The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 100: Blood of the ancient gods


Two hours later, Fatty Huo and others took Chen Xian and the others to retreat first, and the Armed Forces Section, Investigation Section, and Logistics Section stayed at the scene. They were also responsible for the rest of the investigation and analysis tasks, which had nothing to do with the Detection Section for the time being.

Chen Xian was also happy to rest. He was originally a somewhat lazy person. Except for handling different cases, he basically didn't want to get involved in other chores, but he had to get involved in some things, such as writing reports to his superiors, doing personal analysis and leaving notes. Recording, there is still a pile of writing work waiting for him to return to the branch office to complete.

"Uncle Huo, can someone else make a report for me?" Chen Xian walked beside Fatty Huo with a very reluctant expression on his face. He didn't want to accept the tasks assigned to him by Fatty Huo. "I haven't touched those things before." , if it is not done well, the superior will not be satisfied after reading it..."

"It's just a formality, don't be nervous, just treat it as a composition for middle school students." Fatty Huo glanced at him with a cigarette in his mouth, and seeing his troubled face, Fatty Huo felt a little more familiar, as if he Changed back to what Chen Xian should have been at the beginning, "I'll find a few templates and send them to you when I go back, and you can just fill them in."

Hearing this, Chen Xian could only nod his head reluctantly. Although he really didn't want to do these troublesome things just by sounding, but since he was the head of the detection department, he would always You can't do nothing, can you

"By the way, Uncle Huo, are the things in those pools the same as those under the mental hospital?"


Upon receiving this definite answer, a complex look flashed in Chen Xian's eyes. He pretended to be inadvertently curious, and chatted with Fatty Huo as if casually chatting.

"What is that black water?"

"It's very strange." Fatty Huo frowned, and his tone became a little more serious, "According to the analysis of the scientific research department, those black liquids should be the liquefaction products of some ancient energy, a kind of energy independent of known energy. energy of."

Chen Xian's brain began to spin rapidly. While analyzing himself, he asked Fatty Huo, "What's the use of those energies?"

"Not sure." Fatty Huo said in a low voice, "But I can be sure that their energy intensity far exceeds all known energy particles. Whether it is the energy of Yin-Yang particles or other special particle energy, it can be compared with it in terms of intensity. Not far."

At this time, Fatty Huo seemed to suddenly remember something, and he said to Chen Xian: "Although the scientific research department cannot determine their origin for the time being, we have also found some clues. The pool under the mental hospital is similar to the one you met. The pools are almost the same, in fact, they are not naturally formed, and there are some traces of artificial repairs, which are probably built by the same group of ancient people, and... "

As he said, Fatty Huo mysteriously leaned close to Chen Xian's ear, his voice was very low.

"Actually, in this pool in the cave, there is a very inconspicuous stone brick with engraved characters at the deepest position. That stone brick is not unique. There is also one in the underground pool of the mental hospital, and the texture is workmanship. It is exactly the same as the rest of the font above, and Zhao Song and the others have confirmed it before... "

Stone bricks with lettering

Why did I not see it

Chen Xian was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously, "What's the word engraved on it?"

"They are all very ancient characters, which seem to be more difficult to translate than oracle bone inscriptions. At present, the people in the scientific research department can only barely translate the first sentence of those few lines."

"What?" Chen Xian couldn't help asking.

Fatty Huo recalled it and said.

"The blood of the ancient gods."

At this point in the conversation, Fatty Huo had already walked out of the alleyway side by side with Chen Xian, and the accompanying staff followed up in an orderly manner. As for Mu He and Lu Yisheng...they were taken away by the medical staff half an hour ago , is currently undergoing preliminary diagnosis and treatment in a temporary tent outside the housing area.

Mu He is very unhappy.

Because she felt that Chen Xian didn't care about her at all, obviously she was in so much pain, and finally left herself to some strangers to take care of, so when she saw Chen Xian pushing open the curtain door of the tent and walking in, Mu He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief With a snort, he directly pulled the quilt up to cover his face, as if he didn't want to talk to Chen Xian.

Chen Xian glanced at her, but didn't think too much about it. He was relieved to see that she was safe and sound.

"Old Li, how are they?" Fatty Huo walked in and asked a middle-aged doctor, "Are they seriously injured?"

"Xiao Lu is alright, you can recover after raising her, it's this little girl..." Dr. Li sighed, "The most seriously injured right arm is a comminuted fracture, and the other injuries on his body are alright, although there are quite a few Fractures in place, but far better to heal than shattered."

Hearing this, Chen Xian's calm expression suddenly became gloomy, and he looked at Dr. Li without saying a word, wanting to hear how he will be treated in the future.

"A comminuted fracture?" Fatty Huo frowned, "Do I have to have an operation?"

"It depends on the situation." Dr. Li said calmly, "According to conventional treatment methods, surgery is bound to be required, but if unconventional treatment methods are used, such as an injection of osteosarcoma, it may take a month or two. It will recover on its own."

"Osteocreatin? What is this?" Chen Xian was puzzled when he heard this name for the first time.

"You just changed jobs, so it's normal that you don't know some things." Fatty Huo coughed, and he seemed to understand what Dr. Li said, so he took the initiative to explain to Chen Xian, "This is the scientific research department. A special prescription drug for orthopedic treatment developed seven years ago, it can basically cure general bone problems.”

As soon as the words fell, Fatty Huo gave Dr. Li a look, and said calmly: "You go to make an application report, saying that we need a bottle of osteosarcoma, and tell me when it is done, and I will pay directly on the phone later. , then you go get the goods."

"Okay." Doctor Li didn't ask any more questions, and before Chen Xian had time to speak, he nodded and walked out of the tent.

"Uncle, do you need money to buy this thing?" Chen Xian asked curiously, and then hastily added, "I'll pay for whatever it takes, and you shouldn't pay for it."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Fatty Huo smiled, and didn't tell Chen Xian the price, and patted him on the shoulder. Money is nothing, besides, we are internal members of the Bureau of Secrets, do you know that there are member prices for the things made by the scientific research department?"

"Membership price?" Chen Xian was a little confused, as if he had heard of this concept for the first time.

At this time, Fatty Huo seemed to suddenly think of something, and slapped his forehead suddenly.

"Aren't you under the Keeper yet?"

"Keeper?" Chen Xian looked even more confused, very confused about these unfamiliar words.

"It's an app inside our Bureau of Keeping Secrets... Look at this."

Fatty Huo took out his phone and gave Chen Xian a look, then pointed to an app icon on the screen.

"In a while, go to Zhao Song and ask him to send you the installation package of this APP. The activation code is your ID number. You can go shopping when you have nothing to do." Fatty Huo patiently explained, "Being a secret keeper After becoming a full member of the bureau, there will be many hidden benefits, here is the benefit list you can go to see, and some... "

At the same time that Fatty Huo gave Chen Xian the secret keeper app.

One kilometer away from Chengnan Housing District, there is a piece of unfinished real estate that was abandoned by developers after the millennium. Since there has been no one to manage it for many years, it looks even more desolate compared to the historic Chengnan Housing District. decay.

The roads of the real estate are overgrown with weeds, the streets and alleys are empty, and the dilapidated unfinished buildings only have a reinforced concrete foundation frame, and there are huge cracks spreading tens of meters everywhere on the walls... It is like a city isolated from the outside world. Coming out of no man's land, every day here is very quiet.

Except today.

On the roof of a certain unfinished building, two outsiders who broke the peace here suddenly came.

One is a middle-aged man wearing glasses and holding a laptop in his hand.

The other was younger, about twenty-five or sixteen, dressed in light clothing, with long black hair that fell almost to his shoulders.

"We're still late..." The young man sighed, looking at the housing area in the south of the city one kilometer away, with a very ugly expression, "I didn't expect the Bureau of Secrets to move so fast..."

"It's the old man's fault, not ours. The superiors will deal with it according to their discretion, but they shouldn't be punished." The middle-aged man was typing on his laptop, and the screen kept jumping. "If he hadn't suddenly become greedy, this matter wouldn't have caused such a big disturbance. Now there is no room for turning around."

The young man nodded with a gloomy face. He had no ordinary resentment towards the old Taoist priest who broke the rules.

"This ancient blood pool is hopeless." The middle-aged man closed the computer, yawned long, and rubbed his eyes tiredly, "Let's go back first, it's not a problem to show your face outside all the time." , if someone from the Bureau of Secrets finds us out, we will be in big trouble."

"Okay, I'll take you."

As he spoke, the young man put his right index finger to his mouth, raised his head and blew a long whistle towards the sky, and then he walked aside to chat with the middle-aged man, as if he was waiting for something.

After about half a minute, a gust of wind gradually blew up on the roof full of construction waste. The extremely pungent and putrid smell came from the sky, which only made people feel like there were hundreds of rotting corpses are piling up on the sky.

At the same time, a continuously enlarging black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.

If you don’t talk about the edematous giant head, then the contours of the rest of Sombra’s body are almost the same as those of humans. The slender limbs are very distinct, and the proportions of the main torso are clear and very coordinated. It’s just the things on the back. This sense of coordination is destroyed.

Those are a pair of wings plugged into the back. They look bloated and fat but are extremely thin, just like the most common moths under street lamps. The dark gray wings will drop a lot of rancid particles between the flaps. Scale dust.

"Let's go, go back."

The young man couldn't help yawning, as if he hadn't had a good rest for a long time, his red eyes were bloodshot, and he spoke with a feeling of exhaustion.

Without waiting for the middle-aged man to say anything, the young man jumped up and skillfully grabbed the ankle of the strange creature. The middle-aged man followed closely behind, grabbed the other foot of the strange creature, and then The creature with moth wings accelerated the frequency of flapping its wings, first took the two of them up to high altitude, and then flew to the outside of Ningchuan City at an extremely fast speed.

"The only two ancient blood pools in Ningchuan City have been abandoned. I don't know where we will be sent next time..." the young man said to the middle-aged man beside him while holding the strange creature's ankle tightly. "How about we apply for it and report directly to the headquarters?"

"Let's see."

As the middle-aged man said, he tightened his collar with his free hand, as if he wanted to cover the half-exposed tattoo on his neck, but in the end he failed because of the strong wind...

It was a pattern composed of seven human palms stacked together.

"I didn't expect that old thing to become so powerful after being in contact with those things. I can hear the frighteningly powerful vitality in him from a long distance... Go back and check and see how the Bureau of Secrets solved him .” said the young man.

"I didn't hear the sound of gunfire, so it shouldn't be someone from the Armed Forces Department who came forward. Maybe it was a stranger who got rid of the old man." The middle-aged man said, his eyes were a little dignified, "It would be great if the guy who got rid of him was really a stranger. We have to report and enter information to the headquarters in a timely manner, and to solve this kind of opponent, that person must at least be a super alien from the Bureau of Secrets, but there seems to be no super alien in Ningchuan City... Could it be an outsider?"

"Never mind him, just check it out." The young man said impatiently, "If that person stays in Ningchuan all the time, we'll take some time to deal with him when we're done with our work. It's hard to find him. An ancient blood pool in the Ningchuan branch was ruined by people from the Secret Bureau. If you want me to say that we kill all the people from the Ningchuan branch, sooner or later..."

Seeing the gray spots gradually emerging from the whites of the young man's eyes, the middle-aged man couldn't help but frowned.

"Don't act rashly, if we accidentally ruin the big things above, both of us will die and neither of us can live."

"I know I know… "

The young man murmured, then turned his head and glanced in the direction of the housing area in the south of the city.

"Sooner or later, let's go, go back and pass this level first."