She also wore a veil on her face. Butterfly.

It is Ms. Black Butterfly.

"Black Butterfly."

The gray-robed man stared at the figure with a somewhat complicated tone.

However, he immediately concealed his emotions and returned to his normal state, but this scene happened to make Suleman, who had been observing him all the time, move slightly in his heart, and had some faint guesses—

I sold the news to Ms. Black Butterfly, and it didn't take long for the ancient nobles to get the information, and then the Praying Society also got the information.

The most outrageous thing is that the secret contact map on my body also released information, indicating that the absconded descendant of the Stuart family also got this information Suleman thought about these clues, and in an instant, he made a bold guess .

Could it be that the man in gray robe is a member of the Prayer for Living Society

Because the Qisheng will be destroyed behind him, he is depressed, and he suspects that Ms. Black Butterfly has leaked information? The reason for the destruction of the Prayer for Life Society, um, why didn’t I doubt my identity? By the way, I was a night raven in his eyes, a wanderer from outside the Sith relics, a purely innocent passerby, this person is related to What does 'Surman Moslian' matter

Suleman figured everything out, and in an instant, his energy leveled up a bit!

Here are the absconded members of the Praying Society!

Do it? Suleman thought for a while, and immediately dismissed the idea, not to mention Ms. Heidi's standpoint, she and the gray-robed man are two second-tier powerhouses, plus, several extraordinary people in the gathering hall, even if they They are all first-order, even if there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant.

Before the dawn level, crowd tactics are still very useful.

If Suleman makes a move, the wild people in the gathering hall will most likely attack him in order to protect themselves. After all, they must be emotionally inclined to the Golden Song. Another point is that the wild people have a very bad attitude towards the official. Fear, mixed with a bit of hostility.

Let's take a look at the situation first. In Suleman's mind, the gray-robed man is tentatively designated as a 'suspect'.

At the same time, the gray-robed man looked around the audience, and the next moment, he pulled his hoarse throat:

"From now on, Golden Song will no longer hold parties."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar immediately, and some members of the party wearing masks suddenly lost their voices—

"What's going on? All right, why is 'Golden Song' no longer having parties?"

"If 'Golden Song' is disbanded, where should I go to buy materials in the future?"

"It's over, no one has accepted my entrustment yet."

For a while, there were some noisy voices, which made the whole party hall look like a vegetable market.

Suleman's eyelids twitched lightly. At this moment, he was almost sure of the identity of the other party, and he was definitely an absconding member of the Praying for a Survival Society!

Due to the destruction of the backstage, is this ready to 'run softly'? Suleman caught the other party's state of mind, and the next moment, he didn't look at the gray-robed man, but quietly used the corner of his eye to observe Ms. Heidi.

He was very curious about the other party's reaction, and this might help Suleman determine the identity of Ms. Black Butterfly.

As a result, before Suleman could take a closer look, the gray-robed man in front suddenly interrupted everyone—

"Of course, I will maintain one more party before disbanding Golden Song."

"This will guarantee your entrusted interests, and it can be regarded as my last gift to you."

"After the next party, Golden Song will be completely disbanded!"

The next meeting. Suleman's pupils shrank. If there is another meeting, then he will go undercover as an official, and then directly recruit the help of the ancient nobles.

Is the whole pot here

(end of this chapter)