The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 37: Strongest plan


"Qingshan, climb up to the double-headed mountain in front, and you will see Bihantan." Teng Qinghu pointed to a mountain in front of him.

After listening to so many stories, Teng Qingshan became more and more curious: "It's so amazing, I really want to see it." A group of hunter team members moved forward quickly. They have been in the mountains for a long time. This Dayan Mountain is like their own backyard. They can easily Know where it's safe and where it's dangerous.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs dead horses.

Although the Shuangtou Mountain was just a small hill, it was still far away from Teng Qingshan and his group. After walking for nearly half an hour, the group finally climbed to the top of Shuangtou Mountain. The wind on the top of the mountain is very strong, but the people who blow it are very comfortable.

"Qingshan, the pool on the mountainside is Bihantan." Teng Qinghu immediately pointed down.

Teng Qingshan looked in the direction indicated, there was indeed a touch of bright white color on the mountainside, after a closer look, he could tell that it was the surface of the water.

"Let's go down." Teng Qingshan took the lead and went down the mountain.

Following a jump, he jumped directly from the 156-meter-high rock and landed on the flat ground halfway up the mountain. Teng Qingshan finally arrived at the location of Bihantan.

"This place is really cold." Teng Qingshan was amazed, "I am still seven or eight meters away from the Bihan Pool, but I can feel the surrounding temperature drop significantly. It is definitely below zero."

"Haha..." The other tribesmen also arrived, and Teng Yonghao laughed loudly, "Qingshan, how is it, it feels colder. We are still three feet away from the pool. And the feeling is not strong now, If you come here in hot summer, other places are extremely hot, but here, you have to wear cotton jackets!"

Teng Qingshan was amazed, nature is really amazing.

"Hey, brothers, everyone, start filling water." The other clansmen immediately filled the water.

"Huh, it's really cold." Those clansmen who threw the water tank into the water couldn't help sighing.

Teng Qingshan carefully observes the water of the Bicold Pool, the water is very clear, if you look carefully, you can barely find... the surface of the lake as a whole has a very weak purple tinge. If you just take a scoop of water, you can't find any color at all. The water is still clear.

Squatting by the pool, Teng Qingshan felt a chill rushing towards his face, and when he reached in, his hand was numb from the cold in an instant.

"Chi—" Teng Qingshan gasped, "It's really cold, at least fifty or sixty degrees below zero!"

In Teng Qingshan's previous life, after all, he lived in the most desolate place in Siberia and received hellish training. It is normal to be thirty or forty degrees below zero. At the coldest time, it once reached minus seventy or eighty degrees. However, the area where Tengjiazhuang is located is in the cold winter, at most a few degrees below zero.

It's incredible that the water is so cold.

Teng Qinghu who was standing next to him noticed that Teng Qingshan had stretched his hand in, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Qingshan, don't put your hand in, it will freeze to death."

"It's okay." Teng Qingshan smiled, the muscles in his hands trembled, and his inner strength circulated, easily dispelling the chill.

Those who are strong in internal boxing are not afraid of the cold, and it is normal to wear a single shirt in winter.

"Uncles, you should fill up the water tank first, then go to the side to rest for a while, and then set off later." After Teng Qingshan finished speaking, he turned his attention to the Bihan Lake, which itself was only three feet long. It is wide and five or six feet long. "This water is so cold, how can it be used as a quenching agent?"

Although he didn't know anything about making weapons, he had seen this scene before making weapons and then putting them into the water.

"Extremely hot weapons, put them in such cold water, won't the weapons shatter due to the drastic change of heat and cold?" Teng Qingshan thought to himself.

If his words were known to the weapon craftsmen, he would probably die of laughter. There are many methods of real quenching, such as 'partial quenching', 'pre-cooling quenching', 'empty quenching', 'multiple quenching agents', etc. Not to mention the water in the Bihantan, it is the coldest water, weapons Craftsmen can be used as a quenching agent.

It's just that the quenching agent is not the colder the better, but it needs to be suitable.

Different weapon materials, manufacturing methods, and unique quenching agents form unique weapons. And the 'Bihan Dao' was honed by the ancestors of the Tengjiazhuang for thousands of years. Apart from Tengjiazhuang, there is no other place where the Bihandao can be made.

"I'm a layman, so don't think too much, since Dad and the others want to use this water as a quenching agent, there must be a way to use it." Teng Qingshan didn't think too much.

"However, the water is so cold. At the beginning of my 'Strongest Plan', I was able to use this cold pool to stimulate my body." Teng Qingshan's eyes lit up. Aoyama made a training plan for himself.

At the beginning of birth, it is to exercise flexibility.

At the age of three, he began to practice Xingyiquan, and used his inner strength to continuously stimulate the muscles and bones, strengthen the muscles, muscles, etc. This stage will last until about ten years old.

Among Teng Qingshan's plans, the most important one is the 'Strongest Plan'.

The stage of the strongest plan is the development period!

In the developmental period of the human body, boys generally start around the age of ten, and of course there are some boys who start at the age of fourteen or fifteen. During this developmental stage, the bones and muscles of the whole body will undergo a rapid and extremely astonishing improvement. It is normal to grow 20 centimeters a year. This stage is the fastest growing stage of the human body!

And Teng Qingshan's 'Strongest Plan' was formulated based on the principle that the body will grow by leaps and bounds during the puberty period.

"In my previous life, I started training in hell in Siberia when I was seven years old, and squeezed out too much potential. When I arrived at the master, the master only asked me to train mainly to 'raise' to make up for the deficit in my past body. I also just rely on various It’s just a pair of iron sand palms, I didn’t dare to practice more.”

The human body development period, which is endowed by the nature of heaven and earth, is very miraculous.

Ordinary people, if they are in the developmental stage and like to exercise, it is normal for them to grow ten centimeters or twenty centimeters taller.

But if in the development stage, the food is not good, the nutrition is malnourished, and the body does not grow well. When you are in your twenties, no matter how good you eat, it is difficult to make up for it.

The development stage is the best time to strengthen and transform the body!

Of course, if you are not 100% sure, random and forced training will only lead to over-training, and your body will not be able to bear it, which will lead to lifelong regrets.

"This period of human body development is the best period bestowed by God to change and strengthen the body. If you miss it, there will be no more! In the previous life, because the amount of iron sand palm was too much, various medicinal materials were needed to assist it. Otherwise, iron sand palm If you don't practice well, your palm will be useless." Teng Qingshan is very aware of the dangers of strengthening the body during the developmental period of the human body.

"In the previous life, I needed the external power of medicinal materials, but in this life, I don't need it."

Teng Qingshan has sufficient self-confidence, "Since I was three years old, my inner strength has been stimulating and integrating my muscles. Now, my muscles are far stronger than ordinary adults. I can completely carry out my 'strongest plan', and The medicinal power of the medicinal materials is integrated from the outside. Now, my inner strength is strong, and I can completely supplement the energy consumption required by the transformation of my muscles and bones through my inner strength!"

To strengthen bones and muscles, you need energy!

What is energy

Ordinary people grow their bodies and eat more food because they consume a lot of energy. As for a warrior, practicing iron sand palms consumes a lot of energy in the muscles and bones of the palms. The energy from eating alone is not enough, so medicinal materials are needed to assist.

The medicinal power of medicinal materials, after all, is an external force, and of course it is not as good as the internal 'internal strength'.

It's just that in the previous life, there were too few people who practiced inner strength, and... even if they refined blood essence, they could get a little inner strength. But that bit of internal energy is too rare, after all, it is the internal energy of a master-level powerhouse, once performing "Travel to the End of the World", the internal energy will be exhausted, one can imagine that this internal energy is rare. This bit of internal strength is not enough to support the process of 'the strongest plan' to consume one percent, or even one thousandth of the internal strength!


It's different now.

In this ancient world, Teng Qingshan is full of aura. He possesses a "massive" amount of internal strength compared to the previous masters, and his ability to control the muscles and muscles is also extremely high. He can completely feel the changes in the muscles, bones and muscles. During the development period, the plan is properly regulated to keep everything under control.

He is 100% sure of the success of this 'strongest plan'.

"More than 80% of the strength, muscles and bones of the human body are formed during the development period! If I can perfectly execute the 'Strongest Plan' successfully, then my body will be stronger than any previous master! The pinnacle in the history of family boxing!" Teng Qingshan's heart was boiling with enthusiasm.

After all, how much internal strength do the masters in the history of Neijiaquan have? It is simply impossible to carry out the extravagant 'strongest plan'.

And by the time they develop their inner strength, they may be too early to mature.

Only Teng Qingshan has internal strength at the age of three. After nearly seven years of brewing, now he is going to carry out the 'Strongest Plan'. Once the developmental period is over, his body will reach an unprecedented terrifying level!

"I'm almost ten years old, and I also feel... the changes in the muscles and bones in my body seem to be accelerating." With Teng Qingshan's ability to control the muscles and bones, he can feel this change. In fact, when the developmental period reaches its peak, even normal people can Be aware of changes in your body.

In the initial period, ordinary people couldn't detect it, but Teng Qingshan's generation of Xingyi masters could detect it.

"After the New Year Festival, let's start the strongest plan!"

Teng Qingshan said silently in his heart.

"Qingshan!" Someone from the other tribes next to him called him, "Should we go back?"

Teng Qingshan glanced at the 'Bihantan', then smiled and looked at the clansmen: "Each water tank weighs four to five hundred catties, so, brother Qinghao and brother Qinghu, you two carry it first, and I will carry it halfway. Take turns replacing you. Well, let's go now and go home."

"Bringing it back to the clan is a trivial matter." Teng Qinghu smiled complacently.

Teng Qinghu, who was able to lift 300 catties at the age of nine, is now sixteen years old in just over a month, and he already has a huge strength of a thousand catties. And Teng Qinghao, who had grown up early, was only slightly worse.

"Stop blowing it up, it would be embarrassing if you leave the stall halfway."

A group of people from the hunter team laughed and talked all the way, and then began to descend the mountain.