The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 27: family planning


As for everyone in the Teng family, no one dared to speak, and even dared not breathe loudly in this tense atmosphere. Everyone stared at the seemingly ordinary child.

Teng Qingshan, a six-year-old child, wants to lift a hundred catties

is it possible

Is it deliberately showing off, or is it really powerful

"Qingshan!" Teng Yongfan and his mother 'Yuan Lan' also looked at their son nervously.

"Phew!" Teng Qingshan took a deep breath and stared at the stone lock in front of him. This is a stone lock that the clansmen often use for practice, and it weighs just one hundred catties. Therefore, for the sake of convenience, he brought it here during the assessment.

Teng Qingshan stretched out those small hands, grasping the sides of the stone lock.

A child who is only waist-high like an ordinary person wants to lift a stone lock of 100 catties? This scene is grotesque.

"Ho~~" Teng Qingshan exhaled.

With a sudden force on both arms, the thin arms burst out with astonishing strength in an instant, and they were lifted suddenly!


The one-hundred-jin stone lock was immediately lifted to his chest by both hands.

"This—" The members of the Teng clan, from the patriarch to the ordinary children, all stared wide-eyed, extremely nervous, can Teng Qingshan lift the stone lock above his head

With a low hum, Teng Qingshan used his strength again, lifting Shi Suo above his head in one breath.

The entire training ground was silent, everyone was watching this scene - an immature child raised a hundred catty stone lock above his head, everyone was a little dizzy and confused, and it took a long time for someone to wake up.

"Okay!" A loud voice sounded.

"One hundred catties, haha, Qing Shan is really amazing."

"Qingshan succeeded!"

Immediately there were cheers and shouts all around, and everyone in the clan was very excited. The history of the Teng clan was finally rewritten. At only six years old, he was able to lift a stone lock of one hundred catties. It can be called infinite power! It's like this at the age of six, so when this child grows up, what level will he reach

Holding the stone lock, Teng Qingshan's legs didn't tremble at all, and his arms supported him even more strongly.

"This is not the limit of Qingshan." Many people including Teng Yunlong couldn't help trembling.

When the limit is reached, both arms and legs should tremble involuntarily.


The stone lock fell and crashed to the ground. Only then did Teng Qingshan withdraw his hands, turned around with a smile, and looked at his parents.

"Brother Fan, your son is amazing."

"Alan, your Qingshan is really... definitely better than your man in the future."

A group of men and women surrounded Teng Yongfan and Yuan Lan, and Teng Yongfan, Yuan Lan and his wife were also smiling at this time, and their faces were flushed with excitement. If there is a son like this, what can the husband ask for? With excitement and pride in his eyes, Teng Yongfan looked at Teng Qingshan standing in the center.

"Haha... my good grandson, haha..." Teng Yunlong hugged Teng Qingshan excitedly, "I, Teng Yunlong, is in my old age, and I have such an amazing grandson like you, haha, I will die without regret, haha..."

Teng Yunlong was very excited.

Possessing super force will benefit the whole clan.

"Qingshan." Many familiar uncles, aunts and others gathered around, all of them praised Teng Qingshan and fondled Teng Qingshan's little head.


According to the truth today, after the test for the six-year-old child, it will be an even more attention-grabbing coming-of-age ceremony. However, because of Teng Qingshan's unexpected birth, the coming-of-age ceremony in the evening was quite eclipsed, and tonight, Teng Yongfan and Yuan Lan's couple also became the most dazzling people in the entire Teng clan.

Almost everyone gathered around the couple, because Teng Qingshan had already gone home with the excuse of being 'too sleepy'.

Teng Qingshan's home.

"Brother, you are so amazing." Younger sister Qingyu was jumping excitedly in the main room, "Brother, you can lift such a big stone with a single breath."

A stone lock of one hundred catties is not that big. Of course, for a girl who is only three years old, it is indeed a big stone.

Seeing this, Teng Qingshan couldn't help smiling.

"It seems to be a good thing to show a little strength today." Teng Qingshan thought in his heart. In the previous life, because of the dark experience, Teng Qingshan would not easily reveal his strength. In the killer organization 'red' organization, Teng Qingshan They all have a hidden hand.

Just because of his hidden skills, he escaped death many times.

But now, Teng Qingshan is only six years old.

But from the age of three to the present three years of hard training, especially the internal strength to strengthen the body's muscles and bones, even though he is only six years old, in terms of muscles and bones alone, he is stronger than his cousin 'Teng Qinghu' when he was nine years old one chip. Teng Qinghu was able to lift three hundred catties when he was nine years old.

Now Teng Qingshan can easily lift 300 jin by relying on his muscle strength alone.

This is still a case of not using internal strength, after all, there is no difference between a child's internal strength and an adult's internal strength, they are all internal strength! Once he used his inner energy, Teng Qingshan would explode with terrifying strength.

"Huh?" Teng Qingshan's ears twitched slightly.

Immediately after hearing the courtyard door creaking, Teng Yongfan and Yuan Lan came in. Teng Yongfan's face was flushed at this time, and he walked a little unsteadily. Teng Qingshan could smell the thick Strong alcohol smell: "The alcohol content of the wine in the family is much lower than that in modern society. How much does my father have to drink to get drunk like this!"

In ancient society, wine making technology was far inferior to modern society.

Many people will not get drunk after drinking a jar of wine.

As for Teng Yongfan who drank a lot, Teng Qingshan had never seen his father drunk in the past few years.

"Haha, Qingshan, son, come." As soon as Teng Yongfan saw his son, he stepped forward happily and hugged Teng Qingshan, "Son, your father, I am so happy today, haha... I, Teng Yongfan, also have such a powerful son .In the future, son, you will be famous far and wide, and people will know that you have a father named Teng Yongfan, haha... "

Teng Yongfan couldn't control his tongue when he spoke.

"Okay, Brother Fan, sit down and rest." Yuan Lan helped Teng Yongfan to sit down.

"Mom, how much did Dad drink today?" Teng Qingshan couldn't help asking.

"Qingshan, at this dinner party, everyone in the clan came to toast your father with wine. Your father is happy today, and he doesn't know how to control himself, so he keeps drinking..." As soon as Yuan Lan said this, Teng Yongfan stood up abruptly, swaying With three or two strides, he rushed to the courtyard, bent over and vomited at the corner of the courtyard.

Teng Yongfan drank a lot today.

There is a water tank in the corner of the courtyard. Teng Yongfan grabbed the water ladle, scooped up cold water, and poured it on his face.

"Huh! Much better!" Teng Yongfan straightened up.

"Don't drink like this in the future." Yuan Lan said with some pity.

"Haha, it's just this one time. My son is so powerful. As a father, I have a face." Teng Yongfan vomited once and rinsed it with cold water. It was obviously much better.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Yongfan, open the door." A voice came from outside.

"It's the master." Teng Yongfan went straight and opened the door latch, only to see five or six people standing outside the courtyard gate, and the leader was the patriarch 'Teng Yunlong'. Teng Yongfan looked at it and said: "Master, uncle, please come in quickly." He said, leading these people into the main room.

Come on, there are six in total.

Among these six people, except for Teng Yongxiang, Teng Yonglei and Teng Yongfan who are of the same generation, the other four are all elders in the clan, and they are all very prestigious.

"Qingshan, come quickly." Teng Yongfan said repeatedly.

Teng Qingshan came and shouted: "Grandpa, Grandpa, Third Grandpa, Grandpa, Uncle, Uncle!" Due to the large population of the Teng clan, although the few elders who came today are all elders of Teng Qingshan, among them only The third grandfather is the brother of Grandpa Teng Qingshan. The other two 'great grandfathers' are both cousins of Grandpa Teng Qingshan.

As for Teng Qingshan's grandfather, he died in a fight with bandits a long time ago, and his grandmother also fell seriously ill and passed away soon.

"Qingshan." Teng Yunlong and the other old men looked at Teng Qingshan with bright eyes. This is the future hope of the Teng clan.

Teng Yunlong then turned his head to look at Teng Yongfan: "Yongfan, I have discussed with your uncles that this kid Qingshan has a bright future. If we let him stay in our Tengjiazhuang, he will only exercise some strength and his future will be limited. How about , Our family will send five hundred taels of silver to send Qingshan back to Yuanzong, to see if Qingshan can develop inner strength."

To join Gui Yuanzong, there are only two ways.

One is a child under the age of ten who spends five hundred taels of silver and can stay in Guiyuanzong for a year. During this year, if he develops inner strength, he will be a disciple of Guiyuanzong. If he fails to practice, he will be kicked out of the door.

Furthermore, it is an adult, undergoes an assessment, and joins the Black Armor Army.

"To return to Yuanzong?" Teng Yongfan was shocked to the last trace of alcohol.

"Qingshan is only six years old." Yuan Lan next to him was a little bit reluctant, "Father, I can't bear Qingshan..."

"Huh." Teng Yunlong couldn't help snorting, and said in a low voice, "A loving mother is a loser! Qingshan has a bright future and such good aptitude. With us, who will teach him? Teach him the spear skills that our clan has summed up by ourselves? These The cropping style is a waste of Qingshan's talent!"

There is no ability in the clan to send every child to Yuanzong.

But Teng Qingshan is so talented, they are still willing to give out five hundred taels.

After being reprimanded by her adoptive father Teng Yunlong, Yuan Lan dared not say a word.

"Master, you are right. Our level is indeed a waste of Qingshan's talent." After all, Teng Yongfan is the number one hero in the clan and has seen many big scenes. He nodded and said, "However, Qingshan is only six years old. Are you in a hurry to send it to Gui Yuanzong? Isn’t Gui Yuanzong’s requirement that if you are under ten years old, you can wait for another two years.”

Next to Teng Yunlong, a silver-haired old man with a small sarcoma on his forehead said in a low voice: "Confused! Yongfan, haven't you heard that the sooner you practice inner strength, the better!"

Teng Yongfan and Yuan Lan were parents after all, they were really reluctant to let their son leave so early.

Teng Yongfan looked at his wife, gritted his teeth for the last time, nodded and said, "Okay then, let Qingshan..."

"Grandpa, father!" Teng Qingshan said abruptly at the side, "Gui Yuanzong, I don't want to go!"