The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 102: Award gift


In the eyes of outsiders, the No. 1 conference room of the Bureau of Secrets should be a serious and solemn existence, because all the big actions of the Bureau of Secrets start from a few words in this conference room, and the people who can participate in the meeting will always be so several.

Many people have imagined the scene in meeting room 1.

It should be serious and heavy, and every minister participating in the meeting should be full of witty words, expounding the views that may cause shocks in the Inhuman World...


Chang Sansi's sudden fart immediately attracted everyone's attention, but before everyone could say anything, there was a pop, and the second fart followed...

"Did you eat shit?" Yan Qing covered his nose, looking at Chang Sansi's eyes, he wanted to slap him to death, "Why do your farts smell so bad?!"

"I am willing." Chang Sansi tilted his buttocks, and another one came.

"My nose..." Bai Xiaosheng's face was smudged whiter than his name by the fart.

"Can you go out and let it go!" Song Huang was also very angry, covering her nose and fanning the wind non-stop, "Old Yan, beat him up, we will never stop you!"

Chang Sansi ignored them, tilted his buttocks and let out another fart, which seemed frightening, but in the end he couldn't bear the power of these farts, stood up holding his nose, and frantically took the notebook on the table. Fanning the wind, he cursed in surprise: "Damn it really stinks..."

The old man looked at this scene as if he was watching his own children playing. His eyes were full of doting and kindness. He was about to say something when the smell of fart came into his nose.

"Fork him out!" The old man trembled angrily.

Di Xiao stood up the moment he got the order, and walked towards Chang Sansi with dangerous eyes. He has endured this grandson for a long time. If it weren't for the special status of the Scientific Research Department in the Bureau of Secrets, Di Xiao would have joined forces with Yan Qing eight lifetimes ago. This bastard is dead, let him be blind there if he has nothing to do!

Without waiting for Chang to think twice about begging for mercy, Di Xiao walked towards the door as soon as he picked him up. Without giving him any chance to resist, he threw him out of the conference room with one hand like throwing a shot put, and took the opportunity to slap him on his ass. A kick directly caused Chang Sansi to brake with his face after landing.

Within three seconds, the old man suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked Di Xiao to push Chang Sansi back again.

"Sit quietly, and if you make any more noise, I'll let them beat you to death." The old man's tone was full of oppression, perfectly showing the majesty that the chief should have.

Chang Sansi nodded cautiously, but he didn't expect the sphincter to be so disobedient, before he could hold it back...


"How dare you speak out?!" Yan Qing stood up and began to roll up his sleeves.

"Are you still farting?" Song Huang also stood up and raised the stool in her hand.

"It still farts loudly." Bai Xiaosheng said through gritted teeth.

Di Xiao grabbed Chang Sansi by the neck and lifted him up like a chicken.

"Stop talking, let's beat it!"

Two minutes later, Chang Sansi was thrown back to sit on the chair with his panda eyes on his face. The others expressed their satisfaction, as if they had just had a big meal after going out for fun, and even returned their messages with a smile. The location, the atmosphere is peaceful and peaceful.

Seeing this scene, the old man was very pleased.

"I've been busy with business for the past few months, and I feel like I don't have enough time." The old man looked a little tired sitting on the chair, his thin body clinging to the back of the chair, and the white shirt on his body seemed to have been washed many times , showing a somewhat desolate gray color, "These people have been haunting more and more recently, and we have to guard against them..."

Hearing the old man's words, everyone became serious, including Chang Sansi who was wearing panda eyes.

The ministers present here are very aware of who the old man refers to by "they".

"The alien who was caught by the armed forces yesterday has already spit out the words. The two pools we found in Ningchuan City... seem to be called ancient blood pools." Song Huang said suddenly.

"This clue corresponds to the inscription on the stone brick, so it should be true." Chang Sansi nodded.

"More than two." The old man sighed, and there was a deep tiredness in his eyes, "I've been investigating outside for a while, and there are about twelve of them whose coordinates have been determined by me."

"Would it really contain the blood of an ancient god?" Bai Xiaosheng asked curiously.

Chang Sansi glanced at him, and his tone was very disdainful: "What age is it so amazing! Can you believe in science? Can you believe in the analysis report of our scientific research department? Those liquids are just liquefied products of energy , like other liquefied products of particle energy, nothing…”

"Stop talking about these gossips, let's talk about business."

The old man interrupted Chang Sansi's words, took the file from Bai Xiaosheng from Bai Xiaosheng, casually flipped through a few pages while saying this, paused for a few seconds on Chen Xian's ID photo in the middle, his face His smile became warmer too.

After reading a few pages, the old man closed the file and scanned the people present.

His voice was very friendly, and it was completely impossible to tell that the leader was having a meeting with his subordinates.

"I agree with the application submitted by the Detection Department, but the rewards should be changed. Don't use old and outdated things as rewards for young people. We have to follow the trend of the times."

"Change it? What I gave him is not too small!" Song Huang, the head of logistics, was a little nervous. Every time she was asked to spend the collections in the department, she felt as if she was hurting, "Why don't you just make do with it first?" Send these to see?"

"Don't let you out, why do you feel bad?"

The old man smiled, and his eyes rested on Chang Sansi, the minister of scientific research.

"Xiao Chang, give him the black light parasite you just developed a few days ago. I think young people will definitely like this gift, and they will naturally feel that we value him."

"Fuck... Director, are you kidding me?! You want me to give him the black light parasite? Give it to a detective who just became a regular for a few days?"

Hearing the subordinate's rhetorical question, the old man was not offended, and looked good-natured.

After Chang Sansi calmed down, the old man spoke meaningfully.

"He's a guy worth investing in."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other for a while, but no one spoke.

"Secondly, I agree with the director's point of view. This kid does have a lot of room for growth. Don't forget, he is only in his twenties, a super alien in his twenties..." Yan Qing stopped, no Say more.

"Secondary." Di Xiao unexpectedly opened his mouth, becoming the second person to agree after Yan Qing, "The current domestic situation is not good for our Bureau of Secrets, and those who should have been exterminated by us have also appeared. We need fresh blood, especially this kind of rising star, he can help us do a lot of things."

"Secondary." Bai Xiaosheng smiled, "There have always been only sixty-five super aliens in our bureau. With him joining, we can make up sixty-six. Sixty-six is a great success!"

"Are you so superstitious..." Song Huang looked at Bai Xiaosheng helplessly, and then showed a smirk, "For so many years, our logistics department has provided rewards, and now it's time for your scientific research department to shed its skin... Seconded!"

Seeing that all the people present except himself had seconded and expressed their opinions, Chang Sansi really started to think twice. Could it be that the young man's potential is so great? Or did they want to skin themselves a long time ago

Speaking of Chen Xian's potential... it seems to be really big.

He has the ability to become a special member in his twenties. If this level of promotion can be maintained, where will he go in the future

After thinking about it for a while, Chang Sansi could only nod his head. After all, he is also a minister, so it is impossible to talk nonsense with his eyes open, but his tone of voice is still a bit unhappy. After all, it is a "masterpiece" that gathered all the hard work of the scientific research department. After nearly ten years of scientific research work, only three black light parasites were exchanged.

Casually give it to a stranger who just joined the Secret Bureau

How does this make Chang Sansi happy

"Wear as many pants as you want. I'll give him the oversized pants of the black light parasite. Don't blame me if he dies if he can't hold it." Reminding everyone here how dangerous the parasite is.

At this time, the old man smiled with a meaningful tone.

"Don't worry, he can't die, and he... won't die."