The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 128: Stormy


In Chu County, in a restaurant in Huai City.

A man in common clothes was sitting at a table by the window, drinking wine and eating vegetables. Around his waist was a long knife.

"Guest officer, your big plate of mutton!" The waiter next to him ran over with a plate and put the dishes on the table, "Guest officer, please use." Then he turned around and left, but when he walked away, he met this The man's left arm. The weird thing is... the sleeve of the left arm was lifted up by Xiaoer.

one arm!

His left arm is broken!

The man looked at his left arm, then continued to drink and eat meat indifferently. It was a long time ago that he broke his arm. In the past, he had been desperate and crazy, but time healed everything. After twenty years of penance, he once again possessed great strength. More calm, more terrifying.

"Yesterday afternoon, in Chu City in Chu County, Tieyimen sent an elite team of hundreds of people to Xuyang County. The leader of that team was the elder 'Wei Canglong' of Tieyimen. Ten years ago, He was once listed as a master in the "Earth Ranking"." Not far behind the one-armed man, several warriors at a table began to talk.

The one-armed man sneered.

Wei Canglong

If the world's masters are not poor and make progress, they will be replaced by laggards. Wei Canglong was listed in the "Earth Ranking" ten years ago, but he was only ranked 71st. Now, he has long been replaced by a stronger master. Of course, being able to stay on the "Earth List" for a short time also represented the strength of that Tieyimen elder.

"Why did Tieyimen send masters to Xuyang County? Is it possible that Tieyimen wants to control Xuyang County?"

"You are wrong. Do you know that there was news that a red-scaled cub was born in the Flame Mountain area of Xuyang County yesterday! It was also eating people in a village called 'Jinjiazhuang', and was discovered by many warriors. , all the way to the Flame Mountain. It’s just a cub nearly ten feet tall! Do you know what the red-scaled cub’s appearance means?” the young warrior said triumphantly.

The one-armed man trembled slightly.

Crimson scale cub

"The appearance of the red-scaled cub means that there is a black fire spirit fruit and a black fire spirit root! Acquired peak masters, once they eat the black fire spirit fruit, it is said that they will become innately strong." The young warrior said. Immediately, this sentence caused an uproar, "It's that black fire spirit root, if you eat it, you will directly become a first-class warrior!"

The one-armed man drank a glass of wine, his gaze became deeper.

Crimson scale cub? Black Fire Spirit Fruit

"Little Er! Check out!" the one-armed man said indifferently.

"Okay, guest officer." Xiao Erlian ran over, "There are six suspenders and twenty big coins in total."

He casually threw down pieces of silver that weighed about seven renminbi: "Is that enough?" Xiao Er, who has been in contact with silver all year round, said with a heavy hand: "Enough, enough."

The one-armed man walked out immediately, led the horse, and rushed towards the Huoyanshan area.

"Black Fire Spirit Fruit! I'm sure to get it!" The one-armed man looked coldly.

What happened in the restaurant is very common. Huaicheng is very close to the Flame Mountain, so the news spread here almost the next day. Spread out in all directions.

Many fighters are either fighting for the Black Fire Spiritual Fruit or the Black Fire Spiritual Root.

Even to watch the excitement.

Everyone knows that Huoyan Mountain will be very lively in the next month or two. The entire Yangzhou, and even Qingzhou in the north, the masters of these two states have time to rush to the Flame Mountain. The gathering of so many masters will be a rare event. Maybe you will see many powerful masters. For example, the masters of the "Earth List", the masters of "The Hidden Dragon List" and "The Young Phoenix List".

A caravan slowly marched on the official road.

Caravans like this where a large number of merchants gather usually invite many guards, and the strength of the guards is also divided into high and low. Those with strong strength can sit comfortably in the carriage. They are too lazy to do anything unless necessary.

Squeak, squeak.

The wheels were rolling, and on a truck, a young man with plain clothes and bare feet was sitting cross-legged, holding his saber in his left hand, with his eyes closed.

No one dared to disturb this young man.

Back then, the other guards looked down on this plainly dressed, barefoot young man. There were two guards who wanted to blackmail this young man, how could they think... the other guards only saw a flash of blood, and the two guards had already crashed to the ground, their throats were cut, the guards were shocked.

The opponent draws his sword, kills the two of them, and withdraws his sword.

They didn't even notice!

The speed with which the sword was drawn and the speed with which the sword was drawn were too frightening. From then on, these guards never dared to mess with this barefoot young man again.

"When I was resting at the inn just now, did you hear that? On the Flame Mountain at the border of Xuyang County, a red-scaled cub appeared. Once the red-scaled cub grows up and eats the black fire spirit fruit, it will be more than three feet long. High, five or six feet long..." The other guards were talking about the news as they advanced.

The barefoot young man who had closed his eyes and rested his mind, opened his eyes.

"Black Fire Spiritual Fruit? Black Fire Spiritual Root?" The barefoot youth narrowed his eyes, like the cold eyes of a lone wolf.

Immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "These guards are right, this time will definitely attract thousands of warriors to come over! I have been traveling the world, eating and sleeping in the open for eight years, and those so-called peak acquired warriors are all It is not my one-stroke enemy! This time, the masters gathered, and it should be the time when I, "Yan Tie", became famous all over the world after eight years of painstaking training! At the same time, I was listed in the "Qianlong List" and "Earth List", the master knows, You must be happy! If you get the Black Fire Spirit Fruit again... "

Thinking of this, the barefoot youth no longer hesitated.

The barefoot young man picked up the package next to him, and then he jumped.


Kicking away a guard who was riding a horse, he himself sat on the horse, and when he yanked the horse, the horse started galloping at high speed.

"My horse!" cried the company of guards.


A hard object hit him on the head, the guard looked down and saw that it was a tael of gold.

"It's so stingy." The guard cursed in a low voice, "My war horse also cost nearly a hundred taels of silver, and I won't pay any more." The guard ran quickly, and also temporarily ran into the truck, and sat in the truck.

"Brother, if that God of Death can give you gold, you're considered lucky. If you don't, what can you do?" The other guards laughed.

"That killing god, where are you going?"

"Who knows, he walked well. Here, I always feel nervous!"

The guards left halfway, and the merchants didn't care about it, and there was nothing they could do. What's more, the merchants paid half of the silver on the way, and paid the other half of the silver at the destination, and they were not afraid of the guards escaping. They didn't suffer anyway.


Whether they want to get the Black Fire Spiritual Fruit, Black Fire Spiritual Fruit, join in the fun, or want to take advantage of the gathering of masters and become famous in one fell swoop, everyone rushes to the Flame Mountain after getting the news!

There are some ascetics who travel the world, live in the wind and sleep in the open, they just want to become famous in one fell swoop, this time is a good opportunity!

There are also achievements and fame, and the desire to achieve innate fame in my heart!

There are also those who bear deep hatred and want to sharply improve their strength and revenge!

There are people who join in the fun!

There are some disciples of hidden peerless powerhouses who want to be famous in the world!

In short, all kinds of people rushed to the Flame Mountain.


Xuyang County, inside a mansion in Huacheng.

This is Gui Yuanzong's residence in Huacheng, so Teng Qingshan and the others stayed here temporarily.

"In the past two days, the Huoyan Mountain is really lively." Teng Qingshan stood at the window of the pavilion, drinking wine, and glanced at the street in the distance from time to time, "There are so many warriors on the Huoyan Mountain. Today, there are hundreds of people gathered! Over there, three inns have been opened in a row!"

There are too many people, and powerful warriors don't care about money.

The inn can take the opportunity to make a lot of money, so three more inns were built one after another in the Huoyan Mountain area.

"But that red-scaled cub is really cunning! It didn't show up at all in the past two days. I entered the Flame Mountain and searched three times, but I didn't find any trace of the red-scaled cub." Teng Qingshan also tried his best to search, but he never found the red-scaled beast. The cub, the red-scaled cub obviously felt the danger.

But Teng Qingshan is sure of one thing - the red-scaled cub will not leave its lair until it has eaten the black fire spirit fruit.

"Cousin is really hardworking." Teng Qingshan glanced at the courtyard below, where his cousin Teng Qinghu was practicing marksmanship "Five Styles of Agni Fire".

"Huh?" Out of the corner of his eye, Teng Qingshan noticed a large number of figures wearing black heavy armor and riding black horses in the street in the distance, and many of them were not wearing heavy armor.

Teng Qingshan recognized the two leaders at a glance!

The one with long silver hair and stern eyes is the first commander 'Ji Hong', and the woman with cold complexion and black dress is the fourth commander 'Guan Lu'.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Teng Qingshan immediately went down the stairs and walked to the front door, but the person in charge of this station, 'Yang Ta', was already waiting at the door.

"You two commanders." Na Yangta said respectfully, "Leave these war horses to my people. The adults come in to rest." He waved his hand, and immediately a group of servants ran over to lead the horses.

A mighty group of people walked in, led by Ji Hong and Guan Lu.

"Master Commander." Teng Qingshan cupped his hands to the two in front of him.

"Haha, Qingshan!" Ji Hong saw Teng Qingshan with a smile on his face, walked over and patted Teng Qingshan on the shoulder, "This time you are fighting for our Gui Yuanzong's face, and even defeated Meng Tian, haha... by the way , let me ask you, was Meng Tian really killed by you?"

There was no remains of Meng Tian's dead body, and no one was around at the time, so no one knew whether Teng Qingshan killed him.

"Of course I killed him." Teng Qingshan said.

"Okay, okay." Ji Hong smiled more intensely, and then turned around, "This is Commander Guan! This time, Commander Guan and I, under the order of the suzerain, lead thirty elites of the Black Armored Army and thirty core disciples Experts come here. Although the birth of the red-scaled cub this time has attracted a large number of experts, but we return to Yuanzong, and we are sure to win that treasure! Qingshan, when the time comes, don't hold back!"

Whether it's defeating Meng Tian or killing Meng Tian.

Teng Qingshan has at least the strength of the "District Ranking", a master of the "Distance Ranking" can play a very important role in the competition for the Black Fire Spiritual Fruit.

"Yes, Lord Commander." Teng Qingshan responded, and when he suddenly glanced behind Ji Hong, Teng Qingshan was startled, his eyes locked on the face of a hulking man in heavy armor, the black armor elite master, also Looking at Teng Qingshan in doubt.

"This brother, you, are you called Li Jinfu?" Teng Qingshan still clearly remembered the genius of the Li Family Village who was carrying a 122-jin mace back then.