The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 7: Tiger Punch


Touching his toes, Teng Qingshan suddenly jumped to one side, easily widening the gap with Dolgotrov.

"Coward, don't run away if you have the ability." Dolgotrov was a little anxious.

Teng Qingshan leaped up to the roof. In the short fight just now, the fist itself was not injured. According to the secret method of practicing the 'Iron Sand Palm', the hardness of the hands was comparable to that of steel. It's okay to touch. The real injury is the upper arm.

Teng Qingshan glanced at the upper arm of his right arm, there were inconspicuous spots of blood seeping out.

Feeling the sharp pain inside his arm, Teng Qingshan felt bad in his heart: "This monster is too strong. I was shot by Sun Ze in my right arm before, and the muscles inside were injured, and now the injury is even more serious. Even exerting force has been greatly affected. Influenced by it, only 50% of the strength is left."

"Throwing knives are useless against this monster." Teng Qingshan thought deeply.

The 'Smasher' Dolgotrov sneered, "Teng Qingshan, if you're scared, you can run away."

This is not because Dolgotrov is pretending to be generous, but because—

In terms of speed, he is not as good as Teng Qingshan.

Teng Qingshan wanted to escape, but he couldn't stop him at all.

However, in terms of strength alone, Dolgotrov is not afraid of Teng Qingshan at all.

Although Teng Qingshan has the unique skill of throwing knives, but the move of "Desolate One Knife", although the flying knives are broken suddenly and the direction is uncertain, it has advantages and disadvantages. The flying knives shattered, causing the strength to disperse, making the power of those fragments not too strong!

Unless it hits a vulnerable part of the face, it won't work on the big Russian. 'Smasher' Dolgotrov has a tyrannical body and wears a special battle uniform. In addition to being prepared for the "sword of sorrow", at the critical moment, all you need to do is cover your face with your hand.

As for the close combat between the two...

Although Teng Qingshan is a strong form and mind, he is only one step away from reaching the realm of a master.

But this big Russian man is also terrifying.

Dolgotrov, born with great strength, once dominated the black market boxing arena, his body is as strong as steel, and he also practiced ancient yoga, combining hardness and softness. His strongest thing is that he once got the "joint joint" by chance in China. "Technology" cheats, and successfully practiced, which made Dolgotrov the most terrifying machine in melee combat, with the name of "Broken Body Machine"! To be ranked among the ranks of S-class killers in the dark world.


Teng Qingshan's fighting spirit rose, "It's really ridiculous!"

After the death of his wife, 'martial arts' has become Teng Qingshan's only pursuit. Now, he is the last step away from the master realm, but this step is like a natural barrier. It is extremely difficult to surpass. But fighting in the midst of life and death, it is possible to comprehend and transcend oneself to reach a new realm.

When you meet your opponent in chess, you can meet but you can't ask for it.

No worries, how could Teng Qingshan give up such a great opportunity

"It's best not to run away, let's be buried with the monkey." Dolgotrov's figure was like a thunderbolt, and he took five steps in a row, causing the ground to tremble and crack, and then he jumped up.

"Well done."

Teng Qingshan threw a flying knife with his hand.

"Peng!" Dolgotrov, who had been on guard for a long time, stretched out his big hand like a cattail fan, and easily blocked the throwing knife, which was shaken apart.

Just as he blocked the throwing knife, Dolgotrov himself was still in midair. Teng Qingshan was condescending, swooping down, with an indomitable momentum, his left hand turned and twisted in front of his eyebrows, while his right hand shot out like a cannonball, directly hitting Dolgotrov's head.

"Huh?" Dolgotrov remained calm, and his huge fist hit Teng Qingshan's fist like a hammer.

"Boom!" "Boom!"...

Teng Qingshan's left and right fists staggered wildly, one punch after another, so that people could not see clearly, only a series of shadows of fists. Dolgotrov, who was jumping upwards, was knocked down to the ground.

The cannon fist is like fire, and it is as fast as a shooting star.

Dolgotrov retreated suddenly as soon as he landed.

"This guy has a terrifyingly strong body." Teng Qingshan was startled in his heart. Just now, when he hit the opponent, it felt like he hit the steel covered with a layer of cotton wool. It's all difficult."

Teng Qingshan was shocked in his heart, but he didn't hesitate in his actions. Once he gained the upper hand, he immediately took advantage of the situation and continued to attack.

"Puff, breathe~~" Dolgotrov's chest was swollen and sunken, and his whole body was soaring, roaring as if a polar bear was oppressing him, and his violent fist was like a cannonball hitting him continuously.


Teng Qingshan's whole body was like a big bow bent to the limit, even his back trembled, and he threw out his left fist when he shook his hand.

Bengquan is like an arrow, with the potential of flying a boat to break through the waves!

Stepping back is Bengquan, stepping back is Bengquan, and stepping forward is Bengquan.

Teng Qingshan was like a swimming dragon, surrounding Dolgotrov, cleverly avoiding the opponent's heavy punches, and at the same time giving him heavy blows.

"Pfft." Dolgotrov couldn't help the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flickered coldly, "This wolf, the internal fist is really strong enough, it actually hurt me, there is only one move. "Dolgotrov found that if he did not use the 'joint technique', it would be difficult to win today.

"This monster, at least hit me with eight Bengquan punches, but it was only slightly injured." Teng Qingshan was also shocked in his heart. If it was him, he would have been seriously injured long ago.


Dolgotrov's fingers grabbed Teng Qingshan's left wrist.

"Haha~~" Dolgotrov took advantage of the situation and slammed Laten Qingshan, and at the same time he habitually kicked with his left leg!

In black market boxing, the kick is the most terrifying move.

"Joint technique?" Teng Qingshan only felt a pain in his wrist, like a needle piercing his wrist, a natural inner strength shook, the spiral strength shook the opponent's fingers away, and immediately retracted his left fist slickly like a loach.

Just as Zuo Quan escaped, the shadow of the leg had already arrived.

That leg shadow like a big guillotine smashed hard on Teng Qingshan's chest, Teng Qingshan's chest was sunken three inches out of thin air, avoiding the strongest force, but the leg shadow still slashed on the chest, only heard With a cracking bone, Teng Qingshan vomited blood and flew up.

"Not good." Teng Qingshan fell to the ground, his face pale.

The earth trembled!

Dolgotrov rushed over laughing like a steamroller traveling at high speed.

Teng Qingshan's eyes turned red, and the whole person who fell on the ground suddenly grabbed the ground with both hands, directly inserted his ten fingers into the concrete floor, kicked his feet suddenly, and the whole person shot out like a stone projected by a trebuchet. The fist drew a large arc and hit Dolgotrov.

"Haha..." Dolgotrov suddenly kicked towards Teng Qingshan.

"Peng!" Teng Qingshan slapped Dolgotrov's calf bone with his right fist. on the chest.

Almost at the same time, Teng Qingshan's face turned red suddenly. With a twist around his waist and hips, the muscle power of his whole body was almost completely transferred to the left fist. The punch, almost in a straight line, hit Dolgotrov's chest.

"Ah~~" Dolgotrov roared, and threw a terrible punch at Teng Qingshan's head.

If this fist really hit Teng Qingshan's head, Teng Qingshan would surely die!

"Go forward, fear nothing..."

At the moment when success or failure was decided, Teng Qingshan actually felt the true artistic conception of this Pao Fist. The power was transmitted along the bones of the entire left arm, trembling, and the strong power was transmitted from the shoulder to the fist.

"Roar~~" A deep and weak tiger roar sounded unexpectedly.

"call out!"

Like a cannonball popping out of his chest, Teng Qingshan's left fist, like a flying star, directly blasted on Dolgotrov's chest. The powerful punch instantly broke the sternum, which was as hard as a steel bar. The six internal organs were even shattered by the shock, and the vitality was cut off instantly.

Dolgotrov's body trembled, and the force of the punch that hit Teng Qingshan's head let out, and fell on Teng Qingshan's head without even hurting his skin.

"this… "

There was still disbelief in Dolgotrov's eyes, as if he couldn't believe that he would be killed with a single punch in his defense.

Immediately, his eyes dimmed and he fell down.

"Pfft." Teng Qingshan couldn't help another mouthful of blood, just now Dolgotrov's sweeping kick broke his two sternums on the spot and injured his internal organs. In that situation, Teng Qingshan couldn't fight for a long time, so he used all his strength and used the strongest and most dangerous move——

Tiger Cannon Fist!

In Xingyi Wuxingquan, the splitting fist is like an axe, the collapsing fist is like an arrow, the drilling fist is like an awl, the horizontal fist is like a beam, and the Paoquan, as the name suggests, is like a cannon. Paoquan should be the most powerful of the five elements. The 'Tiger Pao Fist' is created by combining tiger shape and Pao Fist, which is even more powerful. It is a Xingyi trick handed down from overseas Teng's lineage.

Although Tiger Pao Fist is the most powerful, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that after sending out the strongest punch, it is impossible to switch moves in time. Once the enemy cannot be killed, the enemy can easily seize the opportunity and kill him!

Originally, it was impossible to kill Dolgotrov, who was as strong as a monster, even with the power of Tiger Pao. Who would have thought that, on the line of life and death, Teng Qingshan actually touched the threshold of Xingyiquan's 'master realm'.

Xingyi Xingyi, pictographic and important meaning, form is secondary, meaning is important.

The symbol of reaching the realm of a master is to be able to perfectly use the strength of every muscle, every bone, and use the strength of the bones to the limit. When trembling, an animal roar can be produced inconceivably. Just like just now, when I hit the Tiger Pao Fist, there was a 'Tiger Roar' sound.

"Just now that was..."

Teng Qingshan's eyes lit up, and there was an unconcealable surprise on his face. Ever since his wife died, he had never been so excited.

The goal of the inner family powerhouse is the master realm!

It can perfectly control the strength of every muscle, tendon and bone in the body, the inner strength runs through the meridians of the whole body, and even produces the sound of dragons and tigers with every punch and kick. But Teng Qingshan only used the strongest punch - Tiger Pao Fist, to barely make that sound. Did not really step into the door of the master.

"That feeling..." Teng Qingshan clearly remembered the artistic conception of that punch in his mind.

Thinking back to that artistic conception, Teng Qingshan couldn't help showing a smile, his breathing became disordered, and he immediately felt a pain in his chest, and couldn't help coughing.

Glancing around, he said, "I'm seriously injured now, so I can't stay here any longer." Teng Qingshan was already prepared to deal with the enemy in the Three Caves of the Rabbit, so he naturally rented several places in Yangzhou City. He didn't enter the house either, and with one hand on his chest, he rushed directly to the courtyard wall next to him, supported himself with one hand, and jumped away.

Only the mess in the courtyard was left, and the two S-level killers, 'Sharpshooter' Sun Ze and 'Broken Machine' Dolgotrov, were lying on the ground, lifeless.