The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 101: Meeting


It was already afternoon after returning to the Ningchuan branch with the main force.

Chen Xian first placed Muhe in the living room assigned to him, and then found the staff canteen on a certain floor downstairs according to the address given by Fatty Huo.

It has to be said that in terms of "eating" alone, the special work meals prepared by the staff of the Bureau of Secrets every day are no less than the custom-made meals in restaurants.

The cafeteria here does not distinguish between leadership meals and staff meals. Everyone sits in the restaurant and eats together.

It was the first time for Chen Xian to be so fortunate to have joined the Bureau of Keeping Secrets, how much money he could save himself by eating three meals a day here!

"Boss, let's find a place to sit and eat?"

"it is good."

With that said, Chen Xian raised his finger and pointed to the table in the farthest corner, which was also the most inconspicuous position in this cafeteria.

"Let's go there."

At first, Lu Yisheng thought that Chen Xian was introverted and preferred to be alone, so he chose the place that seemed to be forgotten in the corner, but soon, Lu Yisheng saw that Chen Xian ordered 20 meals at every ordering window. , instantly understood why Chen Xian made such a choice.


Looking at the plate full of dishes on the table, Lu Yisheng asked in cold sweat: " order so many dishes at one time, can we finish it... If you can't finish it, you will be fined..."

"It's okay, you eat what you eat, and I eat the rest."

As soon as the words fell, before Lu Yisheng could say anything else, Chen Xian picked up his chopsticks and started to eat. Although he ate in a leisurely manner, with an elegant and self-restraining manner, it is undeniable...he ate very fast.

As soon as Lu Yisheng picked up his chopsticks and took his first bite of food, Chen Xian had already finished the two plates of beef brisket with potatoes in front of him, and now he was starting to start with a plate of steamed sea bass. It looks really hungry.

Because it is not time for meals, there are not many people coming to the cafeteria to eat. In addition, the location is very remote, and a decorative screen behind it blocks most people's sight, so few people noticed that Chen Xian was eating. .

"Boss, you have a good appetite..."

"It's okay, you should eat more too, don't just watch me eat."

"Then what... I'm not very hungry... just eat..."

When he saw Chen Xian eating those paper figurines, Lu Yisheng secretly sighed in his heart, the boss’s teeth are not covered, his stomach is definitely iron stomach, it’s too overbearing to eat anything, but Looking at it now, Chen Xian is not only able to eat as simple as that, but also has an unexpectedly large appetite. With this kind of appetite, the amount he eats for one meal can definitely surpass the amount that Lu Yisheng eats for three days!

Why is Chen Xian so strong

Why can you be my boss

Not to mention his strength, as far as his appetite is concerned, he is an absolute man, a pure man!

"Boss, this time we have solved a special case, the higher-ups will definitely reward us. It would be great if we can give more points. Only when we have more points can we go to the scientific research department to exchange things..." Lu Yisheng put his chin in his hands, and said Sitting on the bench like a child, shaking his feet, his eyes sparkling, "I have long been interested in a set of Quantum Talisman Docking Synchronizer, but the asking price is too high and I couldn't buy it."

"What?" Chen Xian was confused and couldn't understand what this tech guy said.

"It is to be able to convert the operation rules of the talismans into visible data, and then quantize these data..." Lu Yisheng said with a smile, "drawing talismans is not an easy job, but if you can convert all the talismans into this This kind of data, and then use other methods to project it into reality, then the symbols will become less troublesome, and the way of use will not be so limited."

"That's it..." Chen Xian pretended to understand, nodded and continued eating.

"Although that thing is a simplified version made by the scientific research department, it is enough for me. If we turn the spells of our old Lu's family into data, and then find a way to connect and coordinate them on my Luban No. 8, that little thing will There is more room for improvement." Lu Yisheng said enthusiastically.

Hearing what Lu Yisheng said, Chen Xian seemed to have suddenly remembered something.

"You go to my room later, I have something for you."

"Give me something?" Lu Yisheng was taken aback, and couldn't help asking curiously, "What is it?"

Chen Xian looked around and saw that there was no outsider nearby, so he lowered his voice and said softly.

"The medium for summoning the Yellow Turban Warriors."

Just when Chen Xian was about to say a few more words to Lu Yisheng, the phone rang suddenly. It seemed that the caller ID was the number of the contact person, Lao Zhou, and he connected without thinking.

"Master Zhou."

"Did you just finish a special case?" Lao Zhou on the phone seemed a little scared, and his tone of voice was very nervous, "Are you injured?"

"Don't worry, I'm not hurt." Chen Xian said with a smile.

"It's good that your kid is not injured." Lao Zhou sighed, feeling like a parent talking about his child, "Usually it would be good for you to handle some high-level cases, but you should not get involved in this kind of case in the future, the risk is too great , don’t be brave when you encounter trouble, just wait for the support from the headquarters obediently, do you understand?”

"I know, don't worry, Master Zhou..."

at the same time.

In the capital city at the foot of the emperor, in the No. 1 conference room of the headquarters of the Bureau of Secrets.

A meeting about Chen Xian is going on here.

The size of this meeting room is not large, the four walls, the ceiling and the floor are all covered with a special coating, presenting the most extreme white, as if there is never any dirt or dirt in it, The only place with other colors is the wall facing the door of the meeting room, where a faceless person is drawn, with his right index finger raised solemnly in front of his mouth, symbolizing absolute secrecy... That is the totem of the Bureau of Secrets.

There is a huge round table in the meeting room. Since the space here is not large, this table occupies almost two-thirds of the area, which makes the place extremely crowded, leaving only some chairs Space.

At this moment, five people were already seated on the only six chairs in the meeting room.

"Old Yan, is there any problem with the files you sent us from the Detective Division?"

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man who looked gentle and refined, with indescribably delicate and charming features. Although he was not young, somehow he gave people a tender and fresh feeling, just like those who loved each other in ancient times. Like a scholar who has obtained fame, his thin skin and tender flesh look particularly easy to bully.

At this moment, he was flipping through Chen Xian's file in his hand, with surprise flashing in his eyes from time to time.

He can be regarded as an existence under one person and above ten thousand in the Bureau of Secrets, and he is also the supreme leader of all members of the investigation department in the country.

He is the Minister of Investigation.

Bai Xiaosheng.

"Although we handed over the files, they were sorted out by the logistics department in the end. If you have any questions, go to them and ask me why?" Yan Qing, the head of the detection department, is not good-tempered, seeing Bai Xiaosheng muttering something over there. , the temper immediately became up, "You think I'm shaking you a bit, don't you?"

At this time, the only woman present suddenly spoke.

Although her age is similar to that of Yan Qing and the others, there is no trace of age left on that delicate face without makeup, and her smooth and smooth skin is as delicate and white as cream. She has a mature charm, and some people believe that she is still a student in her early twenties.

She is the head of the logistics department, Song Huang.

"How do you talk, you old man?" Song Huang's temper was also extremely hot, and she didn't care about Yan Qing's identity at all, but instead gave him a vicious look, "Although the files are sorted out by our logistics department, they will be handed over to you in the end. Li, you are responsible for the problem, don't blame us!"

After being yelled at by Song Huang, Yan Qing didn't dare to lose his temper, and became wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Seeing him deflated, the man sitting next to him couldn't help laughing.

Completely different from the others, this man doesn't have the poise that a leader should have. He wears a pair of glasses with exaggeratedly thick lenses on the bridge of his nose. It is an upgraded version of Song Jueming.

"I'll beat you if you laugh again." Yan Qing glared at him viciously.

"Beat me, as long as you dare to beat me, I will confiscate all the weapons and equipment of your detection department, and I will not send you any novelties in the future." The man with glasses snorted and raised his hand to touch it. Touching my oily hair that hasn't been washed for several days is as gentle as touching a lover.

Hearing what he said, Yan Qing gritted his teeth and endured it. There is no way, it is bound to be strong!

The man with glasses, whose surname is Chang and whose real name is Chang Sansi, is currently the incumbent minister of the scientific research department.

Because of his big head, Yan Qing had given him the nickname of Big Head many years ago, and it has been circulated in many departments to this day.

"There is no problem with the file. I have already read it. It is the same file as the one I read before."

The last man who said this was wearing a black armed uniform. Although his appearance was not distinctive, his eagle-like eyes were unforgettable. He seemed to hide a knife out of its sheath in his eyes. It brings not only a sense of oppression to the person looking at each other, but also a creepy feeling... It seems that all the secrets will be exposed to his eyes, and nothing can be hidden from him.

His name is Di Xiao, and he is currently working for the Ministry of Armed Forces and is the current Minister of the Ministry of Armed Forces.

"Don't be so serious, I'm just talking casually. After all, I didn't know him very well before. You also know how busy our investigation department is. Please understand..." Bai Xiaosheng hurriedly raised his hands and laughed for mercy. After all, this topic is his. It was brought out by one hand, if he didn't explain it clearly, Yan Qing would have to trouble him later, "Look at the contents recorded in his file... I just can't believe it, it really doesn't mean anything else."

"Don't talk nonsense, put it away after reading it, and show it to the chief later!" Yan Qing glared at him again.

Song Huang glanced at her watch suddenly, a hint of doubt flashed across her pretty and mature face: "It's been almost half an hour, why hasn't the director come yet? I remember that he is not a person who likes to be late."

"Maybe something is wrong." Di Xiao said, and then fell silent again.

At this moment, the door of the meeting room suddenly opened automatically, and a thin old man walked in, holding a mobile phone in his hand and putting it in his pocket, as if he had just finished a call.

"Hi, Chief!"

The five people present stood up in unison. The expressions on their faces seemed to be carved out of the same mold. The only thing that could be seen was the undisguised respect. In front of this old man, it was as if they had become children following in the footsteps of their predecessors. The involuntary look of admiration in their eyes might only be able to bear this old man in the whole country.

Not to mention how high this old man is in the Bureau of Secrets, his hard work over the past few decades is enough to make all the ministers respect him from the bottom of his heart!

When they called out the chief hello, the old man couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and waved his hands unnaturally.

"Hello comrades... Comrades have worked hard..."

"Serve the people!"

Everyone shouted again, but it was obviously a joke with the old man, and everyone had an undisguised smile on their faces.

The old man thought for a while, walked up to Bai Xiaosheng who was shouting the loudest, and kicked his ass.

"You bastards are playing with me!"

"Doesn't that make us look solemn..." Bai Xiaosheng held his buttocks, and with a smirk, he led the old man to the top position, "What have you been busy with all these months?"

"Do you dare to inquire about the director's private life? Believe it or not, I beat you up?" Yan Qing seemed very dissatisfied with Bai Xiaosheng, gave him a vicious look, then turned his head to look at the old man, and asked cautiously, "Yes, you What have you been up to for a few months?"

Bai Xiaosheng: "..."

After he was seated, the soft lights from all directions also shone on the old man, which seemed much more real than the title "Secret Keeping Bureau Chief", like a kind old man next door, and the smile on his face was so kind People just feel warm.

Of course, if Chen Xian was here, he might not feel the warmth. All he could feel was surprise, because this high-ranking figure who should be like a fairy... has a face that Chen Xian is extremely familiar with.

old week.