The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 135: Ground


The thin man's face changed drastically when he saw the other party's attire: "It's from Gui Yuanzong!"

Now at the foot of the Huoyan Mountain, the troops of the several major sects are all dressed in the same attire, so they are easy to identify. When encountering the troops of these major sects, ordinary warriors will choose to avoid them.

"If I go down now, I will definitely be caught by them. With my strength, I can't escape Gui Yuanzong's arrest! There is no other way!" The lean man raised his head, gritted his teeth, and quickly climbed up while grabbing the vines. Climbing, he is also a warrior after all, and his climbing speed is very fast.

If he jumped down, he would be caught.

Fleeing to the cave under the vine? If the opponent enters the cave, he will quickly catch up.

Climb upwards, if the speed is fast, climb to the top of this low cliff first, there is still hope.

Teng Qingshan stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the thin man who was quickly climbing up the cliff.

"Dutong, don't we chase?" Du Hong asked anxiously.

Teng Qingshan picked up two pieces of gravel from the ground with a light smile, and then looked at the thin man who climbed up to the steep place, without vines to grasp, making it difficult to climb. He casually threw a stone in his hand, and the stone flew across the sky like a shooting star, and accurately hit the lean man's right arm.

"Ah!" The thin man grabbed the rock's right hand and couldn't help but yelled in pain.

The whole body lost its center of gravity and couldn't help but fall.

This is more than ten feet high. If you jump down, you will break your leg bone at most. However, this thin man lost his center of gravity and fell backwards, even first-rate fighters would be thrown to death.


Turning into a gust of wind, Teng Qingshan faced the body that fell from the sky like a cannonball, and stretched out his hand—

More than ten feet is about forty meters, which is equivalent to the height of a ten-story building in Teng Qingshan's previous world. Falling down at such a high height, with that impact, if a first-rate martial artist catches it with his hands, his arm will probably be broken. I saw Teng Qingshan put his right hand on the thin man's body, and once he took it off, he took off 90% of the impact force, and then he stopped his hand and let the thin man fall down.


After removing nine points of the impact force, the lean man fell to the ground only to feel a suffocation in his chest, and was not seriously injured.

In fact, Teng Qingshan can completely block the impact force with one arm, but if Teng Qingshan blocks it hard, Teng Qingshan himself is fine, and the thin man will probably be shocked to death, so he can only use such soft methods.

"I know the secret of the Black Fire Fruit. He is saving me now. He probably doesn't know the situation in the cave and wants me to lead the way. Once they find the Black Fire Fruit! They will definitely kill me. They will never let me leave freely. They want to monopolize the Black Fire Spirit Fruit!" The lean man is not a fool, he is also an old man.

Understand that anyone's reaction when they find the Black Fire Spirit Fruit is to monopolize it!

He who fell on the ground suddenly waved his hand, and a cold light pierced Teng Qingshan's chest from a close distance, and then he put his hands together, and with a whoosh, he was about to fly away.

"Qiang!" Teng Qingshan flicked his finger, and the dagger flew away.

Seeing the lean man running, Teng Qingshan threw another stone in his hand.

"Ah!" The lean man couldn't help but bend his right leg, and he fell on the floor.

"If you run away again, I'll kill you!" A cold voice sounded in his ears. The lean man who originally wanted to run for his life felt a burst of despair. He understood that if he didn't escape the sudden attack just now, it would be even more impossible for him to escape now. He is not a person looking for death.

Rubbing the bend of his right leg, the lean man stood up and turned to look at Teng Qingshan, squeezing out a smile: "Gui Yuanzong heroes, you..."

"In that cave, is there a black fire spirit fruit?" Teng Qingshan asked directly.

The lean man choked, and the other party's guess was accurate.

"Yes!" The lean man nodded.

At this moment, Du Hong and Teng Qinghu also rushed over, and they were overjoyed when they heard this, "Qingshan, your guess is really accurate, the black fire spirit fruit is actually in this canyon, we were running around before." Teng Qinghu said. A smile appeared on Teng Qingshan's face, he was just guessing randomly based on the escape location of the red-scaled cub.

Immediately, Teng Qingshan ordered: "Qinghu, Lao Du, you follow me into the cave, and the others are around here, pretending to search for the location of the Black Fire Spirit Fruit, waiting for us to come out."

"Yes, Dutong." A group of people lowered their voices.

The thin man looked at Teng Qingshan in horror: "Yes, this man is Gui Yuanzong Teng Qingshan Teng Dutong. That day, he competed with Sima Feng. Easy to catch, he can easily block my sneak attack at such a close range."

Knowing the other party's identity, how could a lean man dare to resist.

Teng Qingshan looked around.

There are no people in this generation around the canyon, and the canyon itself is relatively secretive. Even if someone comes to search, it is a very small number of people. Those who search and find nothing will generally not search again.

"Let's go into the cave." Teng Qingshan said.

Immediately Teng Qingshan grabbed the skinny man's clothes with his left hand, jumped straight up, he was seven to eight feet high, his right hand casually grabbed a protruding rock, and flew up again with his strength, and then tapped once more with his foot , flew directly to the cave, opened the vines, and entered the cave.

Teng Qinghu and Du Hong used both hands and feet, and they also climbed rapidly.

Both of them were first-class warriors, and they climbed extremely fast, and within a few breaths, they entered the cave.

Teng Qingshan placed the vines again to cover the entrance of the cave.

The cave passage is relatively dark, but the passage is more than one foot high, so there is no need to bend over.

"You lead the way." Teng Qingshan ordered indifferently.

Du Hong next to him yelled at the thin man: "Boy, if you play tricks again, if Lord Dutong doesn't do anything, I will shoot you to death!" At this time, Du Hong and the others also took out their spears from behind, Teng Qingshan also took the long spear behind his back in his hand.

In the cave, everything is unknown, so be careful.

"My lords, don't worry, in front of Teng Dutong, the younger one will not dare to run away even if he has ten guts." The thin man said respectfully, "Dutong, my lords, the younger one will lead the way." With that said, the lean man walked all the way deep into the cave.

He said this, but the thin man was very anxious in his heart: "Which of these big sects is merciful? Now I am still useful. When they see the Black Fire Spirit Fruit, they may kill me to silence them. I will definitely You have to find a good opportunity."

Although he was afraid of Teng Qingshan, he was even more afraid of being killed.

Thinking in his mind, how can he escape for his life, but he said happily: "Teng Dutong, this passage is not long, and there is a big crack in front!"

"Crack?" Teng Qingshan felt that he had walked more than a hundred meters, and saw a big crack that had opened. The width of the crack is about ten feet, and the crack is pitch black, unfathomable, but there is a faint fiery breath, which diffuses from the crack and rushes toward the face.

Du Hong shouted: "Boy, how did you get down?"

The thin man continued: "My lords, this crack is hundreds of feet deep, and anyone who falls will surely die. The little one also spent the middle of the night running to the other side of the cliff to collect some strong vines and pick up a A very long rope, right there!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the side not far away, and it was indeed covered with thick vines.

"I'll go down first." Teng Qingshan said, and then looked at the lean man, "You are second, Qinghu, Lao Du, you follow behind." Teng Qingshan was worried about what tricks the lean man was playing.

"Go!" Teng Qingshan put the reincarnation gun on his back again, and then jumped down, a little bit of the cliff at his feet, grabbed the vine, and fell quickly.

"Hurry up." Du Hong shouted at the man.

The lean man kept up.

This way down, Teng Qingshan also found that the depth of the crack was getting darker: "Even with my eyesight, I can barely see a distance of five or six meters at most! If it is an ordinary first-class warrior, I am afraid that I can only see my hands." Teng Qingshan also felt a hot breath of sulfur blowing towards his face.

It's getting richer!

All the way down, the temperature continued to rise, and the hot sulfur breath became stronger and stronger.


Teng Qingshan finally landed on the ground: "Well, about a hundred feet! According to the height of the cliff cave, the place where I am now should be eighty or ninety feet deeper than the bottom of the canyon!" Hong and Teng Qinghu also reached the bottom.

"Lead the way ahead." Teng Qingshan said.

The thin man walked in front familiarly, and said at the same time: "Teng Dutong, this is deep underground, and it's extremely hot." There was gradually a red light in front, even if it was a faint light, Teng Qingshan could see clearly at once. Tens of meters away, I saw a faint light red mist in front of me.

"Red?" Du Hong was a little surprised.

"Teng Dutong, that's actually water vapor!" the thin man said.

"Water vapor should be white mist, who are you kidding? Are you trying to play tricks?" Teng Qinghu shouted.

The thin man panicked and said: "My lords, I dare not lie to you, this is really white mist! It's because it's too hot that water mist appears here."

Teng Qingshan also found that the temperature is getting hotter.

Although it is considered hot in the canyon, it is not outrageous, and it is already a bit exaggerated now.

Following this thin man, Teng Qingshan and the three of them stepped into the 'red mist' together, and as soon as Teng Qingshan got close, he was sure that it was indeed ordinary water vapor. Gradually, Teng Qingshan heard 'gurgling', like the sound of water boiling. Teng Qingshan put his right hand on the thin man's shoulder and followed him all the way.

"This Teng Qingshan is really cautious." The fine man felt the hand on his shoulder, "It's best to escape from this place, but..."

The original plan was to escape from this place.

But there is no way.

Continue to go!

After walking about tens of feet, the fog became thinner, and the gurgling sound became clearer. Finally, Teng Qingshan and his group walked out of the foggy area.

"This is—" Teng Qinghu and Du Hong were dumbfounded.

The thin man continued: "This should be the fire magma recorded in the book!"

Teng Qingshan looked at the blazing red fiery magma in front of him, the magma liquid flowed slowly, and at the same time bubbled from time to time, the frightening temperature even made Du Hong and the others arouse the inner strength in their bodies.

"Magma!" Teng Qingshan knew exactly what it was. "The magma layer should be extremely deep underground. I didn't expect that there would be a magma flow about two or three hundred meters underground. It seems...there was a volcanic eruption here. It's true." .”