The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 26: blockbuster


In the empty martial arts arena, there were hundreds of tables, and the clansmen gathered together, laughing heartily, eating meat and drinking heavily. Although the clan is not too rich, it is still possible to allow the whole clan to eat and drink to their heart's content on the day of the annual festival.

"Brother Fan! Let me respect you." The stout man was holding a big bowl.

"A Niu, come here." Teng Yongfan stood up boldly, and after the two touched the bowls, they immediately drank the bowl.

"Brother Fan, your son Qingshan is going to pass the test today, are you confident?" the 'A Niu' asked with a smile.

"Of course." Teng Yongfan stared.

A Niu lowered his voice and said, "My little brat is the same age as your son. I tested my son secretly, and he can lift a 40-jin sandbag. Haha, I remember Brother Fan, your performance when you were six years old , that is, lifting fifty catties, this time, my son may be the strongest among their peers."

In the villa where there is no way to cultivate inner strength, talent and diligence determine future achievements.

Teng Yongfan had great strength when he was a child, coupled with his hard work and working hard all day long, now he has great strength.

The grandson of the old patriarch 'Teng Yunlong' and Teng Qingshan's cousin 'Teng Qinghu', when he was six years old, he could lift 60 catties, and when he was nine years old, he could lift a boulder of 300 catties. This kind of talent is stronger than that of Teng Yongfan back then. The clan placed great hopes on Teng Qinghu.

"My son, Qingshan, has been able to eat since he was a child. If he can eat so well, he must be no worse than your child." Teng Yongfan seemed confident.

In fact, Teng Yongfan felt guilty at the bottom of his heart, because he had not tested Teng Qingshan secretly.

"It's great if you can eat it?" Teng Qingshan, who was on the next table, glanced at his father Teng Yongfan, but felt very relaxed. Because of the Xingyi Neijiaquan, Teng Qingshan has never performed in front of his parents. As for the clan assessment this time, Teng Qingshan has no pressure at all.

At the age of three, I started to develop inner strength, and now I have practiced for nearly three years.

In addition, he inherited his father's lineage and was born with good physical fitness. The strength of this body will definitely make everyone dumbfounded.

"Father and mother value it so much, we can't let them down." Teng Qingshan, who had been hiding his strength all along, decided to show a little strength.


Because of the blizzard last night, the snow on the training ground was deep enough to cover the knees, but after thousands of people trampled on it, it had already become thick, and the top was sprinkled with ash, so it was not very slippery.

Today's New Year's Eve, Tengjiazhuang was immersed in joy throughout the afternoon.

The folk customs are tough, and naturally, at this moment of celebration, everyone began to compete in bow and arrow skills, wrestling wrestling, and spear skills...

The sky was dark, Teng Qingshan and his younger sister Teng Qingyu were in the crowd, watching the wrestling skills.

"Come on, black bear, don't be defeated by a little guy!"

"Cousin, cousin!" A crisp voice sounded from Teng Qingyu's throat.

Teng Qingshan looked at his sister in front of him, and then at the two wrestling inside the five-zhang circle. These two people are Teng Qingshan's cousin 'Teng Qinghu' and cousin 'Teng Qinghao' respectively. Teng Qinghao is a master marksman. Teng Yongxiang's son is now eighteen years old.

And cousin Teng Qinghu, after today, is only twelve years old.

Teng Qinghu is nearly seven feet tall (nearly 1.75 meters, one foot is 25 centimeters), while Teng Qinghao is seven feet six inches (1.9 meters).

Eighteen years old, already an adult. Twelve years old, but can only be regarded as a teenager.

Teng Qinghao has the nickname of 'Black Bear' because he is very powerful. Among the tribesmen of his age, Teng Qinghao is almost ranked first.



Teng Qinghu and Teng Qinghao grabbed their opponents with both arms, like two bison wrestling with each other, with veins protruding from their foreheads, they stared fiercely at their opponents. Among them, one is the number one hero in Tengjiazhuang in the future, and the other is the number one person of the younger generation today.

"Hey!" Teng Qinghao shook his arms violently.

"Get out." Teng Qinghu yelled violently, and even took advantage of the momentum to wrap his arms around his opponent, tripped at the same time, and pushed Teng Qinghao violently. Teng Qinghao was pushed into the air and fell outside the circle.

"Damn it." Teng Qinghao got up and scolded, "Qinghu, you boy, I know that you are strong and will surpass me one day. But, you have to give your brother and me some face. After today, You are only twelve years old, you are so young, you surpass me. It seems that I will have no chance to beat you in the future. "

Teng Qinghu chuckled.

At this moment, the voice of the patriarch 'Teng Yunlong' came from afar.

"Everyone, come here!"

Immediately, clansmen wrestling with each other and competing in archery all gathered towards the center, and soon, more than two thousand people gathered on the inner three floors and the outer three floors. And in the empty circle where everyone gathered, the patriarch Teng Yunlong blushed and said loudly: "My Tengjiazhuang has a larger population, and each generation of men is stronger than each generation of men! Haha... Every hero in my clan comes from The child is here, everyone should know what to do now."

Everyone was uproarious.

"Qingshan!" Father Teng Yongfan and mother Yuan Lan both looked at Teng Qingshan, and Teng Yongfan whispered, "You have grown so big, your father and I have no demands on you, but today, you have to fight. Hold on, the glory of a man is achieved with his own hands!"

"I know, father." Teng Qingshan nodded solemnly.

He understood that in Tengjiazhuang, even the position of patriarch was inherited by whoever was powerful. Anyone who wants to be respected must rely on his own strength!

"Now, all six-year-old boys, come to the center." Teng Yunlong said loudly.

It is said that they are six years old, but in fact, these children will only be six years old tomorrow. It's just a day's difference, because the New Year Festival is today, and the matter will naturally be resolved in one day.

"Father believes in you." Teng Yongfan smiled at Teng Qingshan.

"Brother." Teng Qingyu looked at Teng Qingshan with big eyes in her mother Yuan Lan's arms, and raised her fists, "You are the strongest!"

Teng Qingshan smiled, and then walked towards the center among the crowd. The clan members consciously let the children walk towards the center one by one. There are more than two thousand people in the entire Tengjiazhuang, and there are fifty-five boys of the same age as Teng Qingshan. These children all stand in the central circle in an orderly manner.

The patriarch Teng Yunlong looked at the sky, it was already dark.

"Light it up!" Teng Yunlong said loudly.

Immediately, some clansmen lit torches around the martial arts field one by one, making the surroundings even brighter.

"Listen up, children." Teng Yunlong looked at the fifty-six children, "Come one by one, go over there, there are stones ranging from ten catties to one thousand catties. .You can lift as many catties as you can. If you lift it above your head, it is considered a success."

"The first one, Teng Qingling!" Teng Yunlong held a list in his hand.

There was a sudden silence all around.

For the men of the Teng clan, the six-year-old assessment and the sixteen-year-old coming-of-age ceremony are the two most important things in growing up. At the six-year-old assessment, one can already guess the child's future achievements.

Everyone, especially the child's parents, looked at their son nervously.

"Teng Qingling, lift fifteen catties! Next, Teng Qingze."

"Teng Qingze, lift ten catties! Next, Teng Hong!"

One by one the children tried it one after another. Whenever the children lifted a little heavier, there was a lot of admiration around them, and the children's parents were very happy.

"Six-year-old children can generally lift ten or twenty catties." Teng Qingshan sighed. The physical fitness of ordinary people is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary people in his previous life. It is very powerful. My father was six years old, and he was very strong when he lifted fifty catties. And my cousin Qinghu even lifted sixty catties."

Teng Qingshan sighed secretly.

"Drink!" A fat boy with a round head and a round brain lifted a stone weighing forty catties in one breath.

"Teng Qingjiang, haha, very good, forty catties, the best one right now!" The patriarch Teng Yunlong said with a smile.

"Tsk tsk, the little boy of A Niu's family is very powerful, it seems that he will also be a good guy in the future."

"A Niu, I didn't expect your son to be so strong."

Immediately there was admiration from the surroundings, and the strong man named A Niu showed a simple and honest smile on his face, obviously very happy.

One by one the children tried it, and most of the children did not weigh more than twenty pounds. That little fat man is the best one for now.

"Last year's group of more than 60 children, the strongest one lifted 45 catties. This year's group of children, I don't know if there are any children who can surpass it." There are already whispers among the family members , the child's excellence or not, is the parents attach great importance to.


"Teng Qingwei, twenty-five catties, the next one is Teng Qingshan!" Teng Yunlong's voice suddenly became high-pitched. After all, this is his grandson. Caring, but no less than a son.

The more than 2,000 people watching around fell silent.

Everyone stared at the child standing in the middle, that child who was not tall, not fat, very ordinary - Teng Qingshan!

The reason why he pays so much attention is because Teng Qingshan's father is the number one hero in the clan - Teng Yongfan.

The tiger father has no dog son, the father is the number one hero, what about the son

Teng Yongfan, Yuan Lan and his wife held their breaths, and even that little Qingyu stared at his brother with wide eyes.

"How heavy is it?" Teng Qingshan thought in his heart, walking towards those stones.

After walking through ten, fifteen, and twenty catties of stones, Teng Qingshan didn't stop all the way, and walked straight back.

"Young man Qingshan..." Many people raised their voices in their throats, "He didn't even try, and just walked back."

"Sixty catties, and he still walks backward!" Everyone became nervous. At first, they were watching a show, but now they are nervous. Because... the whole clan will benefit from the appearance of a particularly powerful clan member in a clan.

"Seventy catties, and it hasn't stopped!"

"Still going backwards!"

Many clansmen present stared wide-eyed, even the always calm patriarch Teng Yunlong was a little nervous, as for Teng Qingshan's father 'Teng Yongfan' his face was flushed.

You know, the heavier you can lift, the harder you go up. When the limit is reached, even adding a catty or two will make people collapse.

"My family, the first person in history, was able to lift an 80-jin stone at the age of six." Teng Yunlong stared at Teng Qingshan, "He hasn't stopped the 80-jin boulder, is he still walking? Little guy, is he really capable, or is he deliberately fooling people." Teng Yunlong raised his heart.

The atmosphere in the entire training ground became very tense.

Step by step, every step forward makes everyone nervous.


Teng Qingshan finally stopped in front of the stone lock, which weighed one hundred catties.

"I am the first person in the history of the Teng clan. I could only lift eighty catties when I was six years old. I will save some face for my father, so don't exaggerate. Just one hundred catties." Teng Qingshan looked at the stone lock in front of him, I thought to myself.