The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 35: Insider master


Teng Qingshan officially became the new leader of the Tengjiazhuang hunter team. According to common sense, the hunter team goes to the mountain once every two days on average. However, five people died last time and four people were disabled. The hunter team needed to recruit players again, so they didn't go up the mountain to hunt for six consecutive days.

In the clan, the patriarch has the highest status, followed by the marksman and the leader of the hunter team.

When he was close to ten years old, he became the leader of the hunter team.

Teng Qingshan has become the goal of Tengjiazhuang for many years, and many clansmen praise Teng Qingshan, so small, so great, so when he is an adult, how can he still be able to pay off


"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

The cold wind is howling, the weather is getting colder, and there is only more than one month left before the New Year Festival.

"Drink!" "Ha!"

There was a sound of exhaling and shouting. On the Tengjiazhuang martial arts training ground, many young people and teenagers were exercising, rolling stone balls, holding stone locks, carrying wooden buckets... one by one, they were training, and at the same time they were chatting and laughing casually with each other.

"Brother Qingshan and the others killed a tiger the day before yesterday. That tiger's claws are as thick as my thighs." A young man with braids swung his arms and slapped the sandbag while talking to his companion. The boy next to him sighed, "Brother Qingshan is not an ordinary bull, he is the leader of the hunter team. If I can become the leader of the hunter team in my life, then, tsk tsk." There was hope on the boy's face.

Just then—

The earth trembled slightly.

"Horse hooves!" Many people who were training in the martial arts training ground turned their heads and looked towards the gate, only to see dozens of figures riding fast horses in the distance.

"Stop." The guard at Tengjiazhuang yelled.

"Hmph." A cold snort sounded, strangely, but it sounded in everyone's ears like thunder.

"Hoo!" A cold light flashed across the gate, and the heavy iron-cast door bolt of the Tengjiazhuang gate unexpectedly broke, and the entire gate opened with a loud bang, and the dozens of riders rushed straight into the martial arts training ground without slowing down at all. Many people in Tengjiazhuang were so frightened that they dodged to the side.


Dozens of fine horses stopped suddenly, their front hooves raised high.

"This is Tengjiazhuang?" The leader shouted, the voice was so loud that the ears of the people present felt ringing.

A man covered in sweat from the training just now took a step forward, and said in a loud voice: "We are Tengjiazhuang. Dare I ask, what's the matter with you guys coming to us?" The patriarch reported the letter, and the others did not dare to act rashly.

It must be known that the cast iron bolt of the gate is one foot thick and two feet wide. Such a cast iron bolt can be cut off at once. Who dares to block this strength

"Tell your patriarchs to come quickly." The leader shouted coldly.

Teng Yunlong arrived soon, and when he saw it from a distance, Teng Yunlong was startled. He saw the leader in the distance, with a pale golden complexion and a black fox fur coat on his body. His horse was red all over and was about eight feet tall : "This fine fox fur is at least a few hundred taels of silver, and that steed is red all over. It is obviously Dayong's 'Red Fire Horse'! It is worth a thousand taels of silver!"

Looking at this man's followers again, the knights who followed him wore stone-blue cloaks and dark-blue armor. Although the horses sitting on them were slightly inferior, they were still very handsome: "This is also a Youzhou horse worth a hundred taels. There is that standard armor! I am afraid that even the head of the White Horse Gang would not be willing to buy such armor and horses. Where are these people?"

Hearing from the clansmen that the other party could split the door latch with one sword, and seeing the other party's attire, Teng Yunlong already had some guesses in his heart.

"My lords, I'm Teng Yunlong, the patriarch of the Teng Family Village, what's the matter?" Teng Yunlong bowed.

"I heard that you guys can make Bihan Saber?" The leader said coldly with a glance.

"Yes." Teng Yunlong didn't deny it either.

"Well, I have a big deal, I'll leave it to you!" the leader said loudly.

"My lords, after a tiring journey, how about going to the old man's place to rest and discuss this business slowly?" Teng Yunlong smiled, and the leader showed a smile on his face, nodded calmly and said: "Alright, you lead the way." Immediately, this A group of dozens of horsemen and horses marched towards the patriarch's place.


A group of hunters were talking and laughing, and four of them were carrying a big black bear carcass together.

"Qingshan, your shot today was as fast as lightning. While easily parrying the blind bear, it pierced through its brain." The clansmen are very happy. They have been hunting for Teng Qingshan for these days. I highly recommend it. First of all, Teng Qingshan's ears are very sensitive, and if there is any movement, he can detect it in advance.

Second, Teng Qingshan's spear skills are extremely high, no matter what kind of prey it is, it is difficult to resist its spear.

With such a leader, how could they be unhappy

"This blind bear is not too big." Teng Qingshan said with a smile, "Didn't you say that the ancestors in the clan have seen a giant bear more than ten feet tall, can a slap break a big tree?" , although a slap has a huge force, but the speed is far inferior to that wolf king, Teng Qingshan only needs one shot to kill it.

"I'm home." Teng Qingshan said with a smile.

Looking at the distance, Teng Qingshan's expression changed, because the gate of the villa was wide open. The gate of Tengjiazhuang is generally not opened. Even when the clansmen come back from farming, they always enter through a small gate on the side. Generally, when the hunter team returns, or when a large group of people arrives, the gate is opened.

"Not good, hurry up." Teng Qingshan shouted.

A group of heroes from the hunter team was startled and rushed to the village.

Teng Qingshan glanced at it, and found that the thick, long and thick iron-cast door bolt was actually split into two halves, and the incision was sharp and smooth. Teng Qingshan's pupils shrank: "What a sharp weapon, so powerful! It can break such an iron-cast door bolt like lightning. , I can only achieve this effect by using all my strength and a good weapon."

"Brother Qingshan!"


Many people greeted them in the martial arts training field, all the teenagers called Teng Qingshan 'Brother Qingshan', even if Teng Qingshan was perhaps a year or two younger than them, they all did so. Because of Teng Qingshan's special status, many teenagers regarded Teng Qingshan as their eldest brother, and they all admired Teng Qingshan very much.

The adults also regarded Teng Qingshan as one of the able-bodied persons in the clan.

"What's wrong?" Teng Qingshan asked repeatedly.

"Qingshan." A burly man continued, "It's a cavalry team, all riding tall horses! The leader of the cavalry broke the iron gate bolt with a single sword, but they said that they are doing business with our Tengjiazhuang. Now , Those people have been taken to him by the patriarch."

Teng Qingshan heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay, you guys are here, I'll take a look." Teng Qingshan rushed towards grandfather Teng Yunlong's residence with a iron gun in his hand.

From far away, Teng Qingshan saw a pair of fine horses and a strong man wearing armor and a blue cloak standing outside the gate of his grandfather's residence. , eyes, definitely warriors! I don’t know where the team came from.”

With the ability to lift five hundred catties of boulders, he is considered a third-rate warrior.

With the ability to lift a huge boulder of two thousand catties, Fang is a second-rate warrior.

"Boy, go to the side." A knight shouted.

The few people who were discussing in the courtyard seemed to hear the commotion, looked out a few times, and said, "That's my grandson, let him in."

The knight gave Teng Qingshan a cold look, but Teng Qingshan walked into the courtyard with a smile, not annoyed at all.

"Father, grandpa." Teng Qingshan found that there were only two people on his side in the courtyard, grandfather Teng Yunlong and father Teng Yongfan. Teng Qingshan glanced at the big man who was sitting, the man in black fox fur also looked at him, Teng Qingshan only felt that the other person's gaze was as sharp as a knife.

Teng Qingshan was shocked in his heart: "A master."

"Teng Yongfan!" The leader stared at Teng Yongfan, "You are the number one weapon craftsman of your clan today, so tell me, will you do my business?"

"Time is tight!" Teng Yongfan frowned, "The refining process of Bihan knife is the unique skill of our Tengjiazhuang. We need to carefully refine every Bihan knife, and we dare not be careless. My lord, you It needs a full 182 handles, and the goods will be delivered to you before the year. This... "

"Huh? That's not enough?" The leader's expression changed.

"Phew!" An invisible energy erupted from the leader's body, and the wooden bench next to him burst instantly, and densely packed small holes appeared on the ground.

Teng Yongfan and Teng Yunlong's expressions changed.

"What a strong inner energy." Teng Qingshan thought to himself, "It can erupt from the surface of the body, and it can be sprayed to the ground through the air, and it can still have such a strong power. The inner energy of this leader should be much stronger than mine." Teng Qingshan I understand that although the Neijia boxing method can also refine the aura of heaven and earth into inner strength.

However, internal boxing mainly focuses on the transformation of the body.

However, the various secret books in this world specialize in refining inner strength, and the speed of refining inner strength is faster than that of Neijiaquan.

"My lord, don't be angry." Teng Yunlong said with a smile, "It is difficult to successfully refine 182 Bihan knives in more than a month. But we will continue to forge day and night, and we will definitely succeed in forging years ago. .”

A satisfied smile appeared on the leader's face: "Very good."

"I don't know, are the refining materials provided by you, my lord, or..." Teng Yunlong said.

"You are responsible for the materials and so on!" The leader said nonchalantly, "Of course we will not treat you badly for the price."