The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 65: Come with me!


"It's just ahead, Qinghu, you're going to see your bride soon, haha..." the members of the Teng clan jokingly said.

Teng Qinghu, who usually has a sharp mouth, blushed a little today, and just smiled happily.

In front is the gate of Dali Village. Teng Qingshan, who was in a good mood at first, found that the ground was covered with dense horseshoe prints: "So many horseshoe prints? There are only robbers and bandits who can have so many horses. Is this big Li Zhuang met with bandits?" Teng Qingshan looked carefully at Da Li Zhuang.

Didn't see any blood.

"Probably just passing by." Teng Qingshan secretly thought.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Li clan led a lot of people to the door to greet them. Everyone in this group of people looked ugly, and the patriarch of the Li clan just squeezed out a smile.

A group of people in Tengjiazhuang clearly felt that the atmosphere was not right!

Usually, when welcoming the bride, the other party should be beating gongs and drums, and those women who join in the fun should all come out to watch the fun. But the entrance of Dali Village is very deserted, only a few people come out to greet them. No gongs or drums.

"Patriarch Li, what's going on?" Teng Yunlong dismounted and asked with a frown.

He came to welcome the relatives, but the other party didn't beat the gongs and drums, and the other party didn't look good, of course Teng Yunlong was not happy. But Teng Yunlong also noticed... there should be some reason for it. Otherwise, Teng Yunlong would have been angry long ago.

"In-laws!" A figure suddenly rushed out from behind, rushed to Teng Yunlong's side, knelt down at once, and shouted mournfully, "My family Luo Xiang... was taken away by the White Horse Gang!!! You guys , you must save my daughter, save her!"

Teng Qinghu, who had doubts on his face, suddenly turned pale.

"Patriarch Li, what's going on!" Teng Yunlong shouted with an ugly expression on his face.

The patriarch of the Li clan said with a wry smile: "Brother Teng, I, Li Family Village, am sorry for you! I never thought... Today is the day when the White Horse Gang is going to destroy the Tieshan Gang. When the White Horse Gang passed by us, then A group of people from the Shaodang family captured several young girls from our clan, including Luo Xiang. Even the master master of our clan was killed. We have no choice! We can only watch the white horse gang and take them away. A girl from our family."

Teng Yunlong's face was sullen.

"These bastards!" Teng Qinghu who was on the horse roared angrily, and even jumped off the horse.

"What are you doing!" Teng Yunlong stretched out his hand and grabbed Teng Qinghu, glaring at his grandson angrily.

Teng Qinghu was trembling with anger. The first girl he loved in his life was taken away by the bandits of the White Horse Gang. Why wasn't Teng Qinghu angry

"Patriarch Li." Teng Yunlong patted Patriarch Li on the shoulder and sighed, "It's not that our Tengjiazhuang is ignorant, and it's not your fault! Sigh... When encountering such a thing, there is nothing but tolerance. The method. The sixth day of a good day. I never thought that the White Horse Gang would also choose this day to go to the Mie Tieshan Gang! If I had known, I wouldn’t have chosen this day.”

Everyone also understands.

The White Horse Gang chose this day to go to the decisive battle because it was a good day. And Teng Qinghu chose this day to get married, which also caused Li Luoxiang to be taken away. I have to say, this is life! Fate!

"Patriarch Li." Teng Qinghu stared at Patriarch Li, "How long have the people from the White Horse Gang gone?"

"Approximately half an hour." Patriarch Li said.

"Qinghu, come back with me." Teng Yunlong shouted, Teng Qinghu stood on the spot, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"In-laws, you are the only ones who can save my family Luo Xiang." That Li Laosan burst into tears, lay on the ground, and kowtowed anxiously. The face of the patriarch of the Li clan darkened, and he even shouted: "Drag the third son back, he has lost his mind and went crazy now." Those clansmen grabbed the third son Li and dragged him to the village.

"Help my family Luo Xiang, I beg of you." This Li Laosan's face was covered with dust, and he kept kowtowing until his head was broken.

Teng Qinghu watched helplessly as Li Laosan, who was about to become his 'father-in-law', was dragged into the clan by members of the Li clan.

"Qinghu, go back!" Teng Yunlong shouted angrily.

Teng Qinghu glanced unwillingly at the direction in which the horse's hoof prints extended, finally gritted his teeth, turned around and jumped on the horse, and headed towards Tengjiazhuang with the clansmen.

On the way back, Teng Yunlong said slowly: "Qinghu, you are not young anymore, you know the seriousness! What do bandits and bandits do? They are robbing! The White Horse Gang is in our Yicheng, and they have already figured it out , the annual income is only so much. I just kidnap some women occasionally, and the life in the village is much better than when I was young."

"You should know that your second aunt was taken away by robbers. Go ask, how many girls in your father's generation have been taken away? After all, the robbers and bandits are also going to have children! They want women Yes!" Teng Yunlong sighed, "It's a common practice to capture women from various villages every year."

Teng Qinghu remained silent.

Teng Qingshan, who was walking and listening, felt a little heavy in his heart, survival is indeed a very difficult thing.

"In recent years, my Tengjiazhuang's reputation has also grown. Those bandits and gangs usually go to weak Zhuangzi when they capture women. I am also worried that the people in our Tengjiazhuang will go crazy and fight with them." Teng Yunlong said with emotion, "We Twenty years ago, it was almost like Dalizhuang! It was very difficult."

"Grandpa..." Teng Qinghu opened his mouth.

Teng Qingshan felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

He understood that in this world, robbers and bandits cannot be eradicated. Even if Teng Qingshan can destroy the White Horse Gang, it is estimated that another gang will dominate Yicheng immediately. Perhaps, that gang will be more greedy than the White Horse Gang.

"To keep my Teng Family Village from being bullied, relying on my own strength alone is definitely not enough." Teng Qingshan knew this very well, "There is only one join Guiyuanzong and be able to occupy a high position in Guiyuanzong! At that time, if you give the White Horse Gang a casual order, I'm afraid the White Horse Gang won't dare to mess with my Tengjiazhuang anymore."

Teng Qingshan's desire to join Gui Yuanzong became stronger.

After all, in Jiangning County, Gui Yuanzong is heaven! Gui Yuanzong wanted to destroy the White Horse Gang, just like crushing an ant to death.

A group of people from the Teng family were walking, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

"Green Tiger." Teng Qingshan said suddenly.

Many people looked at Teng Qingshan, Teng Qingshan said: "Qinghu, follow me!"

Teng Qinghu suddenly turned his head to look at Teng Qingshan, his eyes lit up.

"Qingshan, what are you going to do?" Teng Yunlong was shocked, "Are you confused too?" In Teng Yunlong's heart, Teng Qingshan was very smart since he was a child, and he never worried about things, he was very stable! Moreover, Teng Qingshan's peerless force also made the clansmen regard Teng Qingshan as the spiritual leader of the clan.

For example, when the Tieshan gang killed Tengjiazhuang, it was Teng Qingshan who came out to speak.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I won't stab Lou Zi." Teng Qingshan said confidently.

Seeing Teng Qingshan's expression, Teng Yunlong felt a little relieved, and said, "Although Qinghu is older than you, he is more reckless than you in doing things... After going through this incident, it will be good for him in the future. One must not be reckless. Do things on the spur of the moment. Don't let us worry about you."

"I understand." Teng Qingshan said, "Grandpa, don't worry, there won't be any problems."

Teng Qinghu had already jumped off the horse at this time, and followed beside Teng Qingshan: "Qingshan!"

"Grandpa, take the clansmen back first! Qinghu and I will return to the clan soon." Teng Qingshan said.

"Qingshan, I will not stop you from doing things, but I want to say, no matter what decision you make, you must remember that there are more than 2,000 members of my Teng clan behind you!" Teng Yunlong said.

"En." Teng Qingshan nodded solemnly.

"Qinghu, let's go." With the reincarnation gun on his back, Teng Qingshan rushed towards the Tieshan Gang with Teng Qinghu.


The White Horse Clan's lair is in the White Horse Lake in Yicheng. The White Horse Lake has a radius of tens of miles. It is a relatively famous big lake in Jiangning County, and there is a small island in the center. The White Horse Gang set up their lair on this island. Located in the middle of the lake, it is naturally easy to defend but difficult to attack.

This is one of the reasons why the White Horse Gang has stood for so many years.

The Tieshan gang's lair is on the southeast side of Dayan Mountain.

If you rush to Tieshan Gang from Baima Lake, you need to bypass the entire Dayan Mountain. Although the north-south border of Yicheng is only about 200 miles away, the road is not straight, but has to bypass the entire Dayan Mountain... Therefore, it is a full 300 miles from Baima Lake to Tieshan Gang.

The men and horses of the White Horse Gang set off in the morning, and the bustling men and horses were estimated to arrive at the Tieshan Gang in the evening.

"The members of the White Horse Gang probably didn't stop to rest at noon, and they ate some dry food on the horse." Teng Qingshan judged by looking at the traces on the road. At the same time, he and Teng Qinghu, relying on two legs, galloped along the road. If Teng Qingshan was alone, his running speed would be far faster than that of a war horse, but Teng Qinghu's speed would be slower.

Although this Teng Qinghu is capable of lifting two thousand catties, his visceral organs are not strong enough, at most he can catch up with marathon runners in modern society.

From Dali Village to Tieshan Gang, it is more than a hundred miles away.

Teng Qinghu was exhausted from running, and it would take more than two hours.

"Qing Shan, is Luo Xiang okay?" Teng Qinghu panted, a little worried.

"It's hard to say." Teng Qingshan couldn't guarantee it, because the army usually has military prostitutes, and the bandits are even more chaotic. It's a very normal thing to take some women away and have a good vent. It is impossible to expect robbers and horse thieves to be more disciplined than the army.

After two hours of driving, the sun was almost setting.

"Look, there are horse thieves in front." Teng Qingshan pointed to the front. In the distance ahead, the empty wasteland was filled with densely packed horse thieves resting.

"Are they leaving?" Teng Qinghu said.

"This place is only half an hour away from the Tieshan Gang's lair." Teng Qingshan frowned and said, "I guess, the people of the White Horse Gang rushed here in one go and started to rest and eat. It's enough to eat and rest. , will set off and destroy the Iron Mountain Gang in one go."