The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 122: Frontier weirdness


In Nanxing County, the thirteenth county of Yangzhou, in the county town, in the pavilion where the red card girl 'Green Cloth' of Liufeng Tower is located.

The sound of the piano is melodious, sometimes brisk and fast, sometimes slow and soft. The sound of the piano can bring people's mood ups and downs. It is indeed extraordinary that the piano art can achieve such an artistic conception.

This green dress can only be regarded as handsome, but her piano skills have established her status as a red card.

In the attic, besides the green clothes playing the piano, there is also a handsome young man in a white shirt. This handsome young man is closing his eyes and listening carefully to the sound of the piano.


There were footsteps on the stairs.

"Green clothes, you step back first." The handsome young man ordered calmly.

"Yes." The green-clothed man withdrew obediently.

The handsome young man had some bad premonitions. When he was listening to the sound of the piano, he was not allowed to be disturbed by servants unless something important happened. And at this stage, what major events will happen? "My business in Lanze Lake? Or to grab Brother Jiu's goods?" The handsome young man thought about it.

"Master." An old man walked in and bowed.

"Huh?" The handsome young man looked over.

"Old Meng is dead, he was killed by Teng Qingshan, the capital of the Black Armored Army, and only thirteen of the hundred killers are still alive." The old man said.

Jun Xiunian's complexion changed slightly, and then he ordered calmly: "Okay, you step back."

"Yes." The old man backed away.

There was only this handsome young man left in the pavilion. He touched the jade ring on his thumb, but his eyes were not focused, obviously thinking about something.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, you are really lucky. You can meet a master like Teng Qingshan. Guiyuanzong has such a genius master. With the guidance of Uncle Zhuge, Guiyuanzong will probably be stronger in the future! Meng Lao, he... dead It's a pity, but I know his sword skills, so if he dies, he will die." The handsome young man suddenly said, "Green clothes, play a song for me."

Soon, the green robe came up the stairs.

"My lord, what do you want to hear?" Lv Yi asked.

"Ambush from ten sides!" The handsome young man said with a light smile.

Lv Yi's heart trembled, but he still bounced.

There was a smile on the corner of the handsome young man's mouth: "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, your city is deep, and your father gave you ten years, and you spent half of the time overseas. You really have great perseverance! You know that 'sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood'" , but you should also understand the truth of "a wood that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind". You have lived overseas for several years, I believe that any of them will be vigilant against you, and many brothers secretly joined forces to boycott you. I wonder if you still I can have the last laugh!"

Teng Qingshan's killing of Meng Tian was nothing to the handsome young man.

Because he is a businessman!

An acquired master, even if he can be listed in the "Earth List", he is still only an acquired master, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and once he faces a volley of arrows from hundreds of people, he will be shot to death.

As for businessmen still practicing martial arts, for them, it's just for self-protection.

Zhu Tong once said that you can't put all your eggs in one basket. Even if you hire guards, you can't completely rely on expert guards for your safety. You must be able to protect yourself.


Squeak! Squeak!

The wheels of the truck rolled along the official road, beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of the Black Armored Army sergeants.

Oh my god!

This is the heat of June! It was afternoon again, and it was terribly hot.

And the sergeants of the Black Armored Army had to wear thick and dense heavy armor, which was like a furnace inside. Also, this heavy armor is black! Black is the most heat-absorbing, and the soldiers of the Black Armored Army had to remove their helmets and untie the joints of their heavy armors to dissipate heat when they were at their hottest.

Fortunately, the sergeants of the Black Armored Army have excellent physique and internal strength, so they can hold on.

How dare ordinary people wear black heavy armor under the hot summer sun? That would be hot as hell.

"It's too hot!" Teng Qinghu wiped his forehead, dripping with sweat, "Qing Shan, why don't you sweat at all?"

"Qinghu, do you compare with Du Tong?" Du Hong who was next to him laughed.

Teng Qingshan is indeed not afraid of heat, whether it is winter or summer, it has no effect on him. It must be known that Teng Qingshan's physique can withstand even the frighteningly low temperature in Bihantan. Even though Teng Qingshan is wearing a black iron inner armor and a black uniform of the black armor army, Teng Qingshan does not shed a drop of sweat in such heat. .

Even if the body is tempered to his physique, Teng Qingshan will be fine even if it is roasted on an ordinary flame.

Teng Qingshan can bear the low temperature to an extremely low level.

High temperature, Teng Qingshan can also withstand hundreds of degrees of high temperature.

Unless it is an extremely high temperature flame, Teng Qingshan will not be able to bear it.

"Brother Zhu, it's so hot, why don't you go into the carriage to rest?" Teng Qingshan laughed.

Zhu Chongshi smiled and shook his head: "What is this temperature? On some overseas islands, I have experienced hotter than this. Brother Qingshan, I have worked hard on this journey. I guess we will be able to cross the boundary of Xuyang County tonight. , and entered Chu County. Wait until tomorrow evening, and you will be there."

Since the battle at the Sanshi Inn, the convoy has not been in danger again.

It's been smooth sailing.

"At that time, brother Qingshan, you have to rest with me. This time, it's really all thanks to you, brother." Zhu Chongshi was full of gratitude.

"Haha... Thank you, I'll wait for you and let my brothers have a good night's rest. We've been exhausted all the way for half a month, and everyone even sleeps at night, so they don't dare to relax." Teng Qingshan said with a smile, now everyone The mood is very relaxed, and the destination is already very close.

As time passed, when the sun set and the sky became dark, Teng Qingshan and the others had already arrived at the border of Xuyang County.

"In a few miles, we will pass Xuyang County and enter Chu County." Zhu Chongshi's face was full of joy.

Teng Qingshan suddenly frowned, and looked at a Zhuangzi not far away, because there were bursts of crying, and there were still many crying people.

Soon, Zhu Chongshi heard it too.

"What's going on in front?" Zhu Chongshi was a little surprised.

"There are a lot of people crying, even if the family is dead, there will not be so many people crying." Teng Qingshan was also a little surprised and puzzled. But even though they were puzzled, everyone hurried on their way, and they wouldn't just look for trouble. After continuing to advance for less than half an hour, Teng Qingshan and the others came to an inn on the border between Xuyang County and Chu County.

Cloud Inn! The four large characters on the banner are very clear.

"Guest officers please, hurry up!" Two waiters ran out to greet him immediately, and even the shopkeeper ran out very enthusiastically.

old rules.

Let the guards go to the backyard to eat, and at the same time guard the goods. The Sergeant of the Black Armored Army finished their meal in the lobby on the first floor of the inn. It's early today, so everyone is not in a hurry and can eat well.

"Hey, Xiao Er, I want to ask you something?" Teng Qingshan asked with a smile.

"Excuse me, guest officer." The Xiao Er was frightened by the black armor uniform, so he was naturally very well-behaved.

"On the road we came from, there is a Zhuangzi about a few miles away. Did something serious happen there? I found out that the crying was quite miserable?" Teng Qingshan asked. Immediately, the soldiers of the Black Armored Army also looked at Xiao Er, wanting to know the answer.

The waiter in the shop heard it, and smiled helplessly: "Guest officer, speaking of this, the Jinjiazhuang, alas, is really miserable. About a month ago, a person disappeared every day for no reason at the Jinjiazhuang. You can’t see people alive, you can’t see dead bodies, you can’t even see blood!”

"Oh?" Teng Qingshan and the others listened carefully.

"It lasted for about half a month, and one person was lost every day! It could be said that wolves came down to eat people on the nearby Flaming Mountain, but there were still bones and bloodstains. At the very least, people should scream when they die. But no one saw, no one heard, people disappeared out of thin air. The clansmen of Dajinzhuang, of course, are afraid of fear! The most terrible thing is that starting half a month ago, two people disappeared out of thin air every day!"

Teng Qingshan was startled.

People disappeared without a trace, which was too unconventional.

"It's still the same. No one knows the reason. They are alive and can't be found out of thin air. Just last night, Dajinzhuang suddenly disappeared three people!" The waiter sighed, "Three people, just disappeared! If it goes on like this, Dajinzhuang will still be worth it?"

Teng Qingshan and his group were a little terrified when they heard this.

People disappeared out of thin air

At first, one person disappeared every day, then two people a day, last night, and three people a day!

"I heard that the clansmen of Dajinzhuang are discussing about moving away." The waiter shook his head and said, "Although Dajinzhuang has been on this land for hundreds of years, guarding our ancestors, we don't want to leave this place. But Days like this are too frightening. I see, in just a few days, Dajinzhuang will probably move out of here."

Teng Qingshan knows very well how difficult it is for a big Zhuangzi to leave the land where he was born and raised.

Because, once migrated.

What about the people of the tribe eating and drinking? Where is the good land? It's all hard.

If you have money, it's easy to handle. But ordinary Zhuangzi. If there is no field. How to support the migrating people? The process of migration is a very tragic process.

"To be honest, we in the inn are a little scared, but we haven't lost a single person here, everyone is lucky. If one day, we don't have a single person here, I'm afraid all of us will leave." Then Xiao Er shook his head and walked away.

Teng Qingshan and his group talked a lot, but they could only sigh.

Whether it's a master killing someone, or a wolf leopard eating people, etc., it's impossible for there to be no sound, not even a trace of blood.

The convoy was still on its way, and everyone just sighed and sighed. Early the next morning, Teng Qingshan and his group continued on their way and set foot on the border of Chu County. Everyone relaxed a lot and stayed until evening.

At the gate of the cottage of the first gang in Huaicheng, Chu County, the "Red Stone Gang".

A large number of robbers and bandits walked out under the leadership of their three masters.

"Brother Zhu, is this the destination?" Teng Qingshan was a little surprised, but Zhu Chongshi smiled mysteriously.

"Brother!" The big boss saw Zhu Chongshi, his eyes turned red, "I haven't seen big brother for a few years, and he is black!" Behind the big boss, the other two bosses bowed: "Master! "

Seeing this, Teng Qingshan immediately understood.

This gang is the people under Zhu Chongshi's command. It turned out that while Zhu Chongshi was traveling abroad, he also ordered his confidants to establish this gang of horse thieves.

Zhu Chongshi was very excited as he hugged the head of the household.

"Qingshan, this is my sworn brother Liu Hu! Second brother, this one is Teng Qingshan, the capital of the Black Armored Army of Yuanzong! That is a master ranked in the "District List". This time, if your brother and I are not Brother Qingshan, I am afraid that the hardships will be in vain if he spends a few years overseas." Zhu Chongshi introduced.

Liu Hu knew very well what this trip meant to his elder brother.

That is not only a matter of Zhu Chongshi's years of hard work abroad, but also whether he can take the position of the head of the Zhu family in the future.

"Brother Qingshan!" The head of the family 'Liu Hu' cupped his hands, "I, Liu Hu, will never forget this kindness of protecting your brother's goods! But if there is anything to do, just tell me, I, Liu Hu, will never blink !"