The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 103: Keeper APP


In the living room of the Ningchuan branch, Chen Xian took Lu Yisheng to the empty study room, found a clay puppet from the clothes he had changed, and handed it to him.

It was accidentally found on the old Taoist priest when he was killing him. At that time, Chen Xian didn't think too much about it. He just felt that the thing felt warm and hot to the touch, like a small hand warmer fully charged. There are better things than this, so after getting it, Chen Xian subconsciously stuffed it into the inner pocket of his jacket.

It wasn't until he walked out of the room alone that Chen Xian remembered that he still had such a thing on the way. He took it out and saw that it was a human doll, and it was very similar to the medium clay figurine used by the old Taoist priest to summon the yellow scarf warrior... almost exactly the same!

I wanted to hand over this strange object to Fatty Huo and the others, but for some reason, Chen Xian had an inexplicable feeling that this doll was very similar to the Luban No. 8 made by Lu Yisheng, although their texture and shape They are different, but somehow they feel alike, that's why I thought of keeping it as a gift to Lu Yisheng.

"This... a miracle!"

Lu Yisheng took out a magnifying glass from nowhere, leaned in front of the clay figurine to observe carefully, as if he saw something incredible, his expression was extremely shocked.

"The talismans engraved on the body are only the size of a grain of rice. There are so many talismans on it... Although I can't see the origin of these talismans for the time being... but from their approximate literal meaning... these should be used to differentiate the five elements Talismans... and each talisman is related to other talismans... they are connected to each other in a symbiotic and co-inspired relationship... This is simply a large array of particle energy gathering and transformation!"

Although he didn't understand the meaning of Lu Yi's words, but seeing him so excited, Chen Xian felt inexplicably happy.

"It's good if you like it, it's better if it's useful to you." Chen Xian showed a smile.

"It's useful! It's definitely useful!" Lu Yisheng was gearing up, his eyes full of unconcealable eagerness, "My little No. 8 still has a lot of room for improvement, maybe this is his Opportunity!"

Thinking of the yellow turban wrestler who fought fiercely in the cave, Chen Xian couldn't help but feel a little headache. If the old man is not dead, his ability should be more than what he saw, maybe even stronger.

"Can you transform the little wooden man into a yellow scarf warrior?" Chen Xian asked curiously.

"I can't say for sure, I'll try my best." Lu Yisheng carefully put the clay figurine into his arms, and gave Chen Xian a grateful look, "Boss, thank you!"

"You're welcome." Chen Xian smiled, "You haven't had a good rest after finishing the case, have you? Hurry up and go back to sleep, and we'll talk about it when we wake up."

Lu Yisheng nodded, wishing he could fly back to his living room to do scientific research. After saying goodbye to Chen Xian, he almost ran out. He almost knocked over the chair next to him on the way. It was a moment of helplessness.

As for being so excited

"By the way, boss!" Lu Yisheng paused when he closed the door, and put his head in again, "I have already installed that app for you, the account number is your ID number, and you can remember to set the password when the time comes. "

"Okay, I see, you can go back and rest."

"See you tomorrow!"

With the sound of the door, the living room fell silent.

Chen Xian sat on the office chair and rested for a while, took a look at the materials handed over by Fatty Huo and the others, and prepared to make some preparations for the next report, but maybe it was because he hadn't rested for a long time, seeing those densely packed texts Chen Xian only felt a headache and couldn't take it in, so he had no choice but to go to sleep.

He first went back to the master bedroom to have a look, and seeing that Mu He was sleeping soundly with the quilt in his arms, he seemed to be all right, so Chen Xian closed the door softly, planning to go to the second bedroom to have a good sleep.

Chen Xian took a quick shower and changed into the pajamas prepared in the living room.

Lying on a strange big bed, Chen Xian tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. Only then did he realize that he seemed to recognize the bed a little bit. In such a strange place, he couldn't sleep well. Maybe it was because he didn't feel safe...

At two o'clock at night, Chen Xian still couldn't fall asleep, and still didn't feel sleepy at all.

In desperation, he directly chose to stay up all night to cultivate immortality, and leaned against the bedside, picked up his mobile phone and poked it. He wanted to read the news and browse the forums, but suddenly found a new icon on the desktop of the mobile phone, which was the app of the secret keeper. Software, I asked Zhao Song to install the package before, and Lu Yisheng helped him install it, and I haven't opened it yet.

Open the APP, the loading interface is very simple, monotonous black and white constitute the totem of the keeper.

"It doesn't look like anything special..." Chen Xian muttered, he chose a new user to log in on the login interface, but he didn't see a place to enter a password, only an option to enter his ID number.

Following the guidance, Chen Xian entered his ID number, and in the next second he found that the phone's camera was turned on, and the login interface became an interface similar to a selfie software. He could see his face on the screen.

"New user registration process opens..."

"Facial recognition in progress..."

After about half a minute, the facial recognition program ended, and the interface showed that Chen Xian had successfully logged in and registered.

"Finally it's over..." Chen Xian heaved a sigh of relief.

Entering the main interface, the screen is still so simple and direct, there are only four simple icons, which are...

Keeper personal information.

Keeper Mall.

Keeper Forum.

Manual customer service.

Chen Xian took a quick glance. Except for the manual customer service icon, he clicked all the other icons. The first thing he opened was the personal information of the keeper.

"Keeper of Secrets: Chen Xian" (hidden/public).

"Position: Chief of the Detective Section of the Ningchuan City Branch" (hidden/public).

"Personal Level: Advanced/A" (hidden/public).

"Personal permissions: High" (hidden/public).

"Current residence: No. 13, Laoluoguxiang, Ningchuan City" (hidden/public).

"Contact number: 155XXXXXXXX" (hidden/public).

Even though Chen Xian simply registered his ID number, this backend contains almost all his personal information, which seems to be shared with the database at the headquarters of the Bureau of Secrets.

According to his personal habits, Chen Xian subconsciously chose to hide all the options that could be hidden, and then changed the ID photo avatar to the avatar used by WeChat.

a cat.

After a cursory look at the personal information, Chen Xian made sure that there were no missing or hidden options, so Chen Xian quit and clicked on another icon to continue researching.

Just entering the Keeper Mall, it is no exaggeration to say... Chen Xian's eyes are blurred!

This mall is very similar to the online shopping mall that Chen Xian often uses, except that the page is simpler and there are not so many dazzling advertisements, but the dazzling array of products really dazzle Chen Xian.

Commodities are simply divided into four categories.





Click on the classification of weapons, and there are not only common special refrigeration weapons, but also many religious magic weapons and rare evil weapons, etc. Although there are all kinds of things here, there are still no thermal weapons products, such things It seems that face-to-face trading and circulation are prohibited in the country, even within the Bureau of Keeping Secrets.

"Longhushan Five Thunder Talisman... 28,000? Isn't this robbing people?" Chen Xian looked at these commodities that can be bought with money, and murmured in his heart, even the old swindlers in Yinshi could not sell them at this price. , I remember that the price of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Five Thunder Talisman he sold last year was only more than three thousand, how could it be so expensive

But soon, Chen Xian noticed a line of small words under this product.

"10% discount for low-level members, 12% discount for intermediate members, 50% discount for senior members"

"50% off is also expensive." Chen Xian couldn't help muttering, it seems that internal members can enjoy certain discounts when purchasing these products, and the discount they enjoy depends on the level of the members.

From the strength of these product discounts, Chen Xian can probably see how much the Secret Keeping Bureau attaches importance to high-level members, jumping directly from 12% discount to 50% discount. If he is promoted to a special-level member, how low can the discount be? 20% off? You can't give it away for nothing, right

Because of the handy weapon like a meat saw knife, Chen Xian was not very interested in weapons. After a few random glances, he jumped to the category of armor.

There are common talismans, magic tools for religious body protection, and some black technology produced by the scientific research department, but the overall price is higher than that of weapons, and the cheapest one starts at 40,000.

Jumping to the medical category again, Chen Xian remembered the osteogenic muscle that Fatty Huo had mentioned before, so he tried to enter the name of the drug in the search box, and then searched again, but he didn't find the relevant product, only a line of small characters was displayed remind.

"The mall cannot purchase prescription drugs, please go to the relevant department to register and apply..."

In desperation, Chen Xian could only withdraw and went to the last category of the mall.


I have to say that the things here are very special, with a variety of products, and the categories are rather messy. Unlike the previous products that only appeared in a certain category, weapons and armor, special medical supplies... almost everything is here!

Of course, the reason why they are classified as "special" is also because they all have a common feature.

It cannot be purchased with money, but can only be redeemed with points.

"These should be the things that Fatty Huo said can be exchanged with points..." Chen Xian quickly browsed through the dazzling array of products, feeling that his eyes are almost not enough, "Every time a strange case is solved, there will be reward points... I How many points do you have?"

Chen Xian didn't think much about it, and clicked on the point balance query in the upper right corner of the interface, and the system quickly gave him the answer.

"Your point balance is 1452 points, which can be exchanged for 28450000 yuan in cash."