The Ninth Secret Bureau

Chapter 104: local forums


Seeing the eight-digit exchangeable cash displayed on the screen, Chen Xian fell into a stupor instantly, because he had no idea that the points could be exchanged for RMB. Could it be that these two things can be exchanged together in the Secret Keeping Bureau

After being stunned for a while, Chen Xian gradually calmed down, because money meant nothing to him, as long as it was enough for his daily expenses, no matter how much it was, it was just a string of numbers, but... more than a thousand points can be exchanged Tens of millions of RMB, can this also explain the importance of points in disguise

Opening the mall, Chen Xian browsed it carefully.

The products that can be exchanged for points here start at least 20 points, but these lowest-level products are above the mid-range in the shopping mall next door that can be bought with money, which means that the price/performance ratio here is higher. The Bureau of Secrets also encourages members to exchange points for these products.

"Weapon": Three sons Linglong dice, evil weapon, cast in the Ming Dynasty Tianqi period, the caster cannot be selected carefully, the body is cast by the third son Xie Nie's lute bone, and there are twelve evil spirits of the Ming Dynasty inside... "Exchange conditions": Religion Cultivation-like aliens, intermediate members of the Bureau of Secrets, the price is 356 points, senior members can enjoy 88 discounts, and special members can enjoy 44 discounts.

"Weapon": Shanhe Five Elements Wood, a magic weapon, made by Mr. Shanhemen Ghost, cast on November 7, 2016, with Shanhemen Talismans engraved on the Five Elements Wood, which was appraised by the headquarters to suppress known 86 %'s spirit body target... "Exchange conditions": Religious practice aliens, senior members of the Bureau of Secrets, the purchase price is 1100 points, and special members can enjoy 66 discounts for redemption.

"Armor": Sanqing Dusheng Pendant, a magic weapon, made by Yuan Zhangjiao of Qingwei Sect, cast on January 11, 2017, the jade pendant is engraved with Qingwei Sect's secret mantra and profound words, and the magic weapon was identified by the headquarters Immune to 92% of the attacks of known spiritual targets... "Conditions for exchange": Religious practice aliens, senior members of the Bureau of Secrets, the purchase price is 1400 points, and special members can enjoy 77% discount.

"Medical treatment": Wudang Condensing Soul Pill, from the Wudang School Xuansong Master, was refined on June 4, 2018, with a shelf life of 80 years. After the identification of the headquarters, this special medicine can repair most soul injuries. If Wudang is used Taking it with a secret method can even repair a small degree of soul loss... "Exchange conditions": Intermediate members of the Bureau of Secrets, the price is 240 points...


Chen Xian is like a housewife who is addicted to shopping on Taobao, sitting cross-legged on the bed and constantly poking her phone. Although he just looks at it and doesn’t buy it, the more he looks at these dazzling products, the more excited Chen Xian is. , that kind of emotional change is completely indescribable and difficult to explain, maybe he has a potentially strong desire to buy

Among the thousands of items, nearly half of them are priced below 500 points, most of the remaining items are priced at 500...1000 points, and there are very few items worth more than 1000 points. In total, there are only one or two hundred items .

Chen Xian adjusted the order from expensive to cheap, glanced at the most expensive items, and couldn't help being shocked. There were only a dozen of the most expensive items, and it was also stated below that they would be adjusted frequently, sometimes this week. Take it out for exchange, and change it to something else next week, and the exchange price is also extremely shocking, directly skipping the 1500 point level and starting with 4000 point points.

"Weapon": Particle Concussion Knife, a special-made cold weapon from the Scientific Research Department of the Bureau of Secret Protection. It uses particle concussion as the main attack method. It can vibrate and crush yin and yang particles within 100 cubic centimeters. According to the appraisal of the headquarters, this cold weapon can destroy already Knowing 80% of the abnormal life defense, and effectively inhibiting the ability to regenerate... "Exchange conditions, a special alien from the Bureau of Secrets, the price is 6600 points"

"Armor": No. 32 Particle Battlesuit, which is a special standard armor. It comes from the Scientific Research Department of the Bureau of Secrets. After the identification of the headquarters, the wearer can be immune to all known spiritual targets... 7600 points"

"Medical": Cell A21, which is a special medicine, is produced by the Scientific Research Department of the Bureau of Secrets. It has been identified by the headquarters. It can promote human metabolism and enhance cell activity, allowing users to have a certain degree of regeneration in a short period of time... "Exchange conditions, Secret Bureau super alien, the price is 8000 points"

Chen Xian originally thought he was a little rich man. After all, the more than 1,000 points are not a decoration, at least they can be exchanged for 80% of the goods in special categories, but now looking at these things that can only be exchanged for thousands of points... Chen Xian only feels that he is poor, the kind of poor that is so poor!

Seven or eight thousand points

Is this really robbing people

After walking around for almost an hour, Chen Xian also got bored and felt his eyes were getting dizzy.

"It's okay to be idle... go to the forum..."

Chen Xian muttered and retreated from the mall. After the second personal authentication, he successfully entered the keeper's forum.

The Keeper of Secrets forum is very concise, unlike the National Alien Forum where you can often see advertisements, it is estimated that this is also related to the strict management of the forum.

Most of the forum posts on the main page are about cases and how to practice to improve your own strength. After reading it for a while, Chen Xian found it boring, so he dragged it to the bottom...

Chen Xian saw a line of small characters.

local forums.

The moment he clicked to enter the local forum, the system seemed to assign the registrant to the corresponding sub-forum according to the location of the registrant, and Chen Xian entered the secret keeper forum in Ningchuan City.

I have to say that this place is very lively. Compared with the official home page, this place is more fireworks-like. The people who can enter this forum are almost all members of the Ningchuan branch, although Chen Xian has no feelings for the branch. Deep, but it is undeniable that he has a feeling of returning home at this time.

"I'm begging for Director Huo's black history, I was scolded by him today, I'm angry!"

"The strange case in the south of the city is finally closed! A moment of silence for the comrades who died!"

"I would like to ask everyone, when is the salary paid this month?"

A variety of posts full of fireworks kept flashing before Chen Xian's eyes. Compared with the main forum, this place was more like a large chat room with thousands of people.

Chen Xian is like a middle-aged man who has nothing to do. He lies on his side on the bed in a particularly salty way. Every time he clicks on a post, he will read it carefully for a while, and then express his opinion.

He doesn't talk much in reality, but it doesn't mean he doesn't talk much online.

If Lu Yisheng knew this, he would probably put a new attribute reminder point on Chen Xian's head.


Opening the post seeking Fatty Huo's black history, Chen Xian couldn't help showing a gossiping smile on his face.

The host (anonymously speaking): "Too busy sorting out information today! The people in our investigation department can't even turn around! Fatty Huo has such a bad temper! He scolded us for not being able to do even small things! Crying Haw is so angry! Has anyone come to 818 to relieve me of his black history! I seriously suspect that he has a tendency to verbal violence!"

Floor 2 (spoken anonymously): "Normally, I've been scolded by him more than a dozen times, and his mouth is not as bad as usual. If he wasn't the director, I would have slapped him a long time ago!"

3rd floor (anonymous speech): "Fatty Huo's temper is worse than a cesspit. I can be scolded by him eight times a week. Think about it for yourself. I heard that he used to have a bad temper at the headquarters, and he seemed to have frequent conflicts with others." Holiday."

Seeing this, Chen Xian thought about whether to speak up to vindicate Fatty Huo. After all, Fatty Huo is really a good person, and he should not be as bad as the host said. Could there be something hidden in it

Constantly flipping through the pages, Chen Xian found that this was a hot post, and as the host continued to upvote the post, more and more forum members began to join the discussion.

Eighty percent of the people scolded Fatty Huo.

Nineteen percent of the people looked at the posters as bastards.

Only one percent... no, maybe less than one percent.

In the entire post, there was only one person who vindicated Fatty Huo, and that person's ID, Chen Xian, seemed familiar.

Floor 244 (Ji Lu, Jian Lu, Master Jian Lu): "What the hell are you talking about? I saw you today, the host. You were still putting on makeup when others handed over the materials. You are busy with a feather duster!"

This familiar ID...

This insignificant smell...

Is he a native of Lu

Chen Xian hurriedly clicked on his personal information to check, but all the information was hidden, even the avatar was a custom cartoon avatar, and there was no clue at all.

Floor 255 (anonymous speech): "Oh? Is this Fatty Huo's navy coming? Can't I find time to touch up my makeup when I'm free?"

Floor 256 (anonymous speech): "The host should ignore him, this grandson is a tongue-in-cheek dog! Being a tongue-in-cheek dog will die!"

Floor 257 (Ji Lu ah Tu Lu ah Tu Lu master): "Do you dare to show your ID if you scold me upstairs? Ask me if my keyboard Beethoven doesn't blow you up and blow up your whole family! You fucking XXX, I Just XXXXXX."

Floor 258 (Administrator No. 3): "Users upstairs please pay attention to your speech and use civilized language, otherwise you will be banned."

Floor 257 (Ji Lu ah Ju Lu ah Master Ju Lu): "Get lost."

Floor 259 (Administrator No. 3): "?"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and under the fragrance of Master Jilu, a dozen anonymous users who saw injustice and were not afraid of being forbidden to speak instantly sprang up in the post, and directly started to complain to him.

Master Jilu is amazing.

Really great.

Chen Xian admired him from the bottom of his heart. He could scold more than a dozen people alone without losing the wind. The swear words were endless, and there was absolutely no repeated swear word. The reply speed was even faster, almost in seconds.

The battle lasted for more than sixty floors, and the battle continued until Chen Xian started to feel sleepy.

In the end, under the stern (almost cursing) warning from the administrator, those trolls decided to withdraw their troops and began to temporarily avoid the edge of Master Jilu, and Master Jilu also showed his refined and refined side. Under the guidance of , he seemed to realize that it was wrong to attack others with his words, so he issued an apology statement at the end of the post.

At least at first, Chen Xian thought it was an apology statement.

Floor 472 (Ji Lu, ah, Tu Lu, Master Tu Lu)...

"If I offended you all with my bad mouth before."

"1: I'm sorry I was wrong."

"2: I will never do it next time, I promise."

"3:1 and 2 are lying to you."

"4: I am your father."