The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 71: Want to marry my sister?


A smile appeared on Hong Zhenjie's face, he looked away from Qingyu, and then turned to Teng Yunlong and Teng Qingshan.

"Joining the White Horse Camp, isn't that a horse thief?" Teng Yongxiang frowned and said in a low voice.

Teng Yunlong felt worried, and looked at Teng Qingshan beside him: "Qingshan, what do you think should be done?"

"This White Horse Camp is not easy to dismiss." Teng Qingshan thought about it.

Just when the Tengjiazhuang people were talking about it.

"Many people dream of entering the White Horse Camp. This is a rare opportunity." The cavalry beside Hong Zhenjie pointed to the twelve strong men without armor, "Look, these twelve brothers are the ones who went there just now." The five Zhuangzi were selected! Every Zhuangzi has someone who joined the White Horse Camp, and your Tengjiazhuang is no exception!"

Of course Teng Qingshan and the others could hear the threatening meaning of these words.

"Young master!" Teng Yunlong clasped his hands, and said in a loud voice, "The men of our Tengjiazhuang are reluctant to leave the clan, Tengjiazhuang..."

"Shut up!" The cavalryman who spoke angrily shouted, sat down on his horse and suddenly stepped forward, and the spear in his hand stabbed down.


Teng Qingshan held the gun barrel in one hand and looked up at the cavalryman: "This brother from the White Horse Camp, let alone whether someone from my Tengjiazhuang joined the White Horse Camp today, my grandfather alone is the patriarch of my Teng clan, not you Can you fight or kill? If you dare to touch my patriarch today, my Teng clan will prevent you from getting out of this door!"

"If you dare to hit my grandfather, you will seek death." Teng Qinghu also roared.

"I really thought our Tengjiazhuang was easy to bully!"

"I hacked you alive!"

The men in Tengjiazhuang held weapons one by one, their eyes gleamed fiercely, and they seemed to strike immediately if there was any disagreement.

"You—" The cavalryman yanked the spear fiercely twice, but the spear did not move at all in Teng Qingshan's hand. Suddenly Teng Qingshan let go of his hand, and the cavalryman couldn't help but swayed back, almost fell off the horse, grabbed the reins, Only then did he sit firmly again, very embarrassed.

Teng Qingshan looked at him indifferently.

Seeing this scene, the young master 'Hong Zhenjie' was secretly startled: "This Teng Qingshan really deserves his reputation. This boy, Ah Yan, was trained by his father. He has internal strength, and he didn't even pull the gun. It seems that two years ago, this The rumors that Teng Qingshan and that Tieshan Gang's second head are on par, are true!" Glancing at the entire Teng clan, "My White Horse Gang lost a lot in the battle with the Tieshan Gang, it's better not to lose, Otherwise, if there is a real fight and the Tengjiazhuang is slaughtered, my White Horse Battalion will probably lose more than half a centaur!"

The White Horse Battalion is indeed an elite, equipped with heavy armor and war horses.

Even 'Wang Tiehai', the third head of the Tieshan Gang who was at the peak of the day after tomorrow, was killed in a single charge.

Once more than a hundred cavalry charged, it would not be difficult to level Tengjiazhuang.

"Haha, Teng Qingshan, um, not bad." Hong Zhenjie said with a smile, "If you join my White Horse Camp, your Tengjiazhuang will also be exempted from the annual fee every year, how about it? I can let you be the new leader of the White Horse Camp!" Hong Zhenjie What is most needed now is a real master.

The leader of the White Horse Battalion

"Young master Xie thinks highly of me, but Qingshan loves his family and doesn't want to go to Baima Lake for the time being." Teng Qingshan cupped his hands and said.

Teng Qingshan is gambling!

Betting that the White Horse Gang is now in crisis, and the young master 'Hong Zhenjie' is reluctant to waste the elite in Tengjiazhuang.

"Haha..." Sitting on the horse, Hong Zhenjie laughed loudly, "Okay, when you want to join my White Horse Gang in the future, just go! Today... I don't care about your Tengjiazhuang." Many people in Tengjiazhuang breathed a sigh of relief, but Teng Qingshan, Teng Yunlong and others became puzzled.

The White Horse Gang, that is the Emperor of the Earth.

When did you see the white horse gang subdued? Have you ever seen the White Horse Gang reason

To be reasonable, it is not the White Horse Gang.

"Teng Qingshan, what's the name of the girl behind you?" Hong Zhenjie said suddenly.

Teng Qingshan's expression changed.

Qingyu who was behind him immediately grabbed Teng Qingshan's clothes and hid behind Teng Qingshan.

"She is my younger sister." Teng Qingshan stared at Hong Zhenjie.

"Young master, why do you ask this little girl?" the patriarch 'Teng Yunlong' said in a low voice.

Hong Zhenjie didn't care about Teng Qingshan's gaze at all. He laughed and said, "Your sister? Hmm, this elder brother is a man, and this younger sister is also pretty and handsome. I, Hong Zhenjie, have the cheek to tell your Tengjiazhuang today. How about letting your younger sister marry me as a concubine?"

"Young master." The father, Teng Yongfan, was anxious, "My daughter is already married." He could only prevaricate with lies.

"A marriage? Just reject it! If you can't reject it, tell me who that man is, and I'll kill him." Hong Zhenjie chuckled lightly, "When I am Hong Zhenjie's woman, I will enjoy endless wealth in the future."

"I won't marry you!" Qing Yu shouted violently.

Hong Zhenjie's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "The voice is very nice." Then he glanced at Patriarch Teng, "Old Patriarch Teng, what do you say?"

"Qingyu is already married, it really can't be done." Teng Yunlong also refuted with this reason.

Hong Zhenjie's face became gloomy, and he looked around the group of people in Tengjiazhuang in a cold voice: "I, Hong Zhenjie, have given you Tengjiazhuang face today, don't give you shame, shameless! Don't think that Hong Zhenjie has a good temper, you all give me Listen clearly, in a word, this woman will follow me, dare to say no... Today, I will wash your Tengjiazhuang with blood!"

Immediately, the cavalry of the White Horse Battalion immediately moved forward.

Everyone in Tengjiazhuang suddenly felt their hearts hang.

"Hmph." Hong Zhenjie's face was gloomy.

From Hong Zhenjie's point of view, if his father is dead, then Hong Zhenjie is the local emperor of Yicheng. He has the final say in Yicheng! The women in Tengjiazhuang are lucky to whomever he likes, and today he also pretended to be a gentleman, but he didn't expect that Tengjiazhuang would not give face, Hong Zhenjie became angry.

"Damn it, don't care about him! It's a big deal, kill it all! Lose some Baimaying brothers, hmph, my Baima gang still has at least 6,000 core children! Those small gangs, dare to turn against them?" Hong Zhenjie was in the bandit den. Growing up, he was full of bandits.

If you get hotheaded, don't care about your fart, just kill it.

"Qingshan!" Teng Yongfan looked at Teng Qingshan.

"Qingshan, what do you think should be done?" Teng Yunlong lowered his voice, "If you do it... are you sure?"


If the attack was made at Tengjiazhuang, more than a hundred cavalry from the White Horse Battalion would charge, and it would take time for Teng Qingshan to kill these more than a hundred people.

"Brother." Qingyu tugged at Teng Qingshan's clothes.

Teng Qingshan turned to look at his sister, Qingyu's face was full of tears, she also seemed to feel that the future had become darker.

"Xiao Yu, do you believe brother? No matter what decision brother makes, you will believe it?" Teng Qingshan looked at Qingyu.

"Yeah." Teng Qingyu gritted her teeth, "I'll listen to you."

Teng Qingshan held Teng Qingyu's hand, and then looked up at Hong Zhenjie, who was full of evil spirits: "Young master, in fact, my sister is still underage, and even if she gets married, she should wait until she becomes an adult after the annual festival. Moreover, this important event of getting married should also Let the parents decide, or how about going to my house, sitting down, and talking about this matter?"

Hong Zhenjie narrowed his eyes slightly, and then sneered: "Okay, let me see what you have to say!"

Immediately, Hong Zhenjie and his large group walked towards Teng Qingshan's house along the road in Zhuangzi. Of course Teng Qingshan, Teng Yunlong, Teng Yongfan and others followed.

"Qingshan, what kind of medicine does he sell in his gourd?" Many clansmen looked in the direction of Teng Qingshan's house, wondering from the bottom of their hearts.

"Qingshan, he won't let Qingyu get married." Some clansmen were worried.

Some elders in the clan sighed: "What else can I do? Fortunately, Qing Yu is officially married to the young head of the family, and she won't suffer much in the future."

"What is this called? How could Qingyu marry that young master?"

There were many people sitting in the main room of Teng Qingshan's house. In the courtyard, there were even more people from the Baima camp holding weapons.

"Let's talk." Hong Zhenjie sat down with a big horse, and looked around at the people around him.

Teng Qingshan said with a smile: "Since the young master wants to marry my sister so much, you have to show sincerity and don't talk about the dowry, but at least you have to set a good date and come to welcome the bride when the time comes."

Teng Qingshan felt Qingyu hold his hand tightly.

"Qingshan!" Many people looked at Teng Qingshan in surprise.

"Welcome?" Hong Zhenjie glanced at Teng Qingyu who was crying with pear blossoms and rain.

According to his temper, just take Qingyu away directly, a shitty welcome. but…

"This girl is really tempting, and her brother is a master. If I marry his sister, won't he become my brother-in-law? At that time, let him join my White Horse Gang." Hong Zhenjie thought beautifully in his heart, Why not marry a beautiful girl and take away a master

"Haha... that's fine, let's set a date." Hong Zhenjie laughed.

"Grandpa, which day will be auspicious in the future?" Teng Qingshan asked.

Teng Yunlong was very calm: "March 16 is a good day."

"Isn't that going to take a few days?" Hong Zhenjie shook his head repeatedly, "The day after tomorrow, the ninth day of March, isn't it a good day? Just the day after tomorrow, when the time comes, I will personally come to welcome the bride."

"Okay, the day after tomorrow." Teng Qingshan nodded.

"Happy." Hong Zhenjie laughed, "Teng Qingshan, my brother-in-law...then I will personally bring someone to welcome the bride the day after tomorrow, so you must go to my place for a wedding drink."

"Sure, Young Master, you invite me personally, how dare I not go?" Teng Qingshan replied.

"Okay." Hong Zhenjie stood up, turned around without greeting the others, "Brothers, let's go!"

Watching Hong Zhenjie and a group of people leave, some people in the main room got into a commotion.

"Qingshan, what do you think, how do you let your sister marry that young master?" Yuan Lan asked eagerly.

Teng Yunlong also asked in doubt: "Qingshan, do you really plan to let your sister marry?" Teng Yongfan also looked at Teng Qingshan.

"Brother!" Qingyu next to him looked at Teng Qingshan, Teng Qingshan held his sister's hand, and comforted him: "Xiaoyu, it's fine, trust me."

"Isn't this getting married until the day after tomorrow?" Teng Qingshan said.

"The day after tomorrow, it will arrive soon." Yuan Lan said eagerly.

"However, Hong Zhenjie is gone." Teng Qingshan turned his head to look outside, "Listening to the sound of horses' hooves, this group of people from the White Horse Camp should have left my Tengjiazhuang."

There were not many outsiders in the main room, only Teng Yongfan and his wife, Teng Qingyu, and Teng Yunlong, and the others were blocked from entering.

"Qingshan, what are you doing?" Teng Yongfan and the others felt something was wrong.

"I'll go out for a while." Teng Qingshan smiled slightly, did not take the reincarnation gun, and cast Tianya Xing, the whole person suddenly turned into a phantom, disappeared in the courtyard, and then appeared on the roof of a distant house, and again In a flash, the figure had disappeared from Teng Yunlong's sight.