The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 3: Yangzhou city


The spring rain is drifting wantonly, covering the ancient city of Yangzhou.

On the second floor of Yangliu Tea House in the old city of Yangzhou, next to the window. Wearing glasses, Teng Qingshan was sitting there quietly, a cup of soybean milk and a basket of steamed stuffed buns were placed on the table in front of him.

"My whereabouts have been leaked, and it is estimated that the killer will find me in the last day or two." Teng Qingshan knew very well in his heart the powerful power of the world's first intelligence organization 'Dark Hand', and Anyi County is just a small county under the jurisdiction of Yangzhou. He just rushed from the county seat to the urban area more than a hundred kilometers away last night, not because he couldn't escape, but because he didn't want to escape!

Because, Yangzhou has the person he most wants to see!


Teng Qingshan looked at a two-story old house in the distance.

After eating the buns and drinking the soy milk. I even ordered a cup of tea and waited while drinking. The tea was refilled three times, and it was already eleven o'clock at noon. Teng Qingshan still didn't find the person he wanted to see.

"go back!"

After paying the bill, Teng Qingshan immediately left the teahouse and returned to his temporary residence in Yangzhou.

This is a private house in Xicheng District, Yangzhou. The monthly rent for this kind of house on the market is about 1,000 yuan, and Teng Qingshan only needs to live in it for three months, but he paid 10,000 yuan. Then he asked to see Teng Qingshan's ID card, and he didn't even say a word of nonsense. With so much money, what is the owner of this house afraid of

In the living room, Teng Qingshan was lying on the sofa, and just poured down a cup of tea when his cell phone rang. Teng Qingshan frowned.

This phone was bought on a temporary basis, and only two people knew his phone number, one was Lin Qing, and the other was Aunt Liu from the orphanage. At the beginning, I bought this mobile phone to contact the orphanage.

"Hey, Teng Qingshan, let's have lunch together." A familiar voice sounded.

Teng Qingshan shook his head and gave a helpless smile, then said: "I'm sorry, Lin Qing, I have already left Anyi County and went to another place."

"What?" There was an exclamation on the phone.

"Why did you go to another place? You were still there yesterday..." Lin Qing was a little anxious.

"Lin Qing, my brother called me yesterday to tell me something happened at home, so I was in a hurry to go back to my hometown, and it was dark at that time, so I didn't notify you to disturb you." Teng Qingshan made up a random excuse, he didn't want to let These ordinary people mixed into his world.

"Oh..." Lin Qing lowered his voice, looking a little disappointed. After a while, he spoke again, "Teng Qingshan, where is your hometown? I might go on a trip when I have time."

"My hometown is in a remote mountainous area, and you don't even know if I tell you." Teng Qingshan said, "Lin Qing, when I come to Anyi County in the future, I will definitely look for you. Oh, I'm going to have lunch. Let's talk again when we have time." Teng Qingshan hung up the phone after speaking.

Teng Qingshan laughed at himself and threw the phone on the table.

Then he took out a small finger-sized black tripod hanging on his chest from the collar, and stroked the small tripod gently, just like stroking a lover.

"Little cat, is your man attractive? Girls are chasing you so soon."

Teng Qingshan just looked at Xiao Ding like this, and said softly to himself, "Little cat, I have lived in Anyi County for nearly a week, and I also saw the dean's grandma. She is still as kind as before. Grandma, I have fulfilled one wish. Now, there is another wish left, to meet my younger brother Qing He. Qing He is in Yangzhou, I guess, I should be able to see it."

"When I see my younger brother Qing He, I will have no regrets!"

"At that time, I will travel all over the country, pursuing the pinnacle of martial arts. Of course, you will accompany me along the way!"

Although Teng Qingshan looks like a young man who has just graduated from university, in fact, he is nearly thirty years old. It is just because he has reached a very high level in practicing Neijiaquan, and some calluses and dead skin on his body caused by hard training in the past have all fallen off. After falling, the whole person is rejuvenated and much younger.

Take the backpack next to it and take out the laptop in the backpack.

Connect the power supply, turn on the computer, turn on the music player, and then put the laptop on the table in front of you.

"I am a wolf from the north, walking in the boundless wild, the stern north blowing..." Qi Qin's "Wolf" echoed in the hall, this song is Teng Qingshan's favorite Song, because in the past twenty years, he has only had one name—Wolf!

Just like his beloved woman, she has only one name—Cat!

Since the day he was brought to Siberia, Russia, the name 'Green Mountain' has become a thing of the past. After going through many trials and tribulations, he was qualified to have a code name - wolf!

Before the age of seven, he was carefree and a child in an orphanage.

When he was seven years old, he was adopted. He thought his life would be better, but instead, he entered hell. He became a killer candidate of the killer organization. In the first round of screening, a large group of children fought for a little food, and only 113 of the 360 survived. Then he was sent to the gruesome Siberian training camp.

When he was ten years old, only 38 of the original 113 people survived. He survived with his will, and he was given the name—Wolf! It was also that year that he met his master, a Chinese Xingyiquan master 'Ten Bolei'. Ten Bolei accepted four people at the beginning, and the other three were just registered disciples. Only he was Ten Bolei's personal disciple! Even the killer organization doesn't know this.

At the age of sixteen, he returned to the killer organization and started his real killer journey.

Disguising, hiding, etc. are all continuous learning and continuous improvement in the journey of life and death.

In the long days, he has always been accompanied by a girl of the same age, "Cat". They were among the same group of 360 people. They went through screening together, experienced life-and-death training together, studied under Master Tenbury together, and joined the killer organization together... They support each other and love each other.

In the killer's dark journey, before they knew it, the two of them had become inseparable from each other.

According to the plan, one day they can break away from the organization and the two can live a free life. But-

At the beginning of my 29th year, a nightmare came.

The flames of the explosion made Teng Qingshan desperate. At that time, the other half of his life, a female killer named 'Cat' died! That is the woman he loves the most, the most important existence in his life! The death of the 'cat' plunged Teng Qingshan into absolute madness, turning Teng Qingshan into a vengeful lone wolf, a crazy lone wolf! Desperate to start revenge!

Kill, kill the high-level organization that made the plan!

He went to revenge with the idea of dying, but who would have thought that at the last moment of life and death, his flying knife stunt was broken through, and he escaped from the organization base alive.

The death of 'Cat' completely changed Teng Qingshan's state of mind. He sneaked back to his motherland this time just to meet his mother-like 'Dean's Grandma' and his younger brother 'Qing He'. After fulfilling these two wishes, Teng Qingshan will have no worries and focus on pursuing martial arts.

After listening to the song once, Teng Qingshan took a deep breath, carefully put the little tripod in his arms, then turned off the music player, and connected to the broadband at the same time. Then Teng Qingshan skillfully opened a foreign website.

full of English.

But he is very familiar with clicking and typing. English alphabet input, very proficient.

"It's so troublesome to contact Elena every time. I have to download the 'Beetle' software every time." Teng Qingshan downloaded a Beetle software and installed it on his computer. The Beetle software is a chat tool similar to QQ .

However, the beetle software was written by Teng Qingshan's friend 'Eileen' alone.

If QQ has tens of millions of users, then this beetle chat software only has two users—one is Elena and the other is Teng Qingshan. This software is only written for two people to chat.

After starting the beetle chat software.

The entire screen suddenly went dark, only two drops of blood were so beautiful, and then the account number and password boxes were revealed. After entering the login.

"Eileen!" After Teng Qingshan entered English, he waited for the other party's response.

In just a moment, the other party responded.

"Wolf! Oh, I should call you Teng Qingshan now." In far away Europe, in a villa on the outskirts of London, England, a barefooted blond beauty in a nightgown was typing on the keyboard, eyes full of is excited.

"Eileen, you told me last time that the orphan named 'Qinghe' is now in Yangzhou, right?" Teng Qingshan asked again.

"Of course, you doubt my intelligence? When he was in the orphanage, his name was Qing He. After being adopted by his adoptive parents, he changed his name to 'Qin Hong'. When he graduated from high school, he joined the army. Later he joined a special department of the country. Now Just be in charge of the Yangzhou area. The address I gave you is absolutely fine." Elena was sure.

Teng Qingshan nodded, today he just waited for a long time, even though he didn't arrive, it doesn't mean that his younger brother is not in Yangzhou.

"By the way, wolf, I have to remind you again! The mighty Redmayne family can't keep you alive. This time you are slapping the Redmayne family hard. The Death Scythe organization I have taken over the task of killing you, and the two superpowers they organized have already sneaked into China, you must be extremely careful. Once your whereabouts are exposed, you must flee far away immediately."

"Oh, the two superpowers of the Death Scythe organization? It's the 'Sharpshooter' Sun Ze and the 'Broken Machine' Dolgotrov." Teng Qingshan responded by typing on the keyboard.

"Smart, it's just the two of them. These are two S-rank killers, each one is no weaker than you, so you can't be careless." Elena reminded.

Teng Qingshan's eyes burst out with a gleam of light: "I don't pay attention to the Death Scythe organization except these two. But since they are here, they just happen to fight with me!"

"So arrogant? Tsk tsk, you are indeed the lone wolf of 'Flying Knife'. Your reputation is not weaker than the two of them now, but you are only one person. They are two people, one for close combat and one for long-distance attack. Together they are powerful Doubling. Wolf, I remind you as a friend, once the whereabouts are leaked, you must flee immediately." Elena persuaded.

"It's too late for you to persuade me. My whereabouts were exposed yesterday." Teng Qingshan showed a special smile on his face. Since the death of his wife 'Kitten', his most important thing is martial arts. In the first battle, he couldn't ask for it.

"What, it's been leaked, run away!" Elena said eagerly.

"Haha, why are you running away? I'm in Yangzhou, waiting for the two of them to come and fight with me!" Teng Qingshan's eyes sharpened.

His wife is dead, so he has nothing to worry about. Now, what is he afraid of Teng Qingshan

No matter how many people come, Teng Qingshan will follow him!

Big deal, go all out, just wait in this small city of Yangzhou, waiting for the superpowers from all over the world to come, come one to fight one, come two to kill one pair!

"I really want to see who can kill me!" Teng Qingshan's eyes were as sharp as a knife.