The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 2: His name is 'Wolf'


Teng Qingshan only left for a moment, and two dilapidated Santana cars drove not far from the courtyard.

There were three people in the first car, and a burly man in black was sitting in the back row. He held an infrared thermal imager in one hand, watched it carefully, and immediately said in a low voice: "Everyone, there should be no one in the courtyard." People, go!"

Immediately, six people came out of the two cars, five of the yellow race and one of the white race.

"I hope that guy is really not here." The headed strong man in black whispered.

"If it's really there, let's go and die as many people as possible." The white man whispered. Although this small group of people was uneasy, they did not dare to disobey the order of the organization. He jumped into it, and searched the entire courtyard in just a moment.

The headed strong man in black has a relaxed expression: "The target has already escaped, leaving only the body of 'Little Four'. Now it has been confirmed that the target is in the area around Anyi County! Our mission is completed, we can go back to rest, by the way, Take Xiaosi's body away and clean up the surrounding area."

They are very proficient in doing this kind of thing.


The Adriatic seaside city "Water City" Venice, located in northern Italy, has an ancient history. It used to hold the strongest power in Europe. Today, this ancient city still has many Old buildings that exist.

In Venice, there is an old brick-red castle building that has stood for hundreds of years.

This ancient castle building, known as the 'Red Castle', also known as the 'Blood Castle', is the ancestral home of the ancient 'Redmaine' family in Europe, even though the Redmayne family has power all over the West , but this 'Red Castle' is still the highest power center of the Redmayne family.

Inside the Red Castle, in a dark hall.

A huge LCD screen is hung on the wall of the hall, and there is a map on the screen. In the hall, there is a young man with brown-red short hair and an old man with silver hair.

"Master, the Dark Hand organization has sent news that the 'Wolf' has appeared in the Anyi County area of Jiangsu, an ancient country in the east. I have already told the Death Scythe organization the news." The silver-haired old man said respectfully.

The brown-red short-haired young man's face was a little pale, his eyes were cold, and he said in a low voice, "The existence of wolves is a disgrace to our Redmayne family! What I want now is... to kill the wolves as quickly as possible at all costs! All of this must be resolved before father knows."

"Yes, master." The silver-haired old man nodded.

At this moment, footsteps sounded.

The complexion of the young man with brown-red short hair changed, and a bearded middle-aged man with the same brown-red short hair came in with an indifferent face.

"Father!" The brown-red short-haired youth bowed immediately.

"Patriarch." The silver-haired old man bowed immediately.

The direct descendants of the Redmayne family all have brown-red hair. This bearded middle-aged man is the highest authority in the Redmayne family—Alexander & Redmayne. Alexander glanced coldly at his son: "Ambrose, my son, you really let me down."

"Father, I, I want to solve it as soon as possible." The red-haired young man lowered his head.

"Solve it as soon as possible? I'm starting to doubt your ability now! If my friend hadn't told me about this matter this time, I wouldn't have known that such a big thing had happened." Alexander snorted coldly, "Until Now, I still can't believe the news. Ambrose, you have explained the matter in detail from beginning to end."

The direct descendant of the family 'Ambrose' raised his head and walked to the side of the computer.

"Father, what happened this time mainly involves a killer codenamed 'Wolf'." As he spoke, he tapped on the keyboard, and immediately many images and a large amount of text introduction appeared on the giant LCD screen on the wall of the hall.

"Twenty-two years ago, the red organization, one of the two major killer organizations controlled by our family, collected 360 children with good physical fitness from all over the world. Among them were 'wolves'. According to the records, wolves, he He is Chinese, and he was only seven years old. In the first round of screening organized by us, 113 out of 360 children survived, and he was one of them.”

Alexander watched the description on the screen.

The killer organization has to absorb new blood every year, and this selection is extremely cruel, either life or death, there is no third way.

"The 113 children who survived were later sent to the Siberia training camp for life-and-death training. Three years later, 38 survived. He is still one of them and was officially given the code name-Wolf!"

"These 38 candidates were sent to Mr. Teng. Mr. Teng only accepted four people as his apprentices, among them was the wolf. Six years later, the wolf was sixteen years old and returned to my red organization. In the past twelve years, the wolf and the cat have been the two most powerful killers in my red organization, and these two have completed many tasks."

"Just last Christmas, a SS-level task worth 300 million US dollars was sent to me." The red-haired youth 'Ambrose' said in a low voice, "The red organization has not completed SS-level tasks for twenty years. With a reward of 300 million U.S. dollars, and in order to revive the reputation of the red organization, I took this task."

"You, my child, are crazier than a she-wolf protecting cubs." Alexander snorted coldly.

This SS-level mission is the highest-level mission in the dark world, and it is not within the range of the red organization's ability. Even if it can be completed, the price will be extremely high.

"I asked the eight senior members of the red organization to plan carefully. They spent a lot of effort, and finally used the pair of killers 'wolf and cat' as bait to successfully complete the task!"

The red-haired young man said firmly: "In my opinion, wolves and cats are just A-level killers. They have brought in at most 100 or 200 million US dollars to our organization in their lifetime. This time, sacrificing them will not only get 300 million US dollars in one go .And it can revive the prestige of the red organization, why not do it?"

"Hmph." Alexander sneered, "But it turned out to be terrible."

"Yes, father." The red-haired young man shook his head and sighed, "I never thought about it, I didn't even dare to think about it... This excellent killer, 'Wolf', has hidden his strength after so many years of missions !!!”

The red-haired youth couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"His strength is far beyond A-level!"

"During that mission, the organization hid the two of them and let them die as bait. 'Cat' died, but his 'wolf' was still alive. After the death of his best partner 'cat', the wolf initiated Crazy revenge! He killed the red organization headquarters by himself."

Alexander couldn't help but change his face when he heard this.

How crazy is it to go to the headquarters of a killer organization alone? Even the most powerful person in charge of this ancient family marveled at the killer's madness.

"The headquarters of the red organization, this wolf has lived for twelve years, relying on his familiarity with the organization, he sneaked into it quietly. 2 A-level killers, 52 B-level killers, quietly, unknowingly, He killed nearly half of them, and killed seven of the top eight members of the red organization."

"When the organization woke up and began to besiege the 'wolf', the wolf showed its terrifying strength. He fought against two A-level killers alone. His strength far surpassed that of A-level. He quickly killed the two of them. The last high-level executive was killed. Later, in a group battle with more than 20 B-level killers, one person fought with so many people, and with his flying knife stunt, he unexpectedly won. Maybe he was injured, but the A-level of the red organization And the B-level killers have been slaughtered."

Alexander's face changed drastically.

"A group of more than 20 B-level killers?" Alexander couldn't believe it.

Alexander was not too surprised that one person won the battle with two A-level killers. But he won the fight against more than twenty B-level killers alone. That would be incredible! After all, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and if more than 20 powerful people besiege one, it is unlikely to lose.

"He is at least an S-level killer! Or stronger!" Alexander made such a judgment.

"Yes, the Dark World has adjusted the level of 'Wolf' to S-level, and there are only fifty-two S-level killers in the world, including wolves." The red-haired youth 'Ambrose' sighed, " If I had known that he was so powerful, how could I have done that. I wouldn’t trade an S-level killer even for a billion dollars.”

A-level killers can be trained.

But there is only one S-level killer in an average of 100 million people in the world. Of course, some hidden superpowers are not included. But it can also be seen how precious it is. The Red organization hasn't had an S-class killer in decades. There is a huge difference between having an S-level killer and not having an S-level killer.

"The red organization is headquartered in Siberia, Russia. After the successful revenge, the wolf immediately fled. I naturally launched a mission in the dark world and started hunting him down."

"But, this wolf is really strong."

"From Russia, he fled all the way. Then he passed through the Sino-Russian border and fled into Heilongjiang Province, an ancient eastern country. As for later, we could no longer find him. In the ancient eastern country where there are many Chinese, it is difficult to find a Chinese. It's huge. Not long ago, the 'Dark Hand' organization finally discovered that 'Wolf' had appeared in a county in Jiangsu Province."

After speaking in one breath, the red-haired youth 'Ambrose' looked a little ugly.

"This is an excellent killer. It would have been the strongest fang in my Redmayne family." Alexander sighed. After hearing about the killer's experience, he also had some admiration for the killer named 'Wolf', "But , The killer organization under my Redmayne family will actually lead to the destruction of the entire organization because of internal traitors. This is the biggest joke in the dark world! For a hundred years, there has been no second incident in the dark world!"

The red-haired youth 'Ambrose' also bowed his head.

It is indeed a disgrace!

A powerful organization will be completely destroyed because of the traitor's revenge. It's just unbelievable. The Redmayne family, an ancient family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, cannot afford to lose this man!

"Kill him! No one can challenge me that the Redmayne family is still alive!" Alexander's voice was low, but it seemed to contain endless anger.